DM-Camris' SECOND DARKNESS Part 1 and 2: Children of the Void (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

A star has fallen and the rush is on! While the crimelords of Riddleport race to be the first to claim the mysterious skymetal, dark works are afoot at the crash site on the island of Devil's Elbow...

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HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Lots of holiday stuff coming up for me in the next two weeks. My posting time will be pretty diminished. I'll get a post in when I can, but please don't hold the game up for me.

Male Human (Shoanti) Oracle of Battle 4 AC 19/12/17 / HP 31 / F +3 R +2 W +5 (+2 vs mind-affecting effects) / Init. +2 / Perc. +7)

Well my friends... I am going away on business. I won't be able to access the pazio forums for a while. This will be about as it was last time. Please move me to the background and DMPC me. I will check in when I can.


Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Travel safe!

Male Human (Shoanti) Oracle of Battle 4 AC 19/12/17 / HP 31 / F +3 R +2 W +5 (+2 vs mind-affecting effects) / Init. +2 / Perc. +7)

Morning Guys, I had some things come up. Long story short.. I am back home and have access to the forums. Not sure how long it will last for, but while I am here no need to get e-mail updates. I'll let you guys know if things change.

Male Human (Shoanti) Oracle of Battle 4 AC 19/12/17 / HP 31 / F +3 R +2 W +5 (+2 vs mind-affecting effects) / Init. +2 / Perc. +7)

I'm afraid this should not come as much of a surprise but I am going to have to quit this game. I am down sizing on how many pbp's I am apart of. I apologize that I have not been more involved, and I hope you can all understand. Please mark me as inactive.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Sorry to see you go.

Hope this game doesn't end, it just got awesome.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Understandable. Take care!

Sorry to see you go man! I will arrange it so that you look like you died, but there is no body so you can return if you want.

It's been a while. Would you guys like a 'Our story so far' recap?

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

I'm good to keep going. Recaps are always fun though.

Male Human Wizard 8

That would be good as a relaunch point.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I'm current, as far as I know on the story, since keeping track of Nakoda's gradual warming towards Kharn was good motivation. Poor Shoanti.. they just don't have much luck in this game.

*poke* *poke*
You guys all right out there?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I'm good. I'm just waiting for the others to post. I'm not the letter sort, and "Nakoda hands the letter over" doesn't seem like much of a post to make.

Male Human Wizard 8

I'm here

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Here. Just been busy this week. I'll get a post up this evening.

Come on guys; surely you have an idea of where you want to go next right?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Time for Nakoda to start towing, I guess..?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

*pokes with a stick*

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I've been looking over the ACG since I've purchased it, and was considering switching Nakoda over to a Skald. It's practically what I was going for in the first place before the ACG came out.


It's cool with me!

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Skalds are awesome.

OK in order to proceed, the party has to respond to Clegg's 'offer'.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

After arguing with myself for quite a while, I've decided that I have to cut back on the number of games I'm in.

I apologize, life has just gotten too busy for me to keep up.

I have enjoyed this game a lot. Maybe I can return at a future date (if Llaen isn't killed off).

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

*nod* I understand the feeling. Had to do that a while back. Hope I'll see you around, and it was fun playing with you, DH!

Nakoda has no intention of helping Clegg capture an Akata. Nor does she care about the skymetal anymore. What she will do, is make sure to talk to (and heal the worst injured of) Clegg's men to get a sense of their morale and feelings about the expedition.

With Llaen out, we are two... Thoughts?

No sweat! I'll just have the void zombies drag you off during fight at night, and the characters just assume you had been killed.
If and when you return, just write one of those improbable tales of survival and get you back in.

And yes, I'd say it's time to recruit.
Just anybody, or particular roles/classes?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

For continuity's sake (if we want to keep it in-theme), they could be two individuals of Clegg's camp (or the others) that escaped the Akata attacking the other camp?

Male Human Wizard 8

True. We need a primary frontline person and anything else that works.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I await the DM posting in the Recruitment thread. :)

Male Human Wizard 8

Sweet. 1d6 ⇒ 5

Zane and Nakoda, check your equipment values. If you aren't up to the 10,500 crown value I may have to make you a cash adjustment, or perhaps the equivalent in Noqual.

Female Human(Shoanti) Skald 8

HP: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5 *favored class bonus + toughness
Eh, had to happen sometime
Skills +1:
Intimidate, Knowledge(Nature), Perception, Perform(Oratory), Swim

Tongues, Swapped Sleep for Timely Inspiration.

Eyeballing the items that have been acquired by Nakoda and are sitting in her possession, rounding up, she's at about 7kgold on all of her equipment.

You don't have to take a 1 for hp, you can just take Avg +1 instead.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I'd have to forego rolls from there on out, right?

Nope. You can try a roll each level, then take the avg+1 if it's too low.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Woo! Done!

Male Human Wizard 8

+1 to Decipher script, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Planes , Spellcraft, Linguistics, Knowledge Local
Added to spell book : Slow, Haste
Zane’s at about 5,000 actually, since most of his equipment consists of consumables.

First appearance of third level spells! *ominous thunder in the distance...*

Ok, Nakoda needs a 3500gp bump and Zane needs 5500gp. Did you want it as cash waiting back in a bank at Riddleport (dividend from the Gold Goblin), or did you want to find one or two magic items here on the island?

Male Human Wizard 8

Yup Zane's gonna add screwing with time to his repertiore, heheh

You got all the players you need?

The Goblin, check out our recuitment thread...
Recruitment thread.

When you get a chance, look over the candidates and tell me what you think.

Male Human Wizard 8

So far I like the Elizabeth Ardoc rogue character.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Seconded. I'll take a closer look at the others, but that's the one that's stood out to me so far.

Male Half-orc Warpriest 7 [ HP: 53/53 | AC: 21 T: 11 FF: 20 | F: +10 R: +6 W: +10 | Init: +2 Perc: +9 | 1st: 4/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | B 6/6, SW: 7/7, F 4/5, SA: 7/7 ]

Hello everyone. :)

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Hello everybody--- glad to be selected.

Female Human Hunter (Courtly Hunter/Roof Runner) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F:+3 R:+6 W:+2 | Init: +4 | P:+6 SM:+6

Hello all, good to be in

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Doink! Will get my profile set up today.

Male Sylph Investigator(Empiricist) 7
(HP: 55/55; AC: 18{22}/13{15}/15{17} (+2 vs. ranged); Percep: +15{+14}; Init: +3{+5}; Fort +4, Ref: +8{+10}, Will: +6{+5}; CMD: 19{21}; CMB +6; Inspiration: 8/8)

Hit Dice: 4d8 ⇒ (8, 7, 1, 1) = 17 So that's 8,7,5,5. Got it.

I think Zephram's fully updated to level 5, money spent, etc.

Male Half-orc Warpriest 7 [ HP: 53/53 | AC: 21 T: 11 FF: 20 | F: +10 R: +6 W: +10 | Init: +2 Perc: +9 | 1st: 4/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | B 6/6, SW: 7/7, F 4/5, SA: 7/7 ]

Rezol should be good to go, unless there are any last-minute things I forgot.

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