Chronicles of the River Kingdoms.

Game Master Waterhammer

Chapter One: Into the Stolen Lands.

Stag Keep

The Greenbelt- Exploration.

A Dark Glen

Thorn River Camp

Keep on the Tuskwater

Map of Oleg's.

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NG Human Cleric 3 | Status: Ok
AC 15 (T 11, FF 14) | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +5, R +2, W +6 | Perc +5, SM +7
HP 27/27 | Performance 7/10 | Channel 5/5 | ToG 6/6

Augustina has little say in the repentant bandits matter, so she listens and tries to grasp as much as she can. When the subject goes back to the kobolds, all seem to agree on taking one problem after the other, so she nods and stays silent again.

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

"So the sooner the Stag Lord is dealt with, the safer everyone will be?" Larin asks, hoping he's understood what Torek said. "In that case shouldn't we be getting ready to deal with him? I know it's easier said than done, but it seems like we should focus everything we have on dealing with the bandits to make all of the other goals easier." He looks up at the others, suddenly conscious that he might have said the wrong thing.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Quietly, though he was aware that master Larin and miss Augustina were relatively knew and not as aware of the place as the others might be he frowned then ran his hands though his beard. He had always been one to think about something for a good long time before responding.

"Autumn. dear. I know you want to just help everyone with everything but its... you press yourself to hard."

He began reaching out and gripping her shoulder his hand starting to reach up to run a stray lock of hair back. He stopped suddenly his eyes widening and his face reddening just a small amount. He quickly pulled his hand away.

Uh.. yeah so. um..."

He began again shaking his head softly.

"If we are sending Drayzen to take Curley to the north then we can send with him a list of things we need... like Chickens so many chickens. But when we do that, nothing is here to keep Brother Jhod from wandering into that forest alone. Let's search for the temple. It lets us check on the loggers and find that temple. While the bandits are priority. We have hit them again. They will be wary right now, best to let them stew a bit then hit them when they arent ready."

He added. nodding to well no one at all.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek replies to Larin, "Safer anyway, it's our most clear problem, he needs to be ended as a threat no matter what. After that it's less clear."

Torek looking a little oddly at Herger, agrees with him, "Yes, Autumn let us help, you needn't do everything alone; we're all in this together."

Torek to Herger, "Brother Herger, I agree we need to do this all, that's why I suggested we talk, if we can, to the settlers first,; I suspect they won't listen though. No one takes kobolds seriously until it's too late. Then we swing westish to the unexplored forest area and see what we can see. If, by Erastil's grace we find what our good friend Jhod seeks, then we do what we can. After success or failure in that quest, we go to the watchtower or whatever we saw was and see if that is the base of the mysterious bandit chieftain, and try, prudently to do something about it. Then is not likely to be easy, we have no idea of the forces there. Yep, we do it all in one run, be prepared, this wilderness is wonderful, and wonderfully terrifying. We go, knowingly into great danger. If you have no last will and testament, make one. And on that morbid thought, we best get about preparations. Autumn, let me help you with the proper disposal of the horses."

NG Human Cleric 3 | Status: Ok
AC 15 (T 11, FF 14) | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +5, R +2, W +6 | Perc +5, SM +7
HP 27/27 | Performance 7/10 | Channel 5/5 | ToG 6/6

Augustina agrees, even though she's not sure about this guy they want out of the trading post. She feels he won't take this decision happily. But she's totally new here, and doesn't know the ways around, so she decides to stay silent once more. Plus, these guys don't really need more lumber onto the fire, or else there'll be tomorrow and they would still be discussing. Sticking around them in case there's some other thing they want to show her, she wonders how is Sergei doing right now.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

For the sake of everyone, and because I'm fairly sure he meant to say Sasha not Curley, I'm going to pretend that said Sasha! XD If I'm wrong please let me know!

Autumn seemed to stiffen when Herger called her dear, cheek pinking a bit as well. When his hand got closer to her, the quickly darted back, she seemed slightly confused. Yet she reached up and pushed the offending piece of hair back behind her ear.

When Torek spoke her head instantly moved to look right at him, almost as if she had been reminded that others were still in the area. "Thank you Torek. I'm at a loss with what to do with them honestly. We don't need more horses, and I really don't wish to see them taken from the people they've been working next to..." She admitted. "I also apologize with not bringing this case of Sasha to you all sooner... I just didn't want to burden you. There is so much more to worry about after all." Autumn pointed out. "I didn't even think about the effect it would have on Jhod!... Oh Deadeye, I've been so careless in my thoughts..." She sighed heavily. The young huntress actually look tired for once, shoulders sagging.

"I also believe that Larin is the most correct. We should go after the Stag Lord. The settlers and loggers both need checking on, I agree, but knowing we remove the Stag Lord from these lands will ensure their chances. We cannot openly attack the Kobolds, as we are trying for peace with them after all, so outside of ensuring they're okay there wouldn't be much we can do. Loggers know dangers travel the woods, if they're experienced they'll know what to do. But both have a greater danger if found by the Stag Lord's men.... No, he must be our focus right now. We make a path through the woods to hide ourselves for as long as we can, then we approach that place. Try to get another look at in, before going in. What do you all think of that?"

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

As someone not yet involved in the interpersonal politics of the trading post Larin keeps his mouth shut while the others discuss what's going on with people he doesn't know.

He listens to the others' thoughts on the group's next steps, before weighing in. "What temple are you looking for? Who is Jhod?" he asks. It's increasingly clear to Larin that being a latecomer to the group means he's out of the loop on a lot of things.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek says, "Still taking too much on, Autumn, we are all just trying to do the best we can in impossible circumstance. Don't worry about not being perfect and really you've only been here a month, you've done good in that time. More than most could, would, and some (not me) would say should."

Torek makes a decision, Yeah! For once. "I certainly agree about the loggers, or anyone with experience here; I just worry about anyone new here. But your point is good, we go, skip the warnings, they would not do much good anyway then go to the forest we haven't been to yet, move southish, and when we reach the watchtower we decide on how to proceed. Let's go with that then." Torek seems out of breath with the longest run-on sentence ever.

But he's not as he answers Larin, "Brother Jhod, is a priest of Erastil who had a vision of a lost temple to Erastil in the deep woods, a rare thing, not many temples to him are built, it's not ... practical. Anyway the vision is vague and so the area to search is the whole of the Narlmarches, not something we can do quickly, if at all. But Erastil blessed me with finding my friends just before bandits would have robbed and maimed me so maybe his guidance will be felt."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Im to blame for the Curley derp Curleys good it was the other guy *lawls*

"I still think rushing againt this stag lord is a mistake better to let him bleed out forces until we can be assured to crush him, after all it is just what six of us? It would be great if we could convince
Kestin to send troops to help i would be less hesitant, but i dont believe thats in his orders. He seems to like his orders."

He seemed to be settling down however after that awkward interchange with Autumn. His mind wandered for a moment to that time where they met the hunter earlier when he had panicked and lied and called her his wife to seem less suspicious. That got his mind to wandering. Bah He thought to himself focusing back to the task on hand.

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

"So maybe it's something we'll find on our other travels?" Larin suggests in response to Torek's patient explanation. "I know I'm new here, and my word doesn't carry much height, he adds, using an expression common among his people, "but finding a temple feels less urgent than protecting settlers and sorting our bandits? Not that I don't respect your beliefs, but wouldn't Erastil's focus be on protecting the community?"

NG Human Cleric 3 | Status: Ok
AC 15 (T 11, FF 14) | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +5, R +2, W +6 | Perc +5, SM +7
HP 27/27 | Performance 7/10 | Channel 5/5 | ToG 6/6

"Well, if the bandits present a threat to such community..." Augustina shrugs, thinking that her specific deity seems a bit more belligerent than his own patron Erastil.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek looks beat as the discussions as to what to do continues without any sign of resolution. "Brother Herger, I agree that is the likely the safest path for us. But do we have the time? We don't know how many followers the would be kinglet has, how many he can recruit in whatever time we give him, or where all his forces actually are. If the statements by Curly and Sasha are to be believed, they and many others are recently joined. If that is actually true then he may have few real close followers and attacking a strong point may bear fruit, or give little benefit or just get us all killed. We just don't know. But the more time he has the more powerful he will get. And where are those vulnerable foraging and bandit forces are? If they decide to evade us it could be months to find them. Or we go to the one spot where we have reason to believe is a major base, maybe even his stronghold of his, and try to end this now. Or we do something else, we need to come to a decision before nightfall, and do something starting no later than tomorrow; time is not our friend."

Torek answers Larin, "A good and defensible point Master Larin, but maybe Jhod's vision is Erastil's sign of his aid to the cause of protecting a newborn community. Or not. The ways of the gods are often mysterious. That's why I made the suggestion I did, go to the watchtower we suspect is the bandit chief's base while going through unexplored forest; kill two birds with one stone. As to warning the settlers, would they even listen? I'm not so sure, and the more we try to do, the more likely we fail at everything. As Brother Herger rightly said we are but six people, there is only so much we can do."

Continuing with a response to Augustina, "Yes, Miss, they are a great threat. One of our problems we don't know just how great or powerful they really are. Directly confronting them is risky, most of all because we don't know how risky it really is. So what should we do first and can we combine it with something else for greater result with less time expended? Your opinion is as good as mine, I could argue for any of the things we should do, what can we do and how much must be accounted for prudently."

Torek follows with a very small voice, "We are not united, if that continues, the blasphemer calling himself the Stag Lord has already won."

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Small steps Torek." Autumn said with a small shrug when he told her she was still taking on too much. "...I'm rather use to a full plate if you remember."

When the conversation begins to go in circles once more Autumn steps up, and with a wave of her hand states "Enough." It wasn't harsh but is was firm. "We are going in circles again. The temple isn't a main goal." She stated. "It is just something to keep an eye open for. We will not deviate from the path down to what we believe is the Stag Lord's base. If it isn't within our path, it will have to wait for another day." Autumn clearly stated. "If we come across the loggers as we go we can even take some time to speak with them. But the main goal is the safety of this place. Our community." She agreed Larin and Augustina. "Which will be much better served with the death of the Stag Lord. This is our current path, which yes... will be dangerous. There are only six of us and we've no idea how many there are of them. But we can't let that hold us back, Kesten can't send his own men. They will be needed here if we fail."

Autumn paused for a moment as she looked around at their group. Augustina, Titian, Torek, Larin, Herger, Titian with Esprit, and her with Frostbite. "Larin, Augustina, you are new to our ranks, but fresh eyes see things we cannot. For this fact and many others I welcome you among us, and I want you to know that we will have your backs as strongly as we do each others. We will not go in completely blind. When we get close we will scout and try to get numbers, but we must be ready for the fight of our lives. To stand for the home we wish to find here, and the people who depend upon us. But most importantly, we must be as one pack. To work together, and trust in the person who is beside you to hold each other up when it gets hard." Autumn said as she took out the antlers of the buck they had gotten on the way back, looking them over for a moment she looked back to her friends, her pack. "We can do this, together. Tomorrow we head out for the forest, and then onward to the battle for our community." Autumn stated as she stood tall, shoulders back, "Will you all ride with me?"

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek bounces up with more animation than he has shown for a while. "Always, Autumn, I will ride to face whatever fate brings. May Ol'Deadeye bless all of us."

Torek follows that with. "Is there anything else that needs to be prepared? I'll help to take care of it."

NG Human Cleric 3 | Status: Ok
AC 15 (T 11, FF 14) | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +5, R +2, W +6 | Perc +5, SM +7
HP 27/27 | Performance 7/10 | Channel 5/5 | ToG 6/6

Augustina answers to Autumn's call, both for the need she has to be answered and for the need Augustina has to really start doing something.

"I will ride with you and we will strike as one."

With this, she retires, eager to just have a walk around alone and prepare for whatever comes tomorrow.

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

Somewhat taken aback by the stridency of Autumn's speech, Larin pauses before agreeing. "I'll ride with you. There are so many people here who need help and protection, and if I can help I will."

He looks up at the others before adding, "On a more practical note, if we're riding off tomorrow, is there somewhere I can sleep tonight?"

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldorian)
AC 23/T12/FF21 HP32/32 F+5 R+3 W+2 Init +2 Perception +8
Cavalier (Beastrider) 3 (Order of the Sword)

Titian just raises an eyebrow on this discussion. He was a more deeds not words person, and he was always in the mood for some good protection, preferably at full gallop with his lance.
Rising he nodded to the new ones. "Can you ride or can you ride?" Shrugging he smiles.
"There is a difference, and I want to know how to keep you safe. I am sure you have riding horses. So better keep them away from my stallion, he needs some time. Of course, if you have mares... that would work well!"
And for a moment a sad smile is on his face, remembering a tournament where a friends stallion got into a fight with another that had cost his friend the round. Not that Pierre had been a good or even a decent lancer, but it was his first tournament and his opponent, the brazen basilisk was utterly drunk that day and so Pierre even had a chance.

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

"I mean, I can point a horse in the right direction and get it to go. But I can't do anything fancy," Larin replies, hoping that Titian won't look unfavourably on his lack of horsemanship.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Autumn smiled thankfully at Torek when he answered so readily. Of course her old friend would. "If we're heading out tomorrow we need to ensure the horses that Kesten will be giving back are taken care of. Maybe we can ask his men to take care of them while we're gone in exchange for their use... also we need to have something in place in case... well if the worst comes to pass."

"Till tomorrow Augustina, and thank you." Autumn said as she new cleric departed.

"You can stay here Larin." Autumn said. "Oleg offers logging, and if you need some coin for it just let one of us know." She explained.

"True, he is mellow around Solstice." Autumn stated with a small shrug at Titian's statement. Though she looked back to Larin. "You know... we'd have to work with her on it but... you don't look like you weigh much. Frostbite could be able to carry you Larin."

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek grimaces at Autumn's suggestion, "It's a good idea but I doubt the commander would see it as anything but a sneaky way of gifting the horses. I suppose we could try."

Torek will help Autumn with the horses and will look to restock anything that was used, recently, that should only be a few gold, I'm thinking 3.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

"I could talk to Oleg. Perhaps he could purchase the horses and sell them to settlers who may need them, or sell them to Kesten cheap, then its not coming from us. We could send a bunch of them up with Drayzen and he could sell them up north then come down with some of the things we need, sort of a personal supply run. I would like to get a lot of chickens to trade with the kobolds... you recall that we talked about trading the chickens for the radishes i think right Autumn?

He asked cautiously.

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

Larin nods thankfully at Autumn, replying ”Thanks for the offer, but I’ve a little coin saved from before I left home, should be enough to get me fed and bedded for a little while.” He pats his small belly and chuckles.”I certainly weigh less than I did a few weeks ago, not had access to the family’s cooking. Has Frostbite ever had a rider?”

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Not for any full length of time. She did however love letting the kids ride around on her back." Autumn explained. "Might be a little difficult the first day or so but I'm sure we can work it out." She said with a nod.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek says, "I'll help with the talks to see to the horses welfare, we don't have time to take care of them."

Torek says to Herger, "The Sootscales king doesn't seem to want trade and he even less wants any moonradishes anywhere at all, if they find any I suppose he would want to get rid of them but likely his own people would just get drunk off of them before he even heard they found more. The king wants his people working for him not themselves ... not so different than human nobles."

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

”What about tack?” Larin asks Autumn. ”I don’t suppose Oleg has much in the way of riding gear for wolves!” he adds with a chuckle.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Thank you Torek." Autumn offered her friend a smile. "And it is true that Sootscale doesn't seem to want the moonradishes around but we've more important things to worry about. As much as I'd like to have moonradishes until we know how to properly take care of them getting more wouldn't help."

Then she turned to answer Larin. "No I doubt he would. But we check if it would make you feel better. I think it would be difficult to get Frostbite to accept it a first, but we can try. But I doubt you'd need even a saddle, she was use to have the children ride her though that wasn't over long distances I'll grant you."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

When he thought the decision made he nodded to the others.

"Guess I better speak with Ulfgar. Let him know we will be leaving again in the morning."

He nodded gruffly to the others. First he went to find Drazen giving the man some coin to purchase as many chickens as he could manage in a wagon.... when he returned after taking their 'reformed' bandit to the north. He also asked him to look into getting seed for farming.

Then he went to find his son, no doubt with that family and that girl he seemed sweet on. He spent some time with them and his boy, only telling him of his upcoming departure, and a chance of not returning since it was a direct movement on the bandit lord in the area. Then he found his cot, but not before he put in a long fervent prayer to his god. Seeking wisdom and guidance.

He rose early in the morning as was his usual, making his way to the walls of the trading post and overlooking the land quietly brooding.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"I'm sorry Herger." Autumn said as he went to leave. "This has to be hard on you both." She added before she stepped up to him and stated "Oh! I almost forgot, this is for you... or well really for Ulfgar. I... don't know if you have any coming of age rituals from your past but there was one we had in my village. When boys come of age they get a blade made forn the horn of a buck... I uha, don't know if you'd like to take it on for Ulfgar but, I am offering it to you all the same."

Larin why don't you tag along with me any Torek. After we talk about the horses with Kesten I can introduce you to Frostbite. The sooner you meet her properly the easier this will go as she'll get use to you faster." Autumn explained before she looked to Torek. "This likely won't go smoothly." She told him honestly. "Made him rather angry earlier and I'll- we'll have to dance lightly around the topic as to no offend him again."

For GM:
I wanted to do this in a spoiler so that it is easier on the group as a whole. In other words we can move on while Autumn deals with the mess she had made. If you're okay with that? If not just let me know.

After dealing with Kesten and introduced Larin to Frostbite, Autumn went to find Jhod. Upon finding him she paused and her whole demeanor changed. Her tail was curled close to her left leg and the agathion aasimar didn't hold herself as tall as she did before. "E-elder..." Autumn began as she stepped up. "I know... I have no right but... may I ask for guidance?"

Autumn didn't sleep through the night, she used her magic to keep herself safely awake. She worked through the night on the banner for their group, she would give it to her friends when they awoke. All the while she would take small breaks by walking about the trading post. All the while Frostbite either by her side or sleeping next to Autumn's work station.

When dawn came she was already awake. She had gotten everyone's horses ready, and pack the food away as well. Including Esprit if she can, if not he's the only one left out.

Handle Animal for handling Esprit who doesn't like people: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Handle Animal for Frostbite Riding DC 15: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

Thankfully you can't crit fail on skills but man those rolls...

"I hope the morning finds you well." She told her friends as they came up. When they all got there she showed them the banner. It wasn't of the best craft, but her stitching was firm and it would hold through most winds. "I wasn't the most amazing seamstress but I can make passing items. Even clothes. They're just not of the finest make... No Lord would would be wearing them" She teased herself with a small smile.

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

Larin nods, agreeing with Autumn's plan. "Agreed, Frostbite and I need to get used to each other as quickly as we can if we're going to be travelling together," he says, his smile not entirely covering his trepidation.


The morning was cool but pleasant, and Larin warmed up quickly as the sun rose into the sky and he filled his belly with porridge. "Very nice stitching," he says to Autumn, appraising her handiwork.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek comments, "And you as well. It's great Autumn. There seems to be no end to your talents."

Torek helps with the clean up and sighs saying, "No point in putting it off any longer, we best go see our helpful Garrison Commander." When Autumn is ready Torek heads off with her and anyone else with to see to our erstwhile man of a little too much integrity.

I don’t think the negotiations with Kesten will take too long. Probably no real reason for spoilers. Plus the other players can tag along and join the conversation, if they want.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

But they spoiler isn't about Kesten... However if people want to tag along I guess they can read it.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldorian)
AC 23/T12/FF21 HP32/32 F+5 R+3 W+2 Init +2 Perception +8
Cavalier (Beastrider) 3 (Order of the Sword)

Always an early riser Titian woke up with the sun and started by doing his morning routine. 50 push ups, 50 squads and 100 crunches. His old man at arms always said that a sloppy warrior is a bad warrior. Swiping the sweat off his brow he walked over to the basin and poured water in it and finished his shores by washing and shaving.
Slowly, so not to wake the others he moved outside to look after esprit, just to see Autumn try to take care of him.
Start with an apple. He knows you but he is trained to bite you."
Waiting till she was gone to save her face he slowly walked to esprit.
While feeding him and checking hooves he slowly talked to his companion, promising him a hard ride today.
Esprit was not a friendly horse, had never be, and sometimes in a foul mood. But still, Titian cared greatly for him.

NG Human Cleric 3 | Status: Ok
AC 15 (T 11, FF 14) | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +5, R +2, W +6 | Perc +5, SM +7
HP 27/27 | Performance 7/10 | Channel 5/5 | ToG 6/6

Early in the morning, Augustina gets up and says her prayers. When finished, she keeps with her daily routine, paying special attention that the banner is in good condition and ready to be seen from as further away as possible.

When Sergei wakes up, she makes it so that he is able to have some breakfast, and talks seriously to him. "Sergei, we are going to be here for a while. I'm going out today, and you need to be as helpful as possible here. Do what you're told, see that they feel you as necessary. If we're to use their food and their lodges, we need to contribute." She gives his cousin a kiss on the forehead, and when he's about to protest, she cuts him. "I will talk to whoever I need to talk and see that you get proper training, don't worry. Things as they are, it seems wise that everyone here gets some drilling."

She asks for something to break her fast as well, and waits for the ones who wake up later or chats with the ones who wake up earlier.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Autumn took Larin to see Frostbite who was snoozing next to all the gear that Autumn had gotten, with a bone between her paws. "Frostbite." Autumn said softly as she scratched behind the she-wolf's left ear.

Frostbite raised her head and yawned. Then her attention was on Autumn and the group with her. "There you go. I've someone I want you to meet." Autumn said as she motioned for Larin to come over. "We have new members in the pack." Frostbite stepped foreword and smelled the small sorcerer.


Autumn blushed at the praise. "Well... thank you." She said with a humble nod. "I just hope it holds up with use."

When Autumn saw Augustina she waved with a kind smile. Though she wouldn't say it out loud for she felt it would be too rude, Autumn was glad to have another female in the group. She had started out with two other females but ever since they left for their own reasons it had been just Autumn. It wasn't anything against the men in the group, they where good men! Autumn liked them even, but it was nice not to be the only one.

"Lets go see Kesten and get this under way." Autumn agreed with Torek. "We should let him know what we're doing... just in case."

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

Larin stood stock still as the wolf sniffed at him, wary of the big creature with the long sharp teeth. He waited while Frostbite sniffed at his face and nuzzled his hands. After what seemed like hours Larin felt the wolf move away with a quiet chuffing noise, seemingly satisfied. "Is she happy?" Larin asked Autumn quietly.


"I'm ready to get going when everyone else is. Hopefully Kesten doesn't have too much to complain about this morning," Larin said, his eagerness to get moving just about under control.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

"I hope so, Larin, he's a good man but a bit inflexible, not the best for an outpost such as this. Still I'll see if an appeal to his fulfilling his duties will work."

Torek nods to Autumn's words and steels himself for the conversation with Kesten Garess. The group seeks out the Commander and Torek begins his spiel, "Commander, please believe that we understand your position but it has placed us in an difficult situation. We simple do not have time to deal with these horses, we should be on the road within the hour to confront the blasphemous bandit chieftain. As a temporary solution, we wish to contract with your men individually to feed and care for our horses, in return they would get the use of them for the time being. We are not trying to evade anything we simply need time more than anything. Also the horses would be in use extending the area that can be protected, at least for a little while, which aids in our goals. Before we did this though we need to inform you of this so as to prevent any further misunderstandings and situations which lead to a lack of unity that only benefits our mutual opposition. Can you accept this as a quick compromise to serve our mutual goal of protecting the settlers as best as possible?"

Torek lays out the deal as earnestly as he can, hoping that matters can proceed as quickly as possible.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"If she wasn't you would know." Autumn said with a small smile, Frostbite had gone back over to her bones and brought one back over and dropped at Larin's feet

A chuckle came from Autumn as she explained. "She wants you to play tug of war with her. She played it often with the children and some of the hunting dogs back home. It's a good sign."


"We just don't have the time or resources to look after four additional horses which would be unused in the days to come. There is also the fact that... We might not come back if things go poorly." Autumn said to help explain their position. "We know that if they're kept here they will be well looked after and we wouldn't have to worry about the horses fall back into bandit's hands should the worse pass."

Diplomacy aid to Torek: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

NG Human Cleric 3 | Status: Ok
AC 15 (T 11, FF 14) | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +5, R +2, W +6 | Perc +5, SM +7
HP 27/27 | Performance 7/10 | Channel 5/5 | ToG 6/6

Augustina smiles back to Autumn, whom she notices when she's saddling her horse. The girl seems nice, though it's quite obvious she has a heavy load on her shoulders. Hopefully, if they manage to get the settlement going, more people able to help her will come.

It seems the others want to have another talk to the guard captain about the horses. He seems a stubborn man, though deep inside Augustina understands his decision.

"Let's see how we end the day, don't you think, Rover?" she comments while she caresses the horse's neck.

”My men are good soldiers. They follow orders.” Kesten shrugs. ”What they do on there own time is their own business. Mostly.” The soldier’s lips curve in an almost smile. ”I imagine that Oleg could get you a good price for the horses. That would serve everyone’s interests best, I think.”

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

Larin picked up the bone from the floor, grasping one end and offering the other to Frostbite. "Like this?" he asked Autumn as he braced himself for the wolf's pull.


Kesten's mood seemed to have improved with a night's sleep. Larin stood by quietly as the others negotiated the disposal of the spare horses, and he busied himself checking his kit over while he waited.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek replies to Kesten, "A reasonable idea, Commander but I am not so convinced that just trying to sell the horses to Oleg is the best course of action; though it may be the simplest." Torek takes a breath and continues, "It did occur to us but Oleg may not have the resources on hand to properly take care of and deal with them, it's only be a little more than a month for him to recover, and we are far from reliable supplies. More important though is that the horses would likely not be used as we hoped, to further the range and ability of this outpost to protect this area. Our mutual goals leads to that and this seemed the best way to achieve that. We are too few, every action we take must have multiple benefits or we will get nowhere. If you have a quick alternative that achieves many good results, I would very much like to hear it." Torek finishes explaining his reasoning.

”To answer your last question first “ Kesten’s face grows thoughtful. ”I doubt there is a quick alternative. But as a military man, I know the value of scouting. A general that knows the ground he is fighting on can choose a battle field that grants advantage. You choose the right ground, you can defeat a much larger force.” After a pause he adds. ”It’s also what the Swordlord’s charter requires. Scouting and mapping the land. Once you’ve completed the exploration, you should have a good idea of how to tackle the bandits.” With dour face he continues. ”Of course we can’t expect them to sit and wait, so finding their hideout is best done sooner than later...”
Kesten’s face darkens. ”As to whether Oleg can tend to your horses; best to ask him yourself. I expect he can. It is his business, after all. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there are reports to write up.” Kesten sighs, presumably at the prospect of paper work.

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

"Thanks you Commander for your time. May Erastil bless and guard you." After parting with the Commander, Torek turns to the others and says, "Well, he didn't say no. Should we deal with Oleg or try to get some of the men to keep the horses here? The latter is my preference of course but it may take longer to accomplish." Tokek looks expectantly at the others.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

"Lets take them to Oleg, sell them to him cheaply, suggest that the soldiers could use them or buy them, if they arent too costly. He's a smart man, He wont take all their coin especially since they are protecting his business. What he doesnt sell to them he might be able to sell to others, will help him recoup some of his losses so far.

Kestin doesnt have to feel like we are trying to bribe or buy him, Oleg can make some money, we dont have to worry about the poor horses much longer either. "

He wondered how much Oleg would be able to pay for those horses and how much he would charge. He had an idea but a lot of it depended entirely on financial things.

"Whatever we decide we should get to it, Lots of land to explore and I guess bandits to face."

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Frostbite latched onto the other end of the bone and pulled playfully, shaking her head slightly to try and get it from him.

Autumn smiled warmly, it had been some time she since played like this and it was a good sight.


"After they tried to retake one of the places we cleared out earlier I would say there is no way they're just going to sit and wait. Time is no longer on our side." Autumn agreed with Kesten. "Take care Kesten."

"What if we just skip that and give the horses to the men?" Autumn asked. "Kesten is the one with the honor code, not his men. However I feel like that would be an insult to Kesten himself, and I don't really want to do that. He's a good man and while we may not always agree I do have some respect for him." Then she paused for a moment. "Lets talk to Oleg. We don't have time to think of something else at the moment, we need to choose an action and go for it."

Male Human(Kellid) Ranger/3

Torek says to his friends, "Ah yes, I see. I was taught by my professional mentor to always choose between two clear choices. Trying to do both leads only to a poor muddled end. However it seems that is not the case here. As always, Brother Herger, Autumn, my old friend, your wisdom guides me. Let's see if we can work with Oleg to get to good ends. Where is he now, he seems to be everywhere these busy days?"

Male CG Halfling Sorcerer 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +6 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Thunderstaff: 1rd 6/6 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active Conditions: None

"I know that I don't know Kesten like the rest of you," Larin says, "but I get the feeling that he wouldn't take too kindly to us going over his head and offering the horses directly to his men. If Oleg will take them then it solves our problem quickly, and with as little fuss as possible."

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Yes let's just get to Oleg and get this done. We've more important matters to attend to." Autumn said as she headed off to find Oleg. Though she didn't know if Oleg would be able to buy four, now trained horses, their tack and all, from the group. While Autumn would normally let them go as non-trained horses but with the addition of two more and the needs of the group continuing to grow she had to think about those with her.

Then Autumn looped her arm around Torek's and smiled "The hardest tasks, become easy with friends" She told him, an Erastilian saying that he and Herger had to remind her of. "We'll get through this, we always do." Autumn said to the group as a whole. Then, letting go of Torek she set off the find Oleg.

Oleg digs into his strong box, bringing out the shiny gold coins of various mint, then paying for the horses without comment.
They are not trained warhorses, just riding horses.

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We're looking to fill two positions. The skill, and martial positions are the available ones.

Original recruitment post is below. Some changes: Starting at 2nd level. 1000 gp starting wealth.


"Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, is so granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The bearer of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered.
The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.
So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of The Dragonscale Throne."

Anyone up for playing the Kingmaker AP?

I'm looking for five(5) players who can commit to one post a day for long enough to finish the AP. More posts is fine, but since I'm only on in the evenings after work, and weekends, the daily rate is the maximum speed we could expect. On the other hand, with a posting rate of less than daily, we will literally never finish, and I would very much like to finish this one.
Many of the PbP games I've been in seem to die out a bit on the weekends. I'd like to avoid this, so players who are able to find the time for weekend posting will be prefered. Naturally, I wouldn't expect everyone to always be able to post, and I get away from the internet sometimes as well. Advance notice in these occasions is always appreciated.

Character generation.

Abilities. Use the following array: 15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12. I call this the action hero array, the dual talent alternate racial trait works quite well with it.

Traits: 3 traits, one must be a Kingmaker champaign trait. No drawbacks.

The characters will start at first level and with average wealth for their class.

Races: This is a tough one, I don't want to limit this too much. I had a great time playing a suli. Monster races are out of course. No goblins, no kobolds, no strix, no full-blood orcs, etc. Your kingdom will be mostly populated by humans, so races that can pass as human are best, but races that are allies to humans should be fine.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. However, I'm not at all interested in running an evil campaign, so no evil alignments. Your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment.

We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Champaign.
The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired. Except earning XP.

We will be using Hero Points from the APG.

We will not be using Pathfinder Unchained.

Completed submissions will need an alias with a completed stat-block. Not in spoilers please. You will need a brief background story, and a short character description. Don't forget height and weight. A paragraph about your char's personality is optional.

Those familiar with the Campaign rules will know that there are actually 10 vital rulership positions. I expect each character to fill two of these roles each. That means a minimum of 14 days each month need to be spent ruling. 7 days for each role. If the characters want to recruit NPCs for some of the kingdom roles that is perfectly acceptable to me. Either option, or a mix of both is fine. The leadership feat will be available.

Paizo materials only.

I nterested
Will adjust aoon

Sovereign Court

I would offer my sword and lance.
Titian Stagson, bastard born and cavalier on his warhorse, ready to be the shield for my fellow party members!

Silver Crusade


Ready for your approval.

Sovereign Court

May I ask a few questions please.
How do you do HP with Level-ups?
Do you use Background skills?

Here is the crunch for my shot at the skilled character. I would probably be shooting for the Grand Diplomat and General roles. I am still working on his background, but essentially he is young, inexperienced, but brash and perhaps over confident in his own abilities. I am basically going for a support bard.

Backstory added :)

Titian Stagson wrote:

May I ask a few questions please.

How do you do HP with Level-ups?
Do you use Background skills?

I have a special method I want to use for HP.

Roll d4 for HP then if your HD is d6 add 2.
If your HD is d8 add 4.
If your HD is d10 add 6.
If your HD is d12 add 8.

Keeps the fun of rolling, and everyone should have better than average HP.

Not using background skills.

Sovereign Court

Sounds good, Sir!
HP: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Okay, Elirious should be complete, added personality and appearance sections, and a third trait. If I get in I will likely twiddle with skill selections as per party need if that is permitted - I can always change the favoured class bonus to skill points instead of bardic music rounds.

Also very willing to change the image of the flag since with it giving bonuses it probably makes sense for it to end up as the groups emblem.

HP: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

To answer a question that was PMed (yesterday, sorry.)

Not using stuff other than Paizo.

HP: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

May I present Vetton Dola, your new Pathfinder?

Some aspects may seem a clone of Regina's background but he is actually based on an earlier character of mine - Volta.

I do have some experience with the Kingmaker AP due to playing it in earlier no longer active campaigns. I have the AP myself but only glanced at most of it and that was years ago.

Background is here and also at the bottom of my character's profile.
Please ask any questions, and of course adjustments may be made.


Vetton is a born and bred Pathfinder. His father, Vation, is a respected pathfinder with years of successful missions for the society, but he pales in comparison with his wife, Karito, who, by reputation, walks through walls without magic. They are not native Rostlanders but came from the south somewhere. He grew up in his parent's modest country estate, in the mountainous areas near Brunderton. He hung on every word of adventure his parents, family associates, and his childhood friends told of adventure and daring deeds. He camped and climbed all over the land but in his greatest efforts, he emulated his mother and her mastery of the intrusive arts. Even more she filled him with the romance of hidden secrets and treasures the ruins of the past held. His twin sister, Euphemi, is cut from a different cloth, though just as capable, she preferred to make friends with everyone she met, dazzling them with charm. A good childhood filled with warmth and hard work training as a Pathfinder from almost the day he was born.

A year ago that ended. Karito, now an ambitious Venture-Captain, decided to take on the ridiculous challenge of the mystery of Skywatch, that seemed to mock her every day as soon as she learned of it. she lived in its shadow. Her team gathered and set off, all but one returned. No clear account of what happened there is known, for each person told different stories of failing to get in, of getting in and seeing fantastic, but different sights, or only Karito getting in and never being seen again. The Society declared her lost, unable to find her, even with divination magics. Vation is shattered, living a routine but empty existence, taken care of by friends and his children, truthfully only by Euphemi. Vetton, shocked by his mother's loss, cannot completely let go. By turns, with Vetton either depressed or annoyingly energetic, Euphemi asked him to leave, to find something to do with his moods. So he left to join the militia in Brunderton city proper, but his lack of height nearly barred him. However the Master of Scouts was looking for recruits and Vetton was perfect. He did well, learning more wilderness lore but after about a year his restlessness caused friction. He had words with the scout master with the result of him leaving the militia. Shortly after that conversation, opportunity knocked.

Vetton eager to go on any mission with some adventure to it. He knows he has much still to learn, but the sooner the better, for one day he will wrest the secrets that hold his mother and find out her fate.


------------------------ Description -----------------------
Height: 5' 1" Weight: 135 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Amber Hair: Brown,Ponytail Skin: Tanned
Dominant Hand: Right Quirks: Organized, Has many Holy symbols
Speech style: Clear Quotable: Oops, sorry! That was me...

Appearance: A short boy looking like an early teen dashes constantly around. His brown hair is vainly corralled by a ponytail that whips from shoulder to shoulder, an errant bang always falls out, often on the right side of his face. His brown hair, bronze tanned skin, and amber eyes betray his Taldorian heritage. At a second glance, a close look at his eyes cause a revision of age to late teenager with height challenges. His moods bounce from excessively merry to slightly morose.

Clothing (Field) He is wearing the two toned brown leather jacket favored by the Brunderton militia scouts with matching leather breaches. Sturdy leather hiking boots, very clean and buffed but showing unmistakable signs of use, clad his ever moving feet. A dark blue cloak with maroon trim is matched by a pouch at his belt. The belt had matching blue knot-work on a base of golden hued leather, that supports a small brown sheath out of which sprouts a silver-white leather wrapped handle of a dagger. On trips he adds a backpack and belts on a rapier.

Clothing (Courtier) He is wearing a fancy outfit with white Silk shirt, quality black trousers, and black court shoes. Over this is beautiful Black Leather Armor of great quality, matched by his Jade gold ring. He wears a rapier of ordinary quality, strapped to his quality black belt.

I was looking to throw my hat in as well. Rolling quickly for my first health dice.
health: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Grr, overlooked that health die roll,

Health die 2nd lvl: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Hia :)
I am quite interested in what I see here so I will be throwing up a dot.
I have 2 initial ideas, a shielded defender and an unscrupulous merchant :3
The Defender would be a Human Siegebreaker Fighter wielding a Tower Shield and using the Mobile Bulwark style feats (eventually gaining Mobile Fortress).
Siegebreaker lets me do damage when I use maneuvers but it wouldn't be much. He is more focused on defense.
Question: I aim on Bull Rushing people and just describing it as me bashing them with the Tower Shield, but I can't actually shield bash using a Tower Shield :( Would you be willing to let me do that? Say 1d4 or 1d6 damage?
He would be a very loyal and upstanding man, and would probably aim for the General, Royal Enforcer or Waren roles as he aims to defend their lands and bring order and stability.

The second idea is a rather lean human merchant who sees immense potential and wealth in the new lands. So naturally he is going to carve out his own slice of the pie, and its a big slice! (Also, I plan on him growing fatter the wealthier the settlement gets ^_^ He is one to enjoy the luxuries of life to the fullest!)
So he would be a human Rogue with the Charlatan archetype and the Black Market Connections Talent. By 3rd level he will have lots of ways to interact and influence the settlement :)
He will also be aiming for the Spymaster and Treasurer roles as he has his thumb pressed firmly on the pulse of the city, its veins of silver and its dark underbelly >:)
Playing this character will give me a really good chance to try and be clever and cunning, and let me try and come up with manipulative interactions with NPCs.

Most likely I will build up the Black Market Merchant and I have a 3-day holliday starting tomorrow so I should have some time to build him :)

But first I am going to read up on the current game tab and see what the others have gone for.

Silver Crusade

@gm, would a hunter be able to fill in the role of martial? (or maybe even skilled?)

I'll close the recruitment Friday. (4/20)
And make my decision over the weekend.

As far as the question about bull rushing with a tower shield, i'll just stick with RAW on that one.

rorek55 wrote:

@gm, would a hunter be able to fill in the role of martial? (or maybe even skilled?)

Possibly. One of the original players already has a hunter though.

Silver Crusade

I have a wizard already wrote up for this AP, but I'm guessing you have one due to the "roles open" thing. hm.

I'll see if I can think up anything before friday.

could a magus work?

A sorcerer, actually.

Edit: Some people do consider the magus to be a martial class. They can be kind of skillful too, especially with the right traits.

Silver Crusade

If your group would prefer, I could make a bloodrager instead. I think it is a good time to try out the "destined" bloodline. And it is slightly better at being a martial.

yes. I think I'll do this.

hp: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Have added my choices for what Vetton would likely do for the Kingdom.
Kingdom Roles:
Royal Enforcer
Grand Diplomat (after pumping Diplomacy)
are the top choices for Vetton

Marshal is less likely but he could be very good at it.

His personal goal may seem not in line with Kingdom building but he really wants a challenge to strengthen himself and gather allies to gain the power he needs. A kingdom could be very useful to that end.

HP: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Finnian grew up a lesser member of House Lebeda, able to take the name only just. Although he was able to enjoy some of the finer things that came with growing up on the shores of Lake Reykal it did quickly become obvious that he would need to find something to do with himself since the family wouldn't tolerate him loafing around forever. Finnian had a sharp wit, when he could be bothered to employ it. As it turned out, the threat of losing out on the comforts of wealth was just the kind of motivation the young man needed to apply himself. With a mind for figures and facts he found employment within the family working to distribute alchemical reagents to various clients. The added benefit to learning about the various reagents was that he was able to learn of a number of interesting mind-expanding stimulants and intoxicants. He began mixing up his own unique little concoctions on the side for himself and his friends. ultimately that was what got him into trouble.

When a young woman he had been courting grew seriously ill after imbibing one of his brews his family politely but firmly told him that he had best make himself scarce if he was to survive the fallout. The young woman was frankly above him in station and her family could cause serious problems for Finnian if they had a mind to. That was when he saw the call for people to explore the Stolen Lands. He didn't frankly have a great deal of experience out in the wilderness but he had studied flora and fauna. Besides a chance to get out into the world and make a name for himself without having to tip toe under his family's watchful gaze would be delightful.

OOC Stuff:
It looks like you guys maybe had an Alchemist at one point? Anyways I love Alchemists and I think the Mindchemist allows for some great knowledge skills and the ALchemist in general has a good array of other skills. I build him up as something of a noble dilettante and took a trait that would get him access to Diplomacy and Knowledge Local. So he'll be able to do the skill monkey role pretty well. He's a little wild but he understands the need to work for what you want, he's motivated to help this charter because he's basically been disowned by his family. Prior training makes him a good choice for Treasurer since his family dealt with a lot of trade and he did as well for a time. He could possible work as Spymaster as well since he's quite clever when he wants to be. Perhaps even Grand Diplomat if I play up that socialite bit.

Finnian Lebeda
Male human alchemist (mindchemist) 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 19)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 19 (2d8+6)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2; +2 bonus vs. poison
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged bomb +5 (1d6+3 fire) or
. . mwk light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks bomb 5/day (1d6+3 fire, DC 14)
Alchemist (Mindchemist) Extracts Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
. . 1st—cure light wounds, heightened awareness[ACG], targeted bomb admixture[UC]
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Brew Potion, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Throw Anything
Traits affable, firebug, noble born - lebeda
Skills Appraise +7, Craft (alchemy) +8 (+10 to create alchemical items), Diplomacy +5 (+7 to gather information.), Disable Device +3, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +7, Spellcraft +7, Survival +6, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +2), cognatogen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 20 minutes), discovery (precise bombs [3 squares]), perfect recall
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, dagger, mwk light crossbow, alchemist starting formula book, alchemy crafting kit[APG], backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 373 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +2 (Su) +2 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 1d6+3 (5/day, DC 14) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+3 fire damage.
Cognatogen (DC 14) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a mental & -2 to a physical attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 20 minutes.
Perfect Recall At 2nd level, a mindchemist has honed his memory. When making a Knowledge check, he may add his Intelligence bonus on the check a second time. Thus, a mindchemist with 5 ranks in Knowledge (history) and a +2 Intelligence bonus has a total skill bonus
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Bombs (Su) Exclude up to 3 squares from splash damage of your bombs.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.

Reading the last few pages of the gameplay tab makes me think that creating a Kobold character from the Sootscale tribe that ends up joining with the party might be really appropriate :)

I think I'll start reading up on Kobolds and see if I can come up with any great ideas ^_^

Gobo Horde wrote:

Reading the last few pages of the gameplay tab makes me think that creating a Kobold character from the Sootscale tribe that ends up joining with the party might be really appropriate :)

I think I'll start reading up on Kobolds and see if I can come up with any great ideas ^_^

A kobold is probably going to be a real poor fit. I wouldn't bother making one.

I'm veshly and I wish to withdraw this character.
I hurriedly rewrote an old character to this and to be honest it just didn't come out quite right. I'll post a new entry soon, if acceptable.

A new roll for a new entry.

hit point roll: 1d4 ⇒ 4 plus the mod for the class.

I'm veshly.

Hmm, I rolled better this time, if you want me to use the earlier roll just let me know.

May I present the new entry, custom built from ground up for this campaign.

This is a entry for the skilled slot, just made on a ranger class. All options for more or better skills have been made, the only combat feat is from his combat style and all his traits are skill based.

I've tried not to step on the roles the other players have, Torek has many rogue skills and his archtypes remove most of his animal related abilites and all spells.

He can do most of what a rogue does, and his martial skill should compliment the main warrior but will still be substantialy less.

He bought a combat light horse and has a non-combat one from pioneer. If chosen, what effect that has can be worked out.

Please make any questions or comments you have and I thank you for your consideration.

A man in his early twenties, average in height and build, walks with a gentle grace. Neat black hair surrounds a handsome face with dark blue eyes. He's clad in a quality dark blue leather brigandine that match his eyes and boots; the bronze studs glitter in the light. Brown leather epaulets pin a black cloak to his back, a fine buckler strapped to his left arm. The scabbard of a basket hilt longsword hangs from his brown belt. The emblem of a follower of Erastil adorns his neck. His manner is warm and friendly but some feel judged by his implacable regard.

For a picture of Torek, if a bit paler, click on this commerical costume site. No endorsement intended: I cannot even read that site. Ser hubard is the costume.


Haron Vakt-Clan, leaves his family to avoid kin-slaying and drifts into Rostland meeting a group of street performers that incorporate him into the act. He marries Deshka the Nimble, an acrobat of mixed Kellid blood. They have Torek and as he grows up he joins the act as an acrobat himself. Then a performance goes wrong and Deshka is lamed. They leave the troop, moving to the frontier with Haron working as a Trapper with Torek in tow and Deshka sometimes works as a cook. The work took them through a number of villages, at one they meet a young gifted hunter who tells of the virtues of Erastil. Torek is interested but his Dad is good with the spirits.

The frontier, never safe, now becomes truly hostile. Villages are burned or plundered, Hakon and son fight back but are driven away by the troubles, settling behind Restov's strong walls; Hakon does day-labor but they must live in the slums. A fever sweeps through taking Hakon with it. Torek now a young man steps up and finds work as a bounty hunter, his success is limited by his inexperience but he earns enough to get by. Torek is torn between the need for justice and the necessity for violence and money in his trade. A chance encounter with a refuge priest of Erastil gives him another way. He swiftly learns to patiently negotiate for his rightful fees and also to often take a bounty in without violence. He becomes a devout follower. His fortunes improve and with new funds he buys his trained mount - Hope. Some bounties payoff with new armor and better tools.

Still Torek is not satisfied that what he is doing is enough. His mother has work in an Inn, and he leaves her with some money to send for later, if safe. With the opening of the Stolen Lands and no illusions about the difficulty of the challenge, he heads off to join the effort after hearing that old friends may be involved.

Sorry folks, I'm running a bit behind on this. I thought I would have more time this weekend. Didn't help that I took the moto out for a ride. Weather's perfect for it right now...

Sovereign Court

Size and weight added.

Detail description added as well. Sorry, thought the format included that information; I needed to export the more detailed version.

Thats fine. It does give me one last shot at getting my Merchant up and ready for this campaign :)
Figured I had lost my chance...
If I get him up in time, great! If not.. Carry on carry on...

Alright, I'm going with Titian Stagson, and Elirious Alothian.

Congratulations to the chosen, good luck.

Sovereign Court

I am very glad to be chosen and feel quite honored!
Shall I head over to the Discussion tab and ninja dot the gameplay?

Great, thanks for having me :)

"Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, is so granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The bearer of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered.
The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.
So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of The Dragonscale Throne."
Anyone up for playing the Kingmaker AP?

I'm looking for five(5) players who can commit to one post a day for long enough to finish the AP. More posts is fine, but since I'm only on in the evenings after work, and weekends, the daily rate is the maximum speed we could expect. On the other hand, with a posting rate of less than daily, we will literally never finish, and I would very much like to finish this one.
Many of the PbP games I've been in seem to die out a bit on the weekends. I'd like to avoid this, so players who are able to find the time for weekend posting will be prefered. Naturally, I wouldn't expect everyone to always be able to post, and I get away from the internet sometimes as well. Advance notice in these occasions is always appreciated.

Character generation.

Abilities. Use the following array: 15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12. I call this the action hero array, the dual talent alternate racial trait works quite well with it.

Traits: 3 traits, one must be a Kingmaker champaign trait. No drawbacks.

The characters will start at first level and with average wealth for their class.

Races: This is a tough one, I don't want to limit this too much. I had a great time playing a suli. Monster races are out of course. No goblins, no kobolds, no strix, no full-blood orcs, etc. Your kingdom will be mostly populated by humans, so races that can pass as human are best, but races that are allies to humans should be fine.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. However, I'm not at all interested in running an evil campaign, so no evil alignments. Your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment.

We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Champaign.
The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired. Except earning XP.

We will be using Hero Points from the APG.

We will not be using Pathfinder Unchained.

Completed submissions will need an alias with a completed stat-block. Not in spoilers please. You will need a brief background story, and a short character description. Don't forget height and weight. A paragraph about your char's personality is optional.

Those familiar with the Campaign rules will know that there are actually 10 vital rulership positions. I expect each character to fill two of these roles each. That means a minimum of 14 days each month need to be spent ruling. 7 days for each role. If the characters want to recruit NPCs for some of the kingdom roles that is perfectly acceptable to me. Either option, or a mix of both is fine. The leadership feat will be available.

Paizo materials only.

Seeking a replacement character. The sorcerer left, so the arcane spot is open.

Also, looking for an additional player. So 2 positions are available.


What level are the characters up to, and which rulership positions are looking to be filled?

We are freshly level 3, as to which rulership positions are looking to be filled is a difficult question to answer. We have those which we thought about filling, such I when I made Autumn I figured she'd be a good Martial but at this point I'm unsure! XD

Here is what we have if you're curious of that as well
Cleric of Erastil, Herger
Ranger, Torek
Cavalier (Beastrider)(Order of the Sword), Titian
Hunter, Autumn

Also of note all of us are Erastil worshipers! Of course you don't have to be, it is just a piece of note I found humorous!

I’ve got an idea kicking around for a cleric. They’d be a follower of the Pale Horse, who’s the psychopomp usher of beasts of burden, duty and revenge. He represents those who die in service, and the pain and rewards of duty.

I noticed that there’s another cleric, though I’d veer more towards the debuffs/combat role.

A loose background is that they used to serve Charon, the Horseman of Death, but was killed in service to their dark master. The Pale Horse redeemed them, offering a lifetime of penance and service to him, with a second chance at life.

I could also build a warpriest if a backup melee was needed.

Either way is good, just the general concept is fixed.

DO you guys have someone who is heading for the 'ruler' position?

Got an idea kinda kicking around in my head for figurehead ruler. Nice guy, well loved, looks good in a parade. But he's a bit of a stump. Wants to setup another kingdom ruled by a 'dragon' (cause all of them should be of course). He's going for dragon disciple and belives himself to be a reincarnated dragon.

I have not played in this AP at all. But I've talked to a few people that have. About half of them said they ended up in one of 2 issues/situations. Either no one really wanted to be the ruler and be 'in-charge' of the group, making it difficult to have a plan and make progress. Or someone was on a power trip giving out orders, making it no fun for the others. This seemed like a decent way to avoid the issue. A 'ruler' that will make simplistic plans and pursue them, but he can be easily swayed by the group to change his mind if anyone wants to do anything different.

Would that fit in the group ok or do you not like that idea?

A sylvan sorcerer would fit the Erastil theme pretty good. But sorcerer's don't have many skill points. Not sure if He could really do a decent job of filling 2 roles in the kingdom. I'm not very familiar with the UC kingdom system, but doesn't it rely on the skill ranks?

Hmm... Guess I could do a crossblooded sylvan and sage to use intelligence. Then I would have more skills at for the reduction in spells know. I think I could make that work.

I saw the hero points. Are you using background skills? What about variant multi-classing?

Kingdom roles rely on raw ability scores, generally adding score modifiers to certain attribute rolls.

Simeon is correct, the roles rely upon ability scores. So the the array given you end up with a party that can pretty much fill any role fairly well. For example Autumn is so well rounded that any roles she got she'd be just as good in.

As for heading to the role no. It was our sorcerer, however with what has played out at the moment the most involved character is Autumn. Leadership wise I mean. I think this is mostly just because of my posting rates. I tend to be the first to reply and with Autumn's more Alpha personality meaning she often calls shots. However I cannot speak to other character that may join. Some one much more focused on ruling would likely out pace her.

@Revolving Now when it comes to your question, that is always the hardest to answer. It really depends on how you play the character. Those that are with us now are a very close group. They welcome those who wish to make a new home here, as that is kinda what they all want, and each has their own baggage that they're really just now fully sharing and coming to terms with. So if you coming in acting like you own the place, it won't go over well. Also keep in mind that anyone who comes in looking to take a ruler place will have to earn it. Whether that be by showing you can do the job and are worthy, or by earning the trust of the part. This is a group of Erastil worshipers, so community comes first. Prove you understand this fact and I doubt much trouble would be had.

@Simeon You'r idea of a character who has a life a penance would fit in well with the... I'm going to use the word theme, of the group. Everyone in the party is running or trying to com to terms with something from their past.

@ElterAgo A Sorcerer of slyvan blood does sound like it would fit in fine. As for your questions, I will leave those to the GM. At least for the variant of multi-classing.

Autumn Moon wrote:


@Revolving Now when it comes to your question, that is always the hardest to answer. It really depends on how you play the character. Those that are with us now are a very close group. They welcome those who wish to make a new home here, as that is kinda what they all want, and each has their own baggage that they're really just now fully sharing and coming to terms with. So if you coming in acting like you own the place, it won't go over well. Also keep in mind that anyone who comes in looking to take a ruler place will have to earn it. Whether that be by showing you can do the job and are worthy, or by earning the trust of the part. This is a group of Erastil worshipers, so community comes first. Prove you understand this fact and I doubt much trouble would be had.

That is kinda what I was trying to avoid. A figurehead that everyone could point to and say he is in charge. But he is a naive and easily led guy, so everyone can still do what they want. But maybe that won't work out so well in this group.

I will try to think of another concept that might fits with the group a bit better and still seems entertaining to me.

Looking at the characters, doesn't look like there is a real skill monkey present. Might just be a space for an investigator. Any particular skills that group has been noticing a lack of?

Revolving Door Alternate wrote:

Looking at the characters, doesn't look like there is a real skill monkey present. Might just be a space for an investigator. Any particular skills that group has been noticing a lack of?

Map making. We've no one to make a map of the places we've been. Autumn is a good huntress and remembers the places she's been thus can get them almost anywhere the group has already seen, but that won't help people who want to settle the land themselves.

Knowledge (arcana)
Knowledge (local)
Knowledge (nobility)
Knowledge (planes)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Knowledge (Engineering)

These are the knowledges we don't have.

Autumn Moon wrote:
Revolving Door Alternate wrote:

Looking at the characters, doesn't look like there is a real skill monkey present. Might just be a space for an investigator. Any particular skills that group has been noticing a lack of?

Map making. We've no one to make a map of the places we've been. Autumn is a good huntress and remembers the places she's been thus can get them almost anywhere the group has already seen, but that won't help people who want to settle the land themselves.

Knowledge (arcana)
Knowledge (local)
Knowledge (nobility)
Knowledge (planes)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Knowledge (Engineering)

These are the knowledges we don't have.

I'm surprised, you have 3 characters with a good diplomacy. So that is well covered. More isn't really needed. I would probably put a few ranks in face skills just for back up.

It looks like you have an archer, a melee, a switch hitter, and caster. So no real empty spots there.

An investigator that intends to be an adviser toward the ruling committee should be fairly easy to come up with. Let me give it some thought and throw some ideas at the wall to see what sticks.

Oh yeah! I actually find it kinda ironic that the one who does the most talking, ie me, has no Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Bluff. She runnin' on her raw Charisma. Thought to be fair she is so well rounded it isn't that bad. Not great, but not bad.

However speaking of characters, would people like a little type of the kinds of characters we have? Give you an idea of who we are? Or do people just want to go in blind?

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