Chronicles of the River Kingdoms.

Game Master Waterhammer

Chapter One: Into the Stolen Lands.

Stag Keep

The Greenbelt- Exploration.

A Dark Glen

Thorn River Camp

Keep on the Tuskwater

Map of Oleg's.

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Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

"That seems an equitable arrangement, if they'll have him." Pyros says after a moment.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Anyone else have an opinion on what to do with the bandit?

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Standing quietly off to the side and dreading the end of the questioning out of fear that they were just going to execute the man. Though he deserves it doesn't he? "That would be up to Master Oleg."

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Taenweth's deep green eyes studied the Human alchemist upon her answer and with no expression replied quietly, "Indeed, Regina. Let us remove any weapons from his person and tie him up just to ensure he's not foolish enough to attempt to harm us. And we should gag him. We don't want him shouting warning to the remaining four when we cross paths with them."

Taenweth has no manacles, but she will use her rope if need be to tie him up and a kerchief to gag him if people give the go ahead.

(Before gagging him) Looking to the bandit, "Do you have a horse or shall we drag you along behind us?" The Elf still had her rapier out and playfully pointed it at him.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"He can ride with me." Autumn stated. "And if he tries anything his life is forfeit." She said as she let the bandit go. "It does say that only those who are not repentant are to be hung or put to the sword."

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Taenweth looked to the Huntress, "As you wish," and left the man to Autumn's fierce care.

"Does the party wish to search for the remaining brigands? Best we leave now before they cross our path first. I would rather have the element of surprise on our side."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Off in the distance the cleric continued to dig graves for the fallen bandits, if for no other reason than it was the right thing to do. He could see the rest of the party with the running bandit, and he had faith they would come to a consensus on what to do.

So paizo decided to not let me know there were new post for this game sorry

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Looking around while speaking softly, [smaller]"Would we not lose the element of surprise if they return and no one is here? They would be able to warn the others." Never one meeting anyone in the eyes.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

There's only four remaining, Regina, so I'm confused by the last bit of your RP. They all went hunting together. So who would be doing the warning?

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

As I understood from your statement if we leave this place and let the bandits come back to find their companions dead then they would be able to let other camps know what had happened. This would have the potential other camps will be on the alert. If instead we wait here and kill/interrogate them then we might have more information or at least keep them from telling other camps. I hope that makes sense.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Herger is burying all the dead. If, on the way back from the hunt, they pass through this spot, they're just as likely to believe their companions are scouting or moved on elsewhere. What other camps? They have their main base camp, agreed, but it seems they all left it to undertake their respective activities (and now only a handful remain: the one we've captured and the other four)? All Taenweth was suggesting is finding them first ... as she isn't sure they will cross this place to get back to their main base camp.

If the group wants to wait them out in case they pass through then that's fine. But Taenweth's working on one assumption regarding their movement and Regina's working on another. I just played out one possible scenario as no one was posting rp.

Regina wrote:

"Would we not lose the element of surprise if they return and no one is here? They would be able to warn the others."

Taenweth eyed the alchemist whose own eyes would not meet hers or any other.

"If they return here. They will ride from the hunt together and since this brigand said there was only he and another four remaining, then who would they alert? The dead will soon be buried by Herger, so I merely suggested we locate the last of these bandits. But if you believe they will certainly return to this spot, then we will clear the area of any signs of fight, wait them out and attack in surprise."

Taenweth held the look a moment longer and then wordlessly moved (in long, swift strides) back toward Herger and then to where she had tethered her horse.

She stopped when she was close enough to the holy man and asked in steady voice, "Did you collect anything useful from the dead before you would put them to ground?" (Sorry, Herger, I can't remember if you searched their bodies first.)

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Looking over at Herger, "Burial mounds tend to leave evidence of what they are, especially new ones. Along with the blood."

Crossing her arms and forcing herself to meet Taenweth in the eyes, "And I meant that they would be able to let other groups like this one or their base know what happened. And if they simply went hunting then they should return."

Turning to the bandit, "Would they?"

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

Leaving the bandit to the ladies, Pyros heads over to help Herger with the digging. "I don't suppose you have a spare shovel, do you?" he asks when he gets there.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

He had not searched them as of yet, was mostly focused on the graves.

I did not see one Pyros, but i didnt look through their things either. We might as well search for useful things while we are here, I dount the owners of any ill gotten loot we find will be able to claim it. What are they doing with the survivor?

He asked stretching a bit and lifting up the shovel to Pyro while he pulled out his waterskin and took a long draught from it.

Didnt Oleg say one of them took his wive's ring? We should search for it while we are here of course.

He added.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Autumn bound the bandit's hands and sat him down. "Stay, or I'll sick Frostbite on you again." She told him before she walked over to Pyros and Herger. "Here. Let me help." She said before she looked to Frostbite and pointed to the ground. "Dig." She ordered.

The wolf set to work, digging though the dirt with ease. Autumn looked to the two men and said "That should help you a bit. I'm going to keep an eye on the bandit." She walked back over to where she left him and called out to Regina and Taenweth. "Go ahead and search the camp you two, I'll keep my eyes on this one."

"Probly. They was plannin' to..." The bandit answers Regina's question.

The camp site seems to have only the one shovel, though there is a pick and a woodcutter's axe.

I'm not sure if the bandit was tied up or not...

Most of the bandit's food stores and gear are stowed under the platform nearest the campfire (K2). The have a good store of firewood laid up, and several lumpy sacks heaped in a messy pile. One of the sacks is open revealing wizened apples. Fresh apples won't be available till next harvest, in the late summer. Of course, spring berries should be on their way, once the weather turns.
It looks like there might be some boxes or crates in the wagon (K5).

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Taenweth had moved to Herger in my last post.

Having heard Herger's reply to her question and then Pyros seek to aid in the digging, Taenweth moved toward Veris and untied the shovel secured to the saddlebags. She moved back to the men and handed the tool to the fighter. "Here, use mine, Pyros. Two shovels are better than one."

Taenweth turned her focus to the dead brigands and began to methodically search the bodies, hoping to spy Svetlana's ring and any other useful items.

Taenweth tied up the bandit. She was going to gag him, too, but people were still questioning him.

GM, the map we had for the recent combat has no coordinates on it. Are you going by another map?

Sorry, I didn't notice that. I've marked the two locations on the map. It is the Thorn River Camp map.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I see them. Thank you for that. :)

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GM rolls:
1d20 ⇒ 3

I assume that Taenweth takes 20 on her search. It makes sense given that it will take some time to dig graves.

On Kressle: Masterwork hand axes x 2.
Studded leather armor.
Winter outfit.
Belt pouches x 2.
Flint & Steel.
54 gp.

Bandits: Club x 4.
longbow x 4
dagger x 4
arrows x 73
leather armor x 4
belt pouches x 8
peasant's outfit x 4
waterskin x 4
12 gp
16 sp
The bandits are wearing the peasant's outfits and armor, including the one captured, of course. He would have his money in his belt pouches as well. (3 gp, 4 sp amount included in the total above.)

Camp loot: blankets x 5
bedroll x 8
backpack x 5
50' rope x 5
soap x 5
torches x 34
trail rations x 17 days
cooking pot x 3
small tent x 2
meal, common x 5 days
meal, good x 3 days

Stowed under these mundane items are: 90 gp
321 sp
a pair of silver earrings
a finely crafted wooden music box
crates of valuable furs and hides x 3

Stowed in the wagon is a case of green liquor in glass bottles, stowed in straw. There 8 of these bottles left full. The case once held 16 of these bottles, but the empties are scattered around camp, apparently the bandits have been hitting the supply.

Taenweth finds a thunderstone on one of the tree platforms, as well.

No one shows up to interfere with the searching, nor with the burials, these tasks are complete, it's time to decide on the next move...

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

She was content in the items she had discovered during her search and made note of each as a general inventory. Taenweth promptly and quietly informed her companions of all that she had found.

"We should take these back to the fort once we are done with the remaining brigands. We can divide coin and other articles once we are gone from this place. Can someone aid me in hitching the wagon to one of the horses and stowing all the items?" Or two horses, depending on how big and heavy the wagon is? "We can depart more expeditiously if we ready it now." (Once we're done with the remaining 4 bandits.)

Taenweth then set to the task.

STR check to lift and carry: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Regina will you help Taenweth please. I'm still keeping my eye on the bandit." Autumn said.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Str to assist: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Nodding to Autumn before moving to help Taenweth sort though what the bandits had and then moving to help with the wagon. Though she more that once stumbles and loses her grip. Damn it all!

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

"Sure, no problem." Pyros says to Taenweth, before walking over and helping move the wagon.

Strength: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Everything is easily loaded into the wagon. Taenweth finds the harness stowed under the wagon seat, but the leather is old and brittle. The wagon itself is in poor repair, with a broken spoke on the left rear wheel. It may have been a very long time since the hubs have seen any grease as well. For now, the wagon will roll, but how long is anyone's guess.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Are we ready to go?" Autumn asked as she stood and pulled the bandit up along with her. Though she looked the wagon over with a slightly worried look. "I think we should head back to Olge's, because that wagon may not hold if we go too far with it." She sighed.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

He had just finished up the last rites those bandits would ever recieve... and he had to force himself in a way to administer even that. Banditry was pretty high up on his list of intolerable things. The large man, who had not had anything to do with the bandit in Autumn's care so far merely griped the handle of the shovel flexing his arms and glaring at him.

Second chances were a thing that should be offered to all but the most unrepentant souls. He didnt know this man's story so he would... hold judgement for now.

"You there... whats your name? What skills besides petty Thievery do you have?"

He began mounting his horse while eyeing the wagon critically.

The bandit had been watching with mild interest as the loot was loaded on the wagon. Now he turns an apprehensive gaze toward Herger. "Name's Curley. Curley Fraine. I know a bit o' hunting, a bit o' trapping, and how to grow turnips." Then with glint of sullen pride. "We got some good hauls too, not just petty."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

His ears perked up a bit as he looked down on comparatively the already shorter man.

"You.... know farming?"

He began his voice sounded not quite incredulous but close. His scowl deepened.

How can you sleep at night knowing you have such a gift yet squander it so in the pursuit of wealth cheaply taken? You and I will have words Curley Fraine. It is clear You survived to be taught the true way to measure a man and his worth by Erastil."

He said for the first time probably sounding a bit preachy.

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

Pyros gathers his things and mounts his horse, ready to leave as soon as the others are.

"Farmin's hard work, then the taxman takes all the get. Leaves you naught but seed money, and not quite starving. Banditin's done me better." Curley turns his eyes to the ground. "Up till now...

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

"And what taxman is here to take your coin and wares? You have two choices as i see it. You can build a real life, a good life here... or you could end up like the others. You dont see many old bandits living life on high do you? There is a reason for that.

He began once more keeping his eyes to the woodline and the like though still talking to the prisoner.

"Was it only turnips you grew? what about beets? Raddishes? potatoes? I havent had a chance to get a feel for the soil in these parts. Did you try to look into growing here or did you just jump into being a bandit?"

He asked some more.

and yes, it will probably be farm talk the whole trip back.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Autumn helped the bandit onto her horse before getting on herself. She hung back with Herger so the two could speak, allowing Taenweth to take the lead.

"There was a woman back home who made the best spiced potatoes you've ever had." Autumn mentioned as a passing through when she heard the question about what else and bandit use to grow.

"Did you not care that you where hurting innocent people?" She asked the bandit before her.

Frostbite stayed in step with both the horses, off to the side enough to not spook them but close enough to attack the bandit should he try to harm Autumn.

"Did my farmin' up by Oxencross. The Lebeda's do the taxin' there." He shrugs. "No Taxman here, tis true, but my farmin days was over, time I got here."
"Kept a vegetable patch to help feed my family, but mostly turnips. Turnips for the hogs. Hogs is where the money's at."

Curley's face grows thoughtful at Autumn's question. At length he answers: "I never thought on it much. After Anna passed, and the Fever took my kids, nothing much mattered. Fightin's kind of a thrill, and it's nice to have some coin to spend. That's all it was to me."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Herger grew quiet for a moment then spoke again with his gruff voice... sounding slightly hollowed.

"I can understand that loss all to well, I lost my wife and daughter 8 years back I lost my wife and daughter to..."

He paused and grew silent just for a moment before he continued.

" I have my boy still, but.. do you think your wife and children would be proud of the way you are acting now? This.. this is your chance to right yourself. To live right. As to the fighting, well this is a frontier land, there will be plenty of that as it is, but I.. we... mean to see about getting the lay of this land down for settling, no reason you cant be a part of that. Something to think about."

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Survival to shore up wheel, if possible?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
GM, can Taenweth do something about the broken spoke? To help it keep and not break as they ride. If she can, how long will it take, please?


Whose horse is pulling the wagon? Taenweth will be up front on her horse tracking and scouting.

It seemed the plan to waylay and finish the remaining four brigands had been set aside to return to the trading post promptly.

"Keep your eyes open for the last four bandits as we ride. And let us not talk too loudly," she said as two of her companions chatted to the brigand prisoner. She kept her thoughts on the matter to herself.

Mounting Veris, she nudged him forward and began to lead the group back to Oleg's.

Survival to Track: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

Aid Another to help Taenweth's tracking: Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Regina would have no issue using her her horse for the wagon.

Listening quietly and staring at the ground as she feels her stomach tighten at the mere idea of that kind of loss. Frowning at Taenweth, "Are we sure we want to leave this place now?"

survival to add other: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Taenweth does not have the skill, nor the materials to repair the wheel spoke. However, the other 15 spokes seem to be enough to hold the wheel together for some time. The lack of axle grease is likely to present a greater problem. If a wheel should seize up on its axle, the wagon would prove to be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to move.

"Aye. They would not be proud." Curley scuffs at the grass with his feet, his eyes downward.

The trail back to Oleg's is becoming a veritable highway. Taenweth, and those helping her have no trouble backtracking. Finding passage for the wagon is more difficult, but not impossible. Where the horses had threaded their way between trees, the wagon must pick a way around.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Then make them proud." Autumn told Curley as they moved on. "You're getting a second chance, something many do not get in this world. Don't waist it." She said with a slight smile. "You're the only connection to this world they have now. Remember that."

After three days of travel, you all arrive safely back at Oleg's. The trading post has changed a bit since you left it last. Three pavilion tents, of faded brown cloth, have been pitched just outside the entrance to the fort. Sharpened stakes have been driven into the ground to defend these structures. The road into the outpost remains open. In fact, Oleg comes out to greet you. "Welcome back friends." He exclaims. "How went your expedition? Come inside. Svetlana will want to see you. Come inside, have some food and drink. Tell us of your deeds."
Armed soldiers can be seen keeping watch from the battlements of the trading post. Oleg mentions casually: "Yeah, the security detail finally arrived."

Male Half elf Rogue (Scout) 3/Fighter 1
Character Information:
[HP: 36/36]; [Armor Class: 18; Touch: 14; Flat Footed: 14]; [BAB: +3; CMB: +5; CMD: 19]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7*; Reflex: +8*; Will: +3* (+2 Racial bonus against enchantment spells or effects)]; [Immunities: Sleep]; [Initiative: +10]; [Low-light Vision, Perception: +10]; [Exploration: Scout]

Caerwyn, on lookout duty, sees the party approaching the outpost. Turning to face one of the tents he shouts "Sir, riders approaching." He the returns to keeping an uneasy eye on them as they ride up, only breathing a sigh of relief when the shopkeeper, Oleg, greets them.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Autumn smirked up at the lookout, Caerwyn, and called "Ah so you're the people whose job we did." her tone was in a jest and the look on her fact told them it was a joke.

She got off her horse and helped Curley down. "What do you say Curley, lets get something to eat hmm?" She asked as she pushed him along and followed after Oleg.

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

Pyros nods curtly to the lookout. "Good to see a sharp eye on the tower. I'm Pyros, by the way." the golden-haired man says after he dismounts, offering a hand to the newcomer.

"Another candidate for the noose, eh?" Asks Oleg. "Guess I'm gonna have to build a jail."

There is a stirring in one of the guard's tents, and a man pokes his head out to peer about. He has shaggy black hair and thick stubble on his face. Caerwyn knows this is Kesten Garess. The man assesses the scene with morose brown eyes, then withdraws back into his tent.

Svetlana has hugs for all (except Curley of course), then she sets out food and drink. "Rest yourselves. you must be famished."

Ufgar hurries forward to greet his father... And to get some food, the growing boy is always hungry.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

"Not the noose... at least not yet. It would seem our friend here has pledged to better himself like a real settler. He has provided us with information on a bandit 'lord' in the area and has earned his chance for a new life eh my friends?"

He said to the others giving master Oleg a curt nod. He reached over and pulled his lanky son into a hug tousling his hair. He moved to settle the horses while the others ate, quietly going about his business until it was done then he joined the others.

Oleg looks doubtful. "If you say so, Master Orickson." Then he asks. " So you found the bandit's lair then? Can we expect a break from their raiding?"

Male Half elf Rogue (Scout) 3/Fighter 1
Character Information:
[HP: 36/36]; [Armor Class: 18; Touch: 14; Flat Footed: 14]; [BAB: +3; CMB: +5; CMD: 19]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7*; Reflex: +8*; Will: +3* (+2 Racial bonus against enchantment spells or effects)]; [Immunities: Sleep]; [Initiative: +10]; [Low-light Vision, Perception: +10]; [Exploration: Scout]

After being relieved of duty Caerwyn makes his way to his tent and changes into his civilian clothes. Strapping his blade across his shoulders he makes his way over to the trading post. "Master Oleg, Mistress Svetlana" he greets both with a slight bow "A pleasure to see you again."
Walking over to the main group he introduces himself "My name is Caerwyn, Caerwyn Callandriil, of the Restov guard. I too applied to come out here to help settle these land once and for all but, alas, I was not chosen. So, when Captain Garess was assembling soldiers for a relief column I volunteered to join and use my skills to help rout the bandit gangs that have been a blight on peaceful settlers for far too long." He extends his hand "And you are?"
He will shake hands with each member as they introduce themselves.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

"Oh, well hello Caerwyn. I am Autumn." The young huntress said as she offered her hand. Frostbite whined and gave a small yip. "Oh yes, and this is Frostbite. I promise, she may be a wolf but she's not going to attack you... unless you attack me." She smiled as she gave the wolf a scratch behind her ears.

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

Pyros offers a hand as well. "Pyros Aldori. A pleasure to meet you, Caerwyn." the golden-haired man says, presuming that his surname will be enough introduction as to his role.

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Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Looking forward to getting started and getting to know the other characters better in game!

Thanks again for the opportunity to play, GM Waterhammer.

Thanks for playing. Gameplay thread is up.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I am so excited!

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

I shall post in the game thread when I get home from work today, I look foreword to seeing the kingdom we build!

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

It's getting late, here, so I'll be heading to bed soon.

My time zone is GMT+11 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time). I realise I may be on an opposite time zone to some (or all?) of you, but I will keep up with posting (although sometimes you may have to wait until I am up again to respond).

Will check the board in my morning and post.

Night from Oz and Good day to you all. :)

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

I'm in the US Central zone (GMT -5? 6?), mostly posting in the afternoon after work, though occasionally (like now) I can post from work when I get a chance.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Thanks for sharing your time zone with us, Pyros. I do most of my postings in the evenings, but I can make some posts from my phone during breaks, lunch etc while at work (in my daytime).

I don't think we should press too far forward in rp until Autumn has had a chance to make her introductory post (she said she'd post after work today) and then we can move our rp/action to half an hour from Oleg's trading post and continue on. Does this sound okay to everyone? :)

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I am in the same zone as Pyros. I think it is the 6. My google foo is weak when I wake up. This is my morning since I work a night job.

And that sounds fine to me Taemweth.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Thanks, Regina!

@Herger: I'm curious about your son in game. What will happen to Ulfgar during combat and other things in game?

With Regina's +10 to diplomacy, it appears she's the face of the party? Herger has a +6 and Taenweth a +5, so we're pretty covered diplomacy wise between the three, I think.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

For the most part he will be left behind at this wonderful fort i think, then at whatever home we begin to build, you dont take your children adventuring. For now, if any danger hits, he will be told to hide in the carraige.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

I'm the same as Regina and Pyros.

I'm Central Time Zone, which is UTC-06:00

Well when Herger lost both his wife and daughter, I guess he'd want to keep what is left of his family close. But isn't Ulfgar like 14?

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

He is, getting close to that age when hes old enough to be almost on his own :) and I would imagine in lands like they are trying to tame, he is responsible enough to look after himself for the most part while we are away

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Was he raised an Erastian?

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Yes the excitable child is the face!

What does Ulfgar look like. Sorry if I missed that explanation. It should add an interesting element to the role play with their being a kid. And I do not just want to ignore him, cause that is rude and not fun, so I am assuming that we will be getting to interact with him when he is with us, right? Once Regina gets her confidence back she would want to chat with him as well.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I am the odd person out then, time wise. ;)

And thanks for answering, Herger. I just didn't know how to handle rp with Ulfgar since he isn't an official PC. Taenweth, being as she is, will probably not speak with the boy all that much and I had a feeling you might leave him at the trading post (Fort?) as we explore - so no worries!

@ Regina: And perhaps the excitable child may calm as the adventure progresses. ;) Ha!

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus
Herger Orickson wrote:
For the most part he will be left behind at this wonderful fort i think, then at whatever home we begin to build, you dont take your children adventuring. For now, if any danger hits, he will be told to hide in the carraige.

In a few levels, you might could take the Squire feat and he could take on a useful party role. (You could do the same thing later with Leadership, of course, but you can take Squire several levels earlier)

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Ulfgar has the dark hair of his mother, no beard poor guy. just shaggy hair, slightly skinny long and gangly. you know all the fun stuff of being a teenager. *lawls*

He has been raised Erastian.. probably the last 6 to 8 years of his life. His father kept his faith low for the most part during his marraige, but with the losses and well the change it sort of rekndled his faith.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Yeah i figured this would be the one AP where a family was like a thing you could have. I know that the adventuring life sort of makes that rough normally.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

@ Taenweth have no fear she will calm down. She is still rather fresh out of the libraries and this is her first actual adventure so she is viewing more though the pages of a book at the moment then from a more practical stance. She is overly excitable and enthusiastic which may change in gameplay or not. Depends on the game but she will mellow and mature as the game moves forward and she interacts with different people.

@ Herger is your holy symbol out? And yeah this AP defiantly seems like it might work well in that bent. My goal is to find one though.

The squire feat has potential and this is defiantly the AP for the leadership feat. The cohort can either come with on the adventuring or stand in with the ruling when we get to that point.

There is a part of me that really thinks it would be fun for everyone to have a cohort and sometimes go do the adventuring as the cohorts while leaving the original characters back to do the ruling at times.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

while he doesnt exactly push his faith (or in this case) his holy symbol upon people, (yet) He does wear it clearly on his chest. So its pretty obvious

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9
Regina Caro wrote:

@ Taenweth have no fear she will calm down. She is still rather fresh out of the libraries and this is her first actual adventure so she is viewing more though the pages of a book at the moment then from a more practical stance. She is overly excitable and enthusiastic which may change in gameplay or not. Depends on the game but she will mellow and mature as the game moves forward and she interacts with different people.

I think initially Taenweth will be annoyed by such frenetic energy/responses. Haha. But that's okay as it makes for interesting and realistic rp. I guess with time, Taenweth will grow accustomed to Regina's ways and not bat an eye. ;) But as you say, Regina may mellow out as the game progresses ...

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Herger (and son), Taenweth and Regina have horses. So Autumn and Pyros can ride with T and R if they are so inclined.

Map of Oleg's is up.

I'm in the U.S. Pacific time zone, but on Sunday, as if by magic, I will change to Mountain time. I live in Arizona, where we don't set our clocks forward an hour in the spring.

I don't think the time difference will be a problem. The daily posting rate allows everyone a chance to chime in.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

I live near St, Louis in the U.S. But I work over night shifts so my sleep schedule is always wonky... I dont sleep much regardless so Im usually pretty availible to post whenever.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Woo night shift! I so rarely see the sun.

GM Waterhammer what do you use to make your map?

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I'm pretty good with posting on weekdays, even with the time zone difference. Weekends are harder as I juggle home, family and extended family responsibilities (including travel). If I am going to be very busy over a weekend, I'll drop a message on discussion saying so. What is the posting rate expectation on weekends, GM Waterhammer?

Tomorrow (my Saturday, your Friday) I have a funeral out of town but should be able to make a post later in my afternoon when I've returned and before my next familial commitment in the evening. On my Sunday (your Saturday) I'm back out of town for my niece's birthday. But I should be able to post in my late afternoon when I'm home, again. Weekends are never relaxing. ;)

Have fun on your night shift, Regina. And like Herger, I don't sleep much either.

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

I used to work nights. Plays merry havoc with your sleep cycles. Started a 7:30-4 job about three months ago. For reference, I live a few hours south of Herger, in south-central Arkansas.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I am in Oklahoma. Sundays are my live game so that is the day that my posting really drops off. Saturdays I either post a lot or never see the boards depending on my scheduled.

Sleep is something I sometimes get and it does play havoc on the sleep. But I like it.

And thank you Taenweth I love working at night :)

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

I'm in Oklahoma too!
Though I'm a college student and my shifts at work a bit here and there till we get more people. But I'm normally good to post a lot on weekends.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I have the debt from doing that.

The map was made using Campaign Cartographer. I didn't really like the generic map that they had for Oleg's. Plus with a hex map, you don't have to count squares and a half to move diagonally.

I had hopes for the weekends to run about the same pace as the rest of the time. Not to worry though, it's pretty standard for PbP games to slow down on weekends. I'm used to it.

On Saturdays and Sundays I check the boards mornings and evenings, because I get to stay home and drink coffee, instead of going to work.

Workdays, I'm only on in the evenings.

I work an 8 AM to 5 PM day, but sometimes there's overtime.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

It is rare that I cannot check my games at least once a day. Some weekend I am really free and others not so much. It is only when I get a bad migraine that I cannot look at my precious computer

I am going by the PRD rules on cleric spells. That is: The cleric chooses a time of day to meditate and prepare all spells for the day. They can't leave slots open and fill them later, like wizards and alchemists.

So Herger needs to pick a time that he does his devotions and stick to it. Please. :)

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Early morning Dawn sort of time frame like a good farmer

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

My phone sucks for lengthy post so I will join in once work is over.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I have bronchitis verging on pneumonia at present. I can barely think straight, so can the GM please bot Taenweth where/if necessary over the next couple of days? I'll try to post after a little bed rest. Sorry and thank you.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Sorry that you're not feeling good. Here's hoping you get well soon.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Thank you, Regina and GM Waterhammer.

I'm hoping to be back to posting by my Sunday (your Saturday). This has hit me hard as I also have an ear infection and migraine on top of the bronchitis. Sorry for the hold up, but thank you for your patience. The doc has prescribed bed rest (as much as I can anyway).

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

That is a horrible mixture!

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

With this being Regina's first really adventure out of the city I was planning on having her have some issue with the whole killing people thing. It will be a mostly internal issue and the coming to grips with having killed people. Not everyone is just ok with that. Would that be an issue with the group?

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

killing people is hard yo. I have no worries about her having to deal with those problems at all

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

that is encouraging, yay!

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Still very unwell, but will try to post.

And Regina, Taenweth is the opposite of your girl, killing being commonplace in the environment she has been raised, and thus killing isn't such a moral dilemma but a way of life. It may be an issue with Taenweth if Regina's reluctance to kill jeopardises the welfare or lives of herself and the others. But good story fodder, I suppose.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

That might happen once or at most twice. It is more the aftermath of realizing she has to kill people. The desire to have it there is to develop her character and get some interaction with the rest of you. All the other games I have ever been in just gloss over the whole 'I kill people'.

I do not want to disrupt gameplay. It is an element I have never gotten to play with and Regina seems like the right character to do that with. But she does know that the 'mission' comes first and the survival of the group makes her survival much more likely.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I don't think you'd disrupt the game. It's all part of being part of a group in character and it makes sense as Regina and Taenweth (and others) have had very different upbringings and experiences.

So play your character how you see fit (I wasn't intending to sway you otherwise). I just thought to comment on their different personalities and mindsets. :)

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I simply wanted to make sure no one minded that I wanted to go down that path. From what I have seen thus far we all have very different characters with very different upbringings, experiences, and personalities. Which I love!

I did not take it as you trying to dissuade me but as letting me know where Taenweth will be coming from.

No one has objected so I will definitely go down this path with Regina and I hope everyone enjoys it :D

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Sorry I am caught up in a rather unpleasant illness but my brain is not wrapped in fog today so I will get a post up. Not sure about everyone else

Let me know when you've decided on a plan. Don't forget to place your map token where you want to be.

Establishing an order of watch is a good idea too.

I may, or may not check in on Thursday night. I might decide to stay over and sing some karaoke* after turkey. I figure most of you have plans anyway.

It's Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. (For the Aussies among us.)

*Some people should never sing karaoke. I'm one of those. It's neither pitch, nor perfect. I do it anyway, after enough drinks.

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