Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
Ruby was a sixteenth birthday present, so she had nine years of belly scratches, table scraps, and walks on the beach. She was all bug eyes and dumb grins and headbutts two days ago, and yesterday, she was just lying there, congealed blood pooled from her mouth, covered in flies. I don't know what happened.
She was going to come with me when I moved into the unit. She was going to be a fat, happy, inside dog. She was going to have her own blanket and her own spot on the couch, and she was going to get all my bacon rind. She's left some big furry boots to fill.
Kaz might be one of the rocks of the party, but combat is probably the biggest part of this game, and I've just felt so useless once Initiative starts rolling. I'm just tired and frustrated with a lot that's going on in life, so when I can't escape to one of my stronger characters, it hurts.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
Luthor Rowe |
![Sanvil Trett](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9085-Sanvil_90.jpeg)
I knew what that link was gonna be before even pressing it, the only question was whether it was gonna be a picture, a gif or a youtube video.
Such a good movie, Kronk is the man.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
You know me so well. Too well. :P
"Is everything ready?"
"Oh yeah, I thought we'd start off with soup and a light salad, and then see how we feel after that."
"Not the dinner! ... You know!"
"Oh, right, the poison, the poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. ... That poison?"
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
"Take him out of town and finish the job NOW!"
"... but what about dinner?"
"Kronk. This is kind of important."
"What about dessert?"
"... well, I suppose there's time for dessert."
"And coffee!"
"... alright, a quick cup of coffee. THEN TAKE HIM OUT OF TOWN AND FINISH THE JOB!"
"With him out of the way, I'll take over and rule the empire!"
"So... how does that work with you being fired and all?"
"The only ones who know about that are the three of us! Soon to be the two of us!"
"And I'm one of those two, right??"
Luthor Rowe |
GM Aest |
One of the most ludicrous Disney films ever. It's got the most memorable villain/henchman combo ever, though. Gotta love those two.
Cyanne Miller |
So, I've been thinking about future directions for Cyanne, and I'm not sure which way to go. She's been going into battle more than I planned upon.
I'm not sure which way to go... Do I become a flagbearer to make all of you better? It would certainly be thematic in Kingmaker. Or do I go weapon finesse so that I can actually hit things with that rapier of mine?
I thought about going archery, but that requires two feats and Cyanne has a tendency to throw herself into the thick of battle anyway. She throws herself head long into danger without hesitation.
I'm cautious, but she just dives in! That "Be What You Dare" that I came up with as just a cute thing for Luthor and Cyanne's background has become one of the most driving forces of her personality.
GM Aest |
Hmmm. I GM'd for a Flagbearer in Carrion Crown for a while. It's got potential to be powerful, it's true, and it's less feat-intensive than archery (or melee, unless you don't mind hitting for toothpicks). I'd be concerned about every combat playing out the same way for you, though.
Laliytsa Iansoh |
![Hestrig Orlov](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Hestrig_90.jpeg)
Clearly I have missed something. Enlighten me. What film is this?
Drop everything and go watch The Emperor's New Groove.
Also if you're taking a double move on Volte you get a -4 penalty to hit.
ETA: Is Dovan long gone? Any chance he could be ridden down? If Lali can get in range she's going to take a shot, even if it means the double move penalty
Cyanne Miller |
Not surprising. I figured it was an iffy shot. Oh well.
I'll have to see if the movies is available on Netflix.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
So I think I figured out what happens when Kaz gets hit with infernal healing! Nothing as outwardly obvious as when it goes to Cyanne, but should still keep things interesting.
Cyanne Miller |
It was pretty cool to read, actually. And hey, not everyone's as cheap a drunk as Cyanne!
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
I was trying to go for something that's going to shake him up a bit, something that could be seen as a corruption of his own beliefs. If this kind of thing happens at higher levels he'll be able to shake it off easier, but as it is, this is going to scare him.
As for Cyanne, well, I found her antics very amusing to read. :P
Luthor Rowe |
Cyanne Miller |
It's on Netflix. And I'm watching it. The henchmen are as amazing as advertised.
PS Yeah, being drunk on evil seemed a perfect Aasimar response to that spell. I just hope that Kaz doesn't brood too long about the experience. If he does, Cyanne will try to knock some sense into him!
Cyanne Miller |
So... Could Volte actually clear 200 feet while running? I thought he could just double move to 100... What counts as a double move vs an all out run for mounted combat?
GM Aest |
Running is different than double moving. I think everything moves at 4x normal speed when running, except if you have a certain feet, in which case it's 5x.
Post will be up later! Also, stahp killin mah doodz!
Cyanne Miller |
Okay, so could Volte run while Cyanne does a standard action? And... No, we really want to kill your "doodz!" They scared Svetlana, so they must die. It's perfectly logical.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
Oh, there'll be brooding. It's to be expected. And he might be a little angry at Luthor. Just a bit. :P
I went for a run because Kaz didn't take any actions himself; I hope that's fine. >.>
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Aest |
Everyone busy today?
@Cyanne: Svetlana isn't done being scared. I'm sure there will be other opportunities for such an event to take place!
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
I'm at work, but still sticking around.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
It's okay! Nobody panic! I have a cunning plan...
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Aest |
Y'know, every time I reduce a PC to negatives or near-negatives, I think "This is my chance! I'll get an opportunity to post in the 'Kingmaker Obituaries' thread". And every time, fate plucks his or her dead body from my hands and breathes life into it!
Honestly, it's body count that makes a good GM in that thread. One guy's reduced his PCs to naming themselves "Kit Kat", "Snickers", "Mars Bars", etc, or "Rook", "Bishop", "Pawn", etc. Look up Turin the Mad if you haven't yet! His *redacted* blew up his whole capital city with its *redacted*!
EDIT: Full disclosure: Kazimir linked this image in sticking around. It was taken off after a jokingly-angry PM! I may use it in Gameplay here in a bit, though!
Laliytsa Iansoh |
![Hestrig Orlov](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Hestrig_90.jpeg)
I got skipped :(
I was waiting for a response to this:
ETA: Is Dovan long gone? Any chance he could be ridden down? If Lali can get in range she's going to take a shot, even if it means the double move penalty
Can she take a shot at him?
GM Aest |
You could totally try riding him down if you wanted. His horse isn't any faster than yours, and longbows have a LONG range increment. It's quite possible to hit him from a decent distance. What's your attack bonus? +6 for bard song? Go for it!
Also, you did get skipped! The most elegant solution would be to put you in immediately and have Luthor's action trigger just before Daen's. My apologies.
GM Aest |
Realistically, you don't even have to regular move with a composite longbow, except to get a clear shot. He's within the 2nd range increment now, so you could take a -2 penalty to the shot if you wanted to now. I don't think you can close to within the first range increment without double moving, though.
Luthor Rowe |
Cyanne Miller |
Cyanne did ask earlier if we'd seen Akiros or Topper...
Because that would have totally changed what she would have done this battle. Oh well. I guess I'll see them next turn. And boy, will Cyanne be pissed!
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
I feel like Schrodinger's Paladin again...
Funny story, in the staff room the other day, Mike (the science teacher) and I were talking about the Schrodinger's Cat thing. He asked me, "So if you look in the box, and observe the state the cat is in, but don't tell me what the result is, does that change anything?"
My answer was yes, the cat is now either alive or dead, because I have observed it. He maintained that because he didn't know, the cat would still have to be assumed to be both.
It was a very heated discussion.
Daen Aheritor |
![Guard Captain Blacklock](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/guard-captain-blacklock.jpg)
When we were married, Emperor's New Groove was her favorite disney movie. I was required to watch it while we were dating, and have found it to be quite fun. My favorite moment is when Kronk is "sneaking" through the city, humming his own theme music and hides against a wall that has bas reliefs of several gods pointing at him. classic.
To Mike, I would say that using that logic, he'd never be able to speak definitively on anyone else's work, since he hadn't done it. The theory goes that it could only be considered both alive and dead if no one observed it, not if Mike the Science Teacher observed it. Then you start getting into relativistic truth and a whole mess that science doesn't really support. I think he needs to pick a philosophy and stick with it.
Luthor Rowe |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
![Sanvil Trett](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9085-Sanvil_90.jpeg)
Ah, but you see, cats are attracted to boxes, so it wouldnt teleport out. Remember the old cat saying, "if it fits, I sits."
Btw Kazimir, something just occurred to me and I thought id mention it for the future. Whenever you have to move on horseback and wont be able to attack anyway, taking a Full Defense action should probably be the default unless you expect opportunities for attacks of opportunity.
Kazimir Vasilovich |
![Lieutentant Pavo Voc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9540-Pavo_90.jpeg)
@Luthor: ... I didn't even think of that. Thanks! I'll remember it for next time :)
@Bret: That was the best answer, and I can sympathize with it.
@Daen: That was pretty much where the conversation went. "Seven billion other people don't know either!" Then Adam, our reception teacher, joined in, and it quickly became advanced enough that I couldn't follow. They tend to do that... Other conversations include "Can good exist without evil?" (no) and "Is time a human construct?" (yes). I have excellent co-workers.
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Aest |
You'll be four for four if I keep linking that one. It's my favorite!
Cyanne Miller |
I had an action planned, but I have a concert to attend for my son tonight. I'll wait to see what Kaz does here and post later.
GM Aest |
I can't believe Luthor CdG'd Auchs. It's like killing Lenny from "Of Mice and Men"!