Xov |
What Xov thinks of the other PCs VI: new arrivals
Nevertheless Falko appears highly skilled, and is undoubtedly more committed to our cause than Absylon. Maybe he will reveal himself to be principled after all.
Xov |
Yea, he did realize that. But he assumes it wasn't intrigue work (since Othan purported to be new to intrigue at the beginning of the campaign), so Othan's openness with Falko looks to Xov like Othan is a putting personal connection ahead of the mission.
That will probably change as he starts to see Falko in a more positive light, possibly in the next update.
I'll admit I'm not spending as much time thinking about this game as I used to. Probably because whenever I decide "I'll devote some extra time to pbp games", I then have to decide which one, and usually end up picking either of the games I'm running.
Absylon |
Intelligence Files: Code Crystal I
Interesting, files taken from Brelish intelligence indicate that he is a member of the Royal Eyes of Aundair... A new and so far seemingly competent player in the "great game", Xov is good and is a possible candidate for "uplifting". Must determine true loyalties and willingness to fight the "enemy" before attempted uplift can even commence... The Conservatives will not be happy about this...
Unsubtle, brutal and mercenary... There is a time and place for his methods and that time is fast approaching. Psionic ability is impressive, possible candidate for "uplifting". Politically the war hawks will naturally take him in, the conservatives will hate him... He should be easily motivated, once the "enemy" is defeated there will be much land and wealth to go around...
Potentially a good asset, uplifting is unlikely but he should be easily swayed if offered "assistance" to ensure his survival within his House. Like Othan fortune will be this man's god and "we" can provide plenty of of it...
Unknown, further research into their pasts and observation of them is required. Both have dragonmarks however and this means that they could be vital assets, although Falko's mark may be more of a hindrance then it is helpful... My work within the house of Finding is too important to jeopardize by invoking the rivalry between the houses...
Xov |
There is an actual Binder conversion to pathfinder, and he is updating and expanding it via kickstarter. The OA Medium doesn't seem to be anything like the binder, it's just another Vancian caster copy/paste.
Then they have an infinite blaster class...with nothing to make it stand out from all the other infinite blasting classes. And more wizard/sorcerer clones.
Absylon |
Eh I know of the Occultist but an additional conversion that most GMs will accept out of hand is kind of nice... I do hope that they will "unclone" these classes as they go through.
With the Kineticist for example I am hoping that they will ramp up the "high risk, high reward" play style... Burning HP to aggressively fuel your abilities is fairly novel (by Pathfinder standards).
Xov |
It isn't much of a 'conversion' if it doesn't have anything in common with the 'original';)
Maybe I should write something else related to this group/character/game while we're waiting for Elton...
...or maybe I'll just focus more on my other games and keep putting off stuff related to this one.
EltonJ |
Alright, an overview of what happened.
The sealed portion of the B of M has fallen into my hands, and I've been changing ever since. I can't put the book down, it was so engaging that I forgot that I had you to serve. :)
I will renew service when I can, but I'd like to finish the book. :)
I love you all. :)
Xov |
The malware was a browser hijacker. Malware Bytes, Adwcleaner, and Microsoft Scanner all failed to remove it. Adwcleaner could detect it, but not remove it. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling firefox. It didn't help, but in the process I noticed that neither IE nor Chrome were affected; the problem was limited to firefox.
Then, I did a search and deleted all files with 'firefox' in their name, along with all files contained in folders with 'firefox' in their name. This included a few files designated as critical, which windows stores to remember that firefox was installed at one point. My suspicion was that adwcleaner had identified the malware inside one of the 'critical' files, but did not delete it due to being set not to alter critical files.
Then I reinstalled firefox and the problem was gone!
So, my problem is tentatively fixed. It is entirely possible that the hijacker is still somewhere on my computer, but latent. If it resurfaces, I'll format my hard-drive and do a clean install.
Xov |
Just in case anyone hasn't seen this yet,
Elton is discontinuing all his games.
I don't know how to mark the campaign as inactive (I know how to do it from the GM's perspective, but I'm not sure if a player can do so.)