DM Corvus |

I'm looking for four players to start a Carrion Crown PBP. (my first PBP, but second time running Carrion Crown)
the basics:
-20 point buy.
-150 gold starting
-Core rules, APG, UM/UC and Inner Sea World Guide. Anything else needs approval.
-2 traits. one from the Carrion Crown player's guide. Please feel free to include Professor Lorrimor (and his daughter if you like) into your backgrounds to whatever degree you like. Be a student of his, be a local admirer of his daughter, whatever.
-Posting primarily on weekdays. Looking for one post a day from players.
Please post character ideas and a rough background. Once selections have been made, I will ask for a complete background and character profile. Deadline for applying is Friday, midnight EST.
If I'm forgetting anything, please let me know.
Specifics for posting combat/skill checks/etc will be covered once characters have been selected.
I'm not a rules lawyer. I tend to rule in favor of what is cool/interesting/fun over what's by-the-book. We will see how this shakes out in a PBP
I think this Adventure Path lends itself very well to PBP, so hopefully this will be a lot of fun for everyone. Good luck.

osuracnaes |

I have a human Inquisitor who started a CC PbP that was cut short early on when our GM disappeared over the holiday. I'd love to keep playing him - character profile is here... might rework stats/feats/etc., but the background is there (question answers were requested by the GM, but I'll keep them there too).

DM Corvus |

I am currently running CC due to GM disappearance, and if the remaining players are willing, we could restart with you.
They are welcome to apply with their already-made characters or new ones (of course)
I've already opened this to the boards, so i'd rather not take a complete group already involved, if that makes sense

DM Corvus |

I'm keen. I can easily post everyday. (Currently in 4 pbp) Will submit either a witch, wizard or sorcerer. Getting to it.
Are you going to use Maptools or Flickr or silar to show maps or will this be descriptive text only?
Mostly descriptive text. If the need arises, maps will be made and posted for easy access.

DM Azure_Zero |

DM Azure_Zero wrote:I am currently running CC due to GM disappearance, and if the remaining players are willing, we could restart with you.They are welcome to apply with their already-made characters or new ones (of course)
I've already opened this to the boards, so I'd rather not take a complete group already involved, if that makes sense
Looks like it's just me and one other left.
Me: ClericThe other is a Ranger

Peredur ap Erevel |

Hi, this is the other character Azure_Zero mentioned. He's a half-elven urban ranger, built on 20 points. I'd have to mess with his equipment, I think, but that's about it. I'll copy his background here behind a spoiler tag:
I have no trouble posting at least once a day on weekdays.

Rhia Van der Geist |

Ok brought her back to level 1
Rhia Van der Geist, Oracle of Ancestors.
Everyone living in Ustalav knew the truth of their land, a country rife with undead, creatures preying on the innocent or unprepared. In the city of Karkau, the innocent have been defended and protected as best as possible by members of the Van der Geist family, tracing back to the legendary Artur Van der Geist, famed paladin of Pharasma, who led an assault against the Whispering Tyrant that it is said helped to weaken him enough for his eventual downfall. Though Artur fell he swore with his dying breath that the people of Ustalav would always have protectors.
His words would turn out to be prophecy as throughout the generations his decendents would stand against the darkness, warriors and priests, wizards and paladins, the defense of the people to strive against the taint of the land was in their blood.
Centuries later a warrior of the Van der Geist line would stand alongside his wife, a cleric of Pharasma as they faced a host of undead. Battling furiously they prevailed, but not before the woman was attacked by a powerful ghost attempting to possess her. Her force of will prevailed but the assault left her weak.
Returning to their home she was given a clean bill of health by the clerics along with the discovery that she was one month with child.
The baby was born healthy and hale, with no sign of ill effect from her mother's encounter until at the age of 4 her mother found her singing a song, that hadn't been famous in over a hundred years. When asked the child explained that her great grandmother sang it to her regularly.
Like her brothers she was trained in the arts of war, taught the weaknesses of the undead, yet this was not where her true talents lay. It seemed that the strength of the bloodline was such that younng Rhia acted as a conduit for those who staunchly stood by the oath, upholding the promise to battle on even beyond death.
It was her unique gift for communing with her ancestors that brought her into contact with Professor Lorrimor, an expert in the unusual phenomena of the land who was studying her family's history at the time. The two became fast friends, with the Professor encouraging her to explore the extents of her gift, embracing it for what it was, both a legacy and a unique connection to those who had for one reason or another not moved on to the other side.
Surrounded by the members of her family, both those who would see her fight on against the darkness and those, grudgingly held to a legacy they never wanted, she is a nexus of etereal energies, and as such, a terget for the supernatural, a role she proudly accepts as the latest in the Van der Geist line to stand against the tide of undead horrors that threaten the people.
She stands fearless, because she knows that she does not stand alone.

CorvusRed |

Could it be a Changeling cleric of pharasma?
She grew up into a temple of Pharasma and she knew Professor Lorrimor when she was looking for an answer about the calling of her mother. He helped to understand her destiny.
I´ll wait your answer before to create the character.
Domain Repose.
That's fine.

DirtyMoses |

I'd like to play. This would be my first CC and my first PbP, so you know. New experiences.
Gorum the Soul-Wounded ; Human (Kellid) Barbarian
One night, many years ago, a young Varisian girl by the name of Bella escaped from her home and vanished into the night. To her family and village, she is a distant memory, but to the Tooth-Eaters, a Kellid tribe that dwells in the swamps of Ustalav, she is very real. Bella wandered too far into the woods during her attempt to wrestle free of the binds of her marriage, and became lost. Hearing the strange sounds of wildlife and worse, she nearly fainted with relief when she came upon a camp of humans. The Tooth-Eaters were initially suspicious, but they were willing to take her in and protect her from the horrors of the night. Their wiseman, Garik, was charmed by her beauty just as she blushed at his strength and bestial charisma, and soon Gorum was born.
Gorum was a sickly infant, and the tribes-people were worried that perhaps Bella's spawn was cursed. Such worries were soon dispelled, however, as Gorum grew quickly and grew well. He would eventually go on to outgrow all other tribesmen, even Yongan the Bear, and Yongan was large indeed.
Garik could tell early on the Gorum was not well-suited for shaman work, as his zeal and physique both pushed him towards a warrior's life. And so Gorum spent his early years with the hunters, learning his way around the spear and the bow. Eventually, during a great raid of a small village, Gorum won the greatsword off of a defeated soldier, and has since kept it, often bragging of it's quality.
During a hunt, Gorum's father had fallen ill, and Gorum was plunged into melancholy. His tribe needed to migrate, but Gorum elected to stay behind and care for his father and mother. During this time, Professor Lorrimor was studying in the wilds when he was attacked by wolves Gorum had been tracking. At the last minute, Gorum's arrows killed the wolves and saved the Professor's life. Gorum invited him to stay with him in the hopes of his father being healed. While the Professor could not save him, Gorum and Lorrimor became good friends during the time, and Gorum and his mother decided to accompany Lorrimor back to civilization.

AdamWarnock |

Mein neme iz Gkirkhan, like de pickle. De schmot guyz know betteh dan to call me dot. I liked de Professor. He voz a schmot guy, und Hy em sad to hear hez dead. One ov de best drinkink buddiez Hy've eveh had. Vell, may hiz soul resht in peace.
Hy deed hear he had a gorl...Hmmmm
Male Half-Orc Fighter 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception -2
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14. . (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will -2
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20/x2) and
. . Greatsword +5 (2d6+6/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +5 (1d3+4/20/x2)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Dodge, Power Attack -1/+2
Traits Armor Expert, Chance Savior
Skills Climb +3, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Intimidate +8, Ride +2, Stealth +2, Swim +3
Languages Common, Orc
SQ Orc Ferocity (1/day)
Combat Gear Armored Coat, Dagger, Dagger, Dagger, Dagger, Greatsword; Other Gear Backpack (14 @ 26.6 lbs), Bedroll, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Nice Hat, Rations, trail (per day) (8), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Waterskin
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Chance Savior Fate smiled on you and Professor Lorrimor one day in the not so distant past. Through a matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the late scholar's life and did so. His gratitude was effusive, and he promised that he would never forget y
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Orc Ferocity (1/day) 1/day, when brought below 0 HP but not killed, you can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. The next round, unless brought to at least 0 HP, you immediately fall unconscious and begin dying.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Gkirkhan is a simply humanoid. He likes nothing better than to fight, flirt, and drink. He has become infamous in many farming communities as a womanizer, a drunk, and a violent sociopath. While between two such communities, Gkirkhan happened upon Professor Lorrimor, at the same time as a group of brigands and cut-throats. After defeating the bandits, Gkirkhan and the Professor shared a few drinks at the tavern in the next town. Gkirkhan took a liking to the man and was sad to hear of his passing.
(If the accent gets too annoying, let me know and I'll drop it. I just wanted to play a character that acts like the Jagers from Girl Genius.)

Deacon Nesser |

What hp method we using? Roll straight up or max at first level?
Deacons fluff is done, slowly rewriting the crunch over my cut/paste from another ofy chars.
Basically he'd fill your wizardy type role as best a sorcerer can, he'll use the human favored class option for extra spells knownso despite being a sorcerer he'll have a big range and is smart enough for 5 skills per level to handle the arcane/planes etc knpwledges.
He'll mostly focus on Battle control and debuffing and the extrafavored will cover utility spells. I'll take careful consideration of group needs as we level (if I make the cut).

Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |

About Iesha Moonlight
NOTE: Iesha was built as a proposed character for another Carrion Crown PbP. The build was 20 pts and we were allowed 3 traits[2 normal and one campaign] and maximum gp at first level. She currently has no equipment and can be adjusted if she's accepted in another CC game. I'll have to drop one trait; probably the Intense Artist.
Iesha Moonlight
20 pt buy; 10, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15
STR 10 (+1)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 13 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 17* (+3)
CHA 13 (+1)
Race Features: +2 to [wis], Low-light vision, BF: Skill Focus, Elf blood, Elven immunities, Keen senses, Multi-talented [FC1: Cleric; FC2: Bard]
Class Features: Cleric 1st: hd: D8; Skill Ranks: 2+int; Aura; Channel Energy 1d6; Domains: Good, Defense; Orisons; Spontaneous casting
Languages (2+2): [Common, Elven] + Dwarven, Varisian; WP: glaive
Feats: 1st: Selevtive Channeling
Traits: Campaign: Inspired by Greatness (+1 to caster level for [name of spell]), Standard: Birthmark (birthmark serves as divine focus, +2 to saves vs charm and compulsion effects), Intense Artist (+1 on Perform: Sing & Perform: String, Perform is class)
Skills: (- [4] total points Cleric [2+2]x1)
1 Diplomacy (Cha+1) (+3) +5
1 Heal (Wis+3) (+3) +7
1 KN: Religion (Int+2) (+3) +6
1 Perform [sing] (Cha+1) (+3) (+1t) +6
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha; trait), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Iesha was originally conceived as a Varisian half-drow. I can set her up as just a half-elf if half-drow is unacceptable.
Backstory: Her mother had been captured by slavers and sold to the Drow. The professor owed a debt to her grandmother (a Varisian fortune-teller and Harrower) and retirved her mother through great effort. Her mother died in childbirth and the clan would have killed the child except for her birthmark, which her grandmother harrowed as a sign of Shelyn's favor. Once again grandmother contacted the professor and he took the child to a temple of Shelyn to be raised there. Since then the professor has monitored and studied the child and Iesha regards him as a father.

Spiral_Ninja |

Mein neme iz Gkirkhan, like de pickle. De schmot guyz know betteh dan to call me dot. I liked de Professor. He voz a schmot guy, und Hy em sad to hear hez dead. One ov de best drinkink buddiez Hy've eveh had. Vell, may hiz soul resht in peace.
Hy deed hear he had a gorl...Hmmmm
** spoiler omitted **...
Snicker...don't forget the hat!

Lorant Pelus |

Lorant Pelus, Human Mobile Fighter 1
Lorant grew up in Rozenport, the youngest son of a farrier. With a strong arm and quick reflexes, he quickly found a place in the local guard rising from message boy to guardsman-at-arms. Despite his swordsmanship, however, he was unprepared and unskilled in the politics at the higher ranks, so his position stagnated.
On one of Professor Lorrimor’s visits to Rozenport to visit the Sincomakti School of Sciences, Lorant stumbled onto the Professor being robbed. Without thinking, he launched himself at the thieves, barrelling into the closest one. Drawing his sword, he quickly brought down two of the thieves and the third then fled. That night Lorant earned the thanks of the Professor and a free meal.
Over time, Lorant forgot the name of the man he saved, until he received the summons to the funeral. With his life and career unsatisfying, Lorant saw the message as a sign and joined up with the with the next merchant travelling to Ravengro.

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja->Iesha Moonlight -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
Missing Data or alias
osuracnaes-> ->human Inquisitor
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
DirtyMoses-> paladin?

osuracnaes |

Missing Data or alias
osuracnaes-> ->human Inquisitor
Alias is here... I tend to not post as the alias so I can delete them later if they're not picked.
Although I guess in this case it doesn't matter since I posted in the other campaign. :P

Azure_Zero |

Current Character list:
Player->Character Name -> Character Data
Azure Zero->Evangline Valeria Aurora->Aasimar Cleric(theologen)
Spiral_Ninja->Iesha Moonlight -> Half-elf Cleric
John Woodford-> Peredur ap Erevel -> half-elf ranger (urban)
gfvelastegui -> Zofia ->Changeling Cleric
Enchanter485 -> Lorant Pelus -> Human Mobile Fighter
STR Ranger -> Deacon Nesser -> Human Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66 ->Rhia Van der Geist -> Human Oracle (Ancestors)
AdamWarnock -> Gkirkhan ->Half-Orc Fighter
osuracnaes-> Reusten van der Zicht ->human Inquisitor
DirtyMoses-> paladin?

Evangline Valeria Aurora |

Evangline Valeria Aurora
Stats: 14,14,11,12,14,16
Alignment: NG
Diety: Kurgess
Languages: Common, Celestial, and Elven
Exp: 0/2000
Hit Points: 8/8
Init: +2
Melee: +2
Range: +2
Cestus 1d4, 19-20*2, B-P
Dagger 1d4, 19-20*2, 10ft, S-P
AC: 16
ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty
Format: Total = ranks + stat + trained(?) +other(noted) -ACP
Acrobatics: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 - ACP;
Appraise: 1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Bluff: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Climb: 2 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
Craft: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Diplomacy: 9 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3 +2;
Disable Device: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Disguise: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Escape Artist: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Handle Animal: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Heal: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Intimidate: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Know(Arcana): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Histor): 5 = 1 + INT Mod + 3;
Know(Nobles): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Planes): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Religo): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Linguistics: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Perception: 5 = 1 + WIS MOD + 0 +2;
Perform (Sing): 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Profession(Seamstress): 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Ride: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Sense Motive: 5 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3;
Sleight of Hand: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Spell Craft: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Stealth: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Survival: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Swim: 2 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0;
Class features:
Channel 1d6+4
Focused Domain(Ferocity)
->Ferocious Strike (+1/2 cleric to damage, wis+3/day)
Additional traits
Subject of Study(Undead)
Sacred Touch
Armour Expert
Magical Knack(Cleric)
Racial Traits:
Darkvision 60ft
Skilled: +2 Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Celestial Resistance (5, acid, cold, elect)
Spell-like ability: Daylight
DC = 10 + WIS + Level
Level-0: Unlimited use
Level-1: 3 + 1(WIS)
Spells Known:
Level-0 (3):
Create Water
Purify Food and Drink
Detect Magic
Spells Known:
Level-1 (2):
Cure light
Domain Spells:
1:Enlarge person [1]
2:Bull's strength
4:Spell Immunity
5:Righteous Might
6:Bull's strength(mass)
7:Grasping hand
8:Clenched Fist
9:Crushing hand
AC: 16 = 10 + 4(Armour) + +2(Dex);
Touch: 12 = 10 +2(Dex);
Flat: 14 = 10 + 4(Armour);
Fort: 2 = 2(base) +0(CON);
Ref: 2 = 0(base) + 2(DEX);
Will: 5 = 2(base) + 2(WIS);
Melee: 2 = 0(base) + 2(STR);
Range: 2 = 0(base) + 2(DEX);
CMB: 2 = 0(base) + 2(STR);
CMD: 14 =10 + 0(base) + 2(STR) + 2(DEX);
Cestus 1d4, 19-20*2, B-P
Dagger 1d4, 19-20*2, 10ft, S-P
--Weight:2.0, 7gp
Chain shirt
--Weight:25.0, 100gp
Adventure Gear:
Back Pack
Bed roll
Chalk * 10
Flint and Steel
Pouch, Belt
Sewing Needle *2
String/Twine (50) * 2 (armoury)
Soap * 2
Water skin
Trail Rations * 4
--Weight:20.0, 9gp,3sp,4cp
Special Substances and items:
Tools and Skill Kits:
Peasant (Red skirt, white shirt, Red bodice, White kerchief)
Travelers (See description)
--Weight:7.0 1gp,1sp
Weight Total:54.0
Light: 58, Med: 116, Heavy: 175
Cash: (240gp)
235 gp -117 = 118
47 sp -3 = 44
30 cp -4 = 26
You see an Assimar(of Ulfen blood) Woman of about 6 foot 3 and around 235 pounds. She has a curvy human build with comely heavenly features and pale skin. Her face looks human, but is more heavenly. She has Sapphire blue eyes and lose Golden Blonde Hair that ends near her waist.
Travelers (combat clothes)
This add shorts (to mid thigh) and a bust bodice underneath chain shirt goes between the clothing and the bust bodice.
She is wearing a Red mid Calf length skirt, a white short sleeved shirt, a Red bodice that assists with her figure. A white kerchief on her head.
Name: Evangline Valeria Aurora, (Eva for short)
Race: Assimar
Job: Cleric (Theologian) of Kurgess
Age: 16
Likes: Helping others, friendly fight tournaments,
Dislikes: Seeing Injustice, Undead, Greed, insect and Arachnid swarms (she can handle one or two)
Favorite: foods: Meats, potatoes, eggs, Milk, Honey, syrup, Fish, various veggies and fruits
Hobbies: Training, singing, sewing, helping out at a local orphanage or church.
Physical Description: Long Golden blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Voluptuous/Athletic hybrid build, white skin
(Bust_Rib_Wai_Hip H: X’x” W: XXXlb)
(44.2_32.6_30.4_44.2 H: 6’3” W: 235lb)
Background Info:
Eva was born a bastard child of Duke Titan Aurora, (an Ulfen blooded noble). His one time mistress (Luna). Titan was married to his wife, Heather and they had no children. When Eva around 4 years old her mother died and was adopted into the Aurora house, since she was of the Dukes blood and was better liked then Heather (a scheming b****). It was also decided at that time, that Eva would inherit everything, since Heather had not produced an heir. Heather did not take that well. Heather tried to produce an heir for 2 years, but to no aveal. When Heather was found plotting against the Eva when she was 6 years old. Heather was sentenced to death by the Duke, but Eva stopped it and had Heather exiled. Some 3 years later the Aurora house fell (some say Heather sold her soul for revenge on the house). Eva later was being looked after in a temple, whom were friends with the Aurora family and had an agreement with them. When she turned 14 she was told to find her position in the world from the head of the temple, as their obligation and agreement to the Aurora house had ended.
During her time at both Aurora house and the temple she was being trained one on one with a cleric, named Alkaid. Alkaid was known for her beauty and skill, but also in how she fought and defended herself. Alkaid taught Eva the Clerical arts, but also the basics of martial arts and how to keep the mind body and soul fit and beautiful.
After Eva left the temple she went wandering the land. One day she was attacked by a vampire spawn and she only survived in part to the professor's help. Since then she and the professor remained connected by sending letters about ever month. After the vampire spawn's attack, Eva been training in melee anti-undead combat fighting.
Family Background:
Mother: Luna
Race: Assimar (with Ulfen blood)
Class: Cleric (Theologian) of Kurgess
Job: Running an orphanage
Age: Unknown
Status: Deased
Physical Description: H: 6’ 0” W: 200 lb, Voluptuous build, Blonde hair, white skin, blue eyes
Persona Description: A gentle and caring woman, whom cares for the people, and her daughter.
Luna was a Cleric running a local orphanage, she was very popular with the locals and the children, Then one day she was invited to cure the Duke, since his physician was ill, and she was the only cleric nearby. The Florence Nightingale effect kicked in and an affair happened. A month after he was better their emotions cooled to what they were before. Luna gave birth to Eva 8 months later. A year and 3 months later the Duke dropped by the the orphanage to leave a donation. When he saw Luna caring for a baby of about 2 years, asked a few questions in a non-rude manor about the baby and was shocked to learn is was his daughter, as she could not tell a lie. The Duke promised Luna if anything happened to her, he would take care of Eva and see to it, the orphanage get a great person to take over and watch the other children. The duke kept it quiet until Luna died 2 years later.
Father: Titan Aurora
Title: Duke
Race: Human(Ulfen)
Class: Aristocrate
Job: Duke, lord of the land in is ward
Age: Unknown
Status: Deased
Physical Description: H: 6’ 6” W: 280 lb, Muscular build Blond hair, white skin, and blue eyes
Persona Description: Very energetic, charismatic, serious, thoughtful, stubborn and kind.
Titan ruled over his bit of land with a thoughtful heart and was married to Heather, During the first 4 years heather was resistant to the idea of children. He fell ill one day and since his physician was ill, and he call the only cleric nearby. The Florence Nightingale effect kicked in and an affair happened. A year later he remembered the Cleric who cured him and embraced him, and wanted to thank her, but he had to leave to a meeting with some high officials that would take a week of his time. The next year though he made a trip to the orphanage to leave a donation and found out about Eva. He promised Luna if anything happened to her, he would take care of Eva and see to it, the orphanage get a great person to take over and watch the other children. And he kept quiet about it for 2 years. When Luna died he kept his promise, and spilled the beans to the house, Heather was not pleased with the news. Eva grew to be like a lot by everyone for her good nature and it was decide that on the Duke death, Eva would inherit everything. The Duke and heather were “busy” for 2 years, and with no child. When Titan found out that Heather was going to kill Eva and with proof, A court session was quickly held and Titan ordered her death, But Eva entered the court room and was able to get Heather exiled instead. The Duke sensed that Heather would try something and made an agreement with a friend in the Orlovsky household, that is he dies to watch over Eva until she is an adult. And to let her find her place in the world. Three years later a terrible disease speads in the manor killing all, Lucky Eva and her teacher Alkaid were visiting the old orphanage of Luna's. As messanger soon arrived at the orphanage telling Eva and Alkaid to not go back to the manor, as a mysterious disease was infecting all the residents and killing them and also eating the items of value.
Step mother: Heather
Title: Duke
Race: Chilaxian
Class: Aristocrate/Sorcerer
Job: Duchess
Age: Unknown
Status: Deased
Physical Description: H: 5’ 9” W: 140 lb, Average build, Black hair, white skin, and brown eyes
Persona Description: ??
Heather married Titan using looks, words, and some magic. She was waiting for Titan to die with out an heir and then marry another Chilaxian to increase the influence of Chilax in Bevoy. She waited for a good day to give a deadly disease to Her husband and his physician, and be away for the following week or two. But fate had a different plan. When Eva entered the house and Titan explained the whole thing to Heather and the staff. Heather was shocked at the turn of events, but confident that things could still go her way. Eva over time gained the love of the staff and all those around her, Heather got more nervious about the plan, and was devastated when It was decided Eva would inherit everything. Then Heather changed the plan to producing her own heir, and worked at it for 2 years, after which
she plotted to kill Eva. But was caught with proof of the plan, and was going to be sentenced to death, but Eva intervened and got Exiled. With hatred, shame and embarrassment in her heart, she plotted revenge. She went so far as to make an agreement with a devil for her revenge. Her agreement in the contract though unexpectedly spared Eva and Alkaid from death. As she said destroy and kill everything on the grounds of the Manor.
Teacher: Alkaid
Race: Human(Ulfen)+ 1/2 Succubus
Class: Cleric/Monk
Job: Cleric(Theologian) of Kurgess
Age: Unknown
Status: Alive
Physical Description: H: 5’ 9” W: 160 lb, Voluptuous build, Red hair, white skin, and Golden eyes
Persona Description: Motherly, kind, polite, slightly tomboyish, brave
Alkaid was dropped off on at a temple of Cayden Cailean. The head priest noticed the demon blood and used an old forgotten ritual, that purifies the souls of evil outsiders. It worked and she was raised in the temple and got clerical training, but was picked on a bit. This lead to her being disciplined by a Clerical Martial Artist, whom taught her the clerical arts and the martial arts. She travels helping people out, and one day was offered a chance to privately tutor a child in the Clerical arts, she took the job and taught Eva the basics along with a few other things. When the training was done she said her good byes and left to help others in the world.

Paizo Fan |

I'm interested. Aiming for an Inquisitor of Pharasma (Sin Eater) whose focus will be Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma in that order. Might even dip into an older character for the bonus to those stats.
He'll be amongst the last of the active Sin Eaters in Ustalav and one who had extensive contact with the Professor over the years, growing to have a tight bond with the old man.

![]() |

Deacon Nesser wrote:Also, with GM approval I'd like to take the Seeker archetype from the SRD. No biggie if can't do it.I'd prefer sticking with classes and archetypes from the books listed in the first post, please.
Something tells me we're not in Absalom any more.
Edit: Aw... you changed your post. :P

koul |

i would like to post the concept for my character. Seeing that so much want to play a divine or arcane charact, I think I refrain from my initial idea and want to propose a Ninja.
Que Xuan is the daughter of Tian immigrants to Ustalav, living in Lepistadt. Her parents flew from Tian out of reasons unknown to her and live the life of peacefull crafts men. Nevertheless her parents trained her in the secret ways of the Ninja and someday she was lucky enough to save the Professors life.

Spiral_Ninja |

Just fwiw, *if* I get picked for this, I'm considering starting a CC PbP of my own.
Note: I've never run a PbP, so it would be a learning experience for all of us, however, I'd be willing to take those who posted here who don't make it in.
This is not intended as a bribe, btw.
If it works out, I'll let everyone know how I want the characters set up.

STR Ranger |

Deacon Nesser wrote:Also, with GM approval I'd like to take the Seeker archetype from the SRD. No biggie if can't do it.I'd prefer sticking with classes and archetypes from the books listed in the first post, please.
No worries. I only wanted access to it for trapfinding, since as yet no rogues have been submitted...it's all good though.