Astrianna Sparacello |
Round 3
Astrianna makes some panicked noises followed by some curses and as juggles her bow on the edge of the pit, finally catching it before it plunges into the cellar. No no no... losing your bow at this juncture would be unpleasant. Much more likely to survive heroic exploits from afar.
With the lesser undead destroyed she focuses on making the Morhg more akin to a porcupine.
Full-round action Rapid shot on Morhg
Longbow #1, point-blank, rapid shot: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 1 - 2 = 11
Damage #1, point-blank: 1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7
Longbow #2, point-blank, rapid shot: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 1 - 2 = 27
Damage #2, point-blank: 1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 = 5
Longbow #3, point-blank, rapid shot: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 6
Damage #3, point-blank: 1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7
Sorrin the Wayward |
Astrianna, didn't you fumble and break a bowstring?
Even the name's disgusting, much to worry about? We've got this, really... How'd things go with the haunt?
Astri play nice with the Wyverns? Thought I heard some Draconic. Sorrin seems surprisingly conversational.
Chell Silves |
"No, you don't," she says as a brilliant light radiates from her outstretched hand.
Ray Touch Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Damage vs undead: 8d8 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 4, 7, 2, 4, 3) = 32
It builds to a crescendo and blasts the beast full in the face with holy radiance. "If it kills Ptahh or anyone else they will rise as something close."
Astrianna Sparacello |
I was in a hurry and forgot I fumbled myself! Ptahh, I think Sorrin wants you to 5' step to K20 so he can get behind it and flank. Correct Sorrin?
Sorrin the Wayward |
Ptahh, I think Sorrin wants you to 5' step to K20 so he can get behind it and flank. Correct Sorrin?
Yes. Just need some rogue love, to better help out. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna takes a spare bowstring from her haversack, and re-strings her bow. Hearing some celebration from below, she assumes the undead are destroyed. "Anything else down there besides those rotters?"
Ptahh |
Astrianna Sparacello wrote:Ptahh, I think Sorrin wants you to 5' step to K20 so he can get behind it and flank. Correct Sorrin?Yes. Just need some rogue love, to better help out. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
Sorry. I wasn't sure if I backed up that it would follow me or just turn on Sorrin.
Sorrin the Wayward |
Sorrin the Wayward wrote:Sorry. I wasn't sure if I backed up that it would follow me or just turn on Sorrin.Astrianna Sparacello wrote:Ptahh, I think Sorrin wants you to 5' step to K20 so he can get behind it and flank. Correct Sorrin?Yes. Just need some rogue love, to better help out. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
I appreciate that! Just wanted to give us each +2 to Hit and Sorrin +2d6 precision damage.
baldwin the merciful |
You gather that the mohrg was Daynor and he transformed the dank, dark cellar of the lighthouse into his macabre playground. There he used his zombies, victims who came looking for him and his family. The crates and barrels are the remains of supplies, some has decayed beyond recognition, but there are a few casts of ale and wine, along with some dried goods. Enough to feed your crew for 2 days.
You find no other exists or passages from the cellar. It's clear there is no access to caverns below from this location.
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna isn't terribly surprised they found Daynor's funhouse of death and reanimation, but she is upset there is no entrance to the caverns from this location. "I thought for sure this would lead further downward. Are we going to be forced to search this whole island?"
She taps her foot and thinks for a moment. "The ship has enough food for four more days, we should offer this food and drink to the wyverns so they don't attack us while we're exploring. Let's start moving it upstairs." She reaches into her haversack and pulls out a scroll, purifying some of the rotten foodstuffs to increase the volume of their dragon offering.
Cast Purify Food and Drink from a scroll, 1 cubic foot of food/drink
The half-elf inquires with her hat-based companion on his knowledge of wereshark-whereabouts. "Tao, do you have any inkling where we could find the entrance to the underwater caverns? Surely there's a surface connection to the caves somewhere."
baldwin the merciful |
The half-elf inquires with her hat-based companion on his knowledge of wereshark-whereabouts. "Tao, do you have any inkling where we could find the entrance to the underwater caverns? Surely there's a surface connection to the caves somewhere."
"Swim by statue garden...perhaps? That's were my master went swimming."
Chell Silves |
"If it had killed you, you would have. Now stop moving for a moment." Chell then checks over his wounds. When Mohrg's killed their prey rose as undead very quickly. That lead her to believe that it might be something parasitic like the purple thing that writhed inside the Mohrg itself. That it stayed in the body until it died. Thankfully she saw no signs of that. Still, he needed to be patched up.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
49 HP and 6 charges.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30
K:Geo: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
K:Engineering: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
perception for a secret door perhaps and the others to possibly gauge how far above the caves we are.
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna sighs and rubs a hand across her face. "So the only way to the cavern that you know of is to swim? Great. We're not well equipped to go deep diving in wereshark-infested waters."
Shrugging, she grabs some goods to move upstairs to act as tribute to the dragons. "We'll figure something out. But first we have to appease those wyverns or we'll have to waste time killing them."
Astrianna Sparacello |
First step is go outside and try not to get eaten. Then I guess we'll have to make for the ship, take it around to the statue garden.
Astrianna sighs at the revelation concerning the dried goods. The wyverns weren't going to be happy... Well, if we have to kill them at least we can loot their nest.
She gathers up what meat there is in the store room and prepares to head out with the others. "This isn't quite what I had in mind when I told them I'd bring some food. Let me talk to them, but... I'd be ready for a fight."
The bard asks one more question of Tao- "Tao, you said there were three wyverns... where is the third? Do they have a broodling?"
baldwin the merciful |
Chell Silves |
"Even if we can't give the Wyverns this we can use it to replenish our own stores if we pull from that," Chell suggests. "Also it might be best to find the caverns from the shore. The boat is conspicuous."
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna nods at Sorrin. "Essentially. They're related to true dragons, but most true dragons find their brutish nature repulsive. The ones that Aren't brutes themselves, that is."
She shrugs at Chell. "We can continue to search the shore, but if Tao hasn't seen any entrances from land, we may have to swim..."
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna tells Sorrin she has only seen two active wyverns, and while Tao knows there is a third, no one has seen it yet. "If the wyverns become hostile we will need to get in the forest as quickly as possible, or somewhere that Embri can put down webs to ground them. Flight is their biggest advantage, and we must rob them of it."
She prepares to go outside with the meat offerings and 500 gp in gems taken from her haversack. "We may not have to fight them at all, if I can talk quick enough..."
baldwin the merciful |
Astri heads outside lugging the a side of dried salted beef and palming a few gems. She directs one of the others to grab the slab of cured pork that was cellar. One of the wyverns is perched on the lighthouse glaring at the area around the door. Another remains in the tree line perched in the canopy, and the third is still unseen.
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna lays out the salted beef and piles up some gemstones, stepping away from them. The slab of cured pork is tossed on as well. She calls up to the roosting wyvern on the lighthouse.
She waits to hear the dragon's response before initiating operation: Lie to the dragon and hope you don't get eaten.
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna is pleased the dragon seems satisfied with the initial offering.
She keeps a straight face and continues to placate the dragon, having no intention of returning to give it anything else. "After we annihilate the were-sharks, you will get your fair share of the spoils, just as you did with the undead. If you know of any surface entrances to the caverns below, it will greatly expedite the delivery of your tribute..."
Bluff: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31
Astrianna Sparacello |
Astrianna nods at the dragon, quite glad it's not being as aggressive as earlier. She's not sure if she can get away with not giving it anything else before they leave, but she'll be damned if she doesn't try.
Astrianna waves to the others and begins to make for the shoreside where the serpent head lies. "The wyvern says the were-shark cavern entrance is underwater, between the shore and the serpent head statue. I don't think there is a way inside from land, Chell. " She sighs, not looking forward to swimming through the shark-infested sea. Fighting the were sharks on their own turf, underwater? I hope the whole cavern isn't flooded. We're not well prepared for this.
Chell Silves |
"That's unfortunate. Thankfully I can give us 2 hours a piece of water breathing. As long as Embrinanna takes care of herself. I wonder how effective a lightning spell is underwater," she muses as they walk. "Also, can we check the wreck when the waters are safe?" She had a feeling it might be important personally to her since it might be connected to the vision.
Headed for the serpent statue.
baldwin the merciful |
"Twenty yards out from the sandy shore an enormous serpentine head, its huge maw gaping with foot long fangs, juts up from beneath the waves. The creature is completely still, its fearsome gaze fixed on the shore." You know that the sea serpent is a statue. Looking at the sea the water look deep between the shoreline and serpent, and you suspect it is even deeper beyond the serpent.
Astrianna Sparacello |
Sorry, site was down this morning.
Astrianna looks at the deep water and sighs. She checks her gear, and makes a mental note she should get a silver rapier in the future. "Well Chell, let's see that water breathing prayer you were talking about and get swimming. While you are administering that, let's tie ourselves together."
The bard removes 100 feet of bloodvine rope from her haversack, one person tied together every 20 feet. She figures Ptahh and Sorrin should be on opposite ends of the rope to protect everyone else. Astriana puts herself in the middle, because it's her rope after all.
If everyone thinks it's a good idea to secure ourselves to each other, I was thinking Ptahh, Embri, Astri, Chell, Sorrin for the order. 20 feet between each person.
Chell Silves |
If I remember embrianna has a way to breath underwater.
Chell walks from person to person and places her hands on their neck beneath the jaw line. An odd but pleasant feeling washes over them as she chants words of power. The next breath that comes feels much deeper as the gills open up to accept air as well.
Water Breathing is 2 hours/level so 4 hours for 4 people.