About Peredur ap ErevelAL: N
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 shield, +2 vs. undead, +1 vs. shapechangers) CMD: 19 Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantments) Immunities Sleep OFFENSE & WEAPONS:
>mw keen +1 longsword one-handed +9 17-20 x2/1d8+3 >mw keen +1 longsword two-handed +9 17-20 x2/1d8+4 >mw keen +1 longsword TWF w/light mace or dagger or handaxe +7 17-20 x2/1d8+3 >light mace +7 x2/1d6+2 >light mace TWF offhand +5 x2/1d6+1 >handaxe +1 +8 x3/1d6+3 >handaxe +1 TWF offhand +6 x3/1d6+2 >dagger +7 19-20 x2/1d4+2 >dagger TWF offhand +5 19-20 x2/1d4+1 >longbow +8 x3/1d8 FEATS:
>Skill Focus (Perception) (half-elf bonus feat) - +3 on Perception checks >Weapon Focus (longsword) (L1) - +1 on attack rolls with longsword >Two-Weapon Fighting (ranger fighting style L2 bonus feat) - Reduce two-weapon fighting penalties to -4/-4 (-2/-2 when offhand weapon is light) >Favored Defense (L3) - +2 AC & CMD vs. undead; +1 AC & CMD vs. shapechangers >Power Attack (L5) - -2 to hit/+4 to damage in melee TRAITS:
>Teacher’s Pet - +1 on Knowledge (Religion) checks; Knowledge (Religion) is a class skill >Elven Reflexes - +2 on Initiative rolls SKILLS:
>Acrobatics +3 >Appraise +1 >Bluff +0/+4 vs. undead/+2 vs. shapechangers >Climb +10 in armor w/o shield >Craft (x) +1 >Diplomacy +0 >Disable Device +13 in armor w/o shield >Disguise +0 >Escape Artist +3 >Fly +3 >Handle Animal +0 >Heal +2 >Intimidate +0 >Knowledge (Arcana) +0 >Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9 >Knowledge (Local) +9 >Knowledge (History) +0 >Knowledge (Religion) +10/+14 for undead-related checks >Knowledge (X) +0 >Linguistics +1 >Perception +15/+17 to locate traps/+17 vs. shapechangers/+19 vs. undead >Ride +0 >Sense Motive +2/+4 vs. shapechangers/+6 vs. undead >Sleight of Hand +3 >Spellcraft +0 >Stealth +11/+10 in armor w/shield >Survival +10/+12 tracking; +12/+14 when shapechangers involved; +14/+16 when undead involved >Swim +2/+1 in armor w/shield >Use Magic Device +0 GEAR:
Combat Gear >Longsword, +1 keen >Handaxe, +1 >Mace, Light >Dagger >Longbow >Arrows (20) >Studded Leather Armor, mw >Wooden Shield, Light; Other Gear Backpack (21 lbs) >Bedroll >Belt pouch (2) >Traveler's outfit >Flint and steel >Thieves' tools, mw >CMW potion (2) >Lesser restoration potion >Remove disease potion >+1 arrows (10) >+1 ghost touch arrows (4) >+1 undead bane arrows (4) >Sack (2) >Torch (5) >Rice Paper (20 pcs) >Ink >Pen >Whetstone >Waterskin >Rations, trail (2) >Wooden holy symbol of Pharasma SPECIAL ABILITIES:
Favored Classes: Fighter, Ranger; L1: +1 skill point; L2: +1 skill point; L3: +1 skill point; L4: +1 skill point Tracking: +(level/2) to Survival checks when following trails Trapfinding: +(level/2) to Perception checks to locate traps and to Disable Device checks. Can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps. Favored Enemy: Undead/Shapechangers; +4/+2 to attack rolls, damage rolls; and Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against undead/shapechangers. Favored Community: Lepidstadt; while inside the limits of this community, he gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. An urban ranger traveling through his favored community leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (although he may leave a trail if he so desires). Wild Empathy: Can improve initial attitude of an animal; roll 1d20 + ranger level + CHA mod (1d20 + 5) Hunter's Bond: This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger's Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher. DAILY SPELL LOAD:
First level: lead blades BACKGROUND:
Peredur is from Andoran, the son of a human Pharasmin nun and midwife and an elf ranger from Kyonin. His father stayed with the family until Peredur was about twenty, then returned to his homeland. His father tried to teach him the art of being a ranger, but though Peredur took well to the lessons he preferred city living and eventually found a way to combine the two. From his mother he learned the faith of Pharasma, and he has worked with her temple frequently over the years. On one of Professor Lorrimor's many visits to Almas the two met at the temple. The Professor was impressed with Peredur's scholarly bent (despite his martial training), and took the time to teach him theology. Since then they have corresponded occasionally, and met when Lorrimor returned to Andoran in his travels. The Professor had issued a standing invitation to visit him in Ustalav, but Peredur never took him up on it. Now he is accepting the invitation, though it's too late to do more than attend his funeral. APPEARANCE:
Peredur is built like a typical half-elf--tall and slender but well-muscled, 6'3" and #190. His elf heritage comes through in his coloration as well as his physiognomy: pale skin and hair with noticeably pointed ears and fine features, and clean-shaven. He dresses in neutral colors as a rule. Notes and Useful Pastes:
Round :
Status: HP: 26/26 AC: 17 Conditions: Branded [dice=To hit]1d20 + 6[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d8 + 2[/dice] Round X,
Previous Format:
Current XP 600/2000
Male Andoran half-elf ranger (urban ranger) 1 N Medium humanoid (half-elf) Init +5 (+3 DEX, + 2 trait) Perception +10 DEFENSE
Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Combat Gear longsword, alchemical silver light mace, dagger, longbow, normal arrows (20), scale armor, light wooden shield, mw backpack, bedroll, belt pouch (2), traveler's outfit, flint and steel, sack (2), torch (5), rice paper (20 pcs), ink, pen, whetstone, waterskin, 2 days trail rations, wooden holy symbol of Pharasma, CLW potion, 0 pp, 12 gp, 5 sp, 3 cp; #73, medium load SPECIAL ABILITIES Favored Classes: Fighter, Ranger; L1: +1 skill point Tracking: +(level/2) to Survival checks when following trails Favored Enemy: Undead; +2 to attack rolls, damage rolls; and Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against undead Wild Empathy: Can improve initial attitude of an animal; roll 1d20 + ranger level + CHA mod Peredur is built like a typical half-elf--tall and slender but well-muscled, 6'3" and #190. His elf heritage comes through in his coloration as well as his physiognomy: pale skin and hair with noticeably pointed ears and fine features, and clean-shaven. He dresses in neutral colors as a rule. Peredur is from Andoran, the son of a human Pharasmin nun and midwife and an elf ranger from Kyonin. His father stayed with the family until Peredur was about twenty, then returned to his homeland. His father tried to teach him the art of being a ranger, but though Peredur took well to the lessons he preferred city living and eventually found a way to combine the two. From his mother he learned the faith of Pharasma, and he has worked with her temple frequently over the years. On one of Professor Lorrimor's many visits to Almas the two met at the temple. The Professor was impressed with Peredur's scholarly bent (despite his martial training), and took the time to teach him theology. Since then they have corresponded occasionally, and met when Lorrimor returned to Andoran in his travels. The Professor had issued a standing invitation to visit him in Ustalav, but Peredur never took him up on it. Now he is accepting the invitation, though it's too late to do more than attend his funeral. |