Torek Vakt |

I'm the Ranger skill monkey, if you wish just look into my profile for all the character's abilities and background. I'll point out the he has trapfinding and disable device and is pretty rogue-like at some martial expense. He's conflicted between his violent past and his faith. More on that if you choose to read the gameplay mostly involving the last page or so. More broadly the group is trying to deal with the Stag King a bandit chief that seems to have more bandits and better control than expected. Still a mystery. Autumn is right about being the player with the most posts. I just never seem to think of a good post but the doesn't prevent me from going on forever, like now.

Autumn Moon |

GM Waterhammer |

Some important information.
3rd level.
1000 gp starting funds. (Instead of WBL) Hopefully you'll come across some loot soon...
Max HP for 1st level. (As per usual)
Roll for additional levels using the following chart:
Roll d4 for HP, then:
If your HD is d6 add 2.
If your HD is d8 add 4.
If your HD is d10 add 6.
If your HD is d12 add 8.
Not using background skills.
One of the other Kingmaker games I played in had a pretty good idea for selecting the ruler. Basically a secret ballot.
So, I'll probably ask all the current players to send me a vote via PM, when the time comes. (Not now, later.) So you'll have time to build everyone's confidence in your leadership skill.
Unless everyone hates the idea. It's really up to you players to make the decision.

Herger Orickson |

Ive always been a fan of sort of letting the cards play out when it comes to leadership roles dice be damned. *lawls*
Hi Herger here, gruff Cleric and in over his head father. As Miss Autumn said, she is our glue and motivational speaker. Working on keeping up her pace busy life at the moment out of game it sucks. *lawls*
An Arcane user of some measure would be great, but aside from that as it was mentioned its pretty open.
He had lost his faith in Erastil long ago, and its been a thing that is recently rekindled So even his role as the wisdom of a community has been slow coming with doubt. To complicate that, his now teenaged son has decided he's basically a man, and is interested in a homesteader's girl, so there is all that dont treat me like your child sort of thing going on.
Full secret. He has a slight crush on Miss Autumn, doesnt know how to approach it, its been so long since the idea of courting a woman has crossed his mind he's at wits end about it.
He's Gruff, slow to speak and slow to anger, but prove a faithful ally and a good person in a community and you will have an ally for life.

Qunnessaa |

I’ve heard good things about this adventure path and not tried it yet, so this sounds intriguing, and I’ve been mulling over a couple of character ideas recently that I could try adjusting. The one that is currently dearest to my heart is perhaps a bit more of a stretch, since I like trying strange things and am one of the weirdos who actually likes wild/primal magic. I’m thinking of a primalist wizard aiming at eldritch knighthood eventually by way of a bit of gunslinging, but mainly focusing on spells.
I’d try to keep things a bit whimsical rather than all-out gonzo: for the purposes of what the locals would know, she would be that slightly off-kilter wizard fascinated by trees and fey magic. (Privately, she’s building up resources and allies for confronting a mysterious arcane persecutor that saw her mother in self-imposed exile from Kyonin, in terms of backstory, but as an elf she'd be happy to play the long game.)
Alternatively, I’ve a magus in my stable of characters, as it were, that I’d happily adjust and that’s more down to earth – aiming for something like an elven Amazon by way of early Irish myth, like a Pathfinderized Scáthach. :) (I’ve also another magus that would rather split the difference between this and the primalist wizard, but she’s already hit 4th level, and that extra level might put the kibosh on just slightly adjusting her for the current group.)

Jynn |

Agathion-blooded aasimar (idyllkin) bloodrager (crossblooded, bloody-knuckled rowdy) 3 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 21, Pathfinder Player Companion: Melee Tactics Toolbox 13, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 15, 83, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 38 (3d10+9)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1; +2 bonus vs. spells cast by self or an ally
Defensive Abilities black blood, blood sanctuary; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee unarmed strike +6 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks bloodrage (11 rounds/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +6)
At will—speak with animals
1/day—summon nature's ally II
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Shark Style, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Traits beastkin (wolves) , brevoy bandit (mivon), brigand
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Handle Animal +10, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Perception +7, Profession (Cartographer) +5, Ride +3, Survival +11, Swim +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Handle Animal, +2 Survival, brigand
Languages Common, Elven
SQ pugilist, scion of humanity[ARG]
Other Gear mwk agile breastplate[APG], ], blanket[APG], compass[APG], crowbar, fishhook, flask, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), masterwork backpack[APG], signal horn[APG], snuffbox, bone[ACG], string or twine[APG], waterskin (2), bison (combat-trained), bear trap, bear trap, bear trap, bear trap, bear trap, bit and bridle, exotic riding saddle, feed (per day), medium tent, saddlebags, 296 GP
Special Abilities
Black Blood (3/day) (Su) Take S/P damage while bloodraging, imm. act. melee atk gains frost (2 rds.).
Blood Sanctuary +2 (Su) +2 bonus to save vs. spells cast by self or an ally.
Bloodrage (11 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +0 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Pugilist At 1st level, a bloody-knuckled rowdy gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. This ability replaces fast movement.
Scion of Humanity Count as a human for any effect related to race. Pass as human without using disguise.
Shark Style Unarmed strikes do p or b dmg, piercing unarmed & bite atks deal +1d6 bleed dmg.
N Large animal
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, –1 size)
hp 42 (5d8+20)
fort +8, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +10 (2d6+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks stampede (see aurochs), trample (2d6+12, DC 20)
Str 27, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Base Atk +3; CMB +12; CMD 22 (26 vs. trip)
feats Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
Skills Perception +8
Tricks Attack, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel
Other Gear bear trap[APG], bear trap[APG], bear trap[APG], bear trap[APG], bear trap[APG], bit and bridle, exotic riding saddle, feed (per day) (2), medium tent[APG], saddlebags
Alright so I am submitting this character. I did look at classes but didn't pay attention much beyond that before making the character. I saw that the openings was for an Arcane caster as well as one other character. Technically the Bloodrager can fill both but would be better set as a back up arcane with heavy melee focus. Also of note, I will not use the Bison as a fighting creature in combat. They just make Great pack animals and can be combat trained really cheap >.<
So, there may feel like some overlap. I feel that because of the nature (especially of the early stages of Kingmaker) that most characters need to be comfortable in the wilds. So, he does have survival and handle animal. However, I'll likely not put more in HA. It just helped justify some of the background and his ability to handle his mount as well as he can. That said, from here out it'll be in Profession Cartography (or Mapmaking).
Having High Con, High Charisma, High Str, and reasonable Wisdom, he should be able to fit comfortably into a lot of the varying roles. (I however, unless things take a drastic odd turn do not see him as King.)
Should he become the arcane character, I'll adjust from here on out to make sure I catch up on spellcraft though I don't see myself stacking Int so he won't be amazing at it but should still be able to identify and such. His Know Arcana isn't terrible for a non int character and his love of nature and his desire to protect it despite his middle years should help him have some common ground with his fellow adventurers. Being a melee character will help keep the ranged characters doing their thing as well as help the melee characters by having someone to flank with.
Was he lost, was he forgotten, was he simply cast aside. Jynn does not have the answer to this question. From as far back as he could remember he had grown in the woods surrounded by beasts and nature. Sometime in his past, a wolf who had lost her pups found him crying in the woods as a defenseless babe. Pity, longing, Grief drove her maternal instincts and Jynn was raised till the day she died.
However, that death was not a peaceful one leaving him twice orphaned and barely more than a beast himself. It was at the hands of bandits in what he later learned was in the northeastern lands of Mivon. It was there he learned the Common tongue as well as Elven amongst the bandits and his trade. With his past, he considered himself to be cursed.
But there were good things in his life, for some reason whenever his life was at risk he could always trust a nearby wolf to come to his rescue. Perhaps this was one of the big reasons the bandits didn't kill him themselves. But, before too long even that family had to come to an end. They found themselves at odds with the Aldori Swordlord Raston Selline, having felt themselves strong enough to challenge their place under Mivon's governance. But, of course, it was a blood bath and the bandits found themselves scattered to the winds.
Jynn however, managed to flee that battle on of all things a bison. This was how he found himself in the Stolen Lands. He supposed there were worse things than being freed from bandits how he had been, however he had heard the stories of the twisted man that ruled these lands with his bandit army. He knew that he'd see no rest, but he was not some defenseless boy this time and he'd not let himself be forced into that life again.
I'm open to suggestions or thoughts on changing him a bit to better fit the group. I may do some revamping of the background between now and selection time thought. I apologize in advance if it changes the character too much.

Sarah 'queen' B. |

This looks like an amazing game with some great characters. Definitely interested in applying. Couple of quick questions
1) How long is recruitement open for? I probably wouldn't be able to put a character together until the weekend.
2) Would the party consider Bards to cover the arcane caster slot, or is the preference for an actual Wizard/Sorceror?

Simeon |

Presenting Mykas, former daemon cultist, resurrected warrior, and inquisitor of the Pale Horse!
Human Inquisitor(Archetype) 3
N Medium Humanoid
[ b]Init [/b]+5 [ b]Senses [/b]Perception +10
[ b]Defense[/b]
[ b]AC [/b]17, touch 13, flat-footed 14(+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
[ b]hp [/b]21 (3d8+9)
[ b]Fort [/b]+5, [ b]Ref [/b]+4, [ b]Will [/b]+6
[ b]Offense[/b]
[ b]Speed [/b]30 ft.
[ b]Ranged [/b]Trident +6 (1d8+3/x2)
[ b]Melee [/b]Longbow +4 (1d8/x3)
[ b]Spell-Like Abilities [/b] detect good, chaos, evil, or law (at will)
[ b]Spells Prepared [/b](CL3):
Level 0 (at will) [ i]detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, guidance, read magic, stabilize[/i]
Level 1 (4/ day) bless, divine favor, magic weapon, lend judgement
[ b]Statistics[/b]
[ b]Str [/b]17, [ b]Dex [/b]14, [ b]Con [/b]14, [ b]Int [/b]12, [ b]Wis [/b]16, [ b]Cha [/b]12
[ b]Base Atk [/b]+2; [ b]CMB [/b]+5; [ b]CMD [/b]17
[ b]Feats [/b]Precise Strike, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (trident)
[ b]Traits [/b]pioneer, oathbound, deft dodger
[ b]Skills [/b]
7 ranks/level
Bluff (Wis) +9 (3 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis)
Diplomacy (Wis) +9 (3 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis)
Intimidate (Wis) +10 (3 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis, 1 morale)
Knowledge (planes) (Int) +7 (3 ranks, +3 class, +1 int)
Knowledge (religion) (Int) +7 (3 ranks, +3 class, +1 int)
Perception (Wis) +10 (3 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis, +1 trait)
Sense Motive (Wis) +10 (3 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis, 1 morale)
[ b]Languages [/b]Common, Daemonic
[ b]Other Gear [/b]Mwk trident, mwk buckler, mwk chain shirt, longbow, Inquisitor’s kit (backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, manacles, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin), iron holy symbol, horse GP 170
[ b]Special Abilities[/b]
Racial Traits (human)
Dual Talent
Class Abilities (inquisitor)
Judgement (1/day):
Destruction (+1 damage)
Healing (fast healing 2)
Justice (+1 attack)
Piercing (+2 caster level and SR checks)
Protection (+1 AC)
Purity (+1 saving throws)
Resiliency (DR 1/ magic)
Resistance (energy resist 4)
Smiting (weapons count as magic)
Monster Lore:
Add WIS to identify creatures
Stern Gaze:
1/2 level to intimidate and sense motive
Cunning Initiative:
WIS to initiative
Detect Alignment:
Detect alignments at will
Solo Tactics:
Count allies as possessing teamwork feats for determining bonuses
Teamwork Feat:
Gain bonus teamwork feat, and can change feat as a standard 3/day
Inquisition Abilities (conversion inquisition)
Charm of Wisdom:
Use WIS instead of CHA for Diplomacy, Bluff, and Intimidate
Mykas was born to a family of poor tenant farmers in the River Kingdom of Pitax. His parents departed for better things soon after he was born, leaving him and his brother in the care of his kindly but aged grandparents. His upbringing was monotonous, he and his family suffering under the harsh laws of King Irovetti. Death was a part of life, whether from nigh-impossible grain tithes or the King’s brutal enforcers. He came of age in a hard land, with a nihilistic approach to life from years of harsh, bitter struggle.
When his brother was killed by enforcers, his grandmother died from the shock, with his grandfather following soon after. Within a month, Mykas was left all alone in the world, nobody to turn to. That was until he encountered the Ferrymen. They seemed, at first, a collection of ferry drivers and chaplains, travelling the Kingdoms and giving funeral services to the deceased. There was more than met the eye. While a scant few of the Ferrymen were benign, the group was inundated, through and through, with cultists of Charon, the Horseman of Death. The funerary rites on the newly deceased condemned their souls to Abaddon and the grim powers that reside there.
But death and nihilism were second nature to Mykas, and he fit in with the cult. He was strong and determined, and though he could rarely properly administer the blasphemous rites, he could aid in the rituals and protect the priests of Charon. He lived on the edges of the cult, with the highest servants of the First Horseman likely never knowing he existed. He had found a place and a cause, but still felt discontented.
The Ferrymen massed their forces, and on a moonless night in winter they fell upon an isolated village, a vast sacrifice to their dark master.
Mykas was filled with blasphemous fervor, the battle hymns and Daggermark-made drugs sending him into a frenzy. He would fight for his master and win glory.
He was the first to die. A pig farmer ran him through with a pitchfork, simply a scared man defending his family. His death was inglorious. His body was forgotten in the muck and refuse of a pigsty. In his final moment, he felt regret. Regret for all that lead him to that moment. Regret for all he could not make of his grim and hopeless life.
Mykas awoke in a dark and empty moor, coarse grasses interspersed by stands of small trees and crisscrossed by cold, brackish streams. He was dead, wasn’t he? He wondered if this was truly the fate that awaited him in Charon’s domain.
On the horizon, he saw another light. A white horse galloped towards him and as it drew closer he saw the being in all it’s radiance. It was a horse, one unlike any he had seen. It was headless, but a horse skull floated above its neck, and above that a burning crown. It filled him with dread and wonder and, for the first time, hope.
The Pale Horse spoke to him, told him that just as the Horse had once been a daemonic tyrant, a mighty servant of Charon, he had repented and turned to the service of Pharasma. Mykas could too. He could live again, make something of his life, in return for a lifetime of penance and service to the Pale Horse.
Mykas accepted. He awoke once more, now in a pigsty in a burned out village with a pitchfork in his gut. He wrenched the weapon from himself, and as his wounds began to knit closed, he felt renewed. He served a better purpose. He would hunt down those who flaunted death’s justice, those who made a mockery of the great balance.
Mykas wandered, fighting the enemies of the faith and offering a chance at repentance to those who would accept service. He kept that pitchfork, having it reforged into combat worthy weapon, a trident in the image of his lord’s sacred weapon.
He found himself in the Stolen Lands, on the borders of a fledgling country sponsored by Brevoy. Perhaps he would settle down, see what he could do to help this endeavor.
Mykas is, at least on first impressions, a hard and dour man. His upbringing made him weary of the world, with a grim outlook on most things. His recent redemption has changed that in many ways. He cares more deeply, feels more strongly, and fights harder when the time calls. He is exceptionally skilled in social situations, not from charisma or force of personality, but a simple knowledge of what must be said and saying it. He generally rejects the teachings of evil and chaos, but likewise does little to espouse the doctrines of good and law. Simply, he wants all things to be in balance, for the world to run in a way that allows all to live to their best and fullest.
Mykas is of fairly average height with a muscular build, roughly 5’ 9” and 140 pounds. Keen, Dark eyes look out from a strong brow, and his brown hair is cut short. He wears a chain shirt along with dark clothes cut to resemble the vestments of a Pharasmim inquisitor, though with the holy symbol of the Pale Horse in the place of Pharasma’s spiral. He rarely uses the longbow slung over his back, preferring the trident that oddly resembles a pitchfork he is never seen without.

Sarah 'queen' B. |

I would consider a bard to be a contender for the unspecified slot, not the arcane one.
Wednesday, January 22 will be the deadline for new submissions.
Thanks for the reply. I've got the concept of a bard well and truly stuck in my head now so that's the application I'll be going with. I'll get something written up in the next couple of days.

Zsófia Dobós |

Reading about this game I was compelled to bring forth this character for consideration. Zsófia is a brash, dynamic swashbuckler-- a face of sorts-- devoted to the goddess Shelyn and an enemy of the Aldori swordlords. She is also sort of a noblewoman, though her claim is unusual and unlikely to be recognized by the nobility unless she distinguishes herself some other way. She's not against Erastil, though she finds his teachings a little too lawful for her taste, and she is quite willing to work and fight alongside others who have been given the same charter from the Brevoy lords, even if she must prove herself to them first to earn their acceptance.
Hit dice: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 71d4 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Zsófia Dobós |

Zsofia doesn’t oppose Erastil! She was raised by Shelynists, but Erastil may be a better fit for the people of the Stolen Lands. Better than a neutral or evil god, too, is her opinion.
I am not sure exactly what the politics of Brevoy are in this campaign, but I think the swordlords are a different group from the king and his court. I would be happy to revise any of her background that you good folks feel doesn’t fit, of course. :)

Autumn Moon |

I didn't say oppose, I said don't really care for. There is a difference. For example I don't really care for spicy ranch, I oppose tomatoes on anything because they make me sick.
Also hi, I'm your local lore nerd! If I don't know the answer to your pathfinder lore question it hasn't been answered by our creatures or I know where to find it! But The swordslords are a huge part of this game as they are the ones that send us out here. So here is a bit about them. If you would like to know more either about them or Brevoy as a whole. You've but to ask, or... use google... because everyone does that now days... *sighs and looks over to the many pathfinder lore books I've bought*
The swordlords are a different group. It wasn't the King's court that sent us out here. Because there is no King of Brevoy at the moment. He and his line have vanished, causing the nobility to start opposing each other in what is/would become a war of succession. The Aldori swordlords live in Restov, which in the the southern part of Brevoy. They were once a kingdom of their own but Brevoy took them over. However because of how the Aldori swordlords work, they are not seen as a form of noble house. Because anyone who cares to try can make it into their ranks. Those who make it into their rank abandon their sire names and take the name Aldori in it's place. This is to pay respect and thanks to the man that founded the style and traditions Baron Sirian Aldori. In fact, if you have an Aldori sword and know their style this would mean it was one of them who trained you. Also you are not the only woman, the swordlords despite their name, are gender inclusive and very welcoming no matter your race or gender. They respect strength of character and arm above all else. Female swordlords are common and expected. The Aldori Swordlords of Restov are actually ran by a woman, her name is Jamandi Aldori. (I'm actually sad there is so little on her)
The only way this would change, at least on being trained in Restov, is if you're from Mivon. Which is a Kingdom in the River Kingdoms that some of the Aldori swordlords fled to when Brevoy took them over. They set up base there establishing their own Kingdom and kept teaching. Because of the separation however their style is much different and Swordlords from Restov go down there to challenge Mivon Aldori to combat and those who come back are often covered in bruises. Aldori Swordlords are often very proud and arrogant because of their style, and have a huge competitive nature because among the Aldori the way you advance in the "family" is to fight for you place. It is effectively a huge warrior's guild that makes you take the last name of their found.

ElterAgo |

Thanks for the review. I knew a little bit from the Inner Sea World Guide and from mentions in a couple of PFS scenarios, but I din't know all that.
Couple of questions.
1) Do the Aldori accept non-human students? I don't usually like playing human characters unless the build is so wierd that it prevents it from becoming boring.
2) Does your group need some melee presence? I would consider building an Aldori defender going for Swordlord. (So far, I haven't come up with a sylvan sorcerer build I like.)

Autumn Moon |

1) Yes! Jamandi's adopted son from the computer game which paizo has chosen to make cannon for 2e at the very least, is half-orc and Jamandi herself is a half-elf. They care not about your race or gender but about your strength of character and strength of arm.
2) Autumn is a switch hitter, so she can fight both ranged and melee. Herger is a caster with a bit a melee, Torek is a melee, and of course Titian is a ride by melee as he is a cavalier. However none have seemed to take advantage of the face that Frostbite, Autumn's wolf, boosts attack while flanking. Being a hunter the two get teamwork feats so if you want to make an Aldori defender with teamwork feats you'd be able to get a foot hold in combat more than others.

ElterAgo |

Ah, kool. I have always like the teamwork feats. But I've only been in one group where anyone was willing to use them with me. I think they are often extremely effective. Which teamwork feats do you have and which are you planning to take?
I don't have the books for the Aldori defender and swordlord. So I will need to do a bit of research, looking at how to build one.
1st d4: 1d4 ⇒ 4
2nd d4: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Autumn Moon |

Here, use this. It will help you.
As for the feats she has that are teamwork feats they are Outflank and Enfilading Fire. As Autumn is a switch hitter she can take a fair blend of both but her normal feats will be archery focused.

Jastheriga |

Curious if there is any group feedback on Jastheriga? It is a fairly vanilla caster concept. It can be adjusted.
I've also been playing with a Brown-Fur Transmuter arcanist. It would take longer to get really powerful, but it would eventually be able to use the personal polymorph spells to buff the rest of the group.

Autumn Moon |

@Jastheriga: I can't give much feed back because there is just so little story wise. How did he join the Noble family? What has he done in his life? Did he have friends? What was it like to be an elf adopted into the family as the trait says that if you aren't human you had to be adopted into it? Give me character man! XD

![]() |

Hmm, man...Like, I keep trying to come up with a potential build for Arcane caster slot as well, but I gotta say the stat array does not lend well to arcane characters.
Having at best a 17 (Which you would straight up have to do to be a caster) in your casting stat means your DCs are low (like two points lower than most people would run a caster.)
It makes your spells far less effective cause they'll be taken for half damage that much more often. Now, Conjuration and others like that don't suffer as much but you're still pushed down a bit harder because you'll have less spells per day/versatility.
6th level casters could easily get away with the lower DCs and such because they're built around the idea of such by having other things that make up for it, even 4th levels would benefit the same.
GM, out of curiosity why are you wanting 9th level casters vs 6th or 4th for the arcane position?

Zsófia Dobós |

In fact, if you have an Aldori sword and know their style this would mean it was one of them who trained you.
This seems to me to conflict with the description of the Rostland Bravo Swashbuckler, which says:
The Free City of Restov is host to numerous dueling schools, from the renowned Aldori Academy to tiny training grounds in blademasters’ homes. Students of these schools are notoriously competitive, and street-corner duels at dawn and dusk are a constant of Restov life. In most cases, while these “lesser schools” do not teach official Aldori techniques, their methods mesh well with that signature style. Unsurprisingly, many students eventually train in the Aldori style, whether because they aspire to join the swordlords’ ranks or simply for the challenge of mastering the legendary weapon. While some favor more technical approaches, others study flashier maneuvers, wielding the curved blade with artful flair. Disdainfully called “bravos” by classically trained rivals, students of this approach have claimed the label with pride. The Rostland bravos’ most advanced techniques bear dragon-themed names as a snub to traditionalist Aldori swordlords, who have never forgotten their crushing defeat by Choral the Conqueror’s dragons at the Valley of Fire.
Maybe I've misread what you're saying, Autumn Moon? If for some reason the leader of the Swordlords doesn't want someone to join them, can they keep them from the school? Can the student learn to use the sword in other ways?

Autumn Moon |

This is one of your traits. The lore on this trait states "You learned defensive moves from Aldori trainers." Which means you did train with Aldori, official Aldori. You can learn to use the sword but it wouldn't be the Aldori way, this trait however says you learned the Aldori way.
If Jamandi didn't want you in the Aldori, one would really need to know why. Because they are almost as accepting as the Pathfinder society when it comes to people. And you would know. Swordlords are obsessed with personal standing and honor in their group. She would come right out and tell you, and it would have to be a big deal. Like not swearing the Aldori sword oath. Which is an oath they swear to not teach others their way unless they have sworn it too. It would have been the first thing you did upon getting into the academy. Like before you even held a blade first thing.
Also the Aldori swordlords are ran by a council headed by Jamandi. So you'd actually have to anger all of them in order to be barred.
The Aldori Dueling Academy is sometimes seen as a more meritocratic and egalitarian alternative to the traditional nobility of Brevoy, for even a woman or a low-born can gain much glory and prestige if they prove their swordfighting prowess.
Sorry had to do a quick edit because I forgot something! Which was mentioning the council! Ain't nobody perfect! XD

GM Waterhammer |

Hmm, man...Like, I keep trying to come up with a potential build for Arcane caster slot as well, but I gotta say the stat array does not lend well to arcane characters.
Having at best a 17 (Which you would straight up have to do to be a caster) in your casting stat means your DCs are low (like two points lower than most people would run a caster.)
It makes your spells far less effective cause they'll be taken for half damage that much more often. Now, Conjuration and others like that don't suffer as much but you're still pushed down a bit harder because you'll have less spells per day/versatility.
6th level casters could easily get away with the lower DCs and such because they're built around the idea of such by having other things that make up for it, even 4th levels would benefit the same.
GM, out of curiosity why are you wanting 9th level casters vs 6th or 4th for the arcane position?
7th, 8th, and 9th level spells.
We obviously have widely different philosophies on what it takes to play a full caster. I’ve run plenty of successful wizards with only a 16 starting intelligence. Personal preference. The super weak wizard archetype just ain’t my style.
@ Jastheriga: You don't have a blurb about appearance at all. Don't forget height and weight.
Some other stuff. I didn't know about Jamandi when this Champaign started. I suppose if she's paizo cannon I should include her. Why not? This is not the video game, at any rate.

![]() |

I agree wholeheartedly that I probably dont have the same view. I never have run a sorcerer or wizard to high level. My personal preference on arcane side is mostly the 6th level casters like bards, alchemists, and maguses.
But, I personally, typically play divine or martial so I will admit my knowledge of the arcane side is lacking. I am fairly certain I have never actually played a wizard before, only Sorcerers and Witches.
I have been trying to do better and try classes I haven't touched. Like the bloodrager. I might keep giving Wizard and Arcanist a look and see if I can scratch my head more on an idea as it will only help me become a better GM by understanding those classes better.

Jereru |

I was wondering, what would you guys thinbk of a fellow cleric (evangelist)? I don't want to step on Herger's toes. It would have to come from the Erastil's faith, or an allied one, maybe. In a party with so many martials, I thought someone who can offer Inspire Competence and some other buffs (that can alleviate Herger's load in combat a bit if well coordinated) could be a nice addition.
So, in case you agree, which faiths would you think could marry well with the group? I had a search in the wikis an I wasn't able to find much about Erastil's allies. Iomedae lists him as an ally (and Iomedae would fit with a more militarycommanderish cleric), for example, but I don't know more if any, or even if you would approve.
The character would be moved by the opportunity to divulge its faith from the beginning in a new country (more so if its the communal faith). Of course, some personal affairs mixed into the matter always add some colour, but that is something I have yet to specifically think about. I'll have some read through the Gameplay tab if you give me permission, to check where is the party now, but if there's something beyond your nice recaps on your characters, feel free to tell (like, we did this and that so now we all hate ____ or set up the ____ tradition, idk). Maybe you want the new character to have a connection with some of the old ones, or maybe some of you are already famous in Brevoy and the new character wants to follow him/her.
I have to say I was once in a Kingmaker game, but we didn't make it past the initial dinner with the nobility, so no danger of me spoiling anything ("10 bucks they're sending us out to explore").

Aithaloessa Cyana |

Hello, Qunnessaa here again, posting with a first draft of her character submission. In this incarnation, there might be more primal magic eventually (powered by her arcane reservoir), but more finely-tuned: if the party would prefer fewer, if spikier, bits of chaos, I would happily revert my submission to levels in primalist wizard (with either transmutation or void as her school, probably) rather than arcanist.
I'll post an actual bit of character description later today, but to tease a bit, well, what's a Kingmaker campaign without a Merlin figure? I'm thinking a bit along the lines of the Myrddin Wyllt tradition - the mad wizard in the woods, but at least a bit more serious than T. H. White. :)
Aithaloessa's definitely not an Erastilian, but she should play well with others, and is happy to fade a bit into the background: her own agenda (nothing sinister, honest! - mostly following ley lines, gathering magical plants and improving her magic) is mainly interested in the River Kingdoms as a place to find allies and magic to support her return to Kyonin eventually. She is capital-G Good, though, so she'll be around for the long haul of getting a new kingdom going. After all, as a Forlorn elf, she knows a couple of human generations are likely to pass before she's ready settle down anyway. Must you be so morbid, Aith? ;)
Finishing off hp stuff: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6

Autumn Moon |

@Simeon: Story wise, you're solid. And if you get chosen we might talk a bit more because uha, that nice isolated village was never named. But that is for later! Crunch wise I believe you're missing a trait but that is it!
@Jereru: Faiths that work well with Erastil are Iomedae, Green faith, to a point Abadar, and Torag. I'll put a bit of what he thinks on each deity below.
Erastil's paternal affection for Deana is real, but distant and tinged with a slight sadness. Her Independence and Providence over the reliable cycles of the Moon and stars could make her a trusted friend, but her distance, whimsy, and encouragement of self-indulgence makes her too untrustworthy in all times of direst need. He is more patient in his interactions with Shelyn, for her support of marriage and families strengthens communities. The goddess of art has, on numerous occasions, sought out the god of the hunters, asking him to guide her to the most amazing vistas and unique settings in the multiverse. Erastil regularly indulges her, enjoying her company even as he argued with her over the value of art and life. They disagree on most topics, but Shelyn's congeniality and honest appreciation of Erastil's time have preserved their friendship.
Evil deities are largely of a kind to Erastil, and he has little time of interest in doing much more than contributing arrow fire to drive them away. While he views alamashtu and Rovagug as a frontier scout might wild monsters, he reserves an especial hatred for Urgathoa. That goddess's gluttony and fostering of diseases regularly blight his people, whether in the form of deadly plagues, the tainting of game and fields, or in cultivating the sick-hearted desire of more than one's than one's neighbors. Urgathoa is aware of the God's loathing, and goes out of her way to needle Erastil, setting her minions upon fragile frontier communities whenever the opportunity arises.
Erastil's followers are generally friendly towards members of other good-aligned religions, but they also harbor a sense of superiority that can vary from private conviction to outright paternalism. The faith tends to be an all-or-nothing affair, and thus attracts people with somewhat black-and-white worldviews. Most of Erastil's faithful, however, have good hearts, and though they may grumble and mutter disapprovingly at those with different beliefs, they'll also help people in true need without hesitation. Many see themselves as having a parental role towards those around them. If they don't engage in outright evangelism for their faith and worldviews, they still consider it important to attempt to install proper values in their neighbors while aiding them: they may teach local youth valuable skills while emphasizing the importance of using those skills to contribute to their families and communities, or help a newcomer fix up a house while encouraging him to use it to start a family. They are unlikely to take action against cults of evil deities unless those worshipers directly threaten their community, although any adherent of a malevolent deity who strikes up a conversation with one of Erastil's followers can expect a stern lecture on their misguided beliefs.
That is all from the book of Inner Sea Gods, the following is from other places.
Erastil thinks Cayden Cailean is a good kid, but needs a strong willed woman to tie him down and settle.
When it comes to Calistria he believes one should not talk that way about a woman.

Jereru |

needs a strong willed woman to tie him down and settle
Man, I've heard this quite a few times from my grandma xD
Thank you for the info, Autumn. I was searching in the wikis, thinking they would have info like this one there. With all of that, I think Iomedae could be a nice choice. What do you think? I'm more than willing to listen to your thoughts and advice (after all, is me who's knocking on your door asking for permission to get in).

Autumn Moon |

Iomedae is always a good deity. I don't know if it would be a good choice for Kingmaker though. Iomedae is more a crusading goddess and with Mendev so close it would be curious to find you here and not there. However... Those are only major deities, maybe try one of these minor ones that are really akin to Erastil. Each one of these would work along well with him and his faithful!