Autumn Moon |

"That really depends upon how much they've already had. But then again they are Kobalds. On top of that they may be drunk so... I'd say we could approach them but I wouldn't really expect much out side of them attacking us. Unless one of you speaks draconic. I do not." Autumn answered with a shrug. "I guess we could just knock them out if they attack, as I said it's Kobalds that are likely drunk. I don't think incapacitating them will be difficult."

Pyros Aldori |

"We've been chartered to claim this area. We'll have to deal with the indigenous inhabitants at some point. We may as well make contact with these kobolds now. Who knows, they might even be able to tell us something about the mites."

Caerwyn Callandriil |

"Not at all." Caerwyn tells Regina "I was merely asking for input. Since they haven't seen us yet we could easily avoid them. I agree with Autumn, confronting them in their current state might be inviting disaster."

Regina Caro |

Breathing a sigh of relief and nodding, "Then we should move on."

GM Waterhammer |

Carefully leading your horses, you are able to withdraw from the radish patch, leaving to kobolds to their business.
You are able to find a sheltered hollow with a tiny brook that splashes its way around some smooth stones. Tall dark hemlock trees guard against wind, and their boughs will shed the rain of all but the heaviest storms.
Only a few clouds catch the evening sun's rays in shimmering gold, red and lastly, purple. It seems like the night will be pleasantly clear.

Autumn Moon |

"Look at that sunset." Autumn breathed out as she paused making the fire to watch the horizon. "Some of the best part of being out among the land like this with nothing else in sight. You get some of the greatest views." She told the group before she turned back to her work.
Take 10 on survival to start a fire if you'll allow me, making the total 17. Also could I see if there is a branch tall and good enough to make a longbow out of? Plus what kind of check do you want for it?

Regina Caro |

Glancing over at the sunset, "It is certainly different than how it looks in a city. Though I am getting to see it a lot more than at home."
Moving to help set up their camp for the evening. Though she does frequently look up at the retreating sun.

Autumn Moon |

Once she had finished the fire Autumn's attention turned to the trees around her. She seemed to go around inspecting the trees closely, almost methodically.
Nice wood for a bow? Maybe?: 1d100 ⇒ 64

Herger Orickson |

He quietly help set up the camp, noting both the sun setting and the work everyone was doing. He was mentally going over his prayers in his mind. He cocked his head and watched quizically as Autumn began to move about the trees looking at them.
He glanced to Frostbite, muttered a minor spell and asked the wolf if her friend was scouting trees for business or out of boredom.
Using round 1 of speak with animal

Autumn Moon |

Do you think I should give Frostbite her own alias? Or would it get too cluttered?
Frostbite lifted her head and looked over to Autumn before looking back to Herger.
She seemed to sniff the air before sneezing.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn sits down on the ground and lays down with his hands underneath his head as he looks up to the sky "I grew up on a farmstead not too far from here before we had to move to Restov. You can't get views like this in any city."

GM Waterhammer |

Night passes peacefully, a pale quarter moon lights the sky for most of the night before settling into the west. The dark Moonscar makes an eerie half grin on the moon's face.
The night air is quite chill, normal enough for spring in the North River Kingdoms.
Wealday, 8 Gozran, 4716
The new day dawns with little glory, the sky is light gray with high, hazy clouds.
Next hex south, I presume?
I don't mean to disrupt the campfire socialization. You can move forward when ready. I assume everyone knows this, just wanted to say so anyway.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn wakes as the light of the false dawn begins to color the sky. Stretching the aching muscles that have contracted sleeping on the cold ground "Note to self: buy a tent when we're next at the trading post."
His morning exercise complete he walks over to the picket line and begins to get his horse ready to ride. As he's brushing the horse's coat he wonders out loud "Hmmm, what should I call you? I just can't call you "Horse" now can I?" The brushing done Caerwyn approaches with the blanket and saddle. As he begins to put the blanket on the horse's back it sidles out of the way, prancing from hoof to hoof "Oh, is that how it's going to be?" he says with a laugh before bowing deeply before the horse "Shall we dance?" he asks.
Finally, just as the sun breaks over the horizon Caerwyn gets the last of the tack in place "What do you think of Sundancer?" he asks the horse who just bobs it's head, as if in approval "Good. Sundancer it shall be." he says with satisfaction.

Autumn Moon |

Autumn quickly and easily packed up her things, as she had quiet a bit of practice at it. Once done with that she tended to Frostbite then her own horse. "You know... now that you bring it up Caerwyn, I've never named my beast of burden either." Autumn said as she gave the half-elf a grin before turning back to her mount. "Hmmm... Solstice? What do you think of that?" She asked.

GM Waterhammer |

The weather worsens as the day progresses, the sky darkens with heavier clouds and a light, cold rain falls intermittently.
Early in the day the thick forest thins away, opening into grasslands, gentle rolling hills and shrubs. The area is lightly scattered with trees, mostly deciduous.
Toward the end of the day, you notice a rocky crag. At the SW point of the hex. It is a notable landmark.

Regina Caro |

Waking early enough to study her alchemy book and still have time to be ready to go when the others are ready. Grinning while listening to their newest companion talk to his horse. Standing up and stretching, "Oww, I need to work on better posture."
Looking over at Caerwyn with a smile, "Sundancer is a good name. My grandfather had a horse with that name. He would spend hours tell me stories when I was little about the adventures he went one and about that moody horse."
Tying off her bundles on Nila's saddle, "All horses need a name. Solstice is a brilliant on. It goes well with your name Autume"
One everyone is ready to go Regina happily pulls herself onto Nila and follows the more wilderness savvy ones. Head rolling around to take in as much of the area as possible while making notes to write down later.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 Hot damn I noticed something.
"Hey that crack looks like it might lead to some caves. If you all are up for that?"

Pyros Aldori |

Pyros looks quizzically at the festival of horse-naming. Perhaps I should've asked the bandits what they'd named this one. he thinks as he saddles his steed. "Do you want a name?" he asks the horse quietly. The horse snorts and throws its head. "Well then. I suppose that's that."
When Regina points out the crack in the rocks, Pyros looks again at the base of the rocks. "Hmm. Interesting. Let's check it out."

Autumn Moon |

"I agree, if only to get out of the rain." Autumn said with a small laugh. "I hate wet clothes..." She told them, before she looked down at Frostbite who tried to shake off some of the rain. "and I do believe Frostbite agrees."

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn holds up his hand "Hold on a minute. Let me go on ahead and scout this cave to see if it's not already occupied. Everyone wait here." and then he adds with a smile "Unless you hear a whole lot of yelling and screaming, then come running" With that Caerwyn enters the underbrush and makes his way toward the cave opening.
Stealth check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

GM Waterhammer |

Caerwyn feels certain that he was as quite as a mouse as he pads up to the opening. The roughly 5' by 5' natural passage descends at a 45 degree angle perhaps 20' down, before opening into a larger space. Though steep, the fissure is ledged and stepped, providing plenty of hand and footholds.
No climb check needed to go down or up. Not possible for the horses to traverse, though.

Herger Orickson |

He watched the scout go forward with a frown, whether it was because of the possible danger or the weather was yet to be seen.
He stroked his beard in thought while staring torwards the scout and the hole...almost as if he could will it to be safe.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Before venturing further into the cave Caerwyn will pause at the entrance and search for any signs of anything entering or leaving the cavern.
Survival check (tracks): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Satisfied with the results he enters the cavern, checking his footing on each step as he descends.
Stealth check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

GM Waterhammer |

The stony ground and dead leaves show no sign of of recent passage. The cave itself seems to be the result of the earth's buckling, ages ago. The stone surfaces are angular, and rough, not smoothed by the passage of water. The cavern floor is littered with stone rubble. Chunks of rock large and small. Enough light filters down for for Caerwyn to get an idea of the size and shape of the cave. The roughly 30' diameter area seems to have no other exits.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn returns to the entrance and gives the "All Clear" sign for the others to come join him "Not much to look at but at least we can shelter here tonight."

Autumn Moon |

Autumn leads Frostbite in, who shakes once more to get the water off of her. Autumn put up her arms in defense of the water from her wolf's fur. "Oh come on!" She laughed as she shook her arms to get as much off as she could. "We should take this time to day our clothes." She told the group.
She began to remove her leather armor, setting it up to dry. "Maybe we should start carrying a bit of firewood for things like this." She commented as she pulled out her shirt to wring out the water.

Regina Caro |

Not entering the little cave but looking around before calling out to the group, "Will one of you help me jury-rig my tent to try and keep most of the rain off of the horses since we can take the gear in the cave. Maybe we can stretch it out and tie it to the branches."
Nodding to Autumn's question, "Thoughts for later most assuredly"

Pyros Aldori |

Pyros helps Regina rig her tent to cover the horses, then descends below. "I'll mind the fire if we do manage to scrape up some wood." he says to the others, when the topic of drying clothing comes up.
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

GM Waterhammer |

Pyros finds a stash of mostly dry wood in a gully around on the south face of the promontory. A dry pitch pine snag sheltered by brush. Even damp, the pitch wood burns bright and hot. Pyros gathers enough wood to last the night.
Once the lurid orange flames illuminate the cave, the back of the cavern glistens. It is pink quartz reflecting the light.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Caerwyn watches the firelight play off the rock formations "There's something about that quartz, but I can't seem to put my finger on it." he says in wonder.

Herger Orickson |

He followed the wolf and her mistress into the cave, coughing rather suddenly as the hunter began to remove her wet things.
"Bringing along firewood is a wound idea."
He began turning towards the entrance and even taking a step or two torwards it as if to help back outside. But as the others finished and returned to the cave he too found himself looking about with Caerwyn.
"Oh? I know nothing really about caves and the like. A shame you cant recall."
He stated moving to explore the pink quartz, running his hands all along it.

Autumn Moon |

When Autumn heard the cough she turned to see Herger was the sorce of the noise. "I'm sorry... But I'd rather not catch my death..." She explained her voice low, embarrassment played across her face as she quickly turned her back to him. She set up the wooden posts of her tent so that they could have something to hang their way clothes on but after that she wrapped herself in her blanket and sat at the back putting some space between herself and the group.
What were you thinking?! This isn't like when you went out hunting on your own... Now you just made things even more awkward, he probably thinks you're some sort of loon...
Autumn gave a small groan to herself as she placed her hands over her face to try and hide her embarrassment. Frostbite laid at her side but often looked back over to the fire at the rest wondering why they were over here when warmth was over there.

Regina Caro |

Once ensuring the horses are a comfortable as possible Regina heads into the cave. Biting back a grin at the scene playing out before her. Turning to Herger, "Could you turn around. If everyone faces a different direction to change out of their wet clothing then no one needs to feel embarrassed."
If no one does that than without issue she will start too before whining while digging though her bag. Ultimately ending up wrapped in a blanket and hanging up her damp clothing. I appear to not have all of my things and that crook who got me to Brevoy took some of my things. Glaring at the fire and then glancing over at Autumn with a look of confusion, "Come over here, it is way warmer."

Autumn Moon |

Appraise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
"I'm good over here." Autumn said as she shifted slightly. She looked around more as a way to not show her embarrassment, which had yet to fade. "Maybe in a bit..."
Frostbite gave a small whine which made Autumn sigh and stand up. "Fine..." She told the wolf and the two rejoined the rest, but the whole time Autumn held the blanket tightly to her and had made a small hood for herself with it as well.

Herger Orickson |

"Oh... uh of course."
He begin sounding gruffly sheepish. He moved torwards the entrance of the little cavern and kept his back to the place. He felt awkward again, and he certainly hadnt felt this way in a very long time. Autumn probably thought him some sort of goon.
appraise untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Getting out of the wet clothing was probably very sound, Erastil had spells to aid in such things but perhaps it was better to save that for another time. He glanced back at the girls huddled in blankets and half grinned. They were easily swallowed enough in a blanket, he was going to look a fool in one. Still with his back to the party he hurried out of his clothes leaving himself in his small cloths and wrapping himself as much as he could in the blanket.
"Besides guarding what brings you to these lands Caerwyn? Im here with my boy to see about finding a nice place to settle myself. Erastil willing raise crops and my boy, though hes close enough on his own i gather."
He began taking a seat at the fire his lower calfs and top of his shoulders still bare.

Pyros Aldori |

Glancing around, Pyros sees nowhere else to change. "I'll just wait to change until you all go to bed. These will probably dry while I'm wearing them anyway." he says, indicating his clothes and the fire he's sitting in front of.

Autumn Moon |

"Pyros... we've all embarrassed ourselves. Might as well join us. Besides, we really don't need anyone catching their death." Autumn said. She pulled the blanket closer around her. "Just as Regina said, we can turn around."

Regina Caro |

Grinning, "I have not embarrassed myself today as far as I know. It would be unfortunate and unnecessary all because of a little modesty."

Pyros Aldori |

Pyros shrugs. "Suit yourself." with that he sets his pack in a corner of the alcove and begins to shuck his wet clothes, facing away from the group. He then draws his bedroll from his pack and pulls it up past his waist, before hopping back over next to the fire like some sort of man-worm chimera.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Sorry, I wanted to write this up before everyone started to strip down to their skivvies but my wife, daughter and I are on vacation and this is the first time I've gotten my laptop to connect to the hotels wi-fi.
Caerwyn, sensing the awkwardness caused by Autumn's actions, attempts to relieve the young women's embarrassment by stripping off his clothes as well. Standing there in the all together he hangs his wet clothes on the makeshift rack to dry.
Wrapping his lamb's wool cloak around his shoulders as he sits by the fire to keep warm. His shock as the others begin removing their clothes as well turns to something akin to pride as they all attempt to make her feel better. He smiles slightly as Autumn, with Frostbites urging, joins the others by the fire "Good job, girl." he whispers as he scratches the wolf between the ears again.
"My story?" he asks Herger across the firelight "My story is not much different than a hundred others across this land. My family owned a small homestead not too far away from here. Things were good until a band of thugs moved into the area. Soon they were demanding food and money in exchange for "protection". The demands became greater and greater until finally we barely had enough to survive on ourselves.
That winter was particularly harsh and the specter of starvation was constantly outside our door. Finally the spring thaw came and a lone bandit returned to our farm to demand more tribute. When my father told him we had nothing more to give the bandit just laughed and called him a liar. The scorn in his laugh was more than I could take and I took down my Father's sword, which was his Father's before him, and rushed across the courtyard. I barely got to within a few feet of him when the bandit's backhand dropped me to the ground and split my lip." Caerwyn voice takes on a tinge of awe as he continues "Perhaps the blood, my blood, was more than he could take because I remember my Father picking up his sword and in one fluid movement sever the bandits head from the rest of his body. Soon thereafter he loaded all of us and our belongings into our wagon and, with a tear in his eye, burned the house and all the other buildings to the ground."
Caerwyn clears his throat, uncomfortably "We returned to Restov and when I became of age I joined the city guards, perhaps to protect the weak and defend the helpless. So when the Swordlords organized this expedition to explore the Stolen Lands and root out the banditry rampant within I jumped at the chance. I was heartbroken when I didn't make the cut. So, when Captain Garess organized a relief column I volunteered and the rest is, how you say, history."

Autumn Moon |

Frostbite leaned into Caerwyn's hand happily. She seemed quiet pleased with herself thanks to the praise.
Autumn gave Caerwyn a soft grateful smile in thanks for the reassurance. Her embarrassment slowly leaving. "Oh don't do that Caerwyn, her head it big enough as it is." Autumn joked as she looked down at the wolf.
When Pyros finally agreed to join the rest of them, Autumn did her best not laugh and it was easy to see the embarrassment washed away.
Autumn let go of the front of her blanket, allowing her arm to slip out so that she could place it upon Caerwyn's shoulder. "Your father did what he believed he had to, to protect you and your family. Some bandits are... more black-hearted than most. They won't even blink over slaying a child..." She told him as she gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Trust me, I'd know." With that she pulled her arm back into the blanket and pulled it around her.

Regina Caro |

Grinning as everyone gradually tries to ease the awkwardness. Not the kind of thing that is written in the great epics. But those people are not written to be mortal. Watching Caerwyn comfortably pet the large wolf, something Regina is still reluctant to do. And for now will remain that way, thank you very much.
But then it is story time. Watching Caerwyn's face while he talks with a slight downward turn of her lips. His story is so typical of that kind of lifestyle but hearing instead of reading it is far more heartbreaking. "It is honorable that you took your suffering and have dedicated your life to trying to eliminate it."
Glancing over at Autumn and opening her mouth and then closing it, there is not much to say to the lost of a child. That knot that had been coiled in her belly since the fight the other day tightens and settles, gaining purpose. Staring at the fire and watching the air distort above it. "Pyros was right in saying that we have to deal with any indigenous inhabitants along with any threats. Of which the bandits are the largest."

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn blushes and gives Autumn a wan smile "Thank you. It's just hard to forget that your childhood home, the place you grew up in, is just a burnt out ruin now thanks to some cruel men.'

Autumn Moon |

Autumn seemed to pull her blanket closer around her, looking down at the cave floor as she did so. "Yes... it is... It's something you'll never forget." She said, her voice hard. "Something you never forgive...." She muttered.

GM Waterhammer |

Night passes, not too comfortably. it's hard to find a place to sleep on the rugged floor. The cave doesn't vent as well as could be desired, so it's a bit smokey as well.
Outside, the rain picks up into a steady shower; the horses bunch together for warmth.
Oathday 9 Gozran 4716
The day dawns, partly cloudy, and breezy. The rain seems to have moved on, toward Brevoy. The air outside is clean and fresh, the greens of the landscape seem vibrant and rich in the morning light.

Herger Orickson |

If the rough night on hard ground in a not so well ventilated did anything to dampen the large ulfen clerics ardor for the day, it was not obvious. As dawn filtered down into the land he was up and moving outside, taking care of everyone's horse and just generally enjoying the wilderness air. . .

Autumn Moon |

Autumn some early, glad to have dry clothes, and stepped outside to take care of the horses when she noticed Herger. She paused but only for a moment before she moved to join him with the horses. "Awake before me, I'm not use to that with most people." She said with a friendly tone, obviously trying to move past the awkwardness of yesterday.

Regina Caro |

Letting out a quiet yawn and stretching, "Rocks are worse than wooden floor, almost as bad as tables."
Quickly dressing and grabbing her formule book before heading out to tend to Nila. Though it appears that Herger is already on that task. Smiling at the tall Ulfen, "Thank you Herger." Rubbing Nila's nose and then finding a spot to sit and go over her formulas.
Frowning at her options then looking over at Autumn and Herger, "I could prepare a vial of something that would let me carry a great deal of weight for a short time, understand most languages, make it easier to understand the magical properties of a item, or for a short time have no scent. Any thoughts on which one?"

Pyros Aldori |

Once the women get out of the cave, Pyros changes clothes, then heads out to check on his horse. Hearing the cladies' conversation, Pyros leans in as he walks by "I don't know that we'll find anything magical out here, but if we do, being able to identify it would be nice."