Gm Aest's Kingmaker: To Forge a Kingdom

Game Master Aest

Stolen Lands
Combat Map (Also in my Header)

Loot Spreadsheet


Sanvil Trett
Luthor Rowe

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

(583 posts)

El Ronza

Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Kazimir Vasilovich

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6
(688 posts)


Hestrig Orlov
Laliytsa Iansoh

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10
(641 posts)

Lady Ladile

Nah of the Sootscales

(146 posts)
Seaweed Leshy
Sunny Valley

NG Leshy Familiar 2 HP: 10/10 | AC: 12 | F: +0, R: +0, W: +0 | Perc: +2 | Stealth: +4 | Speed: 40 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Active Conditions:
(16 posts)

Sam Cameron-Mckee

Sam Cameron-Mckee
(38 posts)
Valeriya Mikhailovna

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6
(62 posts)

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