Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
That's because they happen far too often =( And because some of them are deliberately lit, arson on any scale makes my blood boil. Get an Australian summer, with no humidity, and moderate winds, and a bushfire can quickly spread out of control. Our science teacher was out fighting it today. I was in class when a father came in, in his CFS uniform, telling his daughter to hurry up and get her bag.
Fires in Australia are terrifying. Thankfully, the people who live in fire-prone areas tend to take them very seriously.
Cyanne Miller |
Stay safe, Kaz! I'm sorry that you went through that.
Right now, my spouse and I are celebrating that American holiday called "Clean everything because we have 22 people coming to our house on Thursday." Fortunately, this year the kids are old enough to fully participate in the cleaning frenzy. It's nowhere as stressful as wildfire threats, but it has its own mania to hold our attention.
Cyanne Miller |
I'm grand. Just about to leave for work, and severely missing all of you. How are you doing, sweetie? Are you feeling better?
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
Missing everyone. Stressed as hell; it's nearly the end of the school year and the kids are OFF. Also sick of test cricket, and battered from Alestorm on Friday night.
How was your Thanksgiving weekend?
Cyanne Miller |
Frantic at first, but once everyone arrived it finally got relaxed. When you have so many people over, there are usually 6-7 crises to fix. This year's included oversensitive smoke detectors, the need to correct / solve cooking errors at the last minute and a mad dash for extra flour picked up at a gas station mini mart... Still, everything turned out simply terrific.
We had good food and a fun group of people to play card games like Uno afterwards. Uno is serious business in my family -- we work to bury each other in cards and laugh while we do it.
Today is just beautiful. Walking to work at sunrise, watching the dawn light fall on freshly fallen snow as I walked along the roaring, snow fed creek... All the trees are dusted with snow and the birds were still out chirping. I love walking to work on warm snowy days.
The snow is going to fall all day rather heavily, so my aikido class has been cancelled tonight, but hopefully I can get my exercise in while dealing with our latest batch of winter!
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
Yep! These guys! I went with my mother, got wrecked in the mosh pit, and spent six hours in a poofy-sleeved shirt and a corset, but it was worth it. (My boss is disappointed I didn't get photos of my costume; I'll have to recreate it for her...)
GM Aest |
Hi. I'm fine, but my usual laptop is not. I'll be posting later tonight from my backup computer, though. Made posting from my grandmother's a major problem.
My Thanksgiving was okay. Not great, but okay. Family dynamics are changing a lot, and it was stressful.
Cyanne Miller |
Well, then you deserve a hug. Alas, mine are virtual, but I really would hug you if you weren't across the country from me!
![]() |
Oh... This is probably where I should mention that I am being promiscuous in my Kingmaker activity, Aest. I'm cheating on you with another GM. My in home game has become Kingmaker too, but the style of He-Kris is so different from yours that they feel like two very different games albeit with some shared character names here and there.
I hope you don't mind!
GM Aest |
That's fine with me, Hmm. Kingmaker is the type of game where there's a lot of flexibility in how it's run, and I'm sure the two will be different enough in the details that it won't be a problem. That being said, do keep in-character knowledge separated from out-of-character knowledge.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
Damn. Computer troubles are hell. I wish your laptop a speedy recovery.
Hilary, are you cheating on us?? How could you! I kid, I kid; hope it's fun!
Kazimir Vasilovich |
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
I can't believe how bad those rolls were. So many dice, so much fail.
RIP Kaz, it was fun while it lasted.
Cyanne Miller |
You're not dead yet. We'll not let them take you.
That was a truly horrifying set of rolls though! What did you do to offend the Paizo Dice Gods?
::Casts Remove Curse::
I need to share with you the Pity Bonk Song that I wrote for my love in WBG, an unlucky fellow goblin warrior named Ronk. It's to the tune of Red Solo Cup, and maybe it'll cheer you up.
The next rolls will be better.
GM Aest |
Rough rolls. The good news is most of the team gets to act before you're attacked again.
@Cyanne and Luthor: I did not roll the saves. Sleep is a full-round cast, so it'll go off on Luthor's next turn
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
I don't know! Here I was hoping to be awesome; instead ol' Kaz just looks horribly incompetent and needs everyone else to come save him. Please don't immortalize this in song! :P
Speaking of songs, that was pretty funny, though. Love the laws of musical theater.
Cyanne Miller |
I won't immortalize the natural ones in song. Remember that Cyanne's perspective of the noble Kaz in biased. You're like another brother to her.
I'm so glad you enjoyed my line about the laws of Musical Theater. BTW, you're always awesome Ronnie!
Laliytsa Iansoh |
![Hestrig Orlov](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Hestrig_90.jpeg)
We had good food and a fun group of people to play card games like Uno afterwards. Uno is serious business in my family -- we work to bury each other in cards and laugh while we do it.
Card games are serious business in my family. There's a lot of yelling and cursing and threats but it's all in fun.
I had a really awesome week. There was a bunch of family in town that I don't get to see very often. The only sad bit was that my stepsister was missing, she had thanksgiving with her dad. I don't think she'll be here for Christmas either. I miss her. :(
Man Kaz, those are some rough rolls. I feel for you, that's what the game has been doing to me too. It's evilllll
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
My dad's family takes Trivial Pursuit very seriously. He and I aren't allowed on the same team anymore - with him covering Geography, History, and Sports & Hobbies, and me covering Science, Art & Literature, and Entertainment, we just curbstomp every other m&&@~**@$+%! in the room. On the upside, we're great at quiz nights.
I don't want to die here, but at the same time, I don't want to be staggeringly incompetent and in need of rescue. It's tough. I want to contribute, but so often, the dice and the circumstances don't let me. =(
Daen Aheritor |
![Guard Captain Blacklock](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/guard-captain-blacklock.jpg)
RL is rough for me right now, I might be a bit spotty this month. I've got to get a second job. The good thing is that the local pool needs a swim director and I have a couple friends there, so I've got to do a lot of training as I let my old training lapse for a decade and a half. I'll still pop in when I can, but you may not see much of me until things settle into a new routine next year.
GM Aest |
I'm working on a post, and the whole map is moved, but it won't be finished before dinnertime. Also, I hope things go okay for you, Daen.
Laliytsa Iansoh |
![Hestrig Orlov](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Hestrig_90.jpeg)
Man, those dice have a mean streak. That fortune hex re-roll. But think of it this way, don't heros look beaten at first until they get that one moment of faith/inspiration and rise up to beat all the odds? Kaz isn't failing, he's just waiting for the cinematic moment!
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
I'm actually really upset about this. I'm supposed to be the heavy melee character, and I'm just... useless. =(
Cyanne Miller |
I'd be upset too. The dice have not been your friend. I'm starting to get worried for all of us here. We're badly outnumbered and two of us are not warriors at all.
BretI |
Kaz, you may want to risk wasting your one smite on one of the bosses. If you pick one that is evil, your AC vs them goes up and your chance of hitting also goes up. If anyone actually recognizes the guy who sent people off to slay Svetlana, that would be an excellent choice.
Unfortunately, everything here should be less than 5th level so Detect Evil would only work on someone with a holy symbol.
Daen Aheritor |
![Guard Captain Blacklock](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/guard-captain-blacklock.jpg)
Kaz, everyone has dry spells with their rolling. Wait it out and you'll get there. Your Ride check will be a whole lot easier to make at level 3 (which we may hit soon), and once we get you a decent magic weapon and your bonded mount at level 5, you'll be doing quite well. Just a +2 belt and Power Attack at level 4 will have you hitting really hard, especially if you pick up a polearm. 1d10+12 damage, and that's if it's not magical. Daen will be doing his best to get into flanking position for you and for himself, even when he's not on a horse. Between that and Cyanne, you'll be quite the force to be reckoned with when the time comes.
You also have to put in the fact that you'll always have crazy good saves and durability with your swift action heals. I have a friend with a high level paladin in my home game, and dang if he can't take the damage and still keep on kicking, and kicking hard against those people he needs to smite.
Good news on the job front. The physical requirements for becoming a lifeguard are ridiculously easy for me (although I'll admit it would be tough for other people, I have some natural talent for sport). I just hope I can get enough hours to make enough to deal with the bills. I know there's a raise after 90 days, but no one's even mentioned how much I'd be making yet, so that's a concern.
Cyanne Miller |
Luthor's spell (which I presume took out two bandits) has given us a chance. We can turn this tide.
Kaz, your luck will change. This has sucked for this battle, but once we clear the riffraff on this side, you can charge the riffraff on the other and be so badass that the bandits will wet themselves.
This will happen.
Okay, pep talk over. I have come to realize that Cyanne has been hoarding a precious resource without realizing it.
Because I came in late, I had a bit more starting cash. I spent almost all of it on Volte because having a combat trained horse is important. (And because I love mounted builds.) Volte is fully trained. Wild and Chernilla are not.
I will command Volte this battle, but I think it's time for me to hand over her reins to either Daen or Lali until we can purchase some combat trained mounts for you two.
We also must get Luthor a crossbow. Seriously, it's time for us to equip!
Glad the job front is looking up, Daen! We're all rooting for you, you know.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
It's bloody hard to look ahead to higher levels, because right now, I'm stuck here, unable to hit the broad side of a barn, and being outshone in combat. PBP moves slowly, so I'm seeing another, what, six months at least, of being pretty much a sponge.
And it's all well and good to say "everyone has dry spells", but the fact is mine come at the worst time. The mite lair? Useless. This siege? Useless. The two most significant combats we've had, one of which should have been the perfect setup for me to actually use my feats, and I've pretty much sat them out - once because I couldn't jump a gap in my armour, and now because the dice are trying to get me killed. Yeah, everyone has dry spells, but it's hard to believe anyone would want to keep Kaz around when he seems to have all the luck of a man with a pugwampi on his back. Remember that time he nearly drowned? Remember the times he's been shieldless because he has to control his horse? Remember that time he had clear charge lanes and lots of mooks and couldn't hit anything?
4th level is a long way away, and we may not be able to find a Magic Item Mart. 5th level and a bonded mount is even further. "High level awesome" might as well be the 30th century, given how slow PBP is. It's the low levels, the now, that are getting tiresome, and through the fog that is depression, it's really hard to look ahead. My mind is stuck at level 2, where I'm the the second most effective melee character in the party, gimping myself for the sake of an interesting character, and wondering what the hell I'm doing here.
Cyanne Miller |
Kaz, my guess is that we've got to be leveling sooner than you might think. Why?
1) Major Batlle with odds against us
2) Hexploration -- We've done a lot of it.
Besides, there are more mooks and a charge lane coming just on the other side of this fort.
And you're sure as hell better in combat than Cyanne. This dry spell will end.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
I need to live to get there first. Also, Cyanne has out of combat utility in the form of skills, and plenty of in-combat options in the form of spells and performance. Kaz is pretty much "see thing, charge thing", so when I can't pull that off, I'm a waste of space.
GM Aest |
Hi there. In order as I see it.
@Leveling: Yes, after this encounter, I'm going to level you again. This will be the last level until this book is cleared, which happens when a certain thing happens, regardless of how filled in the map is. I've been doing story-based leveling, and this is the right time in the story for a 3rd-level power spike.
@Shopping: I intend to have one or two weeks of downtime after the Siege is over. Please, feel free to shop. Also, I'll be getting people closer to WBL off this fight, I promise. I do recommend that Luthor have some sort of ranged option beyond his spells, just in case.
@Magic Item Mart: 4th level is actually really close (when the book ends, which is triggered by a specific event). Also, Restov is a Magic Item Mart (population in the 20,000s, trading hub, free city, etc.).
@Kazimir: I have PM'd you an idea for a partial (one or two level) dip or rebuild that would keep a lot of the flavor you have while giving you a lot more combat flexibility. Maybe it's not for you, but it's something to think about. As for rolls, there's nothing I can do except hope for the best for your future.
Aside from that, I have nothing much to add to this conversation right now. I'll have a post tonight; this isn't as dire as you think.
Luthor Rowe |
![Sanvil Trett](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9085-Sanvil_90.jpeg)
Thats all more or less dice though. Daen and Kaz have about the same chance to hit with Kaz having a higher base damage potential. You also have to consider that paladins are made to shine when they can smite, just like rangers are against favored enemies. This next level really is a major milestone for you.
The paladins ability to take hits also hasnt really come to the front for you yet, since you dont have that much of an AC edge with hide armor.
Id also dare say Kaz has plenty of out of combat utility, even if it isnt a straight up mechanical one. His personality in interactions is pretty important. I mean, the right words can make a diplomacy DC lower or even cause an auto pass. As a DM I personally only enforce the use of social skills when the enemy is either in a weird state of mind, or the words they chose werent that well thought out.
Ill admit I sometimes lament Luthors rather limited scope in combat (cast sleep, spam Fortune Hex), but I know it will get better with every level.
Lady Ladile |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Leaf Leshy](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1120-Leaf_90.jpeg)
Anything that I would say about leveling up and such has already been said by Cyanne, but I think Kaz fulfills something very important to the group from an RP perspective. Based on what I've read of the game (basically since Cyanne joined you), Kaz is the rock of the group, along with Laliytsa. Not to say that he's not had/having/will have his own moments of doubt, but I think his steadfast nature means more to his companions than he (or they) probably know just yet.
Try and hang in there, okay?
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
On top of game woes, I just found my dog dead on the back verandah, so I'm rolling ones in real life as well. I'll try to address things when I'm not hating everything.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Laliytsa Iansoh |
![Hestrig Orlov](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Hestrig_90.jpeg)
@Shopping: I intend to have one or two weeks of downtime after the Siege is over.
Don't worry about handing over Volte. Wild will be battle trained during the down time. Plus Lali's quite attached to him, she raised him herself so she wouldn't switch anyways.
Anything that I would say about leveling up and such has already been said by Cyanne, but I think Kaz fulfills something very important to the group from an RP perspective. Based on what I've read of the game (basically since Cyanne joined you), Kaz is the rock of the group, along with Laliytsa. Not to say that he's not had/having/will have his own moments of doubt, but I think his steadfast nature means more to his companions than he (or they) probably know just yet.
Try and hang in there, okay?
This. Kaz is the heart of the group. We need him!
On top of game woes, I just found my dog dead on the back verandah, so I'm rolling ones in real life as well. I'll try to address things when I'm not hating everything.
Oh no Kaz, I'm so sorry! That really sucks. If you need to take some time off from posting we totally understand. Sending lots of love your way!
GM Aest |
@Lady Lalile: Glad to see lurkers coming out of the shadows in Discussion. Feel free to chat with us as you'd like, and to ninja-dot the Gameplay thread if you haven't already.
@Everyone: I updated the NPCs tab in Campaign Info to include everyone since meeting Bokken ("REMEMBER BOKKEN!")