
Merephel Angorat's page

521 posts. Alias of Roycilo.


| HP: 37/40| AC: 19 (11 Tch, 17 Fl)| CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +9| Init: +1 | Perc:+4, SM:+13


| Speed 20ft | 3d6 Channel Energy 6/7 | Spells: 1st 1/6, 2nd 2/5 3rd 1/4| Active conditions: Bless, Invisibility Purge, Protection from Energy, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith.


Female NG Human (Taldan) Cleric 6




Neutral Good









Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 14

About Merephel Angorat

Merephel Angorat

I would like to present Merephel Angorat.
She is a follower of Shelyn. She is a young priestess, called to Shelyn at a young age, and is currently on track to be the town's first official priestess of Shelyn.

She is sort of the ultimate team player, with lots of powers that affect her allies in positive ways. Some buff spells, some healing, some social abilities. I have a backstory I'm working on. I will post it soon; I'd love any input. I thought it might be fun, since we are dealing with “Classic” Pathfinder, to have her backstory be a sort of classic PC backstory.

A little about me as a player: I’ve been in play-by-post games off and on for years. I’ve run a few; been in several, including one by Doomed Hero, who I saw you mention earlier (He’s a very different GM for F2F games, let me tell you!). I love the idea of helping a few people new to PbP; that is a great way to pay it forward, so to speak. As for posting, I can do 2-3 a day on the weekends, but since I can (and do) get on the Paizo website at work, can basically post as much as needed Monday-Friday. So I made a talkative character to capitalize on that.

Character Sheet:



HP: 34

AC: 21

Touch: 11

Flat-Footed: 17

Initiative: +1

Speed: 20 ft

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Melee: +6

Combat Maneuver Bonus: +5

Combat Maneuver Defense: 16

Fort: +6

Ref: +3

Will: +9

Diplomacy: +12 = 6 Ranks, +3 Class Bonus, +2 Charisma, +1 Competence
Knowledge: (Religion): +9 = 6 Ranks, +3 Class Bonus
Sense Motive: +13 = 6 Ranks, +3 Class Bonus, +4 Wis
Spellcraft: +9 = 6 Ranks, +3 Class Bonus

Selective Channeling
Turn Undead
Friendly Switch
Extra Channel

Class Features:
Charm Domain:
You can cause a living creature to become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack. Creatures with more Hit Dice than your cleric level are unaffected. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Luck Domain:
You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Channel Energy: 3d6

Racial Traits:
Extra Feat at 1st Level
Extra Skill Point per Level

Favored Class Option:
Extra Skill Point

Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless(Cast), Sanctuary(Cast) , Shield of Faithx3 (3 Cast)
2nd Level: Aid (Cast), Bear's Endurance(Cast), Bull's Strength (Cast), Silence
3rd Level: Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge(Cast), Protection From Energy (Cast)

Domain Spells Prepared
1st Level: Charm Person
2nd Level: Calm Emotions
3rd Level: Suggestion (Cast)

Desperate Focus
Patient Optimist

+1 Breastplate
+1 Heavy Wooden Shield
+1 Cold Iron Heavy Mace

Adventuring Gear Carried:
Masterwork Backpack
Potion of Cure Light Woundsx2
Alchemist's Fire
Explorer's Outfit
Silver Holy Symbol (x2)
Small Tent
Winter Blanket
50 Feet of Silk Rope
Hooded Lantern
5 Flasks of Lamp Oil
Belt Pouch
Candles (5)
Cheap Holy Text(of Shleyn)
Flint and Steel
Mess Kit
Spell Component Pouch
Torches (7)
25/Day Trail Rations
1 Courtier's Outfit
1 Dilettante's Outfit
1 Explorer's Outfit
1 Hot Weather Outfit
1 Cold Weather Outfit
2 Peasant's Outfits
Small Tent
Candles (5)
Iron Pot
Torches (4)
Wooden Holy Symbol
5 Flasks of Lamp Oil
Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath

Key Items:
Trail Map Piece

Magic Items:
Wayfinder with Pink and green sphere cracked Ioun stone: +1 competence bonus on one Charisma-based skill. It can cast Light at will. Also has a Resonant Power of Self Only Invisibility 1/day.

Authoritative Vestments
+1 Agile Breastplate
+1 Heavy Wooden Shield

Wand of CMW (10 charges)
Scroll of Twine Double
Scroll of Lesser Restorationx3
Scroll of Remove Disease
Scroll of Remove Paralysis
Scroll of Silence
Scroll of Remove Blindness/Deafness
Scroll of Remove Curse
Potion of Hide from Undead
Pearl of Power 1

Currency Carried:
108 GP
11 SP
14 CP


Merephel was born in Kassen, to a pair of successful dairy farmers. From an early age had most of the local populace wrapped around her little finger. An adorable tyrant; she ran the schoolhouse with an iron will. She often pitted the children against one another for her favor. The boys blossomed into an early puberty under her stern gaze, and many a girl learned betrayal at the hands of a friend, all to get Merephel’s attention. This continued until the year she turned 13. In her 13th year, she started getting the attention of older men. They began treating her differently, and while many were still willing to do what she wanted, even for just a smile, some men became much more aggressive and mean. She didn’t understand why this was happening. It came to a head, one dark spring evening, when a man she didn’t recognize attacked her on her way home. He pulled her off the road, into a grove of trees beside the road. She knew what he was thinking, and what he intended to do. As he began to hit her, she called out for aid.
She was answered in the form of a passer-by, who heard her struggles. His names was Luchael, and he was a wandering minstrel. He saved the young girl in heroic fashion.
Picture this: A young, handsome man, carrying a lute, swooped in and saved the young woman from her would-be aggressor. It was a story out of a dream. Until a few hours later, when her beloved rescuer died from the poisoned dagger he’d been struck with.
Nonetheless, Merephel had learned the power of hope and love. She dedicated herself to Shelyn, and has been training to be the official wedding officiant for Kassen. She plans to help her mentor, Father Rantal Prasst, with various services, and will also divide her time helping around the family business. She’s no longer too good to milk cows, after all.


Merephel, growing up, was a prissy little girl. She thought she was going to be queen someday, and acted like the spoiled princess she thought she was. She used her charm to get what she wanted, and for the most part it worked. As she grew, she realized that her attitude wasn’t making her any friends. After the events of her Calling to the faith of Shelyn (See her background), she worked hard to become a kind, caring person. She genuinely turned herself around, and is now a wonderful young woman. She has infinite patience for children, and for adults who were like she used to be; spoiled rotten, pouty, or just plain rude. These days, her humility is showing. She believe a kind word goes a long way, and uses her not-inconsiderable powers of persuasion to get what she wants. Kind, expressive, and considerate, she believes in living life as well as one can, to the best of one’s abilities. She is a dreamer, and hopes to one day be able to write love stories to further Shelyn’s cause. She maintains a careful poise as a matter of fact.


Merephel is a cute blond, young woman who will obviously grow into a gorgeous woman. Her face still retains the roundess of youth, and her piercing blue eyes are often her most telling feature. She is tall for a human woman, just under 6 feet tall. She has a runner’s build; all lean muscle. She moves with a grace that belies her age. Upon first meeting, she is often mistaken for being a bit younger than her actual age. After people speak with her for a few minutes, however, many are left with the opposite impression.
