GM Giuseppe |

Hey folks, welcome to our Discussion Thread. First of all, I want you to post in the Gameplay Thread and delete your post there right after: in this way you will be added to the list of players but you won't flood the thread with lonely dots.
Before we can start, I need you to make some minor adjustments to you character's sheet.
As you can see, you have no arcane caster in your party. I always prefer to choose the best overall characters, not the best character for each role. Sometimes this produces strange combinations, but I think that in general you'll be more than able to face the challenges I'm going to put against you even with this party composition. Consider that you will reach the 5th level when the campaign arc will be over: arcane casters don't really get the chance to shine at low levels, so I think it is no big loss.
If you have any questions before the campaign starts, I'm here for you. I'm going to make my first post tomorrow. Today I'm going to create our campaign page on Roll20 and campaign gallery on Pinterest and give you the related links.

GM Giuseppe |

Hi all. I've dotted into the game play thread, and will have my equipment sorted tonight.
GM, I noticed you posted the introduction above in ooc markup. Would you prefer that we do that as well, even here in the discussion thread?
No, it was just for my convenience. You can use the normal coding here in the discussion thread.

Korech |

Dotted, and the favored enemy is pretty shoehorned in. I'll rewrite this evening. edit: Hi everyone!

GM Giuseppe |

I've added a link to the campaign's gallery on Pinterest. Please be make sure to check it out!

GM Giuseppe |

Dotted, and the favored enemy is pretty shoehorned in. I'll rewrite this evening. edit: Hi everyone!
Korech, would you mind to check my profile and copy the forum tagline template for your character?

Shirzon the Quarter |

Hey all! Good to see you!
I have a questions: should I keep that extra 10 gold I ended up with in the tavern roleplay? We can say that Shirzon drank it up before the proper game start, if not. ;)
Also, just as a heads up, it doesn't appear that I can access the roll20 game right away. I'm limited to my phone right now, and it doesn't support mobile without purchase. I'll see if I can access it elsewhere, but because I just moved my internet service is also moving. I should be good by Friday, though.

GM Giuseppe |

Hey all! Good to see you!
I have a questions: should I keep that extra 10 gold I ended up with in the tavern roleplay? We can say that Shirzon drank it up before the proper game start, if not. ;)
Also, just as a heads up, it doesn't appear that I can access the roll20 game right away. I'm limited to my phone right now, and it doesn't support mobile without purchase. I'll see if I can access it elsewhere, but because I just moved my internet service is also moving. I should be good by Friday, though.
Hey Shirzon! You can keep the additional money, you earned it.
Hopefully that wouldn't be a big problem (Roll20): probably we will need at least a week before it becomes necessary

Korech |

Will do! Unavailable until this evening due to some family issues, but will get it fixed then.

Merephel Angorat |

Merephel is updated and done.

GM Giuseppe |

Oh, if you could check my profile and add the forum taglines as explained and using the template provided it would be great!

Merephel Angorat |

I sure will. I can't access Google Docs at work, so I will update it tonight. That way I can copy and paste it straight over. I did join the Roll20 game also.

Shirzon the Quarter |

So I was just looking over everyone's character sheets to see what we look like. Not only do we not have an arcane caster, everyone has exactly 10 Intelligence. And the only person who would have any sort of arcane magical aptitude is Merephel.
I find that amusing. :P

Calden Tigg |

Hehe, nice find. At least this way, no one will have to feel dumb. Note, though, that Korech will also start casting spells at level 4.
What I noticed is that we have three characters with Wisdom 14 and one with Wisdom 18. What we lack in intelligence, we make up in common sense. :)

GM Giuseppe |

So I was just looking over everyone's character sheets to see what we look like. Not only do we not have an arcane caster, everyone has exactly 10 Intelligence. And the only person who would have any sort of arcane magical aptitude is Merephel.
I find that amusing. :P
And realistic, since you all hail from a humble rural settlement where lore is not nurtured and spread except from the temple of Erastil maybe :D

GM Giuseppe |

Alright, so my first post is in the gameplay thread. Let the game begin!

Calden Tigg |

I just read the opening post, while I'm off to bed. I'd like to spend some care crafting the first post, so please expect it some time tomorrow during the day.
Also, I wrote my equipment list assuming Calden's parents would have stuffed his backpack like he was going on a field trip. :) I'll split that into a list of things he's bringing, and stuff he's left at home.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Merephel Angorat |

I managed to get the template on my phone, so Merephel is done (for real this time!)

GM Giuseppe |

I managed to get the template on my phone, so Merephel is done (for real this time!)
Well done Merephel, thank you.

Korech |

My background and favored enemy are updated and I've got the vital stats up. This is all from mobile (I will never leave this waiting room) so please let me know if there are issues. Went with orcs as favored enemy as recommended.

GM Giuseppe |

My background and favored enemy are updated and I've got the vital stats up. This is all from mobile (I will never leave this waiting room) so please let me know if there are issues. Went with orcs as favored enemy as recommended.
Hey Korech everything is fine now, thanks. However, I was not reccommending to change your favored enemy: undead is a particularly suitable category for this adventure. I was only reccommending you to change the ghoul raid with an orcish raid. If you can find a way to justify your favored enemy (undead) class feature, you will benefit from it much more than from your favored enemy (orcs), if you can find a way to justify it different from the ghoul raid.

GM Giuseppe |

Folks, I wouldn't mind to know your time zone if that doesn't bother you: that could help me to plan my posting times better.

GM Giuseppe |

I just read the opening post, while I'm off to bed. I'd like to spend some care crafting the first post, so please expect it some time tomorrow during the day.
Also, I wrote my equipment list assuming Calden's parents would have stuffed his backpack like he was going on a field trip. :) I'll split that into a list of things he's bringing, and stuff he's left at home.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Well done Calden, and thank you too.

Korech |

Understood, I'll have draft three up later on!
I'm MST, it is currently 3:10 pm on Thursday.

Shirzon the Quarter |

Pacific Standard Time, which is GMT -8. One hour earlier than Korech.

Merephel Angorat |

Pacific Standard Time here as well. California.

GM Giuseppe |

Merephel, I think you messed up with your AC: it should be 16 as noted in your character's sheet, not 18 as reported in your forum tagline.

Merephel Angorat |

Well, it's sort of both, depending if she has her shield equipped.
Which would you rather I use?

Korech |

Okay, Korech's background has been rewritten to include a heavier presence of undead in his history.
Also, mind if I swap out knowledge geography for stealth as we're just getting going? No real reason Korech would know where Cheliax is on a map.

Shirzon the Quarter |

@ Korech's intro post: awww :')

Merephel Angorat |

I might have choked up reading that intro post for Korech.

Korech |

Thanks :) Remember that Korech has giant puppy dog eyes at all times.
In a jar.

GM Giuseppe |

I'm at GMT +1, which is probably the same as Giuseppe?
You're right Calden ;)
Please take note that Roldare and Dimira won't be there before the opening ceremony, so I'll assume that scene took place three days before the Quest starts.

Calden Tigg |

Ah, you're right. I should have thought of that...
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Giuseppe |

Don't worry Calden, it's perfectly fine as far as we assume thay the conversation was held 3 days before the opening ceremony ;)

Merephel Angorat |

Inventory updated with the new items. I had sorted my inventory (stealing the idea from Iff) by what is with Merephel, and what is at home, so I just added the new items to what Merephel is carrying. I also took your suggestion, and handed a few items off to Asina to run back home, so as to not be too overburdened.

Korech |

Done the same as Merephel - so Korech's usual traveling gear is with Arnama. Tweaked skills as I mentioned earlier.

Shirzon the Quarter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm taking everything! Medium encumbrance, here I come! 8)

Merephel Angorat |

Oh, and let me say well done, Calden, well done, on suggesting Korech take the lantern. That was a stroke of genius.

GM Giuseppe |

Very good job with your posts folks, I appreciated them very much. The conditions are right for a great adventure!

GM Giuseppe |

Inventory updated with the new items. I had sorted my inventory (stealing the idea from Iff) by what is with Merephel, and what is at home, so I just added the new items to what Merephel is carrying. I also took your suggestion, and handed a few items off to Asina to run back home, so as to not be too overburdened.
Good job Merephel, thank you.

GM Giuseppe |

Done the same as Merephel - so Korech's usual traveling gear is with Arnama. Tweaked skills as I mentioned earlier.
Sorry for not being able to answer to you before. It makes sense to switch Knowledge (geography) with Stealth for your character.

GM Giuseppe |

I'm taking everything! Medium encumbrance, here I come! 8)
I'm looking forward for your next Swim check :D "grlgrlgrlgrl" :D

Shirzon the Quarter |

Shirzon the Quarter wrote:I'm taking everything! Medium encumbrance, here I come! 8)I'm looking forward for your next Swim check :D "grlgrlgrlgrl" :D
So... I'm gonna turn into a murloc? :D

Korech |

I do a wicked murloc impression. And yeah, loving this group and everyone's intro posts. I think we'll have a pretty cool dynamic as we settle into the swing of things.

GM Giuseppe |

GM Giuseppe wrote:So... I'm gonna turn into a murloc? :DShirzon the Quarter wrote:I'm taking everything! Medium encumbrance, here I come! 8)I'm looking forward for your next Swim check :D "grlgrlgrlgrl" :D
Ahahaha! XD That would be funny Shirzon! Maybe a murloc who's too encumbered to swim XD