DM-Camris' SECOND DARKNESS Part 1 and 2: Children of the Void (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

A star has fallen and the rush is on! While the crimelords of Riddleport race to be the first to claim the mysterious skymetal, dark works are afoot at the crash site on the island of Devil's Elbow...

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male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

No! Bells are cool! ;)

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Not that I'm not following, Nakoda just acts after the enemies, so I was going to post after them. ^^;

Sorry man; I'll typically wait a day or two, then shuffle everyones moves into a turn post. You don't have to wait for people to post first.

But I've seen other GM's have the monsters go either first, or last in the initiative order. If that would clairify initiative order, I'll certainly do it. What do you think?

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

That can work, especially in the case of PbPs.. first or last will definitely make posting order a more certain thing in the resolution of "when" to post.. Heck.. doing away with it altogether might not be a bad idea as it would be "Players", then "Monsters", allowing for some interesting coordination.. Not sure how it could be abused, if it could, but that would make things cleaner.

An interesting way I've seen it done is
1-Players all roll initiative (and then it is averaged)
2-Enemies all roll initiative (and then it is averaged)

Whichever average is higher goes first for that there is some variation.

During the player's turn, everyone goes in the order they there's no need to wait for another player.

Yeah, I like it. Let's do that then, barring serious objection.

This new campaign feature is great!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Yeah it is.

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

Yeah, Level 3!

Here are the modifications I will be making to the character sheet based on Bron's level up to a 3rd level Drunken Brute Barbarian

+1 to hit
+1 Ref
+1 Will
Trap Sense +1

+1 Acrobatics
+1 Intimidate
+1 Perception
+1 Swim

Class Bonus to HP

By the way, how are we doing HP at level up?

Stilling looking into what feat to get. Will post as soon as I know.

Male Human Cleric 3

3td level:
+5 HP
Re;fex Save to +2
Channel Energy 2d6
BAB to +2
1 Rank Appraise
1 Rank Craft (Armor)
1 Rank Knowledge (Arcana)
1 Rank Knowledge (History)

Male Human Wizard 8

HP 1d6 ⇒ 2
2 2nd level spells + 1 specialization slot
Cypher Magic feat
1 rank Decipher script
1 rank Spell craft
1 rank Knowledge Arcana
1 rank Knowlege Planes
1 rank Linguistics

+1 Fort +1 Reflex

For Hit Points, remember that you don't take less then half the die. If you do roll lower, reroll until you're in the upper half.
For example, if you have a d8 hit die and roll a three, reroll it until you have a 5, 6, 7, or 8 on the die.

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

A few HP rolls:1d12 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
1d12 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
1d12 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
1d12 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

And for my feat, I will take Step up for my level 3 feat.

Female Human(Shoanti) Skald 8

HP 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3, 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3, 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5.. I'll just take a 5 on the die, making her HP gain +7, with the favored class to add +1 to HP

+1 BAB
+1 Fort
Inspire Competence is now +2
+1 1st lvl spell per day.

+2 to (Profession)Gambling
+1 to K.(Nature)
+1 to Stealth
+1 to Perform(Oratory)
+1 to Sense Motive
+1 to Diplomacy
+1 to Bluff

Gained Light and Sleep

Her feat will be Skill Focus (Oratory)

Male Human Cleric 3

Heh...I'll roll, then. Was assuming just the +5

HP Roll 1d8 ⇒ 5...yeah, so 5 :)

Question: Does this increase current HP, or just Max HP? (It's a difference as to whether Maelorn is awake or unconscious)

I think that's just max HP.
Maelorn should be awake now, Kwava smeared some kind of unguent on him that healed 15 points.

Male Human Wizard 8

1d6 ⇒ 4

Male Human Cleric 3

Let's hope the note isn't a vital clue, because so far none of us understand it. :)

Hm. Isn't there an intelligent young fellow present who hasn't taken a crack at it yet?

Male Human Wizard 8


Nakoda: you know you get a +3 on your Cure spells right? Looks like you're only adding +1.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

gah.. got to get used to the new campaign format.. I miss the OOC sometimes.

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

As a note. My rolls didn't include the bonuses from Inspire courage or bless so that is 15 to hit and 9 to damage

Sorry I haven't been more active lately. I'll see if I can kick things forward tonight.
By the way, The Old Republic is almost as good as it's hype!

Male Human Cleric 3

Mount is such a versatile spell :)

Male Human Wizard 8

I know right?

11 days since the last GM post...Camris, are you out there?

Yeah, sorry. I really need to have more discipline to post in a timely fashion. But geez, the only time I could find this time is 2 in the morning...

Male Human Wizard 8

That was one of the craziest fight scenes I've ever had in PBP.

And the game ain't over yet!

You know, If you like I could have the boars rip up one of Zanes legs; he can lean on his cane and become a House like character...;)

Male Human Wizard 8

LMAO, I think I'll pass

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

If it means avoiding the scathing criticisms, narcissistic humor and overall bad attitude, then I am glad Zane passed :P

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

So, with the dividing of loot:
-270 gp all told in various coinage
-3 sets Leather armor
-1 set Leather armor +1, Shadowed
-3 sets Studded Leather armor
-1 set Studded Leather armor +1
-1 Chain shirt +1
-9 light clubs
-17 daggers
-3 throwing axes
-1 Throwing axe +1
-3 Longswords
-1 Longsword, Masterwork
-3 Rapiers
-1 Rapier, Masterwork
-1 Battleaxe, Masterwork
-9 Potions, Cure Light Wounds
-1 Potion, Expeditious Retreat
-1 Potion, Reduce Person
-1 Oil, Magic Fang
-5 Smokesticks
-3 Wrist sheathes
-1 Blade boot

How shall we?

Male Human Wizard 8
Me'mori wrote:

So, with the dividing of loot:

-270 gp all told in various coinage
-3 sets Leather armor
-1 set Leather armor +1, Shadowed
-3 sets Studded Leather armor
-1 set Studded Leather armor +1
-1 Chain shirt +1
-9 light clubs
-17 daggers
-3 throwing axes
-1 Throwing axe +1
-3 Longswords
-1 Longsword, Masterwork
-3 Rapiers
-1 Rapier, Masterwork
-1 Battleaxe, Masterwork
-9 Potions, Cure Light Wounds
-1 Potion, Expeditious Retreat
-1 Potion, Reduce Person
-1 Oil, Magic Fang
-5 Smokesticks
-3 Wrist sheathes
-1 Blade boot

How shall we?

Zane can's use anything besides the potions so he'll just take a shre of the cash value after eveeryone gears up.

Will need to replenish his scroll collection and probably pick up another wand.

Female Human(Shoanti) Skald 8

Nakoda's mainly interested in the

~Chain Shirt +1 (will defer to Bron)
~(2) Throwing Axes
~(1) Wrist Sheathe

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

Bron is interested in 2 of the cure potions, the blade boot and either the +1 studded leather or the +1 chain shirt, and possibly the +1 throwing axe as well. Enchanted leather means he keeps the same AC, but doesn't have to wear medium armor to get it. chain shirt increases his AC by 1 and doesn't have to wear medium armor.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Then Bron will get the Chain shirt over Nakoda. she'd be more comfortable in the leather or studded leather, anyway. Reluctantly, she'll want the Longsword, since the short sword is more to her taste, while the Rapier is... Well, usable, but not to her taste either.

Also debating a level of Barbarian for her.. Totem Warrior, of course.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

No objections or mentions for the dividing of spoils?

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

With Bron using the +1 chain shirt, he will add his leather armor and armored coat to the spoils the be sold.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Then Nakoda will take what I have listed before, since the Studded Leather would only be a +1 step for her, if not breaking even on the AC side of things.
~(2) Throwing Axes
~(1) Wrist Sheathe
~(1) CLW Potion
~(2) Daggers

Male Human Cleric 3

Maelorn will take one of the cure potions, but is otherwise not interested in any of the items.

Female Human(Shoanti) Skald 8

Then just to make sure, Nakoda will take another two potions. Hopefully we'll not need them.

Nakoda's total claim:
~(2) Throwing Axes
~(1) Wrist Sheathe
~(3) CLW Potion
~(2) Daggers

Male Human Wizard 8

Zane will take 2 of the CLW potions, and a couple of smokesticks

male Human Drunken Brute Barbarian / 1 Init: +2 15/15 AC: 20/13/18 F:+8 R:+4 W:+2 CMD:20

If no one else is interested in the potion of expeditious retreat, then Bron will hang on to it. You never know when an extra 30' of movement will come in handy.

Male Human Cleric 3

works for me

We really need a name for Maelorn's mom; calling her "Maelorn's mother" is getting odd...

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

American Pie and Fountains of Wayne are in my head thanks to that... ><!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16


Male Human Cleric 3

Never expected her to take such a large role :)

Let's go with Kaera.

I've been giving this some thought, and once this sequence is done Maelorn will be retiring (assuming we survive, which is questionable).

I'll use that as an opportunity to cut down my PBP commitments, and drop out. I won't do that in the middle of a scenario, however.

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