Paizo Fan |

Please find the crunch and background for Aleksandr Markov below. He is a travelling Sin Eater, one of the last of his kind. I figure the character to be an excellent fit for the background. Hopefully you agree. If you'd like any further information, please don't hesitate to ask.
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 8 (1d8); Judgement of Sacred Healing 1
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +5
Defensive Abilities Judgement of Sacred Protection +1;
DR Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 1: Magic;
Resist Judgement of Sacred Purity +1, Judgement of Sacred Resistance 2 (Cold)
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Gauntlet (from Armor) +0 (1d3/20/x2) and
. . Longspear +0 (1d8/20/x3) and
. . Unarmed Strike +0 (1d3/20/x2)
Special Attacks Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1, Judgement of Sacred Justice +1, Judgement of Sacred Piercing +1, Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1, +0 melee touch, +0 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 14), Bless
0 (at will) Resistance (DC 13), Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance (DC 13)
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats Improved Initiative, Persuasive
Traits Corpse Hunter, Teacher's Pet: Knowledge (Religion)
Skills Acrobatics -3, Bluff +6, Climb -3, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +6, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Heal +7, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Planes) +7, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perception +7, Ride -3, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +7, Stealth -3, Swim -3 Modifiers Monster Lore
Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Varisian
SQ Eat Sin 1d8+1 (Sp), Judgement (1/day) (Su)
Combat Gear Longspear, Scale Mail; Other Gear Backpack (empty)
Corpse Hunter You have dedicated yourself to the destruction of undead, and receive a +1 trait bonus on all attacks made against undead.
Eat Sin 1d8+1 (Sp) 1 min, eat sins of adjacent corpse to heal self. Rush as full rd for half benefit.
Judgement (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Sacred Healing 1 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Sacred Justice +1 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Sacred Piercing +1 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Sacred Protection +1 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Sacred Purity +1 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 1: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Sacred Resistance 2: Cold (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic) (Su) DR bypass
Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Teacher's Pet: Knowledge (Religion)
One of the last few active Sin Eaters in Ustalav, Aleksandr Markov knew Professor Larrimor well. They often collaborated and shared notes as Aleksandr regularly ran into occurences of undeath in his ministrations to the people of Ustalav.
Aleksandr once even harbored feelings for the Professor's daughter but came to the realisation that he was married to but one woman; the Lady of Graves.
Aleksandr was distraught to hear of the Professor's passing and immediately made his way to Ravengro for his funeral. He was surprised to be met by a courier requesting his presence for the will reading on his way there.
Time well tell what the future holds for Aleksandr Markov; for now he is simply going to pay his respects to an old friend.

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja-> Iesha Moonlight -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
osuracnaes-> Reusten van der Zicht ->human Inquisitor
Completed, but missing alias
Nostrus -> Aleksandr Markov ->Human Inquisitor
DirtyMoses-> -> paladin
koul-> -> ?Human Ninja?

Ioseph Paliox II |

Ioseph Paliox II
Human(Taldan) Paladan
Lawful Good servant of Iomedae
Dex 16
Con 14
Cha 15
Int 10
Wis 8
Init: +5
Fort: +4
Ref: +3
Will: +1
AC: 18
Languages: Common
Feat: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Favored Class: Paladin
HP: 13
Diplomacy: 1 rank
Knowledge Religion: 1 rank
Sense Motive: 1 rank
Composite Shortbow
40 Arrows
Scale Mail
Traits: Chance Savior (Carrion Crown), Chivalrous (Taldor: +1 to Knowledge History and to Diplomacy checks)
The firstborn of a Taldan merchant prince, Ioseph renounced his claim to his father's titles and chose to serve Iomedae as a paladin. His appreciation for tales and stories inspired him to be a great hero.
His soul longed for adventure, and so he left on a pilgrimage North to Ustalav, knowing he could be of some help. His naive and optimistic viewpoint was nearly squelched by the horrors of the night, though Ioseph managed to save a man he would later know as the great Professor Larrimor. Larrimor was very grateful, and the two quickly became friends. Ioseph appreciated his knowledge, and frequently visited him to learn of Ustalav's history.
When Ioseph heard of Larrimor's death, he quickly came to Ravengro to give his condolences. He also seeks to learn why the Professor died, and exact justice if it is needed.

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja-> Iesha Moonlight -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
osuracnaes-> Reusten van der Zicht ->human Inquisitor
DirtyMoses-> Ioseph Paliox II -> paladin
Completed, but missing alias
Nostrus -> Aleksandr Markov ->Human Inquisitor
koul-> -> ?Human Ninja?

DM Azure_Zero |

Apparently, I really like exclamation points...
You mean the '->' dividing up the data to know what is what.
I know two players here who do post once a day and can keep a game going, I know because I play in the some of the same games and they kept on posting,
And a notice to the other players,
There is a dying game that needs a resurgence of players
I might need to come up with another character idea.

osuracnaes |

Seems to be a lot of divine casters, so I think I'm going to switch my inquisitor app (Reusten van der Zicht) with a rogue. I'll try to put up the details later tonight or tomorrow!

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja-> Iesha Moonlight -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
DirtyMoses-> Ioseph Paliox II -> paladin
osuracnaes-> Reusten van der Zicht -> ?human rogue?
Completed, but missing alias
Nostrus -> Aleksandr Markov ->Human Inquisitor
koul-> -> ?Human Ninja?

Azure_Zero |

Seems to be a lot of divine casters, so I think I'm going to switch my inquisitor app (Reusten van der Zicht) with a rogue. I'll try to put up the details later tonight or tomorrow!
Wow, your right, about half are divine characters

Azure_Zero |

I'm running this for my pencil & paper RL group; all we have for a divine caster is my daughter's Oracle. I'm all for more divines!
I've avoided adding a GMPC cleric.
With this being an undead fest campaign, I think your right, two divine characters could be a good thing.
And funny thing is, I have always left optional recruitable NPCs that the party could recruit in my games. And most of the time it's a cleric that's recruited, because no one wants to be the healer.
And because I like randomizing the NPCs for an organic and sometimes unique NPC, you get some really interesting results, one of which has oddly come up more than once, and she is known as "Alkaid."

Javell DeLeon |

"Hy guess hyu'z goink to be de grett beeg sneeky-pents. Vell, I vould be shure dot hyu ken break de traps real goot, yah?"
(I think the accent is going to be the toughest thing about this character.)
Just interrupting. Apologies.
Just wanted to say, reading this out loud is pretty funny. It looks really difficult to type(I know I sure as heck wouldn't do it) but you're pretty dang good! Got to give you your props; it's quite the funny stuff! This one would be fun to roll with!
Okay, done interrupting.
Carry on.

osuracnaes |

Ok... got the background done for the rogue. Probably do the crunch tomorrow.
Alzano Vignari, a Varisian ex-Sczarni (hey, that kinda rhymes). Went with the burglar archetype.
The Sczarni had other plans. Seeing a troubled young man, one of the crime families approached Alzano with promises of freedom and passage out of Ustalav. They would require some favors, of course. Due to the distrust shown to him by his Ustalavan neighbors, Alzano developed somewhat of a skill at remaining unnoticed and fending for himself. The Sczarni exploited that skill, subtly at first, but eventually transforming an innocent but frustrated boy into an experienced thief.
There was no escape from the gang. Instead, Alzano remained in Caliphas in seemingly perpetual service to the Sczarni, robbing houses, stealing from outsiders, and mugging those who resisted. He still dreamed of escaping the city, but it was always 'just one more job.' Until Alzano found the escape he so desperately wished for.
It should have been an easy hit. An old outsider traveling alone, staying in an inn with connections to the family, lots of belongings for the taking. They gave the job just to Alzano... get the key from the innkeeper, sneak in the room, grab his stuff, skedaddle. But Lorrimor was no fool. Alzano hadn't even shut the room door behind him before the professor caught him. Yet, Lorrimor could sense that this wasn't just a mere thug, he could see the desperation in Alzano's eyes. After the Varisian explained his situation to the professor, Lorrimor proposed a deal. He would get Alzano out of the city and hide him where the Sczarni wouldn't find him. In return, he would call on Alzano to assist him on an upcoming journey to Magnimar in Varisia. Agreeing, they traveled north to Karcau where Alzano waited for word from the professor.
The word he got left him stunned. The professor was dead.

Volker Tosh |

Presenting Volker Tosh, Half Orc Crypt Breaker Alchemist. (Really wish I could find a better avatar...)
Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) 1
NN Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +5
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14. . (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Club +1 (1d6+1/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +1 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Ranged Alkahest Bomb +3 (1d8+3 Acid)
Special Attacks Alkahest Bomb 1d8/1d4 (4/day) (DC 13)
Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) Spells Known (CL 1, 1 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Expeditious Retreat (DC 14), Shield (DC 14)
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Point Blank Shot, Throw Anything
Traits Mathematical Prodigy: Knowledge (Engineering), Teacher's Pet: Knowledge (Local)
Skills Acrobatics +1, Climb +0, Craft (Alchemy) +7, Disable Device +5, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Engineering) +8, Knowledge (Local) +9, Perception +5, Ride +0, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +0, Swim -1 Modifiers Alchemy +1
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc
SQ Crypt Breaker's Draught (Su), Hero Points (1), Trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Chain Shirt, Club;
Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Rations(per day) (3), Thieves' tools, Waterskin (2)
Alkahest Bomb 1d8/1d4 (4/day) (DC 13) (Su) - 0/4
Club - 0/1
Rations, trail (per day) - 0/3
PP - 0
GP - 13
SP - 12
CP - 0
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Alkahest Bomb 1d8/1d4 (4/day) (DC 13) (Su) 1d8 acid damage to constructs and undead, 1d4 force damage to all other creatures.
Crypt Breaker's Draught (Su) Rather than develop mutagens that increase their natural armor and physical abilities at the expense of their minds, crypt breakers focus on the creation of special draughts that can enhance their senses. When a crypt breaker drinks one of these drau
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Teacher's Pet: Knowledge (Local) Professor Lorrimor traveled the Inner Sea region lecturing and teaching at universities in locations as far-flung as Manaket and Magnimar, and as different in scope as the bardic colleges of Taldor and the battle colleges of the River Kingdoms. Speaking before standing-room-only lecture halls on topics as widely ranging as military strategy, planar anomalies, theology, and agriculture, Lorrimor's time was highly valued among those ambitious to benefit from his expertise.
Despite this, he still managed to provide one-on-one assistance to the most promising of his acolytes. When he saw the potential for greatness in one of his charges, he took it upon himself to nurture their spark. You were such a student. Over the course of several months, you and the late professor spent hours debating the finer points of your topic of interest, and the intellectual doors he opened for you continue to flavor your outlook on the world.
You gain a +2 trait bonus to one Knowledge skill of your choosing and consider it a class skill.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Trapfinding +1 +1 to find or disable traps.
(Basic, will flesh out tomorrow)
Volker was a student of Professor Lorrimor's. He assisted him in his various studies throughout the years, and was no stranger to old tombs and the like. He has always had a crush on Kendra Lorrimor, but never the nerve to act on it.

DM Corvus |

I never played CC. Are there a lot of open shops even if it's about horror and stuff?
the first step in the path takes place mostly in a small town with a decent smattering of shops.
As everyone is allready posting stats: I thought you wanted only a rough draft for the character before friday night. Or should I post Que Xuan's stats allready?
Go ahead if you want, it certainly won't hurt.

AdamWarnock |

Just interrupting. Apologies.
Just wanted to say, reading this out loud is pretty funny. It looks really difficult to type(I know I sure as heck wouldn't do it) but you're pretty dang good! Got to give you your props; it's quite the funny stuff! This one would be fun to roll with!
Okay, done interrupting.
Carry on.
Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't take credit. The hard part's staying consistent, but I'm glad that someone found it funny, otherwise this character would be a bust personality wise.

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja-> Iesha Moonlight -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
DirtyMoses-> Ioseph Paliox II -> paladin
osuracnaes-> Alzano Vignari -> human (Varisian) rogue (burglar)
Pezmerga-> Volker Tosh -> Half-Orc Alchemist (Crypt Breaker)
Completed, but missing alias
Nostrus -> Aleksandr Markov ->Human Inquisitor
koul-> Que Xuan -> ?Human Ninja?
Squawk Featherbeak -> ->
And a notice to the other players,
There is a game that needs a replacement of players (2-3 spots) and it has not gotten to far in.
I might need to come up with another character idea.

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja-> Iesha Moonlight -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
DirtyMoses-> Ioseph Paliox II -> paladin
osuracnaes-> Alzano Vignari -> human (Varisian) rogue (burglar)
Pezmerga-> Volker Tosh -> Half-Orc Alchemist (Crypt Breaker)
Squawk Featherbeak -> Taanyth Tuilinn -> Elf Magus
Completed, but missing alias
Nostrus -> Aleksandr Markov ->Human Inquisitor
koul-> Que Xuan -> ?Human Ninja?
I see; 1 LE, 2 LG, 3 NG, 4 N and 2 CN alignments
And a notice to the other players,
There is a game that needs a replacement of players (2-3 spots) and it has not gotten to far in.
I might need to come up with another character idea.

DM Corvus |

FYI: I decided to change her name, I just wasn't happy with 'Moonlight'. Shadowstar is an elven surname in my homebrews and I decided she was going to honor the Professor (whom she regarded as more of a family than her natural one) by adding his first name as a surname as well.
If your character is half-drow, please set her up as a half elf. We'll play the difference as cosmetic mostly, for simplicity's sake.
Also, since this can impact NPC reactions, let me know what she looks like, and how her mixed heritage shows through.

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja-> Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
DirtyMoses-> Ioseph Paliox II -> paladin
osuracnaes-> Alzano Vignari -> human (Varisian) rogue (burglar)
Pezmerga-> Volker Tosh -> Half-Orc Alchemist (Crypt Breaker)
Squawk Featherbeak -> Taanyth Tuilinn -> Elf Magus
koul-> Que Xuan -> Human Ninja
Completed, but missing alias
Nostrus -> Aleksandr Markov ->Human Inquisitor
I see; 1 LE, 2 LG, 3 NG, 5 N and 2 CN alignments
And a notice to the other players,
There is a game that needs a replacement of players (2-3 spots) and it has not gotten to far in.
I might need to come up with another character idea.

Azure_Zero |

so this is Que Xuan. I thought with everyone else posting the (almost) finished character, I should do it too.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find a better Avatar pic for her.
I know that there is atleast a few shinobi clothed avatars in the list,
but as the list is based on the number of times selected it changes spots.
Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |

Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca wrote:FYI: I decided to change her name, I just wasn't happy with 'Moonlight'. Shadowstar is an elven surname in my homebrews and I decided she was going to honor the Professor (whom she regarded as more of a family than her natural one) by adding his first name as a surname as well.If your character is half-drow, please set her up as a half elf. We'll play the difference as cosmetic mostly, for simplicity's sake.
Also, since this can impact NPC reactions, let me know what she looks like, and how her mixed heritage shows through.
No problem, I just like the image, I don't care about any extra abilities.
Appearance: Obviously half-elven, but looks more Vudran than Varisian. Very dusky skin, but not drow black. White hair & purple eyes.
She tends to wear her hair loose in back with multiple braids in front framing her face. The braids are died in a rainbow pattern matching the colors on the tail of Shelyn's bird symbol starting from the right. She also has a birthmark on her right shoulder that resembles Shelyn's bird image. She tends to wear clothing that will show that mark.

DM Corvus |

Well this wasn't easy.
If I had the time, I would certainly run two iterations of the campaign, but alas, I do not.
To all not selected, thank you for your time and efforts. I will post again in this thread if we lose anyone.
also please see this thread for another Carrion Crown game looking for extra players!
I have made 5 selections, though initially there were only going to be four. Curse you all for your quality characters.
And those selections are:
Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca - half-drow Cleric of Shelyn
Alzano Vignari - Varisian Burglar
Peredur ap Erevel - Half-Elven Ranger
Taanyth Tuilinn - Elven Magus from Chelliax
Aleksandr Markov - Human Inquisitor of Pharasma
To those selected, please check in to our discussion page so we can start solidifying backgrounds and establishing posting etiquette!
Again, to everyone else, you have my thanks. Please hang around in case of empty slots.

Azure_Zero |

A notice to the other players,
There is a game that needs a replacement of players (2-3 spots) and it has not gotten to far in.

Spiral_Ninja |

Thanks for accepting Iesha.
As I said up-thread, I will see about how to start a CC PbP myself.
I'll pick from this group, so far I like Evangeline (and Azure's running a game I'm in so fair's fair) and Gkirkhan. As I'm a ninja-phile, Que sounds good with Deacon as our arcanist.
I may go to 5 PCs so let me think about the last one.

Squawk Featherbeak |

To Azure and Spiral_Ninja, I'd love to be a part of either of your games, and I'd make a new character if that would be best. I wasn't terribly familiar with the Pathfinder setting, but now I think I could something a little better up.
There are a lot of cool books to help you. Campaign Setting is one, as well as Gazeteer and Inner Sea World Guide. The Faiths books help with religion and the Races of Golarion books help with races. However a lot of this information is given in the wiki.

Gkirkhan |

Thanks for accepting Iesha.
As I said up-thread, I will see about how to start a CC PbP myself.
I'll pick from this group, so far I like Evangeline (and Azure's running a game I'm in so fair's fair) and Gkirkhan. As I'm a ninja-phile, Que sounds good with Deacon as our arcanist.
I may go to 5 PCs so let me think about the last one.
I'm glad you liked him. Just hope I don't have to make any will saves. ;P

DM Azure_Zero |

A notice to the other players,
There is a game that needs a replacement of players (2-3 spots) and it has not gotten to far in.
If you want a chance for a spot post in the thread.

Azure_Zero |

Spiral Ninja's Game
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
koul-> Que Xuan -> Human NinjaI can take one more. While I *prefer* no evil characters, perhaps a better term would be no evil *players*. ;)

Azure_Zero |

A notice to the other players,
There is a game in need of players (3-5 spots) and it has not gotten to far in, or I'll reset it to the beginning.
If you want a chance for a spot post in the thread.

DM Corvus |

Re-opening recruitment to replace our lost Magus.
party consists of cleric, rogue, ranger, and inquisitor.
Looking for an arcane caster type to fill the void.
please see the start of this thread for creation details. we will assume you are a late-comer to the professor's funeral, you will start at lvl 2.

Talia Senshir |

Re-opening recruitment to replace our lost Magus.
party consists of cleric, rogue, ranger, and inquisitor.
Looking for an arcane caster type to fill the void.
please see the start of this thread for creation details. we will assume you are a late-comer to the professor's funeral, you will start at lvl 2.
I am interested! I started a Carrion Crown BPB, but it fell apart rather early. Talia was my character, and I'd be interested in playing her again. Willing to change anything about her, if you wish (race, Patron, whatnot). I liked her character and personality. :)