Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Mobile Fighter 4 (hp 13/40 | AC 17/13/14 F+6, R+3, W+2 (+2 vs. Fear, +2 vs. Illusions) | Init +3 | Percep +4, SM +1) |
About Lorant Pelus
Male Mobile Fighter 4
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +4, Sense Motive +1
Languages: Common
Favored Class: Fighter (4-HP)
XP: 5000
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +2 Shield)
Max hp 40 (4d10+8+4)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 (+2 vs. Fear, +2 vs. Illusions)
(+1 vs. Paralysis, Slow, or Entangle effects)
Speed 30 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Melee +1 Longsword +8 (1d8+4/19-20x2) or +1 Bashing Light Shield +7 (1d6+4/x2)
Power Attack Melee +1 Longsword +6 (1d8+8/19-20 x2) or +1 Bashing Light Shield +5 (1d6+8/x2)
TWF Melee +1 Longsword +6 (1d8+4/19-20x2) and +1 Bashing Light Shield +5 (1d6+4/x2)
PA TWF Melee +1 Longsword +4 (1d8+8/x2) and +1 Bashing Light Shield +3 (1d6+6/x2)
Ranged Longbow +7 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks None
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 20
Agility: +1 to saves vs. Paralysis, Slow, or Entangle effects
Armor Training 1: Reduce ACP by 1, Raise Max Dex by 1
Power Attack: -2/+4 to hit/damage. Damage bonus is halved for offhand attacks
Two-Weapon Fighting: Extra attack by taking -2 to all attacks.
Improved Shield Bash: Keep AC bonus when making attacks with shield
Double Slice: Add full Str bonus to offhand attacks.
Cleave: Make an additional attack if a single attack hits, -2 AC
Step Up: Immediate 5 foot step if someone steps away.
Courageous: +2 on saving throws vs. Fear
Skeptic: +2 on saving throws vs. illusions
Fighter = 2+INT + 1 = 3
ACP = -1 //Armor Check Penalty
Acrobatics: +3 = 1 + DEX Mod + 0 - ACP;
Appraise: +0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
Bluff: +0 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0
*Climb: +6 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP
Diplomacy: +0 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0
Disguise: +0 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0
Escape Artist: +2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP
Fly: +2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP
*Handle Animal: +4 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3
Heal: +1 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0
*Intimidate: +4 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3
*Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +4 = 1 + INT Mod + 3
*Knowledge (Engineering): +4 = 1 + INT Mod + 3
Linguistics: +0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0
Perception: +4 = 3 + WIS MOD + 0
*Ride: +6 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP
Sense Motive: +1 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0
Stealth: +2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP
*Survival: +5 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3
*Swim: +6 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP
Combat Gear +1 Longsword, +1 Bashing Light steel shield, dagger, Chain Shirt, longbow, 20 arrows
Other Gear Masterwork Backpack, flint and steel, waterskin (x3), belt pouch, torch (x4), rations (x7), winter blanket, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, pint of lamp oil (x2), smokesticks (x2), handbill, small tent, grappling hook, silk rope (50 ft.), MW Longsword
Load Light (64.5 / 0-86 lbs.)
Coin 217gp, 3sp, 7cp
Lorant is a dark haired young man with a solid and strong build, standing 6’1” and 230 pounds. He has piercing blue eyes with a determined but also uncertain look on his face. The son of the local farrier, Lorant finds himself drawn to action and swordsmanship. He is training to join the Kassen town guard. He’s friendly, yet watchful and distrustful of outsiders. This distrust extends to magic as well. His younger brother is known for his practical jokes and has a small talent in magic. Over the years of being subject to his brother’s illusions, Lorant has learned not to trust his eyes
He wears a used chain shirt with a worn longsword on his left hip and worn steel shield on his right arm. His clothes, though, are neat and clean with a mix of browns and faded red. He wears his hair at shoulder length and a plain brown cloak over his shoulders.