GM Aest |
This is the Discussion thread. I think it'd be cool if there were some inter-party connections before the game gets started. I'm not anticipating that everyone would know everyone else, but some pre-existing connections should be here.
Also, if you want to set up your builds so they synergize, or figure out what everyone else is planning on playing, this is the place to do it.
I'll get the campaign started once everyone's ready to rock, but as I've said, there's no rush. Take your time and make characters you like.
Laliytsa Iansoh |
Hi all!
I think I'm pretty much done building Laliytsa. She's a ranger with the trapper archetype. She can act as the trap spotter/disabler/poor sap failing her roll and falling into a pit. I'm really, really hoping we hit level 10 so I can shoot exploding traps at mobs :3
Daen Aheritor |
Hello everyone. I've got a magus here with a detailed background, feel free to check out his homepage linked to in the alias. He's been trained amongst the Swordlords, and he should be pretty strong in melee with a little nova power. I'm planning on adjusting him a bit depending on where our strengths lie so we have reasonable skill and role coverage. I am planning on using him to make wands, at least for himself when I get the feat at level 5.
Ranger sounds like a good start, we'll need the wilderness expertise.
Ankova Schwarz |
Still working on my character sheet, so it's still got a bunch of stuff from the character I used as a base, but Ankova is going to be an Investigator from Restov. Concept is that she's been raised to be a personal aide to the rest of her family, who are one of the minor nobles comprising the Aldori Swordlords, and was supposed to help keep them out of trouble... only she's recently had a minor scandal of her own and is being sent along with the expedition before it can become an embarrassment to the family.
Ankova Schwarz |
Okay, I think I have my stats the way I want them, time to start working on background/description, please let me know if anything looks off. As an interesting note... our party contains one human, two half-elves, and one elf. Anyone else find that hilariously funny?
Regarding connections to other characters... as a half-elf living in Restov and belonging to one of the same Swordlord families he's been training with, I imagine there's more than a good chance she would already know Daen.
GM Aest |
Yeah, you open over 50% of the races in the Advanced Class Guide, and this is what happens...though it is odd that only one of you picked human in the region the game is in.
The Wiki gives grand population totals of 130 elves and 240 half-elves, out of 18000, for Restov, so I'd imagine the elf-blooded community is fairly familiar with each other. I'm not as certain how to have a link forged with Laliytsa, but it's possible that one of you, or your families, could have had need of an exterminator. Then again, it's not critical that you all know each other, I just thought it'd be good to have a certain amount of trust built-in.
My current plan for mapping is to use Google Drawings with a blank hex and gradually fill it as you explore. As for kingdom-building rules, when we get there, I'd like to use the UC version because it's less broken than the set in Kingmaker. I'll also be dropping modules and homebrew in as needed, though the modules themselves will be heavily edited to keep the game flowing.
I'm anticipating a post rate of around 1/day, but if you guys decide to move faster or slower, I'll do my best to accommodate that. I'm pretty understanding about real-life getting in the way, but if you're going to have an extended absence, let me know so I can GMbot you appropriately. I can get started whenever you're all ready. The goal was to start around the twelfth, but earlier is perfectly fine with me.
I'm looking forward to having a great game with you all.
Edit: A couple of you took the pioneer trait, so it should be noted that the horse comes with basic saddle, bit, bridle, and other tack, as well as 5 days' worth of feed. It seems silly to begin play with a horse and none of the stuff you need to use it.
Ankova Schwarz |
The thing is, I'm already playing an aasimar in my other game, GMing a campaign full of kobolds, and played a changeling not too long ago. All that really left of interest to me was grippli or tengu, and I couldn't come up with a compelling story for why they were on the expedition. Sorry!
Daen Aheritor |
Laliytsa has in her background that her extermination business has earned her the respect of a powerful Restovian house. If that house is the same house where Daen trained, and at some point during training they summoned Maraia to heal a trainee who was accidentally injured, we've all got a connection.
One thing we should probably do is flesh out our NPC base. I've got connections among the Surtovans, but I've never really worked on the place where he's got his training. How about...
Corianos Aldori, 46 year old swordmaster and patron of the Boriski family. Due to being a swordlord, he changed his last name, but retains the family estate near Restov
Malkavia Boriski- 39 year old matron, exceptionally bad at cooking, but likes to keep trying on trainees.
Kilastor Boriski- 26 year old inheritor of estate, but a terrible layabout.
Unataia Boriski- 24 year old senior trainee. Hasn't pursued training lately due to upcoming marriage.
Valdimir Boriski- 19 year old son of the estate, Daen's rival during training, they often act antagonistic but have a respect for one another.
Daen spent a couple years in the recent past among these people. Feel free to incorporate them in your stories, or make up your own. We'll likely need some NPC's later in the AP.
I think we have all the knowledges covered! That's a good sign. It's also possible that we'll be a decent stealth group. We'll have to use that to our advantage. Daen will likely not have Infernal healing memorized if we have a life Oracle around. I'll have him memorize Shield.
GM, Do you mind if we spend our initial wealth on Scrolls?
GM Aest |
@ Daen: Oh boy, NPCs! Daen, you should expect Leo, from DMR's campaign, to make an appearance too. As for scrolls, no more than 50 gp on them total, and run by me the ones you'd like first, but Restov's a big city, and you'd be able to find someone to buy from there.
@Maraia: You have no idea how happy I am that you took that curse, by the way. It's my favorite one, with "Lame" coming in a close second.
Daen Aheritor |
I'll go for Burning Hands, just one scroll. I want to start with a horse as well. As an elf with Arcane Training I can cast it at +1 level from the scroll, and it will give me another spell in my book. It's also a good spell for up close as well as for swarms. Not that we'll run into any swarms, but it's good to be prepared for anything.
Ah, Leo. That should be fun. A real jerk makes for good drama.
Ankova Schwarz |
Ooh... I should do something like that for Ankova's family.
Also, Daen, I was thinking that the general rule would be: Aldori surname = trained Swordlord, meaning Ankova's mother is a skilled duelist, or at least was, as she's in her 50s now. I definitely like the idea that the various Swordlord families are all minor lords, controlling land in the area around Restov, possibly having manors they visit now and then when not living in a townhouse/estate within Restov. Thoughts?
Laliytsa Iansoh |
I like the idea of Laliytsa running into Daen and Maraia while she was working. They won't be BFFS but they'll at least know each other.
If you need more NPC's Laliytsa has a big family. I could throw some of her cousins at you. Or any of the people in her network of trappers/hunters/monster slayers.
Are we sticking with the four of us or are we possibly getting a 5th?
GM Aest |
I'm going to have us stick with four unless you outvote me (you can totally do that, by the way). I think it's a cool party, and it covers a lot of the bases fairly well.
If you could just give me a quick blurb for maybe two people who she's "friendly" with and one she's "enemies" with, that'd be great. Actually, if everyone could put something like that in their alias/character sheet, along with maybe a hope/dream or two, that'd be awesome. I want to work personal motivations into the game as time goes on, and that'd give me something to work with. I don't need much, just a sentence apiece for the hopes/dreams and about what Daen gave me for NPCs.
GM Aest |
The NPCs and hopes/dreams can happen whenever. If you guys are ready, let me know and I'll get the Gameplay started.
EDIT: Very excited
Ankova Schwarz |
Hmm... but if we get a 5th and they choose anything but half-elf, they'll disrupt the careful balance our party has right now!
I suppose I'm ready whenever, if my character sheet looks fine. At work right now, but I'll work on some NPCs on my breaks. Oh, and I do notice one potential point of minor party conflict... Ankova insists on referring to Noleski Surtova as Regent, not King. Her family is among those agitating for armed rebellion against the Surtovas, lest an Issian be allowed to rule over Rostland.
Daen Aheritor |
@Ankova. Yeah, I think we're on the same page there.
Daen's not able to refer to himself as a Surtovan, despite that he was raised in their household and calls one of them mother. If you've known him for any lenght of time, he will have told you that he doesn't mind what you call his uncle. He won't insist on blind loyalty, because they haven't shown any to him despite half his blood belongs to them. You'll find him to be very practical and not overly interested in making waves either way.
The smaller the group, the faster game play can go because we don't have to wait for everyone all the time. All AP's should be doable by 4 15pt buy PC's, so we should be fine. If we decide that we need someone by book two to fit a particular role, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
All I need to do is adjust my gear and I'll be ready.
GM Aest |
Cool. Those NPCs are pretty usable, especially Emmala.
Ankova Schwarz |
By the way, have you ever noticed how the region described by the charter actually includes hexes from both books 2 and 3, and doesn't include a lot of the western region of the book 1 map? Pay attention to the direction of the compass, and 60 miles directly south is in the territory assigned to Maegar Varn.
GM Aest |
Yeah, when I was poking around the Kingmaker subforum, I noticed a lot of threads that basically said these maps are all awful. They don't work with the charter, they don't work with the world when they're blown up to scale and inserted into it, and other problems.
That being said, I'm going to pretend they make sense. The only other solution is to completely rebuild them, and that's a ton of work for very little reward (as I see it).
Daen Aheritor |
I'd change the charter to fit the map. It seems like less work to me. There's a few other people who have made maps of the surrounding areas, if we really need them we can check them out and work with what other people have done. As it is, we're not likely to need anything beyond them for quite a while.
GM Aest |
No worries. I understand completely, Maraia.
GM Aest |
A note on maps: I'll be using maps linked under my profile. The one labeled Kingmaker has to do with encounter and dungeon maps, while the one labeled Stolen Lands is the hex-map. At the moment, the hex-map is still in flux, so for now, the only one you need to be worried about is the encounter map, which is currently a map of Oleg's .
Daen Aheritor |
Stolen Lands' map looks fine to me. I like how it's all blocked out and we'll have to explore it or at least view it to unlock it all.
As far as who chartered us, one of the swordlord families would be fine, or perhaps we were all recommended from different families and we made the cut. Daen would be promoted by the family noted above, as the progenitor saw skill in him, but didn't want to risk his own sons in the trip.
The fact that we were remotely knowledgeable of each other and have spent 4 days on the road together means that we would probably know each other's background information unless someone wanted to hide something. I'm going to post as if he knew what was in your profiles, but I'll ret-con any statements that you desire.
Let's do this!
GM Aest |
A couple of "house rules":
Knowledge checks: I'll give you information at any roll over 5, with better and more useful information as the number increases. If you roll a natural 20, you can ask for a specific detail about the subject as well. This detail can be any one thing you'd like to know beyond what I've given you.
Combat: I'll roll initiatives to save time, and lump enemy initiatives into one or two groups. Please post out of order rather than waiting for initiative order, and I'll figure out how to resolve it after the fact. Also, if you'd like to take attacks of opportunity or immediate actions, please spoiler some rolls and the conditions for them.
Flex Time: My preference is not interrupt NPC or PC interactions but instead move the game along around/beyond them and allow them to continue via spoilers. For example, if Maraia starts talking to an NPC and the conversation goes on a tangent, I'll move it into spoilers and continue with the plot. You can also use it to pursue personal storylines, though that'll happen more later on, once the Greenbelt is nice and explored.
GM Aest |
An early heads-up about next weekend. Next weekend, I'll probably be going camping (in February, in Utah) because I'm stupid. I won't be able to post from probably Friday morning until Monday afternoon.
GM Aest |
I'm not sure, actually. Perhaps we should wait for them? Maraia is in a few of my other games, and he hasn't checked in there either, but I'm sure there's a good reason.
GM Aest |
Yeah, I've noticed all my games slowing down. Every one of them. It's strange.
Maraia the Oracle |
Sorry, my life sort of became a whirling vortex of crazy over the weekend. Thankfully, things have settled and I'll be getting back into a regular posting schedule again. I personally blame the weather for the crazy. Seriously, we had a nearly 75 degree weather over the weekend, marking the hottest February day since the 20's for my town.
GM Aest |
@ Maraia: Life getting crazy is an excellent reason not to be on the forums.
GM Aest |
We can wait if you'd all like, or I can GMPC her. Up to you guys.