DM-Camris' SECOND DARKNESS Part 1 and 2: Children of the Void (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

A star has fallen and the rush is on! While the crimelords of Riddleport race to be the first to claim the mysterious skymetal, dark works are afoot at the crash site on the island of Devil's Elbow...

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Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Thunder-Klar, Shoanti Summoner

Welcome new players!

What I had in mind to introduce you into the story was to have you all be part time employees of the casino in some capacity;
Saul would call you in and explain that his junior partners were in some danger poking about in the affairs of a loan shark while looking for his missing floor manager, and that if you keep them alive, he would make you junior partners also.

What do you think?

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

Sounds good and thanks for inviting me. I have had such a battle with this adventure path, getting accepted just to have the game canceled for one reason or another shortly into the fight with the robbers. With Bron's skills at intimidate, perception and strength of arms, he would be a bouncer just hired on. After the Gold Goblin fiasco, he was one of the few that stayed on. He hadn't taken part because Saul, still not so sure of Bron's devotion to the job with so much booze around, gave him the day off. He had spent the day at the Publican House. Coming back the next day, Saul gave him a deal he couldn't refuse. I will get his gear updated as soon as possible.

sounds like a good idea to me, and fits right in with what i had in mind for joseph. acting as a bouncer or even dealer occasionally would fit him perfectly.

i was thinking about the character and if it's alright with you i am thinking i may need to tweak him slightly. i initially pictured him as slightly slow, but i think he may work better as slightly smart but very impulsive. i still like him as slightly abrasive and physically unattractive.

also, do you have any objection to starting stats below 9?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Don't forget that Nakoda went to the Shoanti enclave/section of town and asked around, so Thunder-Klar's got an additional lead-in.

No objections to oddball races like aasimar or tiefling, and no objection to stats lower than 9.

Does everyone have thier character together, or should I wait a day or so?

I should have everything done, I just need to roll for second level HD:
1d12 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Yikes, looks like Average+1 for me.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

way past my bed time, but what i have so far is in my profile. still need to tweak my background and finish getting gear, but i'm basically done.

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

for lvl 2 hp

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

heya thank you for inviting me, I have updated almost everything so far to PF RAW, and I will be working on a more detailed backstory today, I cannot guarantee very active posting until Saturday, GMT +10 hours, Sydney here, so it would be more Friday for most players, as I have just had a death in the family and I am currently organising funeral arrangements.

In any case, HP for level 2!!!!!

1d8 ⇒ 6

[EDIT]the lead in from Me'mori sounds good, writing that in now, and that would justify a connection with Saul, allowing him to call me by name, and not be obliterated when I jump out from around a corner and yell "BOO!"[/EDIT]

Okay, she is ready, I just have to write her introduction to the current situation in.

GM, are you going to write a small piece about the new additions and their contact with Sual, or do you want us to write that ourselves?

just wondering, are you using the cost of living rules? ie, could i pay for an average lifestyle a year in advance and have an apartment in town with clothes and all that jazz? joseph wouldn't still be living with his parents at this point and is successful enough to have his own place.

You can use the cost of living rules to get housing somewhere, but bear in mind the Golden Goblin casino has housing for it's important workers on site free of charge.

You can write a vignette about how you came to be a low level worker at the Golden Goblin in the first place, I will kick off your involvement in the mission later today in a meeting with Saul.

Also, Joseph; what are your specific classes and levels? I can't quite tell from your profile...

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

lvl 2 rogue, swashbuckler archetype. i can't actually take the scout archetype til level 4, but my plan is to remain a single classed rogue through whatever level this takes us to with both those archetypes, so i just listed them both. i'll clean up the way i've noted it a little bit.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes


I swung around and saw Hans Ulfen walking with a couple of people that looked familiar. Dammit, not only did Hans know my parents quite well (he was a bit overly fond of apple pastries), I really should have noticed him long before he yelled at my across a busy street. I really needed to work on that.

"What!" I snarled around my pipe.

I saw his eyes narrow slightly. Sigh. I really did not intend for it to sound so combative. Yet another thing I needed to work on. Luckily I'd known Hans for quite a while, and he'd never shown much inclination to take offense at me being a bit of a jerk. Of course, he was probably helped in this by having been in several bar brawls with me, and I doubted he particularly wanted to be on the receiving end. We stared at each other a few moments, each silently flexing while trying not to look like that's what we were doing. I won, of course.

"Joe, I've got a bit of a business proposition for you. You may have heard I'm at the Golden Goblin now, and to keep it short, we need some dealers and bouncers." He grinned at me for a second and then continued, "I've told Mr. Feldin here, who's in charge of hiring, that you're a bit of an ass, but as strong as you are ugly, and about as trustworthy as anyone can expect for someone from here."

Ah, that's why they looked familiar. I'd at least seen most of the people involved in organized gambling in this town. Feldin had been quite visible around town lately what with the Golden Goblin coming back and advertising their big event. A cushy casino job sounded pretty good, actually.

I blew a small smoke ring before replying, mostly because I knew it irritates most people. Like I said, I really need to work on that. "Count me in. Only issue is I've contracted for a sailing gig. I leave the day you've scheduled your big event, and will probably be gone about 4 days, maybe 5."

I knew Hans was aware it was probably a smuggling trip. Hell, Feldin no doubt knew it to. I saw Hans glance over at him, waiting for a decision. Feldin looked at me, checking out my muscles in a way I probably should have found a bit creepy, if it wasn't pretty much the intended effect once I'd decided to take my most salient feature and run with it.

"You'll do. Come by tomorrow night." Hans threw me a thumbs up and they trudged off.

*************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** *******

I stared at Saul Vancaskerin as he caught me up on all that had happened while I'd been out at sea. I'd come straight to the casino after the rumors I'd heard in the port, and was now being presented with this.

He leaned against the mantle with a glass of wine and finished up "...and now they're out looking for Larur. Young man, I've heard good things about you, and seen that you were competent on the nights you worked here. I have no doubt that had you been here those nights, you would yourself be a junior partner right now. You know the town well, and, I think, have a slightly more realistic attitude than most of my current junior partners. Accompany them, keep them alive, and you'll be a junior partner yourself."

He stared at me expectantly. I closed my eyes for a moment WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY DID I ALWAYS MISS THE FUN STUFF! Gah. Five days at sea on that stupid boat with not a damn thing happening, and only the most interesting things to happen in this town, pretty much ever, happens while I'm away. Two years ago I'd have said it out loud. Luckily I'd managed to learn some self control, as I doubt Saul would have quite the same view of fun that I did. And junior partner? Sounded tasty, and hopefully would give me a chance to check out the casino's books. I had a few ideas it seemed to me a place like this could accomplish with moving money around.

So I simply opened my eyes and looked at him. "I'll do it."

"So, where do you think we should go now?" I asked Cindersteel, having come to an understanding about decisions with the strange beast.

"We should stay, Nakoda promised us a good word, and the words of Shoanti are like the earth, never always solid and constant."

I turned my attention back to the bowl of stew and ate quietly for a few minutes.

"But what if this employer has no need of us, we would have no gold, and the small amount I have left is slowly running out."

"Trust in my wisdom, master, I foresee an opportunity arising soon, just be patient, we will get back to your Quah soon."

I finished my bowl, curious to know more about this land of Tshamek, but not too curious as to get into too much trouble. Soon I was to retire, choosing a small inn inside the security of the Shoanti District. Sleep was light and the sounds of the city disturbing me. What I wouldn't give to hear the wind blowing dust and earth in the Cinderlands once more, to hear the crackling of the fire outside my hut, the familiar panting of the wolves in the hut next door to me.

I heard a soft voice from the floor below my cot, knowing instantly who it was.

"Worry not, master, I will get you home, your happiness is my own."

*************************************************************************** *********************************************************************

I awoke before the rising of the sun, stretching and checking my belongings. Too many quick hands in this city could leave you naked while you walk to break your fast.

"Master, I can hear someone approaching the door, dress quickly!"

I pulled my Shoanti made chain shirt over my linen clothing, the familiar feel of the weight and sound of metal links clinking softly was comforting.

The knock came, quiet but quite clear.

A man stood there, unimpressive and short.

"My lady, I am Saul Vancaskerkin, and you must be...Thunder-Klar...I'm sorry, it sounds such a strange name, and I do not quite understand your culture all too well. But you were referred to me by name, and as such, I am inclined to seek you out."

Saul awaited to be let in to the small room, but I simply turned to Cindersteel and asked him plainly, in the Shoanti tongue, if he thought it wise to let the man in.

"Cindersteel, Ta'hareh sa uh oheh sameha tshamek?"

Cindersteel's reply came quickly and concise, telling me to let the man in.

"Tahomeh mhar, Thunder-Klar."

"Come in, Vancaskerkin, mind my companion, he will not bite, but will protect me to the death."

Saul walked in and gasped a little, obviously unsure as to what Cindersteel exactly was, but not asking questions, and getting straight to the point.

I think I must have been fantasising about home again, because I could not focus on exactly what the short, unimpressive man said, but thankfully, but thankfully Cindersteel was able to listen and told me to say yes, and that we agreed to do whatever it was he was asking us to do.

Saul, after securing employment with me and my "strange companion" as he referred to Cindersteel, left quietly.

"I look forward to working with you, Thunder-Klar, and I hope you do too." He said over his shoulder as he walked through the doorway and left.

"What did we just agree to do, Cindersteel?"

"Well, master, we have agreed to work in his building, which from what I can gather is a place of chance, and people can make money, similar to the chance of hunting and the trophy gained. We will be made as junior partners which I think means that we may own some of his business, and we are to help Nakoda and her current companions, as she seems to be having trouble on one of her current jobs. We will meet some other of his workers there too."

"If that is what he wanted to ask, why did he not just ask it, instead of talking for so long? I swear, tshamek are a strange people!"

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

"Alright everyone. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!" Bron heard as he woke from dreaming. Bleary eyed and with a headache that felt like he had been bludgeoned over the head, the large man slowly rose from the cot he had been asleep in as he looked at his surrounding, trying to recall where in fact he was. Focusing on the voice, he recognized it as one of the acolytes of the Publican House.

Standing up and looking around he searched for his things, mumbling greetings to the others who had spent the night at the House. Brushing away the mental cobwebs, Bron put his armor on and grasped his heavy flail, preparing to leave. On his way out however, he was stopped by his friend Janver, an acolyte of the church he had met shortly after his first visit to the Publican House.

"Hey Bron, wait up!" Turning at his words, Bron smiled at spotting his friend, extending his hand to clasp Janver's wrist and pumping it in greeting. "Good to see you up and about. Come with me, there is someone here who ya might want to meet." With a look of confusion, Bron followed his friend through various rooms in the church of the Drunken Hero. "What's going on? Who's here that's so special?" Bron asked to which his friend simple replied, "There is a bloke here who is looking to hire some men for some gig he is planning."

almost halting, Bron asked, "Hang on, this ain't some kind o' church work is it? Ya know that those types o' work don't play enough for what they have ya do."

"Nah, this is better. This man, named Saul Vankaskerkin, is looking to hire some men to work at his gambling hall." Janver replied with a chuckle.

"And he's thinking ta hire a bunch o' Soakers and Soggy Plums?" Bron quips.

Janver replies with a grin,"Of course not, you know that we got plenty here ta do without adding other things to our schedule...He's just looking for a few Soggy Plums." With that, he opens the door and says, "Her's your man Mr. Vankaskerkin, the one I was telling you about. If you looking for a tough with a sharp eye, Bron here is your man.

Stopping next to Janver, Bron stands tall, he had been looking for a job for quite some time and acting as a bouncer at some gambling hall seemed to be a pretty good deal. Saul, not even measuring up to Bron's chest, looks up to the man as he says, [b]"Well, you got size, I'll give ya that. But how do I know you can actually use that weapon of yours. Our patrons might get a little handsy with some of the girls or try to make off with a little extra coin, both of which isn't good for business.

Looking down to meet Saul's eyes, Bron simply responds, "Ask anyone here and they can tell ya what happens ta people who get out of line while they are here at the Publican House."

Scowling in concentration as he tapped a strange prosthetic 'hand' against his cheeks, Saul's scowl slowly turned to a smile as he said, "That's good enough for me. Meet me tomorrow at the Gold Goblin and I'll have one of my men get you set up. Not sure I'll need you for the grand opening, but a little extra muscle couldn't hurt for my soft opening."

Not really understanding what the short man meant about soft openings, Bron was just happy to have a job that would make good use of his skills.

hey, DM Camris, had a quick rules question. i took positioning attack as joe's rogue talent

The APG wrote:

Positioning Attack (Ex): Once per day, when a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack, she can move up to 30 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. The movement must end in a space adjacent to the creature hit with the melee attack.

the way i read it, that extra movement applies even if i've already moved. ie, once per day i could charge my full move, and if i hit get an immediate extra 30' of movement that ends adjacent to whatever i just hit.

just figured i'd better confirm with you since i've never played with this ability before. if that's not how it works i may want to choose something else.

also just wanted to say nice intros thunder and bron.

was wondering about thunder though, i thought the human bonus skill point was added after all penalties were applied. like no matter how dumb the human, you still always get 2 skill points per level.

i could be wrong, but maybe another question for camris to answer.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

I'm not sure, I'll await DM_Camris to tell me if I did it wrong. Thanks for the praise, nice intro yourself, by the way.

Yeah, good back story as to why we are working for Saul. And it looks like we shouldn't have any problem carrying things either. ;)

Haha. True. I just hope Joe doesn't turn out to be too squishy or Bron will have to use all that carrying capacity for joe's corpse

Eh. So long as you are playing a character you enjoy, then everything is cool.

Apologies to all for delay; isn't tax time fun?

angryscrub: Your interpretation of the Positioning Attack talent is likely to be erratad down the line sometime, but it's OK with me. Once a day isn't going to break the game.

angryscrub wrote:

i thought the human bonus skill point was added after all penalties were applied. like no matter how dumb the human, you still always get 2 skill points per level.

Nope; the human bonus gets lumped in with all the other pluses and minuses for getting a final number of skill ranks. Thunder-Klar is alright with the skill ranks.


As they each arrived at the Golden Goblin, one of the cashier girls escorted Bron Hartigan, Thunder-Klar, and Joseph Bakerson up to the second floor and into the richly appointed office of Saul Vankaskerkin.

The man himself is there; a short unpreposessing man, but nevertheless well dressed and groomed. When he turns to you, you can feel the charisma he brings to any occasion; and even the strange complex key affixed to the stump of his left hand seems exotic rather than wierd.

"Welcome! I am glad you could meet with me today. I know we have discussed some of this before, and as time is short I'll be brief."

"My floor manager Larur Feldin, went missing earlier today and I'm afraid something bad has happened to him. Recently I have taken on a number of junior partners, and they have gone to investigate the moneylender that Larur was going to make a delivery to. "

"Now, I have seen your work, and you come well reccomended; I would like to hire you to back up my partners as they work to find Larur. And if you are successful, make you junior partners as well. To that end here are one hundred crowns apiece for you there on my desk if you agree. What do you say?"

"Very well, Cindersteel and myself agree to the job, where are they at and how many others are there, descriptions would be good, it would do no good to mistake your other workers for enemies and fight them too."

"Krah, Cindersteel, Tomah lakor temalk?"

Thunder-Klar turns to Cindersteel and, in shoanti, asks it if it is happy with this arrangement, with a simple nod from the lupine creature.

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

Walking with the others was a man of considerable height and girth, though not at tall and the lumbering Joseph. Laying across his broad shoulders was an expertly crafted heavy flail and the man wore an armored coat over what seemed to be leather armor. Hanging from his hip was a wooden stein and a full wineskin. His short brown hair framed the tanned skin of a man who was decidedly Riddlportian.

Having answered Saul's call, Bron was rather quiet as he was led up to the man's office, though he did give Cindersteel a wary look before turning back to focus on where he was headed. It was never good to have the boss call you into his office, especially after getting hired on recently. However, after the man made his offer, Bron visibly relaxed a little as he says, "Well I didn't accept this job ta do no church work. Can't really say no ta the gold though. And if this moneylender is really such a grog-blossom that he'd go and do somethin' bad ta the person paying him gold, then I'd be happy ta go and help sort the man out. In short, your the boss, boss."

Saul smiles, obviously pleased.
"Excellent! This should work out very well. They are Maelorn, Nakoda and Zane. You have seen them around the casino, though they work different shifts than you do. I believe they started by following Larur's last job; the delivery to Lymas Smeed."

He hesitates a moment.

"I don't wish to pressure you, but it would be unwise to spend a lot of time at Smeed's place of buisiness. I am fairly sure he is a made member of Boss Croat's 'Union'. If you take too long, you may be taken by his 'Hush-men' and never be seen again. In any case, Lymas Smeed can be found towards the north end of Rat Street. Here is a letter of introduction from me, in case they doubt your bona-fides. Here also is your down payment."
He motions to separate piles of coins on his desk. Then he passes around glasses of wine.
"Ladies and gentlemen, a toast! May the Gods smile on all our efforts!"

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe eyed his new companions as he sipped Saul's wine and slid his money into his money belt. He grinned a bit at the sight of Bron. He strongly suspected this was the first time they'd ever been in the same room together where neither of them was drunk. Joe didn't know him that well, but had heard nothing about him that was bad, and several things that were good.

The woman he gave a long searching look. There was definitely something odd about her, even discounting her weird looking dog. But she looked damn strong, and he suspected her dog would be for more than just decoration if a fight broke out.

He drained his glass of wine and shifted his greatsword into a more comfortable position.

"Well, my new future cojunior partners, shall we go see what sort of trouble our other future cojunior partners may be in?"

dathom, i'm assuming that joe and bron probably would have run into each other a few times since they're both from riddleport, and both rather fond of drink.

i think joe would at least know who maelorn is too, though maelorn may or may not know joe.

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

Raising his glass, Bron exuberantly says "Here,here." before throwing back his glass of wine and putting it back on the table. Bron, though not the brightest of the bunch, took a look at his muscular teammates and knew to expect a fight.

That makes sense angryscrub. Even before they started working for Saul, if Joe had spent any time at the Publican House (the local temple of Cayden Cailean), then he would have most likely seen Bron there, celebrating with the acolytes of the temple.

Itching to go, Thunder-Klar drinks the crushed grape water in one swig, the taste sour and foul in her mouth, but far be for her to ignore Tshamek custom.

"Let us do this then, in and out like a wyvern raiding a roc's nest."

Thunder-Klar checks her belongings over, making sure her klar and earth breaker are ready to be unslung and used. During her routine check, she notices the large dark member of her new found group, noting the battle scars that mar his skin.

A smile belies her lips as she counts less than even the weakest of the Moon Maidens in training. She should watch this one though, knowing all to well that tshamek do not get scars from training all their lives like the Shoanti, but most times are due to bad choices.

She looks over the other man, noting the large flail, and knowing this was a hard weapon to master, as even she could not use the lightest flails. This one may prove useful in a pinch.

Cindersteel, understanding her train of thought, as it always did, ever since her childhood, speaks clearly in Shoanti, it's voice like a menacing growl.

"Thunder-Klar, tshamek toha chrik tsamal sorrtei?"
"Thunder-Klar do you approve of these tshamek?"

The response Cindersteel gets is a simple one, a nod and a mischievous smile greets the lupine beast, which in turn makes it smile, rows of needle sharp teeth shining brilliantly, menacingly.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Smeed, eh? Joe mused to himself as they left the casino. He seemed to recall having heard something about him recently. He searched his memory, trying to bring it to mind.

Joe is going to try a knowledge local check to see if he knows anything else about Smeed. Not sure if you want to roll those or if i should?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Okay, it's driving me nuts. Thunder-Klar, how are you generating the Shoanti you are typing? I can see the pattern of (sub){mod}(verb), but I haven't the foggiest on how to find it.. Are you deriving it from Na'vi? *wild guess*

Joseph, go ahead and roll it yourself.

Knowledge Local DC10:

Lymas Smeed is a Loan Shark, lives in an armored brownstone out on Rat street.

Knowledge Local DC15:

Lymas Smeed loves his pets, a pack of viscious dogs.

Knowledge Local DC20:

Lymas Smeed is an associate of Boss Croat, the docks crimelord.

Knowledge Local DC25:

Lymas Smeed has an Advanced Baboon as a henchman/enforcer. Immensely strong.

OK, now we take this to the main Play by Post thread.

Me'mori wrote:

Okay, it's driving me nuts. Thunder-Klar, how are you generating the Shoanti you are typing? I can see the pattern of (sub){mod}(verb), but I haven't the foggiest on how to find it.. Are you deriving it from Na'vi? *wild guess*

To be honest, I am not using any real language, just creating it on the fly using a combination of Native American sounding syllables and what I think may look and hear like a fantastical word, similar to Na'avi, although I know none of that language. They do seem to be very close to the approximation of Shoanti though don't they, tribal, and clan/familial based.

The only word I know in Shoanti is Tshamek which means outsider, I GMed the Curse of the Crimson Throne, So all my knowledge is coming from there. Don't worry though, I will be posting in English also, so everyone can know what is going on with Thunder-Klar.

In other words, it's nonsense, and cant be translated :D

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

alright, making my knowledge local roll before heading to the main thread

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

That last post of a lighted hummingbird was supposed to be Nakoda using prestidigitation as well. forgot to include it in the ooc tag and too late to edit it in. Oops!

Sorry, thought you were using a Summon Monster 1 for that.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

~208g in total for the cash split.

Apologies for slowness lately, vacation plus Paizocon.

By the way, anyone seen Thunder-Klar(Peebo)?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Well, we are at... four, are we not? I see nothing wrong in continuing with those numbers, though if you are looking to recruit, another one might be fun.

Well, I'll give a little time for Joseph and Thunder-Klar to return and explain their dissappearance...
You know, bonked in the head and lost memory, Shanghaid, etc.

But things are going to heat up fairly soon. Let me know if you'd like a NPC hireling to beef up your team.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Nah... Nakoda is just going to go about her day as normal.

Male Human Cleric 3

What skill would you like Maelorn to use for 'floor manager'?

Also, what would the cost be to hire 5 apprentice smiths for a week? (looking to have them Aid Another, helping me create my breastplate).

For Floor Manager, Diplomacy or Profession (Gambler).
Apprentice smiths come cheap at 1 crown per day. Five for one week will cost 35 crowns.

Wanderer avatar

Reading the backlog of posted, I just today realized that I had not left an official away notice. For that I apologize. However, I shall explain my absence from the game. The past two months I participated in a very intensive languange program in preparation for starting a graduate degree. One of the requirements of that program was limited interaction in English. However that program has finished and I would like to play as Bron Hartigan again, if you will allow me. If you won't, I understand but I have caught up on what has transpired and can gaurantee that there will be no lack of posting in the future.

Again, I apologize for my oversight and hope to keep gaming with you all,

dathom AKA Bron Hartigan

Oh thank god you're back! I was wondering how I could reasonably avoid killing the lot of you...;)

And you think a drunk Barbarian is the answer? :P

Will head to the IC Thread and post.

Male Human Cleric 3
Bron Hartigan wrote:
Should we decide to attempt stealth: ...

Hmm...maybe Bron should remove all of those little tiny bells from his armor :)

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