NIGHT BELOW - Black Dow's C&C Underdark Campaign

Game Master Black Dow

“But as always in my strange and roving existence, wonder soon drove out fear; for the luminous abyss and what it might contain presented a problem worthy of the greatest explorer.”
― H.P. Lovecraft, The Nameless City

Current Map - Boontah's Redoubt

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Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft.

I like the max +1d4+strength version.

Dwarf Cleric 1 :: HP: 11 | AC:15 (with Shield) | Str: +1 ; Dex: - ; Con: +2P ; Int: - ; Wis: +2P ; Cha: - | Darkvision 120' | Deity: Grunnundergön

I am fine with either.

Hey gang - apologies on the delayed posts. Work's been a chore - new systems going live in a week and no-one has been formally trained yet has created angst, topped off by news I'm moving from our bespoke building (and my operations office) to parent company's run down building in an open plan bullpen.

Our house move gains momentum ahead of 21st Oct move in date (we get the keys the week before) so lots of change for someone whose not a fan of change lol. Bear with if I'm spent and post rate dips while I get my bearings.

PS: Let's go with max+1d4+strength as written for crits :)

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Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft.

Works for me. Also, good luck and I'll be praying for you. That sounds like a lot to go through for anyone.

Cheers Adam - I'll take all the support I can get :)

Meantime hope you all are enjoying things thusfar? Taken a wee bit to get the game bubbling but think we're picking up momentum.

I'm certainly enjoying the flavour and handwaiving of rules to give us atmosphere and drama.

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Dwarf Cleric 1 :: HP: 11 | AC:15 (with Shield) | Str: +1 ; Dex: - ; Con: +2P ; Int: - ; Wis: +2P ; Cha: - | Darkvision 120' | Deity: Grunnundergön

Hang in there BD - resilience is half the fight!

I for one am enjoying the game - it is starting to draw me in after a bumpy start ;)

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Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft.

Oh, I'm loving it. Yeah, it was a slow start, but now that it's picking up momentum, I'm really getting into it.

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Halfling 1 :: HP: 7 | AC:16 (13 w/o DEX) | Str: -1 ; Dex: +3P ; Con: +1 ; Int: +1P ; Wis: +1 ; Cha: +1 | Duskvision, Fate: 3

I too am having a great time with all the characters and their interactions!!! Keep up the great work everyone

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Glad to hear - hoping to keep this momentum going. Won't lie I'm doing things on the fly - olde school style as if I was rolling the bones behind a cardboard screen lol. The necro-angle is somewhat off the cuff but its added to the encounter I think.

Regardless - appreciate the feedback and how the characters are shaping up.

An aside: I actually thought Mos' surname was akin to a gardening barrow... beginning to wonder now (after his snipering antics) if it refers to a "little grave" :S

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft.

His mother's maiden name was Casket. ;)

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