Gm Aest's Kingmaker: To Forge a Kingdom

Game Master Aest

Stolen Lands
Combat Map (Also in my Header)

Loot Spreadsheet

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Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

I'm having Laliytsa pick up geography. It's something she ought to know what with being the guide.

1d10 ⇒ 10

Ok I SWEAR I got this on my first roll. Scouts honor!

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I already have dungeoneeriing. I could pick up geography, appraise or nobility...

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

I love characters with Appraise of 10, you can take 10 on it and appraise anything. Nobility would be good, especially if you end up being a diplomat, and Geography is good too. Keep cranking your UMD, that's a useful one.

Edit: Well, you are our scout. We'll have to trust you. :P

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Oh yay, a whole three skill points! Whatever shall I spend them on? *grumbles at the double-whammy skill tax necessary for mounted combat*

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

Once we get some cashy money, pick up a Masterwork Saddle for a +2 to Ride.

Also if you're going Mount (and I think you have to) Then you get a +4 to Handle Animal checks dealing with your Animal Companion. And next level, no more ACP for Ride, so that's good too. At some point, you'll be able to make your checks without much difficulty, and you'll be free to invest elsewhere.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I feel your pain, Kaz. My mounted cleric in Razor Coast has similar issues... This is the first time in Pathfinder that I've had a 6+int class.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

I was always intending for the mount, which is why I picked this archetype (and spent so much good on a combat-trained horse...) But yeah, you're right; soon I'll be able to make all the most important checks.

I'll have to go for Ride and Handle Animal, I'll use my Skilled racial trait for a rank in Knowledge (religion), and maybe this time, I'll actually use my FCB on an extra hit point. I'm getting the feeling I'll be the party's meat-shield! :P

And yeah, Cyanne, I NEVER play 2+Int charcters. I like skills! I think the most ridiculous I've had was my bard in Runelords - 6 from his class, 1 from being human, 3 from Int, 1 FCB, and the GM gives an extra point at each level for Craft, Profession, or Perform. Twelve skill points a level is absurdly fun. "Okay, what checks can we make here? Cool, I'm gonna try them all."

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

I built a human investigator, just for fun, on a 25-point buy. 6+4+1+1 was pretty nuts. I actually couldn't find relevant skills at the end.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

That's why I was wondering how Chris felt about background skills from Pathfinder Unchained.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Well, I have Pathfinder Unchained, as it turns out.

So, if you're not familiar, the way it works is that PF Unchained decided certain skills sucked, so they were worth less than others. Summary as follows:

Appraise, Craft, Handle Animal, Knowledge (engineering, geography, history, and nobility), Linguistics, Perform, Profession, and Sleight of Hand are all Background Skills in PF Unchained. Each character, in addition to their normal skill points, gets two "background skill" points that have to be spent in these skills.

I'd like to have a discussion about background skills. Part of the thing about Kingmaker (the first book and a half, at least) is making do with limited resources. However, if you decide you want to use background skills, I wouldn't be opposed to it.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Kaz and Laliytsa are going to be an impressive pair once the two have their horses trained up. I cannot wait for level four when Wild becomes her animal companion. Guide with knees = ability to use full attack actions while on the move = victory.

EDIT: One of my other campaigns is using the Unchained skill rules. So far it doesn't seem overpowered. I will say, if we started using background skills I'd put points into handle animal and knowledge geography; two skills I'd be putting points into either way. It would be a definite boost for me.

EDIT EDIT: One of the other background skills is Lore. It's a new one that's basically just a very specific knowledge skill.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

The only one there that Kaz would definitely put ranks in is Handle Animal. After that, Craft (leather) and Profession (farmer) would be possibilities, but only one rank for the latter. Probably once the campaign gets going proper, Knowledge (nobility) would be a good choice.

EDIT to add:

Laliytsa Iansoh wrote:
Kaz and Laliytsa are going to be an impressive pair once the two have their horses trained up. I cannot wait for level four when Wild becomes her animal companion. Guide with knees = ability to use full attack actions while on the move = victory.

So we'll have a mounted axe-and-board paladin, and a mounted archer ranger? Sounds neat! Shall we take Cavalry Formation for extra fun? It's a damn shame Mounted Skirmisher takes so long to come online...

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

So, you're going to let us decide if we can have two extra skill points per level, just usable in certain skills?

I'm voting yes. With two Exclamation Marks.


Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Heck yes. I vote thumbs up.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Yeah, I'm thinking about skipping the two new skills, because frankly, Lore is a hyper-detailed knowledge local, and Artistry is covered by craft, perform, and profession (artist). I just don't see how much benefit those new skills give. Also, I don't want to add too much complexity.

Any other systems you'd like to add? May as well get them out of the way here, after all.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10
Kazimir Vasilovich wrote:

So we'll have a mounted axe-and-board paladin, and a mounted archer ranger? Sounds neat! Shall we take Cavalry Formation for extra fun? It's a damn shame Mounted Skirmisher takes so long to come online...

We could be a miniature Mongolian Horde. My life would be complete.

GM Aest wrote:

Any other systems you'd like to add? May as well get them out of the way here, after all.

Personally I'd like to try the Automatic Bonus Progression in a campaign but that one is totally your call.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Hmmm. (Not the player, just thinking). Automatic Bonus Progression looks like it helps with the Christmas-Tree Effect. I'll open that one to discussion.

Pros: Christmas-Tree means a lot of cool, but statistically less powerful) items don't get used in favor of the big six. If we eliminate the Christmas-Tree effect, that's an opportunity for the fun, less optimal items to have a chance.

Cons: It's quite a bit more work for me. The AP's loot is calculated to meet WBL, but the ABP would force me to reduce a fair amount of wealth, which means going through NPCs' loot tables and 'correcting' them. This could also mean you guys feel stiffed because you're getting 50% o normal WBL.

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

My home group has been doing our own version of Automatic Bonus Progression for years, and I can't say I'm a fan. The one in Unchained is different, and so it might be better, so I'll go along with it if everyone else is in.

I really like the Variant Multiclassing, but I've already got Daen pretty much figured out, and he won't be going that route. I needs my feats. I wouldn't mind playing with the downtime rules a bit, although with the kingdom building, it could get bulky. I just like the idea of actually playing with them for once. Daen would definitely be into making some custom buildings and businesses, but most of that stuff also works in the kingdom building as well, so it's a bit of a wash. I just thought they were cool.

I also would think it would be awesome if you threw in a Scaling magic item or two that we could find or quest for. I always liked the idea of those.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

I think if we have kingdom building, mixing in downtime would get messy. I haven't read up on the automatic bonus progression yet; I'll do so soon if it's on the table.

Scaling magic items sound awesome, though. What kind of paladin would I be without a holy avenger equivalent? :P

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

There's a Scaling system in unchained too. I would be down for using that instead of the automatic bonus progression especially if there's less work involved. There is this fancy scaling Heroic Saddle in there and I want it ;)

Really, I just hate the Christmas Tree thing. Always buying the same items over and over and over :/

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I'm not fond of the Christmas Tree either. I do love weird magical items, especially the smaller ones. My favorite magic items are Sleeves of Many Garments (200g) and the Traveler's Any Tool (250g). I would love to see the weirder items show up in game, and for us to play with them.

That said, I don't want to cause more work for the GM.

Oh, I can't decide!


I do know that I want background skills.... There's so many tempting ones here -- variaous knowledges, handle animal, appraise, linguistics so that I can speak to more people, perform strings so that I can actually play my ukulele...

EDITED to ADD: Or maybe I can train Kaz in Ukulele to be my backup performer!

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Okay, I have no problem with background skills, as of now. I won't apply them retroactively, but from here on, you each get your two skills.

I don't mind the extra work to get rid of the Christmas Tree effect, but I don't want to commit fully to the system yet. It's a decision that can be put off with no real consequences, since the first +1 items start showing up at the end of Book One, so let's worry about it in another level when ABP would start coming online.

I'm hesitant to include scaling magical items, for story reasons. I like the idea, but there's a plot device later in the AP that, for reasons, would lose a lot of its impact. I'll have to really, REALLY think about the implications for this one.

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

I never really had any real trouble with the christmas tree, though being the defacto DM of my group and really enjoying making custom items may have something to do with it. Ill leave my vote neutral on that matter.

As for background skills, thats certainly a nifty idea, and im all for it. Do we get them for level 2 then or will it be starting at 3?

HP: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Looks like half +1 for me.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Okay. No retroactive background skills!

Query: What skills are people picking up on this level? I'd like to fill in where needed since I get a very wide range of class skills.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

We'll start background skills for level 2. I reserve the right to stop awarding them if they become problematic, but I doubt they will be.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

BTW... What time zones are everybody in?

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Mountain Standard Time: Not sure what the equivalent is in GMT + or -, but it's 9:37 AM as I post this.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I'm on Central standard time. Currently GMT -5, but it will shift to GMT -6 after Daylight Savings concludes on November 1st.

In other words, it's 10:50 am as I post this.

Chris: Mountain is currently GMT -6, and will shift to GMT -7.

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

And here I am, enjoying my Scandinavian evening at roughly 6 PM.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Nice -- Scandinavia is gorgeous in summer! Love those gloriously long days!

Now that Daen and Cyanne are done with their first gushy interaction, things should slow down between them and get a little calmer for those of you in different time zones. There'll still likely be some gushiness, but Cyanne wants to get to know the rest of the team, and Daen's work ethic will keep him on task.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

GM, may I ask a question? Is it possible for me to trade out Timely Inspiration for another 1st level spell? I haven't used it yet.

EDITED to ADD: I picked up Knowledge Religion and Nobility for knowledges. I took 1 point of Appraise, stealth, ride. I upped Perform Dance, Sing, Diplomacy. I'm leaving Handle Animal alone for the moment -- I'm waiting for Laliytsa to have a chance to properly train me in it next level.

BTW, does anyone know how to get Hero Lab to accept background skills on one level but not another? Right now I'm just ignoring its error messages.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Sure. Go ahead and change your spells out.

Actually, if any of you have any sort of changes you'd like to make, this is the time to do it. I'm a big fan of letting people adjust at second level to make their characters work for them. Anything goes, from spells to classes.

I don't use Hero Lab, myself, so no help there.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Okay, great.

Gang, I just noticed that Kaz is taking Knowledge Religion. Should I drop Religion this level for a point in intimidate instead? Intimidation won't be as strong as diplomacy, bluff or sense motive because I won't have the aasimar perform bonuses kicking in for it. It would be a +7 if I take it.

Maybe I should do it though to round out my social skills as face. Thoughts?

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6
Cyanne Miller wrote:
EDITED to ADD: Or maybe I can train Kaz in Ukulele to be my backup performer!

HA! Now wouldn't that be a sight!

1d10 ⇒ 10 Sweet! :D

So, full rundown:

  • +1 BAB, CMB, CMD
  • +1 Fort & Will
  • +13 hp (rolled 10, +2 CON, +1 FCB)
  • Lay on hands (1d6, 3/day)
  • Divine Grace, CHA mod (+2) to all saves
  • 3 skill points - Ride, Diplomacy, Knowledge (religion)
  • 2 background skill points - Handle Animal, Profession (farmer)

I don't think I'll be changing anything else.

As for time, I'm in ACST, or GMT +9:30 hours. Woohoo, Australian winter!

As for Knowledge (religion), go for it - I have no int bonus, so if you want to take it for a second chance at tricky checks, feel free. It just felt weird being a paladin without Knowledge (religion)!

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I am trying to decide how much intimidate fits Cyanne. I am thinking that my background doesn't fit intimidate that well -- though who knows, the whip dance may be a little intimidating...

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Looks good to me, Kaz. If you could just change your header so your level's correct, that'd be wonderful. XD

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Change? Change what? Everything looks good to me >.> *kicks old header under the rug, whistling innocently*

And Cyanne doesn't seem the intimidating type. Laliytsa, though, now her I wouldn't want to cross. :P

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10
Kazimir Vasilovich wrote:

Change? Change what? Everything looks good to me >.> *kicks old header under the rug, whistling innocently*

And Cyanne doesn't seem the intimidating type. Laliytsa, though, now her I wouldn't want to cross. :P

Well well well. Turns out intimidate is a class skill for me AND I've got extra points from us implementing background skills. Intimidate it is! I'll get my sheet updated asap ;)

EDIT Intimidate!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Scary! :3

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Eek! I feel so intimidated!

Cyanne is complete, and reporting for duty.

EDITED to ADD: I took lullaby as a cantrip to help aid our slumber witch...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

I had a nice Father's day, three of my children paraded into my bedroom this morning with new wire wisks. They evidently like my waffles, and their mother threw out the only one I had previously. It's like she knew the whole thing was happening. She made up for it with French Toast though, so that was nice. I also got a Christmas ornament. A good day!

Alright, on to posting. Daen is leveled.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Congratulations, Daen. I went shopping for brewery glasses, but the local microbrews were all out of them, so my dad gets a belated father's day gift instead.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Daen --

Your google doc still says Magus 1!

EDITED to ADD: Your Father's Day story was so cute. Awww!


M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

If anyone is interested in Craft Wondrous item, we can always add some nice flavor to all of the stat boosting items. I'm a fan of the Elemental Earth Belt, or the Belt of Dwarvenkind to name a couple of stat boosting items that aren't the same old same old. If we have someone to craft our own stuff, making it specifically for each person, then we can possibly gain discounts by adding class and alignment restrictions. (I know that some GM's find this cheesy, but it does make for unique items.)

Something like this, I'd wear it in a heartbeat over the regular belts available, especially if it were upgradeable.

Daen's Cinder Cincture:

Moderate Transmutation, CL 9
Slot- Belt; Wt 2 lbs; Price 20,500
The wearer of this belt woven from the hair of an Ifrit gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Initiative and a +30 enhancement bonus to their land movement rate.

Twice per day upon command, the wearer can release their inner fire for one hour. They begin combusting, but are not consumed by the flames gaining the abilities and weaknesses described in Elemental Body II, excepting the natural attacks of the normal fire elemental as well as the burn ability.

The wearer must be Neutral and the transformation ability cannot be dismissed.
Construction Requirements:
Haste, Elemental Body II Craft Wondrous Item. Cost: 10,250

I have four children under the age of seven, and yes, they're very cute.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Father's Day is in September over here. How confusing. And I've never had waffles. =(

Cute story, though! Kids can be pretty adorable.

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

Never had waffles...


You poor thing.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Waffles are pretty nice. Just, like, don't buy premade frozen ones. You have to make them yourself. The you drown them in a beyond-liberal dose of syrup, maybe with some butter.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Yeah, but then I'd have to buy a waffle iron, and I'm barely employed >.>

By the way, sorry I haven't posted in gameplay since this morning. My fiancé decided to drop a bombshell on me while I was catching up on posts, and as someone on the spectrum, change is NOT something I cope well with. Been a bit rattled and unable to get my head into my more serious characters. (I don't take some games more seriously than others; I take them all seriously. However, some characters are harder to ge into when I'm down, or stressed, or drained. Does that make sense?)

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

No problem, Kaz. Take however long you need. I don't get upset if someone misses a day or two here and there.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Cyanne hugs Kazimir and sings.

So life has got you down
Turned your smile into a frown
My golden knight now don't you fret

If your love has any class
You'll find this too shall pass
We'll have you back and posting yet

Meanwhile, we'll just bide our time
With another silly bit in rhyme
So come enjoy this tête-à-tête

Don't worry about being late
Your posts are worth the wait
When you return, we'll have a fête!

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6


Kazimir wrote: someone on the spectrum

My English may be failing me here, but what does this mean?

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