Strength of Thousands (PF2 AP) by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Education is far from easy at the oldest and most prestigious magic academy in the world! The newest students at the venerable Magaambya school of magic begin their academic careers with tests of skill and ingenuity. While all Magaambya students contend with the school's rigorous course load, these heroes must also investigate the strange infestations and supernatural intruders lurking in the school's ancient buildings.

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Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Just as an RP note, Iovia will address people as Mr. or Miss <name> both to show her more formalized way of talking and her noble background and as a way to show evolving comfort with new people over time when she starts switching to first names.

If this bothers anyone, let me know, and I won't do it with your character.

I'm loving everyone's RP.

Nonbinary (masculine) N ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Honestly, Za Minyahil will probably take some comfort in that: So far no one's actually called Za Minyahil "Za" yet (except Ikto, mentally, but this ain't Starfinder, so telepathic ghorans aren't a thing yet! :P), but the first time someone does he'll be quick to correct them.

The only reason Za Minyahil himself isn't being similarly formal is because he's trying to fit into the less militarized environment of Nantambu and feels if he started calling people "Sir" and "Ma'am" or whatever the Osiriani equivalent of those are, people would think he's stuffy. :P

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