Chronicles of the River Kingdoms.
Game Master
Chapter One: Into the Stolen Lands.
Stag Keep
The Greenbelt- Exploration.
A Dark Glen
Thorn River Camp
Keep on the Tuskwater
Map of Oleg's.
He also will be an occultist, mostly just looking to flavor-wise be able to have a direct tie in historically for my implements and other things
I guessed for the price, and went with 100 GP for a simple ring that belonged to a king of restov decades ago, and for some boots of a court mage I went with 50 GP.
This should be a complete profile for Edward Palasade Once advisor to the Lebeda family.
Party role wise he is a sage occult spellcaster he has access to transmutation divination and illusion magic, as well as a healthy assortment of primarily mental skills. He also has tricks up his sleeve as an occultist he has focus powers that let him use focus to duplicate spells with some tweaks and also do some things that spells can't accomplish.
Deadline is past. Now for me to pick a couple. Won’t be easy, all the submissions are interesting.
GM Waterhammer, are you going to announce the results publicly in this thread, or by private message? If it is going to be by PM, could you please indicate that you have made your decision (once you have made it of course) in this thread.
I’ll make a public announcement on this thread.
GM Waterhammer wrote: I’ll make a public announcement on this thread. Thank you.
Not an easy decision. Thanks to everyone for giving me such cool back stories to read.
The two new characters will be: Augustina Grigorova and Larin Linwrick.
Congratulations, have fun!
Congratulations to GoldDeltaFoxtrot and Jereru, have fun guys.
Congratulations, you two! I wish you and the others the best of luck sorting out the Stolen Lands!
Amazing, thanks GM Waterhammer! Looking forward to meeting the party.
So, I’m looking for replacement players to take over existing characters.
There are three possibilities:
Titian, a cavalier.
Augustina, a flag-waving cleric.
Torek, a Ranger.
I love evangelists, so I’d be keen on throwing my name in the hat to take over Augustina, GM. What do you need from me?
Good question.
An alias and character sheet that are similar to what you plan on replacing. I suppose.
I wasn’t sure I’d get any takers.
GM Waterhammer wrote: Good question.
An alias and character sheet that are similar to what you plan on replacing. I suppose.
I wasn’t sure I’d get any takers.
What’s the story on the game currently? When do you plan on reintroducing the three? Have the characters taken a sabbatical or just in the background?
They are exploring, hopefully they will address the Stag Lord soon.
The three are with the party currently, so you could step right in once your crunch is done.
How closely do you want the replacements to be to the existing characters?
A ranger fervent convert to Erastil with sword & board combat style?
GM, I should have the character sheet copied over by tomorrow. I am reskinning an alias, so the name won’t be the same, but everything else will be copied over.
hustonj wrote: How closely do you want the replacements to be to the existing characters?
A ranger fervent convert to Erastil with sword & board combat style?
That would be okay. You don’t have to be an exact clone, just similar enough to fit.
Gerald wrote: GM, I should have the character sheet copied over by tomorrow. I am reskinning an alias, so the name won’t be the same, but everything else will be copied over. Cool. Yeah, I assumed that the exact alias would not be available.
GM Waterhammer wrote: ... You don’t have to be an exact clone, just similar enough to fit. I had been casually following your recruitment thread, until I saw this post. I then started thinking about it little more. I had looked over Helikon's cavalier and saw that he was similar to Angus but not exactly the same.
A friend of mine arranged for a kingmaker game and asked if I'd like to play, we designed her character and mine to be cousins. (Thus the backstory) Shortly thereafter she had to leave the game due to RL and the game closed a little after that. I'd gotten attached to the character and would like to continue him in a 'Kingmaker' game, but they are few and far between. The intro to the party could be as simple or complex as you wanted to make it.
If he's an acceptable fit, I would tweak his stats and bump him to third level, just let me know.
@ Robert Henry.
It seems like you want to introduce a whole new character. I’m looking for something that’s similar enough to pass for the existing character.
So there would be no need for any introduction, the new players would just start in.
Robert henry is great and Angus was a great charector *nods*
Hey GM, here is Gerald’s alias for Augustina. I have everything copied except the background. I’ll get that done tomorrow sometime and should be ready to rock and roll.

Herger Orickson wrote: Robert henry is great and Angus was a great charector *nods* Waves at 'TheNines' Thank you sir, you humble me. GM Waterhammer wrote: @ Robert Henry.
It seems like you want to introduce a whole new character. I’m looking for something that’s similar enough to pass for the existing character.
So there would be no need for any introduction, the new players would just start in.
I’m ok with ‘no introduction’, Any ‘continuity’ I need for my character I’ll add into his background. I’ve read back to where the Helikon’s character last posted to familiarize where they have been since then. Also I found his first post, right after the group returned to Olegs from the Kobolds. So I will read or at least skim from there, it’s some 1,400 posts to familiarize myself with what the group has accomplished.
In response to your observation, I don’t mind assuming Angus has been there since Olegs, back on page 17. I guess I just want to clarify that while he will have a very similar build, that I’ll play Angus’s personality the way I envisioned him. Not necessarily trying to clone Helikon’s character’s personality, background or alignment. If that’s ok I'll go ahead and tweak Angus' numbers in the morning. If not I totally understand and will step away from the character and make room for someone else.

I'm working on a very similar, but archery, build for Torek Vakt's doppelganger. Finally spent some time on it tonight.
I will not be able to exactly duplicate the personality, so I'm not sure I'll try, but . . .. An Earstalian dedicated to helping his community, with a clear eye of his surroundings and an ability to help others get along is a pretty comfortable type.
Took his attributes, his background and description (mostly), his alignment, mostly followed his skill point expenditures, took less than optimized feats for a combat build to maintain the social focus. Nothing looks bad to me there. Most obvious difference on the skills to me is I just skipped Intimidation.
I have mostly gear left.
2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Not sure if you had people roll at level 1 or not, but I saw how you explained it on the first page of this re-recruitment thread.
We'll see if the family gives me time to work on this more during this week or not. Posting is much faster than character building by hand. But I prefer doing it by hand.
Full hit points at 1st level. Doppelgänger, that’s a good term. ;)
Robert Henry wrote:
In response to your observation, I don’t mind assuming Angus has been there since Olegs, back on page 17. You may not mind, but I do. It’s exactly the massive retcon that I don’t want.
I didn't think there would be any real Retcon involved, just that the Angus would have been there the whole time instead of Titian. But it is your game and I don't want to try and force anything. I will step away from the recruitment. Thank you for running the game, we players do appreciate it.
Alright, I think I’m done. When you give permission, I’ll post in the discussion thread and figure out how to go from there.
Amyia wrote: Alright, I think I’m done. When you give permission, I’ll post in the discussion thread and figure out how to go from there. Looks good to me, go ahead. Actually Larin has a question hanging right now. He’s asking about history though.
Recent threads in Recruitment