Zephram Taranis |

Are people ok with Zephram commissioning a Noqual chain shirt, then? He'll need to take some of the gathered skymetal beyond his own stores... and hopefully the 1,599 would pay for the dwarves to get a nice +1 on that (given the discount).
Beyond that, I was hoping to use some money (either from the split if I have any left or from the gems) to pay some Cyphermages for access to spellbooks (so I can scribe formulae), and then use my 2,000gp to get a set of Cat Burgler Boots.
If Camris (and the others) are good with that planning, then, I'll adjust the sheet and be ready.

Rezol Born-in-Steel |

Rezol doesn't care what you guys spend the Noqual on as long as he gets a fair cut of the loot (which he is) and he gets to bash heads (which he does).

Me'mori |

Alright. With the slippers removed from the pool:
Liquidated Gold: 15990gp*
*This does not count the 5000gp worth of jewels from Zincher
______________________________________________Nakoda's List is:
Masterwork Skymetal Heavy Pick: (6lbs metal, Favor from the Dwarves)
Masterwork Mithril Light Pick: (3lbs mithril, Separate dwarven order)
(2112gp cost) How much is the Dwarves' discount?The Heavy Pick is going to get enchanted to +1 (2kgp Cyphermage favor)
Glow chance @<31: 1d100, No Glow.Masterwork Shortbow +1: Bow owned, enchant.
(2000gp cost) Glow chance @<31: 1d100Handy Haversack (too handy)
5056 Total.. Nakoda has that covered. Time to get rid of the diamonds she's been lugging around since the casino!
By the by, were the properties of Noqual posted somewhere in the threads?