Gm Aest's Kingmaker: To Forge a Kingdom

Game Master Aest

Stolen Lands
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Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

What is RNG?

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

That would be Random Number Generation.

It's the thing people on the boards curse because they don't use dice.

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Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

You mean there aren't little gremlins in Seattle that roll physical dice every time one of us makes a post?

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Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

SHE KNOWS!!! *Grabs bug out bag and dives out the window*

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

RNG is the worst. I've got a character in a game with Kazimir (Hell's Rebels) that's not supposed to be competent in combat. Meanwhile, she's crit two of the five things she's attacked to death, but hasn't done so hot out of combat.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I know you're owed a post here, but I've been having trouble with a song. None's come to me at all. I'll try to put up my post in the morning.

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I fought the law, and the law won!


Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Ha! That might work!

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

...but I decided to go with an original composition instead.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6
GM Aest wrote:
RNG is the worst. I've got a character in a game with Kazimir (Hell's Rebels) that's not supposed to be competent in combat. Meanwhile, she's crit two of the five things she's attacked to death, but hasn't done so hot out of combat.

It happens to the best of us. You should see me whenever I have to roll for stats; it's woeful.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Whereas I roll too high and then can't build interesting characters, ever. Low stat of 14 is not fun to roleplay, even if it's great to build a gestalt monk/paladin with. 5/6 stats, MAD, what?

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Can we swap? My last rolled array was 11, 10, 12, 17, 12, 11. I'm building an investigator with it...

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I hate rolled stats. Kaz, hugs!

And I hope that you all will be talking to Cyanne after this, but this whole incident with the bandits is causing her flashbacks, and they hurt Svetlana...

Intimidation is not her normal style of negotiation.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Laliytsa's got no problem with it. I think you missed the encounter where a bandit spat on her and she used his face as a towel. I think her only objection would be that when they kill the bandits it ought to be a swift death.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Kaz really doesn't like the idea of making an example out of them, intimidating/threatening them, or even of killing them when they're already down. He's rather naive, with simple values and ideals of what a man of honour should be, and hasn't adjusted to the reality of this place yet. He's not at all comfortable with this situation >.>

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

Ditto Luthor. Hed probably be more inclined to find some kind of authority to hand them over to.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6
Luthor Rowe wrote:

Ditto Luthor. Hed probably be more inclined to find some kind of authority to hand them over to.

I suggest we mutiny and handle this as is more befitting of our own stuffy morals :P

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

I have a friend that's dying, so I'll be a bit spotty on my posting for the next week or two.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer
Luthor Rowe wrote:
Ditto Luthor. Hed probably be more inclined to find some kind of authority to hand them over to.

We are the authority. This is an empty area and we've been charged with ridding it of banditry. But you can totally play good cop here. Cyanne's given you all the opening if you wish.

BTW, Cyanne wouldn't go with anything worse than a swift death either. She's the redemptive type. That slap was as close as she would go. But these men nearly killed Svetlana, and they have information we need about what might have happened to Oleg and Kesten. She won't torture them, but she's not above scaring them to save Oleg and the others.

That, and she's flashing back to all the stuff that happened while a bandit prisoner. Aest scared the heck out of me with the description of those three days.

BTW, it is totally okay for Luthor and Kaz to talk with Cyanne about this, now or afterwards.

Daen Aheritor wrote:
I have a friend that's dying, so I'll be a bit spotty on my posting for the next week or two.

Daen, I'm so sorry!


The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Man, Cyanne, I wasn't trying to make it that bad, those three days.

@Daen: Sorry to hear that. Take your time, the game will be here when you want it.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

It was scary. It needed to be. Even under Akiros, it was scary. Being tied up in the saddle all day, roughly awakened, watching Lepod get beaten daily, and having no agency at all... It was terrifying. Under just about any other bandit, she would have been raped, repeatedly. As it was, she was ogled, leered at, and only got to move when she performed her burlesque dance for the men; men who gleefully told her what would happen once they reached the Staglord, who has fewer scruples than Akiros.

Your writing was excellent, and it terrified me. When Topper casually started feeling up a tied up Cyanne, it was vivid and detailed. So when these bandits threatened to hunt down and hurt her best friend, Cyanne would be scared stiff. She's not about to let them hurt or scare Svetlana, and she wants the others out of bandit hands as soon as possible. If what she received was "good" treatment, she doesn't want to see the bad.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

I wanted that whole scene to be about 50% fear, 25% ridiculousness (Topper), 25% rough chivalry (Akiros). I mean, it wasn't supposed to be fun, and it's certainly supposed to color Cyanne's (and by extension, the party's) interaction with bandits over the next four or five books, but I certainly wasn't aiming for it to be a problem for you as a player.

If my writing is ever a problem for anyone as a player, I need to know so I can take steps to change it.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I think it was an appropriate amount of fear. However, Cyanne couldn't read Akiros (she didn't have great Sense Motive back then) and she had no idea that Akiros was trying to help her escape. That's why she started the fight, and didn't hesitate when she saw a distraction that might get her free.

And maybe as a player I did overreact a little. When I was hiking in India in my twenties, I had a bad experience. A group of young Indian men came upon me, surrounded me, and suddenly started feeling me up and laughing. Their hands went under my clothes and they held me down. I was helpless. And I begged them to stop, implored them in the local language (which I spoke, fluently) to think of their mothers and sisters. It didn't escalate to a rape, but that was only because a hiking family showed up, and the father yelled at them, and then the group disbanded. I complained to the authorities, and they shook their heads and asked what I was expecting. Boys will be boys, and "no lasting harm" was done. I was shaken for days, afterwards. It caused me nightmares.

So... I put myself in Cyanne's shoes, and realized that she would not take what had happened to her lightly. She was used to men ogling her on her own terms, but what happened with the bandits wasn't her own terms. Losing all agency like that... It colors your worldview. Either you give in to the fear, or you fight. She's choosing to fight.


Don't feel bad, Aest. I think you struck the right tone, even if you hit a nerve.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

India does have some serious problems with gender inequality and sexual violence, that's for sure. Sorry you had that experience.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6
Daen Aheritor wrote:
I have a friend that's dying, so I'll be a bit spotty on my posting for the next week or two.

Be spotty. Take that time while you still can. I've never been through that myself, but I had to support my ex when his best mate died (at 20), so I know it's rough.

Cyanne Miller wrote:
*horrifying experiences*

Jesus, that would have been terrifying. I've been felt up at gigs, but that seems like nothing now. No wonder that would have hit a nerve.

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

Im really bad at giving consoling words, mostly because if im not the first to do so, I just feel like im being a useless parrot. With the assortment of real life things that have been talked about, I thought id bring it up since I feel like I havnt done much commenting when the rest of you have had it hard.

I empathize, even if I dont really say as much.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

So, I've got some temporarily bad news. I'm between free draw/paint programs and looking for a new one. Inkscape won't let me use the "Import" function, which basically means no bringing outside images in. That means maps are going to be difficult to create, especially on the fly.

Any ideas? I'd prefer not to spend money on something if I don't have to, and I'd prefer to use something somewhat versatile.

EDIT: Right now, I'm looking into Krita, but it looks complicated. Possibly powerful, but complicated.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

I know what you mean, Luthor. I find it tough to give consoling words sometimes, and they always sound empty to me, even though I'm trying.

Chris, sorry, but I can't really help. I was lucky enough to pick up Photoshop while I was a student, so that's what I use for all my graphical needs >.>

Everyone - I've been reading the Weapon Master's Handbook, and god, the Tempered Paladin archetype sounds so good for Kaz. If I hadn't built him for mounted combat, I'd take it in a heartbeat - trade out spellcasting for bonus feats? Yes.. Needing to take the bonded weapon is a bugger, though =(

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

@Kaz, and everyone really: If a new archetype/class comes out that works for you, talk to me about it. I, for one, won't be able to see the archetype until the 18th, since I'm not a subscriber, but if you messaged me its abilities and whatnot, I'd be glad to give it a look.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

PMing. I probably won't take it, since I built Kaz for mounted combat, but it's pretty neat and elegantly done.

Grand Lodge

About words of consolation:

In this case, it's not needed. My year in India was the single biggest growth year of my life: spiritually, mentally, physically. It made me understand who I was, deep inside, and expanded my confidence and ability to communicate. The skills that I picked up... irreplaceable.

What happened that day was one of only a few dark spots in an otherwise magical year. It was horrible, yes, but I persevered and overcame. It made me strong and determined not to take crap like that ever again.

While I don't agree with Nietsze's nihilism, he was right about how adverse circumstances can spur growth. In dark moments of the soul, you come to terms with yourself.


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Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Daen, you have my love and prayers. Take all the time you need.

Luthor Rowe wrote:

Im really bad at giving consoling words, mostly because if im not the first to do so, I just feel like im being a useless parrot.

When my Mom passed away I appreciated everyone who offered me sympathies. They were small reminders that there were people who loved me and who I could rely on. Now, that being said....don't go up and tell people things like 'I know it hurts so much but the pain gets better' etc. It doesn't matter that it's true, I made me want to throat punch people

Hmm wrote:
While I don't agree with Nietsze's nihilism, he was right about how adverse circumstances can spur growth. In dark moments of the soul, you come to terms with yourself.

This. So much this.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Whew, what a text wall that turned out to be! Has Kaz ever been that rambly?

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

I doubt hes ever been even half that rambly ;)

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Poor moral dilemma Kazimir. :(

Okay, I have a good idea of how the next encounter's going to play out. Just let me know when you're ready to ride for Oleg's.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

I really liked Kaz's speech. Lali did too. She's just a bit more...jaded? I don't know if that's the right word.

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I think the word you are looking for is practical...

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Poor Luthor. I really appreciate what he's saying even if Laliytsa doesn't. :(

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Have I gone overboard? Have I become the stereotypical paladin player that takes it too far and ends up ruining the fun?

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Nah. I think all of Kaz's concerns are quite valid. They're the exact same ones I'd be having if it was me in this situation. I like this better than everyone having an easy time of killing the bandit captives.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

What I'm trying to get at is Kaz's disconnect from the reality of the situation. He grew up on a farm, he never expected to be anything more than a farmer, and never expected to fight more than the occasional fox that tried to get at the chickens - but how to face it if he did have to. Taking that simple way of thinking, combined with his struggle to be compassionate as per the paladin code (flavoured as the simple values he was raised with, rather than a formal code, 'cos he doesn't know he's a paladin yet) and Erastil's sterner tenets, and confronting it with the harsh truths of the Greenbelt, means that our farm-boy has an awful lot on his mind right now. He's being put upon by several different people and schools of thought, and he's trying to remove himself from the decision because right now, he simply can't sort it all out. Maybe next time, he'll be able to, but right now, with a pressing decision to be made and a clock that's ticking away, he's kinda frozen up.

I feel like I'm not quite getting all that across in gameplay, but *shrug* I tried.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

i think you did well.

I'm trying to put across both Cyanne's fear, and her realization that she may have gone too far in her interrogation of the prisoners. Cyanne appreciates every word that you have said. You'll note that I favorited your paladin rant.

Cyanne is now both ashamed and determined -- a combination that I tried to bring across. And killing the men is not fun, but it is justice if we do it right.

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The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

I'm actually really glad that you were able to play this scene, Kaz. I think just your presence has added a lot of character development, and it's made this encounter do exactly what I wanted it to. XD

As for whether it's getting across, I think it is. Reluctance to kill, even when it's authorized by a charter and deserved by the guilty's actions, isn't a "paladin" trait. It's a human trait, and one I'd expect Kazimir and Luthor to both still have at this point. Daen and Laliytsa were both harder characters from the beginning, and they've been at war with the bandits for four encounters. Cyanne's backed herself into this situation with her previous actions, and besides, she's got the trauma of her captivity motivating her to be less merciful. I think it all works, even ignoring class and alignment.

If you guys would like to talk about this more, feel free. This isn't a decision we can set aside in Flex-Time.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Agreed. Cyanne is for the most part a gentle, kind soul. But recent events have hardened her, and these men were so callous with that "So close!" comment. That's what pushed her over the edge. Had the bandits only threatened her, she'd be arguing mercy. But they threatened Svetllana.

I found it very interesting to realize that Cyanne would be hard here, when she's normally so warm and generous. This is a side of herself that is new to her and that she hasn't fully accepted yet.

Ashamed yet determined... It's an interesting combination.

(Off-topic: I've also been fascinated by the interplay of Luthor and Kaz. Are we finally getting a romance that will move forward in this game?)

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

post incoming

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6
Cyanne wrote:
I've also been fascinated by the interplay of Luthor and Kaz. Are we finally getting a romance that will move forward in this game?

You know, I hadnt even thought of that, lol. Im honestly not even sure what Luthors sexuality is. I mean, I personally feel straight, though ive had a few people that have made me wonder. Whether thats bisexuality or not I havnt the slightest clue. Why am I saying this? Well, truth be told I dont know whether I can actually manage to roleplay it if it comes to it, though im willing to try.

Either way, Kaz would probably have to be the one making a move for anything to happen, since "stuff" like this isnt really on Luthors radar at all.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

@Gameplay: Awwww. From a strictly "Evil GM" perspective, I was hoping you'd drag them on a cross-country ride. The annoyances they could have inflicted...

@Kazimir/Luthor: I hadn't considered that as an option, really. Could change potential storylines down the line. Must think about this...

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

@Luthor: Or Cyanne can play matchmaker. She's got a halfway decent Sense Motive, and she does worship Shelyn. I've always thought of my sexuality not so much in terms of the sexes that I'm attracted to but more in terms of the people I could love. I don't know what you two will eventually decide, but there is definitely caring and love in this party.

It's one of the things I adore about this game: loving each and every one of my teammates. (This includes our fantastic GM.) Group hug!

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

I'm in for a group hug. You guys did a great job while I was gone.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

* Hugs Daen. *

It's really good having you back. I'm so sorry about your friend!

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