Savage Firefly - want some "space western" adventures?

Game Master ZenFox42

This is a game set in the Firefly/Serenity universe, using the Savage Worlds system

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Female Human Card: Bennies: 3 Parry: 5 Toughness: 7 (2) Armored Duster RATN: 4 Pace: 5 Notice: d6
Daisy Mae Puckett wrote:

Hey. At least the VA/Army is paying for it!

A friend of mine was in the Army mid-90's. He was rappelling down a rope from a Blackhawk and the line wasn't prepared perfectly. Broke his back. He recovered and then freaking Covid got him...

Lousy luck, for sure. Reminds me of a Roger Zelazny line from Nine Princes in Amber series. A demonic looking lizard ran at full speed through the room. Soon it was followed by a red-skinned, barb-tailed, fellow with horns.

To which an observer quipped: "That's how it is around here. Just one damned thing after another."

Pace-6, Parry 6, Tough 8(2) T, A, L - Browncoat Duster; Bennies 3/3
Ag-d8; Sp-d4; Sm-D6; St-D6; Vi-d6

I guess damned if we do, and damned if we don't. :)

ATTRIBUTES: 6-6-8-4-6 Handsome Human Handyperson Bennies: 5 | Toughness 6 (1) | Parry 5 | Pace 6
Arabella Stormworth-Darling wrote:
Daisy Mae Puckett wrote:

Hey. At least the VA/Army is paying for it!

A friend of mine was in the Army mid-90's. He was rappelling down a rope from a Blackhawk and the line wasn't prepared perfectly. Broke his back. He recovered and then freaking Covid got him...

Lousy luck, for sure. Reminds me of a Roger Zelazny line from Nine Princes in Amber series. A demonic looking lizard ran at full speed through the room. Soon it was followed by a red-skinned, barb-tailed, fellow with horns.

To which an observer quipped: "That's how it is around here. Just one damned thing after another."

The brilliance of that series cannot really be overstated

Str d4 
Agi d8 
Vig d6 
Sm d6 
Sp d8 pace 6 Tougness 7(2) Parry 4

A great series of books for sure!

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