(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


'Ship' . . . 'House' . . . Connor's Log


Anrive | The Whole Dang World | Vellandrus

Prison of the Elements

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61/61 HP   AC: 22 / 15 / 18   F:+8 R:+10 W:+14   54 PP   7 MP   Init:+4   Perc: +16 SnsMtv: +14   Pistol 5/5   Nettle 1/1   TrWnds: 7   Unsn: 5
Stealth+16, Perception+16, Sense Motive+14, Heal+13, Autohypnosis+12, Craft:firearm+12, Survival+11, Fly+10, acrobatics+10, Escape Artist+8, Ling:Read Lips+6, Kn:Religion+3

We've got the psicraft mask, and my network sharing if there are any particularly interesting powers you don't have access to.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

I think we've established a room. Will the innkeep give us a key or show us the suite?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

They will, when the GM recovers from being sick Sun-Tues, and then catches up with work missed during same period.

Should post tomorrow.

61/61 HP   AC: 22 / 15 / 18   F:+8 R:+10 W:+14   54 PP   7 MP   Init:+4   Perc: +16 SnsMtv: +14   Pistol 5/5   Nettle 1/1   TrWnds: 7   Unsn: 5
Stealth+16, Perception+16, Sense Motive+14, Heal+13, Autohypnosis+12, Craft:firearm+12, Survival+11, Fly+10, acrobatics+10, Escape Artist+8, Ling:Read Lips+6, Kn:Religion+3

If this game picks up again and I'm unusually quiet, it's because my schedule and PC/internet access has changed. This hasn't ever been a daily game, so I'm not quitting just yet.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Still here! I understand how daily life can keep you away from the Pazio boards for a while.

Huh. I was going to split the difference between Connor and Flann and walk around openly, but disguised as another race to rouse less suspicion, but I noticed Everyman doesn't let you change your race apparently. Makes it kind of pointless for our purposes, unfortunately.

Is there a good Psionic disguise option?

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

Combined with minor metamorphosis you can change races and stack the bonuses to disguise. I was planning to do both, too, wanna go together?

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Long weekend, and on the lake today - will post tonight!

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34


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Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Long hours this week, I'll post something tomorrow or Saturday, sorry (started at 5AM and ended about 20 minutes ago at 9:30).

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

No rush, I don't mind slow paces. Just like to poke at things once in a while to keep things fresh.

Get some rest of your can—that's a long day!

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

You're doing fine, mdt. I've had a busy week too.

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34
Vim tel'Gossamer wrote:

No rush, I don't mind slow paces. Just like to poke at things once in a while to keep things fresh.

Get some rest of your can—that's a long day!

while you can**

God I hate typos

Think I'm going to officially drop out of this game. I've been struggling to figure Kotsi's place in this established party all along, and with my new workload sapping my energy to post in a lot of games, it seems like a good time to bow out of a few I'm just not feeling as much to free up my time and not string anybody along.

Thanks for having me MDT, and your game has a cool concept, but I could just never quite mesh with it.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Sorry to hear that. I always feel like that's my fault for not getting you into it. My low posting rate probably hasn't helped. Thanks for playing, and sorry it wasn't more enjoyable. :(

It's not really anyone's fault I think, just the natural result of me trying to hop into a game with 5-6 years of history behind it. it'd be like somebody trying to join KC's Age of Worms game after all these years; all of our characters have so many unique interactions with each other that bringing in a new character, much less a new player is hard.

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

FWIW, i've been pretty slammed the last couple weeks, so the low-post rate has made me feel less behind than maybe I'd be otherwise.

Sorry to see you go, SD. See ya around the boards.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Sorry to hear you go, Kotsi/Storm Dragon! Like the others, I've been slammed at home.

And today you get to see Connor's arch enemy, Mr. Dicebot! Not a single roll higher than 10. Which is why I craft the stuff that gives bonuses.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

Happy solstice! Happy summer!

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Yes, happy 21 June. I've always wondered why the days get hotter when they get shorter. Kind of a delayed reaction.

Still checking every other day!

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

GM has been putting in 70+ hours for the last 8 weeks (40+ at work, 25-30 per week doing home renovation). Last week I finally collapsed. Hopefully will be up again by the end of the week.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Suspected as much. I had Vacation Bible School, then a couple of days on the lake last week!

Now for 98F weather in North Carolina...

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Just making sure Paizo.com isn't on the fritz again. Sometimes I post, and nothing happens!

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

Still up!

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Apologies everyone.

I need to bring you up to date.

So, as you all know, new job.

Project is in a very bad spot since mid June.

My project lead quit a few weeks ago, and I got to take over. The new guy, is now the project lead. (I'm the only non-contractor on the project, so I'm the lead).

I'm working 50-60 hour weeks, and get pulled into 30 minute meetings that take 3-6 hours.

Basically, I'm so overloaded that I can't think straight, and trying to post is almost impossible. Even for playing, much less as the GM.

I am sorry to do this, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to shut my games down for now. The only question I have is, do you want me to pull the plug or just wait and see if things clear up in a month or two?

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

Woof, that sounds serum. Sorry, mdt.

Regarding the game, no sense pulling the plug imo. I'm perfectly fine with a long delay. If that eventually does become a plug-pull, so be it, but no sense doing it if things eventually get easier, and it's not like I'm going anywhere.

Whatever happens, good luck!

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34


Hey, On the plus side, did that mean you got promoted?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

No, just more responsibility and longer hours.

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34


Halvavian HP: 106/106 ||
AC/Touch/Flat 22(23)/13(14)/21(22) | Fort/Ref/Will +13(+14)/+10(+11)/+10(+11) | Init +4 | CMD 28
Perception +18(+22vsTraps), Survival +11(+15 to track), Linguistics +10, Fly +21(+18), Disable Device +21(+18), Stealth +23(+20)

I'm always around and willing to jump back in and go when life settles down for you. :)

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Still here, I'd rather pause than give up the game. Even with Connor putting his foot into his mouth, it appears (I think I was half-asleep when I did that post).

Willing to wait! Will keep checking in. Or you can send an e-mail, mdt!

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

I hope you're not going through a hospital stay or death of a loved one, mdt.

Get well soon!

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

No, although wife had surgery 3 weeks ago (outpatient, no danger).

But I am still working 10 and 12 hour days, 5 to 7 days a week. :(

I put in a 12 hour day today.

Halvavian HP: 106/106 ||
AC/Touch/Flat 22(23)/13(14)/21(22) | Fort/Ref/Will +13(+14)/+10(+11)/+10(+11) | Init +4 | CMD 28
Perception +18(+22vsTraps), Survival +11(+15 to track), Linguistics +10, Fly +21(+18), Disable Device +21(+18), Stealth +23(+20)

Tough. Here whenever your ready again. :)

Hey, when you get the chance can you remove me form the active players list MDT? Didn't want to ask while you were away, but if you're starting up the game again I'd like it to fall of my list.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Still here!

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34


Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

So in very fun and scary and exciting news, my wife just had a baby (our first) and we'll be bringing him home today or tomorrow hopefully.

I'm not planning on dropping any games as I'll be off work for the next month (is this hubris? Maybe!) but if it's not too much trouble, please feel free to bot me as needed in the immediate future. Thanks!

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


I should get a post up this week.

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

Hope everyone had a nice holiday!

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