DM-Camris' SECOND DARKNESS Part 1 and 2: Children of the Void (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

A star has fallen and the rush is on! While the crimelords of Riddleport race to be the first to claim the mysterious skymetal, dark works are afoot at the crash site on the island of Devil's Elbow...

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Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

oops.. forgot to mention that it also includes Low-light vision.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

*jumps up and down*

Male Half-orc Warpriest 7 [ HP: 53/53 | AC: 21 T: 11 FF: 20 | F: +10 R: +6 W: +10 | Init: +2 Perc: +9 | 1st: 4/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | B 6/6, SW: 7/7, F 4/5, SA: 7/7 ]

Sorry, it looks like I got the thing where it wasn't notifying me of updates. I'll post something shortly.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12


Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Was rather hoping he'd fail his defensive cast and we'd all wallop him, but either way, I'd say things worked out pretty well. :)

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Nakoda will bring up the rear. A spear can put her in the middle, but with her HP as good as it is, she'll be fine with the rear.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Well it looks like only 3 can do anything at the moment, next round?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I'd rather not tip them off that there are more people in the tunnel yet, so yes. Enclosed areas and fireball beads are scary.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

What are the "+X" modifiers on the map? Distance to ground?

Yes, the + numbers are feet above the water level.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Here we go. Double sneak attacks!

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Once again, "Go Vanish!" ;)

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Well our cunning plan didn't work out.

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Not entirely.

And sadly I'm a feint build and not a trip one (to send the drow down to their doom)

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Anyone see our DM?

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Maybe he's hiding under the rickety bridge?

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

I will poke him again, let us poke him a bunch.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12


Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Camris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

Male Human Wizard 8

You just hurt my head.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Well he does seem pretty active in other threads and hasn't responded to a PM. I'll give this a week and then hide the thread.

Yeah, sorry. I caught the crud and was dumb enough to start two new recruitments.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Jumps up and down

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Apparently I accidentally feinted the GM?

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Just holding with the bow since Liz can't see anything.

Male Human Wizard 8

wand of cure light wounds (32 charges),
scroll of charm monster (x2),
drow sleep poison (10 doses);
+1 banded mail,
+1 heavy steel shield,
+1 flail,
masterwork hand crossbow with 10 +1 bolts,
cloak of resistance +1,
silver circlet worth 350 gp
210 gp

drow poison (5 vials);
+1 mithral chainmail,
+1 hand crossbow with 20 bolts,
masterwork short sword,
ring of feather falling,
slippers of spider climbing
120 gp

8 potion of cure light wounds;
8 masterwork chain shirt,
8 masterwork small steel shield,
8 masterwork rapier,
8 masterwork hand crossbow with10 bolts
55 gp

Behind the main support pillar, there is a small lagoon, the sandy shore is piled high with crates and goods.
When investigated, you see they are primarily tools and supplies they used to move the meteorite from the crater to this area, to repair the platforms here, and other sundry supplies needed.
The supplies include:
two block and tackles,
10 square yards of canvas,
50 feet of chain,
five crowbars,
three fishing nets,
six grappling hooks,
four hammers,
six hooded lanterns,
a set of masterwork shipwright’s tools,
a set of masterwork carpenter’s tools,
a set of masterwork tailor’s tools,
a merchant’s scale,
seven miner’s picks,
14 pitons,
two 10-foot poles,
a portable ram,
200 feet of silk rope,
17 empty sacks,
and two sledges.
Mixed in with all this mundane gear is a crate containing four bottles of 4663-vintage wine
from the Terverius Wineries of southern Cheliax. Each bottle is worth 300 gp.

A small, unlocked box on the main platform:
contains two potions of lesser restoration, three potions of remove
paralysis, five potions of cure moderate wounds, and a potion of
neutralize poison. All are labeled in Undercommon.

Shindiira’s darkwood trunk contains more than just the 53 pounds of noqual harvested from the meteorite.
This ore creates a rough layer along the bottom of the
atop it Shindiira has laid several changes of clothes (including two sets of noble outfits sized for an elven woman and worth 60 gp each) and a set of ostentatious costume jewelry worth 5 gp.
Also in the chest is a silver scrolltube worth 150 gp that contains several maps—
Devil’s Elbow (before and after the meteorite strike),
Riddleport, Celwynvian, western Varisia, and all of Varisia.

Perhaps the greatest treasure in the chests, though, are the three books wrapped in silk and leather and set along the left side of the chest.
The first of these books is Tsalkaean’s Bestiary, a book written in Undercommon that grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify aberrations and oozes and is worth 200 gp.
The second is a well-read book called Thoughts on Varisian Customs, written in Common and worth 10 gp.
The final book is a slender journal, written in a script unfamiliar to any of you.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Liz would like the Handcrossbow+1 and bolts

The ring of feather falling and spider climbing would be good for someone to run around the combat arena.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Nakoda will carry whatever needs carrying. She just wants enough materials to make a heavy pick.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

So it looks like we will be heading back up with the most portable stuff. onward!

OK guys, decision time!

As of right now, you have effectively beaten the module. The endboss has been beaten and you have gained your Seventh Character level! (Congrats on that by the way.)

You are still marooned on an abandoned island, under the thumb of a hostile crimelord, surrounded by alien maneating creatures.
If you would like, we could play this out (this scenario has it's interesting points), but I believe this would be a long anticlimax.

If you would like, I could fast forward your adventure to the last lighthouse on the island, the light attracting your rescue and heroic reception back to Riddleport and the next stage in the Saga.

What do you think? Which would you like?

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

I'm good either way -- I certainly don't mind a bit of island-play, but I don't want to accidentally kill the momentum either.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Second part sounds good to me, will level when I can.

How are treasure shares done?

Male Half-orc Warpriest 7 [ HP: 53/53 | AC: 21 T: 11 FF: 20 | F: +10 R: +6 W: +10 | Init: +2 Perc: +9 | 1st: 4/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | B 6/6, SW: 7/7, F 4/5, SA: 7/7 ]

Wait, seventh level?

Also I'm alright with either, but I think I'm leaning a bit towards the latter option, so that we can keep the momentum going. :)


Level up HP: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (5, 5) + 4 = 14 Haha, I guess I'm taking the average regardless. ;)

Male Half-orc Warpriest 7 [ HP: 53/53 | AC: 21 T: 11 FF: 20 | F: +10 R: +6 W: +10 | Init: +2 Perc: +9 | 1st: 4/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | B 6/6, SW: 7/7, F 4/5, SA: 7/7 ]

Alright, Rezol should be all leveled up now.

Now you shall experience the true might of CAPTAIN VITAL STRIKE!

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Sixth level
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7+2 CON +1 Toughness +1 FCB= +11
Bab +1
All saves +1
Rogue Talent:Offensive Defense. Gain a dodge bonus to ac after delivering a sneak atttck. Bonus equals number of dice rolled
Trap Sense +2
UMD +6
Perception +1
Disable Device +1
Acrobatics +1
Stealth +1

Male Human Wizard 8

Will get leveled shortly, I'm down with the pressing forward.

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Still not sure if it's 2 levels or one (hoping a bit for the former..)

Level 6
HP: 5+1
BAB: +1 (+1/+1 when using combat expertise)
Saves: +1 to all
Studied Combat to +3; Studied Strike to +2d6
Gain a level 2 formula (Cat's Grace) ; +1 second level extract per day
Trap Sense +2

+ 10 skill points (+headband) +FC:

- Acrobatics
- Bluff
- Climb
- Craft (Alchemy)
- Disable Device
- Knowledge (Nature)
- Perception
- Sense Motive
- SoHand
- Spellcraft
- Stealth

Male Half-orc Warpriest 7 [ HP: 53/53 | AC: 21 T: 11 FF: 20 | F: +10 R: +6 W: +10 | Init: +2 Perc: +9 | 1st: 4/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | B 6/6, SW: 7/7, F 4/5, SA: 7/7 ]

Okay, I'll just do it for both, and I can retcon level 7 if we're only supposed to be 6.

Level 6
HP: 46 (39 + 5 + 2)
BAB: +4 (3 + 1)
Saves: +5 F, +2 R, +5 W (4 + 1 F, 1 + 1 R, 4 + 1 W)
Skills (+3 Skill points, 18 total): Perception 6 ranks (5 + 1), Intimidate 3 ranks (1 + 2)
Favored Class Bonus: +1 bonus feat (5/6 + 1/6)
Spells: 2nd level spells 3/day (2 + 1)
Blessings 6/day (5 + 1)
Fervor 5/day (4 + 1)
Sacred Weapon +1 6 rounds/day (5 + 1)
Bonus Feats: Furious Focus, Vital Strike

Level 7
HP: 53 (46 + 5 + 2)
BAB: +5 (4 + 1)
Saves: +5 F, +2 R, +5 W (no change)
Skills (+3 Skill points, 21 total): Perception 7 ranks (6 + 1), Intimidate 5 ranks (3 + 2)
Favored Class Bonus: +1 1/6 bonus feat (6/6 + 1/6)
Spells: 3rd level spells 1/day (0 + 1)
Sacred Armor +1 7 minutes/day
Feat: Cornugon Smash

I see now. Yeah, the experience given in this section of the campaign is a little wonky.
I should have given you Level 6 at your first descent into the caves here, end this module at Level 6.5, and given you Level 7 a little ways into the next module.
But it's cool.
I say you gain your seventh level right now.

Because I'm the GM and I can do that.

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Cool. I will level when able

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Level 6 Skald
HP + Con + Toughness: 1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 = 5
BAB: +1
Saves: +1
Special Abilities:
•Rage Power: Night Vision
•Song of Strength
New Spell: Heroism
New Feat: Endurance
* Fav Class: HP
Skills Raised: Intimidate, Perform(Oratory), K.(Nature), K(Geography), Linguistics(Undercommon)

Level 7 Skald
HP + Con + Toughness: 1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 1 = 11
BAB: +1
Special Abilities:
• Lore Master 1/day
• Versatile Performance (Oratory)
New Spells: CSW, Daylight
* Fav Class: HP
Skills Raised: Spellcraft, Diplomacy, Perform(Oratory), K.(Nature), Intimidate

Female Druid 1HP10/10F4R0W5Init+4Per6 AC12T10FF12

Level 7
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 6 +2 Con +1 Toughness +1 FCB= +10
+1 Bab
Sneak Attack +4d6
New Feat:Iron Will
Skills +10
UMD +1
Acrobatics +1
Perception +1
Disable Device +1
Stealth +1
Climb +1
Escape Artist +1
Bluff +1
Diplomacy +1
Know-Arcana +1

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Snazzy. Will update tonight.

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Level 7
HP: 5+1
BAB: +1
Saves: No Change
Gain a level 3 formula (Fly) ; +2 third level extracts per day
New Discovery: Sickening Offense
New Feat: Amateur Swashbuckler (Opportune Parry and Riposte)

+ 10 skill points (+headband):

- Acrobatics
- Bluff
- Craft (Alchemy)
- Disable Device
- Escape Artist (x2)
- Perception
- Sense Motive
- Spellcraft
- Stealth

Certainly wouldn't mind tripping over a spellbook to extract some formulae from, if anyone sees one.. ;)

Male Human Wizard 8

+1 BAB
+1 2nd per day, +1 3rd per day, +1
+2 spells known Molten Orb, Steal Breath
6 skill points

+1 1st per day, +1 4th per day
+2 spells known
Bonus feat
+1 feat

Will deatail later

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Actually, before I totally commit to Amateur Swashbuckler... @Camris - the Moonlight Stalker feat from UC doesn't specify a type for the bonus or a restriction on why you have concealment.. Should I read that as an untyped (stacks with everything) bonus and that any concealment (including Blur or Displacement) would trigger the feat?

Zephram: I would call the bonus 'untyped'. And I would call that any concealment (including Blur or Displacement).

Male Human Wizard 8

HP: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6

Remember, the Hit point convention for each level here is:
Roll vs average+1, take whatever is higher.

Male Human Wizard 8

OK average +1 it is for 7th!

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