Bron Hartigan |

Bron doesn't care if the group keeps the Goblin or not, but it would need to find a way to pay the upkeep, without a sound manager, I can see this quickly going into the red. Plus, the manager would have to be strong enough to face the various crimelords that have expressed an interest in the casino.

Kharn Iron-Blessed |

Good Evening All,
Just want to let you all know that I have opened recruitment for my first PbP as a GM: Hearts of Darkness: Way of the Wicked. I welcome all of you to come and apply!

Thallan Mourne |

Hey folks, I hate to be an ingrate but I think I should bow out.
I don't know if this is the right campaign for Thallan and I don't think I can keep up with the "detailed exposition" posts. Not, that I couldn't... just that it would be painful from my phone (where I post from the most).
I appreciate being accepted, thanks again! Enjoy the game, everyone!
See you on the boards.

Bron Hartigan |

Being a follower of Cayden Cailean, Bron has plenty of motivation to head to the Devil's Elbow, While the gold earned from the Goblin is nice, it isn't very adventurous or heroic. Also form Bron's reckoning, getting their hands on some of the skymetal will net a bit of profit which he could use to buy a few drinks.

Viscount K |

Okay, folks, meet
Kronin Salmali, "Truthbound" and Oracle of Lore.
The basic concept here is a scholar type, who came to Research the Blot like a good bookworm. He's Varisian, so he's used to the wandering life, and has probably swung through Riddleport once or twice before, but this is his first extended experience. I haven't put together much of a build for him yet (not really sure what level and such to make him to start with), but being a Lore Oracle makes for a pretty solid idea of what he'll be capable of.
And here's a first shot at a background. One of the main ideas here is based on the Legalistic curse (out of the the Pathfinder Companion, Blood of Fiends - found on the SRD), so if you don't want me using that, just say the word and I can alter it pretty quick to fit Tongues instead. In case it's not obvious, it's the bit about being cursed to speak the truth.
Before he ever learned to walk, Kronin learned to read. Born to one of the wandering Varisian families, he found the life a rewarding one, drawn as he was to all types of learning. True, it was hard to devote himself to any particular discipline when they were always on the move, but exposure to all the different walks of life in multifaceted Varisia brought him opportunities to pick up bits of knowledge from all over the world. Early on, he also learned that his family was of the Sczarni criminal families, and all that entailed. That aspect of life in his early years never quite sat right with him, but he certainly did have a talent for it. Naturally charming, with an easy air that put most folk off their guard almost instantly, he proved very good at running point on a con, often leaving folk in a better mood than when he arrived.
When visiting Korvosa, the so-called Gateway to Varisia, in his late teens, Kronin's life took on an unexpected turn. He had intended to visit the Acadamae while in town, hoping to glean a few of their secrets, but he hadn't expected to run afoul of the Asmodean priesthood. Some of the clergy were also visiting the Acadamae, on more official business, and purely on a whim, Kronin glibly misled them to believe that he had an appointment ahead of them. Seeing through his blatant lies, the clerics of the Archfiend, Lord of Contracts, were less than pleased, devoted to law as they are. They appealed to their dark god and pronounced a doom on the young Varisian - never again would he be able to speak a lie without feeling the consequences.
And so it was. The young man probably could have fought the curse, or even gone to another priesthood for their help, but in his heart, he couldn't help but feel the justice of it for all the crimes he had helped commit in his youth. It was a simple enough binding, at first, but without Kronin's active resistance, it grew over time to take root in his soul, and no magic could remove it. With this new development, his family quickly found him of little use and cut him loose to wander the world on his own, although there was little animosity left over - it was the Asmodeans' fault, in their eyes.
He wandered Varisia by himself for a time, getting by on his skills as as a scribe and adding to his personal collection of bits of rare parchment and pieces of knowledge. He found, eventually, that he was even able to cobble the bits of lore and history he'd gathered together to perform some rudimentary magic - although, he suspected that his ability may in fact have something to do with the power of Hell still inextricably tied to him. Recently, Kronin heard rumors of, and saw for himself, the blot in the sky over the city of Riddleport and decided to investigate. Perhaps this could even be his ticket into learning the secrets of the ever-secretive order of Cyphermages, if he did his work properly.
And there you have it. Most of that is subject to change, and can be altered to fit the campaign as necessary, but that's the gist of what I'm going for. I can put together a profile/build right quick, if you think this guy sounds like someone you'd like to have around.

Zane Argentus |

Transmutation cloak of the hedge wizard at will—mage hand; prestidigitation 1/day—enlarge person, expeditious retreat 2500
Amulet of natural armor +1 2000
Campfire bead 750
Scroll of Book Ward 150
Scrolls of Alarm, Endure elements, Lighten object, Alter winds 100
Wand of Vanish 750
Total 6250

Me'mori |

Clearing up some loot math before we post in the departure.
-3055g1s all told in various coinage
-1 set Leather armor +1, Shadowed 4760
-1 set Studded Leather armor +1 1175
-2 Chain shirt +1 2900
-1 Throwing axe +1 2308
-1 Longsword, Masterwork 315
-1 Rapier, Masterwork 320
-1 Battleaxe, Masterwork 310
-1 Wrist sheathes 1g
-1 Blade boot
-Cutlass +1 2315
+Masterwork Chain Shirt 450
~ luxurious white fur blanket, velvet pillow, and a platinum filigreed footchest.
~A pair of black boots rests beside the small ledge.
~A strange belt quiver is hung up on a post next to the desk.
~a small bottle of some drug.
~A number of garments of elven make and design
-Small vial of sleep poison
-A ring of keys to all the locks in the Gold Goblin
-Potion of Barkskin+2
-1 Potion, Expeditious Retreat
-1 Potion, Reduce Person
-1 Oil, Magic Fang
-5 Smokesticks
~Masterwork shortsword of elven design but unfamiliar markings. NAKODA
-Wrist Sheathe NAKODA
-Chain shirt +1 NAKODA
~Elven Chainmail +1, Shadowed set BRON
-Ruby earring granting Natural Armor +1 ZANE
-2620g.5s.2c divided 4 ways.
~ luxurious white fur blanket, velvet pillow, and a platinum filigreed footchest.
~A pair of black boots rests beside the small ledge.
~A strange belt quiver is hung up on a post next to the desk.
~a small bottle of some drug.
~A number of garments of elven make and design
-Small vial of sleep poison
-A ring of keys to all the locks in the Gold Goblin
-Potion of Barkskin+2
-1 Potion, Expeditious Retreat
-1 Potion, Reduce Person
-1 Oil, Magic Fang
-5 Smokesticks
~Masterwork shortsword of elven design but unfamiliar markings. NAKODA
-Wrist Sheathe NAKODA
-Chain shirt +1 NAKODA
~Elven Chainmail +1, Shadowed set BRON
-Ruby earring granting Natural Armor +1 ZANE
Kept the potions because they may come in handy sometime. Liquidated, halved, and totaled the loot from above.

Me'mori |

No objections posted. Nakoda does not read elven, any chance she could have gotten the sword examined before they left?
I will assume anything unidentified was left behind (blanket, pillow, chest) or destroyed (drug/poison). Nakoda didn't especially care about the boots, and I did not see anyone claim them.
The keyring was left at the Goblin, but Nakoda is carefully carrying the potions in her pack (which is typically stowed).

DM-Camris |

The blanket and pillow are 50 crowns.
The footchest is 250 crowns.
The garments make up an elven nobles outfit.
The sword is just a masterwork sword. The elven writings translate as "The Hand of Time".
The boots are of exquisite elven styling, sable black, very comfortable and give +2 misc. bonus to Stealth checks (worth 400 crowns).
The small bottle it turns out contained a common glue (one application).
The strange belt quiver is designed to hold up to eight wands. Wands cased have a break DC of 30 and have a 10 point all energy resistance. (500 crowns).

Bron Hartigan |

Hey all, I apologize for my lack of posting the past several weeks. I spent the last few weeks on an academic trip to China and forgot to warn you all before I left. If you would still allow me, I would like to continue to play Bron. If that is cool, then please let me know and I will continue to post.

DM-Camris |

Llaen, you are on the pirate ship; strangely empty of pirates right now.
When you emerge on deck, you see a couple of filthy human pirates at the helm of the ship you're on, and a couple more up forward at the boarding ramps to another ship (looks like your ship rammed it) where there is a huge swirling fight in progress on her deck.

Llaen Skyfallen |

This thread just enlightened me about how Deeper Darkness works.
Down in the hold I would have been blinded by the effect, but up on the deck, as long as the sun's out, Darkvision still works. It's only if the light level was already Dim or lower to begin with that Darkvision gets shut off.
So I think I should be able to see.

Kharn Iron-Blessed |

DM Camris,
My AOO should have resolved before they had the chance to reach us. I attacked the first three that failed their acrobatics check so that was pirate #1, #5 and #7. That would mean the one pirate that hit me was killed as he rushed in and I did not take any damage, and Nakoda is flanked by two and there is one in front of her. Correct? Also is there any room for me to back up on the deck or have I run out of space?

DM-Camris |

I figured you would kill a few before they landed hits, I put an addendum correcting attack damage on players.
Kharn killed one of the ones attacking him, and two of the ones attacking Nakoda.
Kharn is currently backed up to the railing and cannot back up any further unless he would like to go swimming.