Zephram Taranis |

Zephram nods at Zane's comment, "There are formulae for such, but I've never learned one."
He then nods again, "I would suggest that we carry what seems to be most valuable or immediately useful, and maybe take some time to use the canvas to hide the remainder as best as possible, in case we need to access it later. I would think the wine, valuable as it is, would be most protected in an extradimensional space like Liz's backpack."
He pauses and looks at the others, "Now, I'm nothing of a shipwright, but these materials and tools seem to lend themselves to that pursuit. I wonder if this doesn't bring us somewhat closer to being able to get off the island?"

Nakoda |
Nakoda nodded, hearing the others debate what to bring and what not. "Tools, I agree." Picking up the circlet, she considered it, rolling it around in her hands, before shaking her head slightly, tossing it back onto the ground. A look of inquiry was given to Liz as she listed the items that seemed valuable. "Ore, potions to you?" The kits could be carried, and she really just needed one bundle of weapons, though if they could get them up, they could be retrieved as time passed.

Zephram Taranis |

Zephram nods, "Though dealing with Clegg may entail fighting a large portion of the camp, unless we have a better plan."

Zephram Taranis |

Zephram shakes his head, "For myself, it would only be the rest of you that I'd really spoken to. Others often find my mannerisms somewhat... unsettling."

Rezol Born-in-Steel |

Rezol chuckles. "E'erybody back at th' camp is either scared o' me, or I beat th' tar out o' 'em. Not much o' a chance o' me helpin' out there."

Nakoda |
Thinking of all the equipment that they have, Nakoda was amused. "A couple.." Smirking, she looked around at the equipment they had garnered and considered. "No armor for the camp?" Given a choice, she wanted to take all the weapons, but that was only if there was a blacksmith present and alive in the camp. She rightly could not remember having seen one, though there were the dwarves back in the town--
A look of realization crossed her face as she remembered the dwarves. "The dwarves." It was a tone that held faint concern, looking to Zane, the only one that remained of the group that had set foot on the island. "Survivors?"

DM-Camris |

Returning up the narrow cliff pathway, you sneak back into camp without any trouble.
The next day is a normal one, as far as being trapped in a camp with several hostile factions (and one allied), surrounded by monsters that attack once in a while and commanded by a mob boss who might turn on you any second.
The next evening, Clegg went down to the caves as he did every night, but this time he came back up and shouted for his loyal men to come down there with him.
He spends the next few days alternately searching the caves, or accusing the rest of the camp of thievery and trying to search everyone. His lack of success at either sends him into a raving fit, and he retreats to his tent refusing all further contact.
Unable to think of anything else to do, and their supplies dwindling, the rest of the camp votes to have somebody (you) go down to the defunct lighthouse and fix it enough to attract a passing ship.
You fight your way through Akata, those little micro lizard swarms, and the deadly weird Moonflowers down to the old lighthouse. There they fixed the lens and started a fire. A passing ship saw the signal and sent a boat to pick you up.
Hiring the empty ship to pick up the other survivors, you manage to rescue Clegg's crew, the remnants of Avery Slyeg's men, the Dwarves of the Goldhammer expedition and of course the two remaining Cyphermages.

DM-Camris |

For rescuing the Cyphermages, each PC is granted a single magic item of no more than 2,000 gp from the Order's stores.
For rescuing the Goldhammer expedition dwarves, the Gas Forge offers to craft noqual weapons or armor for you at greatly reduced prices (if you provide the noqual).
For rescuing Clegg Zincher and his boys, his underboss sends over 5,000 gp worth of pearls and gems.
Slyeg blames Zincher, you, and both of you together as a conspiracy for the loss of his men, and sets a bounty of 1000 gp for each of you (dead or alive).
All of the crimelords of Riddleport want access to the skymetal found on Devil's Elbow. Clegg talks big, but he can only come up with 4-5 pounds worth.
What do you do with your 53 pounds of Noqual Skymetal? Sell it? Keep it? Give it to someone? If you decide to keep it, and it becomes known, the Crimelords may send people to take it from you...

DM-Camris |

The last book that you could not understand was a slender journal, written in elven script, but in a language unknown.
The resources of the Cyphermages are very useful in cracking the language and encypherment protecting it's contents.
A character who reads the journal learns first of Shindiira’s (the writer) excitement at being accepted into House Azrinae, and then eventually her frustration and finally hatred for Depora.
Nolveniss is mentioned by name several times as well; Shindiira is quite explicit in the ways in which she plans to use him as her consort once she returns to him in Celwynvian with a large amount of noqual and akatas to show him her power.
The last dozen entries display a dramatic shift in tone, becoming an almost scientific list of observations of the strange meteorological effects that preceded the falling star, the impact itself, and developments afterward.
It's strange; almost as if these black elves actually CAUSED the island to be hit by the falling star...
You can use these entries to piece together much of what’s been going on over the past few days on the island.
More importantly, the journal mentions several times an ominously titled event or object called an “Armageddon Echo”...
The knowledge that the 'drow' have a strong presence in the ruined elven city of Celwynvian comes as something of a shock.
While the borders to this ancient city have been closed by the elves of the region for some time, they had, until now, done an excellent job at hiding the exact reasons for the closure.
That the drow have such a strong presence in the ruins raises many questions.
You wonder if that strange elf, Kwava?, that has been hanging around your activities in Riddleport would be interested.

Zephram Taranis |

Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 (Keen Recollection)
Zephram says, "That seems troubling... It seems strange that these dark elves would be so well situated in what should be an elven stronghold... I'm thinking we should bring this to the attention of the elves.. if you have a contact?"

Nakoda |
Finally leaving the island provided a fair bit of peace of mind, but spent most of her time at the Shoanti enclave, telling the story of what they had found and the elves behind it. She tired of Riddleport, she tired of the blot, but there was more there that had worn her down. None of the Shoanti that joined her remained, and it weighed on her. Surviving the island had earned her some time, and she took it.
K.(Nobility): 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 = 6Bardic Knowledge
K.(History): 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 = 21Bardic Knowledge

Nakoda |
Recovery for Nakoda was slow in coming. They had seen more than they cared to, lost more than they knew they wanted, and even the return to "safety" was plagued by nightmares and paranoia. More than a week had passed before they were able to sleep with some semblance of comfort, and even then, the nightmares of Akata woke them with a panicked jolt, checking themselves for injury, confused at the unfamiliar location.
The elders did what they could, and let her recover.
Eventually, there was still too much to do as a result of things on the island, and the messengers from the various factions they ended up helping were what dragged her back to activity. Accountings had to be given, retelling what had happened on the island twice daily for the record keepers, then for those interested in the Akata, so that if they showed anywhere else, others would not be taken by surprise.
Finding Kwava was something that she was going to have to check with the othe-- was something that she was going to have to check with Zane about. She did not remember whether or not they had been given a means with which to contact him. The map of the city was a concern that undoubtedly he would like to have addressed.
Finally, something that she had been putting off as long as she could, though his lack of return to the encampment was indicative enough: Informing the elders of the last she had seen of Kharn, and contributing to the causes he supported. One of the smaller gems in her possession was split among the Enclave, and the temple of Cayden Caliean. (250gp to each) That evening, she went out to one of the houses of the Lucky Drunk and celebrated what she knew of him.
When all the major business was done, she began to seek out the others, to see how they were doing.

DM-Camris |

While you are running around, buying things, making arrangements and other stuff, you get the strangest feeling that you were being watched.
A little countersurveillance nets you some of crimelord Avery Slyeg's minions. They are surly and defiant, and you get the feeling that Slyeg increasingly doesn't believe you turned over all the Skymetal to the crimelords like you were supposed to. You think it's only a matter of time before he tries to physically squeeze it out of you.
In the middle of the celebration of the return of their lost brothers and sisters, you start to hear whispers of collusion between the Cyphermage leader and Overlord Cromarky. Negotiations involving the life forms on Devil's Elbow and your remaining stash of Skymetal.
At the enclave, the elders let you know that the oracle Shoah, sacred woman of the Shoanti, wanted to see you.
Ushered into her presence, she turned her milky white eyes to you.
"It has been given to me sight beyond sight. You have trod the heroes path, and banished the blot over the town of Riddleport. But now the enemies will is revealed. They will cast a shadow of terror; one you must travel down into its depths. If you do not, the millenia old hate will destroy Golarion.
"I have two gifts for you from our ancestors."
She drew forth a case, and opened the tattooing tools.
"The first is the gift of the Eye of the Moon. Your enemies blinded you, and you were unable to do anything then. The gift of the Eye of the Moon allows you to pierce any Darkness.
"The other is the gift of the Eye of the Hunter. When you need to hit your target, your ancestors will guide your arrow so it cannot miss."
She gives you two magical tattoos around your eyes. The left eye gives you Darkvision once a day for three hours. The right eye gives you True Strike once a day. Both are Spell Like abilities.

DM-Camris |

During an evening meal, a chipmunk appears out of nowhere to drop a small scroll on your table.
Opening it, you read;
Dearest friends; I hope you are well. I understand you have had an adventure out on the island of Devil's Elbow. I hope that you can meet me at the Gold Goblin Gaming Hall for a conversation that may be to your advantage. I have arranged a private Card room and a catered lunch, and I hope you can meet me tomorrow.
Regards; your friend Kwava.

DM-Camris |

With that, gameplay moves to the new thread: