(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


'Ship' . . . 'House' . . . Connor's Log


Anrive | The Whole Dang World | Vellandrus

Prison of the Elements

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HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Feeling Flann shut down his Vitalist's network, and the attitude from both him and Vim, Connor reflected. High-level magic could detect some psionics, and vice-versa. If the lizardman had its' own magical ability, then a detect psionics on it would active magical awareness. Arcane blood? Perhaps a racial ability? But there should have been nothing wrong with talking among themselves.

"All right. Four. Kotsi will stay, given her...concerns." Connor stated. "It will also make it easier, since we can tell the innkeep that Kotsi will keep the suite or move to her own room. I'm ready to go now, warrior - you never did tell us your name."

Halvavian HP: 106/106 ||
AC/Touch/Flat 22(23)/13(14)/21(22) | Fort/Ref/Will +13(+14)/+10(+11)/+10(+11) | Init +4 | CMD 28
Perception +18(+22vsTraps), Survival +11(+15 to track), Linguistics +10, Fly +21(+18), Disable Device +21(+18), Stealth +23(+20)

I thought we were as well but we came to hang with the group for dinner then didn't seem to part but just moved forward so made the assumption we just stayed together but if we went back yes ignore what Adran said :)

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

After the conversation:
Vim gathers his equipment quickly and makes himself prepared to leave with haste.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

(Yes, Connor can be ready to go in a few minutes. Just tighten his handy haversack and grab his psicrystal staff. I'd like to tell the innkeep about the situation with Kotsi on the way out.)

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

(Sorry everyone, daylight is coming, possibly next week)

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

Hey, that's a nice surprise! Life feeling a little calmer?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The lizardfolk rubs the side of it's jaw. "No, I did not give you my name, did I? What a ssstrange oversssight. I'm sssure it will be adressssed at sssome point in the future."

The lizardfolk leads the group out through the back of the inn, and into alley ways that are always dark, given the location of the city.

After winding through the back alleys for a good 10 minutes, and after the group is thoroughly lost, the lizardfolk turns and reaches into the bag it has hanging from it's shoulder. It takes small caps out, four of them. "Put on head, sssay 'Lissshhnar Assshanti Malthossss'." It holds the caps out to the party.

Finally worked a 40 hour week for the first time in 3 months, I'll see if I can get started back up again

Halvavian HP: 106/106 ||
AC/Touch/Flat 22(23)/13(14)/21(22) | Fort/Ref/Will +13(+14)/+10(+11)/+10(+11) | Init +4 | CMD 28
Perception +18(+22vsTraps), Survival +11(+15 to track), Linguistics +10, Fly +21(+18), Disable Device +21(+18), Stealth +23(+20)

Adran takes the cap.

"Oooo... A new hat. What's it do?" He plops it on his head and prances around.

"How do I look? Do you have any in blue? I sure do like blue. It's my favorite color. So now what?"

Glad your back. I've been working out of the office the past few days and not posting as normal :)

Male Elfavian Psychic Warrior 8 (Pathmaster, Meditant) | Wings: Butterfly, Opal | HP:51/51 | AC: 28; T: 18; FF: 26 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +10(+12 vs Enchant) | Low-light Vision; Init: +2; Perception: +18 | PsiFocus: Yes; Active Energy: Electricity ML: 8; PP 34/34

Vim watches in interest as Adran dons the cap with no obvious immediate consequences, and then followed suit, despite the clash with his otherwise dashing outfit. One couldn't afford to be picky though, at times like this anyway. "Very well, then, friend. What's next? And where have you taken us?"

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