(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


'Ship' . . . 'House' . . . Connor's Log


Anrive | The Whole Dang World | Vellandrus

Prison of the Elements

GM Stuff:

[Dice=Init Adraniel]1d20+4[/dice]
[Dice=Init Alys]1d20+7[/dice]
[Dice=Init Connor]1d20+4[/dice]
[Dice=Init Elara]1d20+1[/dice]
[Dice=Init Roderick]1d20+4[/dice]
[Dice=Init Rory]1d20+1[/dice]

[Dice=Perception Alys]1d20+7[/dice]
[Dice=Perception Connor]1d20+3[/dice]
[Dice=Perception Rheagar]1d20+6[/dice]
[Dice=Perception Sammark]1d20+10[/dice]
[Dice=Perception Selvan]1d20+6[/dice]

Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Atlantia was once the home of the Great Arcanium. Masters of magics great and small. A massive island powered by magic, and ruled over by the Arcanium Lords, those whose magic rivaled the gods. Most, if not all magical artifacts date from the Arcanium's experiments.

But their hubris was their downfall, they raised up the power of magic beyond what they could control, and one fateful night they tore open the fabric of reality itself.

The resulting magical explosion lifted the island continent far into the sky, blown out of the ocean in a mighty upheaval that decimated the rest of the world when the tidal waves it caused scoured the other continents. The islands themselves were forever altered, seeded with a wild and uncontrolled magic that would never be controlled again.

All memory of the Great Arcanium was lost in the catastrophy. Today, only the inhabitants of Atalantia know how their islands came to float in the sky (at least among mortals). Any history of them was wiped out in the great tidal waves 10,000 years ago.

The wild magic killed most of the Arcanium off, but where there is life, there is hope, and a few stubborn original survivors managed to band together. They built a new civilization from the ruins, a new type of technology, and a new way of looking at the world. They shun magic (given it is so dangerous in their land, there's little surprise they shun it). They have developed, instead, the powers of the mind. Psionics, to do what was once done with magic. They have developed steam power, black powder, firearms, and great majestic skyships powered by elementals.


Atalantius - The largest of the land masses still remaining, the 'big island' as the inhabitants call it measures a little over 500 miles across and is roughly heart shaped. It contains a large mountain range in the center, and two large salt-water lakes (the larger about 50 miles in radius, and the smaller one about 50 miles long and 25 miles wide). Forests and planes dot it's landscape where it's not mountainous. The largest city, Atalanta, is situated in the northeast corner of the mountains (note that northeast is relative to the island, since it rotates with the winds).

Antalus - The third largest of the land masses still remaining, the 'fruit island' is so called because it is a perfect place to grow food, both fruits and herd animals. The island is 300 miles long, and about 100 miles wide at it's widest. It is very flat, and contains an inland freshwater sea that takes up half it's space. Fish, fruit, grains, and herd animals are all grown here.

Anrive - The smallest of the land masses still remaining, the 'Jungle Island' is so called because it's core is heated by wild magic, and the trees that live here are constantly shrouded in a foggy mist that covers the island due to the high temperature. A 50 mile radius fresh water lake sits at the center of the island, surrounded by extremely thick jungle growth.

Ash - The second largest of the land masses still remaining is covered in blasted burned sands and melted rocks. Wild magic storms rage across it surface randomly, rendering it nearly uninhabitable. Any magic artifacts found, or smuggled into the islands, are dumped on this dumping ground so that when they detonate, they will do no harm.

Map, but please excuse incompleteness.

Cities of Note, Anrive:

Siltharv - Siltharv is the capital of Clan Straillia's holdings on the northern half of the island. It is a bustling port that exports a great deal of food and medicine to the rest of the islands, harvested from the jungles of Anrive. There are approximately 30,000 people living there, per the last census 5 years ago.

Anshrin - Anshrin is a free-port, claimed by neither Clan Straillia nor Clan Stalmortta. It is operated by whoever can talk or fight their way into power. The two clans tolerate it in order to have a neutral point where they can meet and have diplomatic relations on neutral territory without having to leave the island. The current 'Boss' of Anshrin is Zandra Bloodwing, a surfaceworlder Harpy who managed to find the Islands and forge a home for herself here. Zandra has a reputation for being fair but extremely ruthless.

Lithian - Lithian is the capital of Clan Stalmortta's holdings, and boasts approximately 30,000 people living there, not counting slaves. It is a busy port, with vast storage facilities and slave holding and training facilities. There is also a large 'militia' base maintained by Clan Stalmortta to protect from pirates. The militia base is more akin to a military fortress than a militia HQ though.

Races : Mutated by the wild magic, only those with superior surviability could survive, and that usually meant wings. Mutations involving wings and psionics were the most beneficial, and modern inhabitants have these modifications.

Races Overview:

Halvavians - Descended from Halflings, these small brightly winged inhabitants zoom about the islands, forever energetic and getting into as much mischief as possible. Most halvavians have either brightly colored bird wings, or more delicate but no less bright butterfly wings. Halvavians usually hail from Antalus.

Humavians - Descended from humans, these highly adaptable folk are the largest population on the islands. They are highly varied in attitudes and ethics, but they all inherit some of the adaptability their ancestors were known for. Humavians have wings that runt he entire gammut, but clans tend to have the same type. Typical wings are avian wings, bat wings, draconic wings, or insectile wings. Humavians are like cockroaches, anywhere you go in Atalantia, there they are.

Elfavians - Descended from elves, these highly intelligent and long lived inhabitants tend to flock toward the more impersonal jobs, or jobs which require a great deal of patience to complete. Elfavians tend toward gossamer insectile wings or avian feathered wings. Elfavians tend to come from the 'big island'.

Strix - Descended from tieflings, harpies, and various other worldly creatures that found their way to the island (often to avoid capture or pursuit), the Strix have evolved and thrived in the no magic zone. Strix are among the fastest fliers (although the halfavians have better control), and tend to fall into the more martial jobs. Strix primarily live on Anrive.

Half-Elves - These pitiful creatures are looked down on by all those around them. Mostly due to pity, although a clan with a half-elf in it is publicly shamed by their mere existence. When a halfavian and elfavian breed, the breeding isn't true, and the strange quirk of genetics that allows them to breed prevents the hybrid from developing wings. This leaves them singularly disabled as everything is built as if one can fly. Doors are seldom at street level, they are instead at the top of the house, requiring half-elves to climb up ladders to knock on the front door, if a ladder is even provided. Half-Elves tend to come from the 'big island'.

Races Build Details


Humanoid (Halvavian)
Size : Small, Halvavians gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Speed : 20 feet, fly 50 feet (Good) (6)
Attributes : -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha (0)
Languages : Halvavian's start with Common and Halfling, Halvavians with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aurun, Elven, and Strix.

Halfling Blood : Halvavian's count as Halfling for any effects related to race.

Perceptive : Halvavians are keen eyed, and have an excellent sense of sight. They gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception.(2)

Fearless : Halvavians are often known to be foolhardy in their disregard for the odds. They gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.

Alternate Racial Traits

Aerial Acrobatics : Some Halvavians are so flittery that they don't pay so much attention to their surroundings, they are too lost in their dizzying flights. These Halvavians gain a +2 racial bonus to Fly. This replaces the Perceptive trait.

Cloud Skimmer : Some Halvavians like to tempt their luck in the clouds during thunder storms, riding the lightning bolts. Such Halvavians gain energy resistance 5/Electricity. This replaces the Perceptive Trait.

Scout : Halvavians are often scouts, even when they have other jobs they attend to, and often learn a healthy respect for the odds. These Halvavians treat both Stealth and Perception as a Class Skill. This replaces the Fearless Trait.


Humanoid (Elfavian)
Size : Medium, Elvavians have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Speed : 30 feet, fly 40 feet (Average) (6)
Attributes : +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int (0)
Languages : Elvavian's start with Common and Elvish, Elvavians with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Halfling, and Strix.

Elvish Blood : Elvavian's count as Elf for any effects related to race.

Low-Light Vision : Elvavians can see twice as far in dim light as humans. (1)

Elven Immunities : Elvavians are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects. (2)

Perceptive : Elvavians have keen senses, are gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception. (2)

Alternate Racial Traits

Elven Weaponry Training : Some Elvavians train from childhood with their ancestral weapons, focusing on their weapons and not the world around them. Such Elvavians are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Sprint Flier : Some Elvavians train heavily to increase their flight speed and manueverability. These elvavians increase their base flight speed by 10ft (to 50ft), and also improve their maneuverability by one level to Good. This replaces the Elven Immunities Trait.


Humanoid (Humavian)
Size : Medium, Humavians have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Speed : 30 feet, fly 40 feet (Average) (6)
Attributes : Humavians gain a +2 to any one stat.
Languages : Humavian's start with Common, Humavians with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Elven, Halfling, and Strix.

Human Blood : Humavian's count as Human for any effects related to race.

Human Ingenuity : Some humavians have inherited the voracious learning capacity of their human forebears. Such humavians gain 1 additional bonus skill point at 1st level, and one additional skill point each time they level.

Alternate Racial Traits

Human Curiosity : Some humavians have inherited the natural curiosity of their human forebears. They gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) become class skills for them. If they choose a class that has either of these Knowledge skills as class skills, they gain a +2 racial bonus on those skills instead. This replaces Human Ingenuity.

Focused Study : Some humavians have inherited their human forebears ability to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces Human Ingenuity.

Human Versatility : Some humavians have inherited their human forebears ability to be extremely flexible in their approach to problem solving. Such Humavians gain a bonus feat at 1st level. This replaces Human Ingenuity.

Fourteen Great Clans

Politics in Atalantia revolves around the Clan Council, and the heads of the 14 Great Clans all sit on the council (honestly they usually send representatives to the council because they all really don't get along at all in general). The council works out the policies of the island (IE: Slavery allowed in certain parts, if slaves can escape to other parts, then they gain freedom, etc). Generally the whole island trends lawful, so most people keep their agreements. Usually.

The council is currently equally weighted between good and evil, so the Neutral's really have all the power (which is kind of resented, but accepted). The Strix have the least power on the council, but have a larger than average presence in the Clan Military (every clan has to contribute a certain percentage of it's resources to protecting the island, but the two Strix clans usually donate twice what they have to, while the Pirate clan grudgingly gives what they have to).

There's always interclan disputes, and usually they don't rise more than one level up. It's a very hierarchical society, so a 10 person clan usually allies with a 100 person clan, who allies with a 1000 person clan, who allies with a Great Clan. But those 10 and 100 person clans can and do switch allegiances relatively often, or get killed off in disagreements.


Clan Straillia (NG) : Straillia controls the northern* half of Anrive. They have an on again off again war with Clan Stalmortta, the other Strixian clan. Straillia is known for it's warriors, especially it's archers (Zen Archers, Archery spec Rangers, and Tacticians). Straillia has the best relationships with other good and neutral clans, and also with land based dwellers of any Strix clan, even the smaller allied clans.

Clan Stalmortta (NE) : Stalmortta remember how they were treated by the land dwellers, especially humans. They do not trust even Humavian clans, and have ritualized hunts using captured human land-dwellers at special annual festivals. They are known for their stealth and guile, as well as their absolute ruthlessness in battle. They have many rogues, dreads, cryptics, assassins, and ninja clans within their allies. Stalmortta controls the southern* half of Anrive.


Clan Mistrada (CG) : Mistrada Halvavians are very friendly and enjoy drinking and eating and regale others with their stories and jokes. Mistradan humor is rarely mean spirited, and generally consists of humorous gibes, often risque jokes, or occasionally morality play jokes intended to point out to a listener a perceived moral failling. Mistrada have butterfly type wings, usually in extremely bright colors and patterns. Mistradans tend to be Rogues and Mistrada controls the eastern third of Antalus.

Clan Celestrada (CN) : Celestrada has a great deal of influence on the Clan Council. Along with Clan McTavish and Clan Mintakia they are the swing votes on the council, which often ends up deadlocked between the evil and good clans. Celestrada are often considered greedy little gits by others, even their allies. They are one of the richest clans, and they know how to spend their money. Like all Halvavians, they have a well developed sense of humor, but also a very well developed sense of when and where to use their power to make more money. They control the central reaches of Antalus. Celestrada generally have feathered wings in various shades.

Clan Sinestrada (CE) : Sinestrada is a dark and dangerous clan. They have a very well developed sense of humor, unfortunately it's entirely graveyard humor. Dangerous practical jokes rule the day, and the punchline is often pure murder. Sinestrada enjoy chaos, and are not shy about increasing it, so long as they can do so without it costing them too much power. They are careful not to generate enough trouble to make them worth more dead than alive, but anything up to that limit is on the table. Sinestrada trade in land-based slaves, and control the western third of Antalus. Sinestrada have no iconic classes, they prefer to spread themselves out to be ready for any mischief that might come their way. They generally have leathery batlike wings or draconic wings.


Clan McIntyre (LG) : McIntyre is an old clan that claims to trace it's ancestry all the way back to the Great Arcanium itself. They value both personal honor and clan honor above all else. They are known as fearsome fighters and ship masters. Their psychic warriors and fighters are reknowned across all Atalantia. The McIntyre clan is the largest clan on Atalantia, and currently is the head of the Clan Council. McIntyre's generally have white, red, gold, or green feathered wings. McIntyre clan controls the northeast portion of the big island.

Clan McTavish (LN) : McTavish is another old, and large, Humavian clan. They are very conservative, but not nearly as morally snooty as the McIntyres. McTavish tend toward the 'slow and steady' method, and are reknowned as the best skyshipwrights in Atalantia. Their warriors tend toward heavy armor, heavy shields, and heavy weapons. Despite the proliferation of firearms, the McTavish maintain their traditional melee arts, and are very effective at repelling boarders, or taking over another ship if need be. McTavish tend to have leathery draconic wings. They control the eastern portions of the big island.

Clan Donough (LE) : Donough our dour folk, usually with dark hair and eyes who seem to live with very little humor in their dreary lives. They are known for toiling away at whatever job they are appointed to at puberty, and then marrying whomever they are appointed to marry by their elders. Donough keep slaves, and work them to the bone before disposing of them. They are among the best gunsmiths and armorsmiths in the islands though, their long hours of toil at the forge giving them a claim to being master craftsmen. Donough do not go out of their way to help anyone, for any reason, unless it's their own clan. The clan is always more important than any individual. Donough tend toward insectile wings such as a dragonfly might have, which tend to fold down against their back (making it easier to keep them safe in hot forges).

Clan Reville (NE) : Reville is, well to put it politely, a scurvy bunch of pirates. They descended from the privateers employed by The Great Arcanium to control the seas. They are the smallest of the Great Clans, but they control disproportionate wealth. They do not pirate skyclans (usually), but rather surface ships or even surface caravans on land. Their pirates eschew armor usually, preferring mobility and firepower. They are the most heavily mixed of firearms and melee weapons of any clan, with almost every member of the clan having a firearm of some sort at hand for emergencies. They tend to have darkly feathered wings, usually black, grey, blood red, or dark purple. They control a few dozen small islands (ranging from a few miles across to a few dozen miles across) that swing around in a loose orbit around the main islands.


Clan Astradia (NG) : Astradia are renowned for their esoteric studies, and make the most powerful alhemical items and psionic items. As a clan, they prefer healing and are also known to produce the most powerful Vitalists. For those who can't master the ability to heal themselves, the Astradian healing items and healers are a very necessary resource. Astradians control the northwestern portions of the Big Island, and have close ties with Clan Mistrada, taking advantage of their lands to harvest medicinal herbs and seeds. Astradia tend toward butterfly type wings with bright colors.

Clan Minala (CG) : The second smallest clan in the Great Clans, Minala are a clan of etherial and group who value personal freedom over tradition to the clans ideals. They are often powerful wilders or barbarians. Minala does not get along well with most clans, other than Mistrada, due to their temprament. They control a small area of mountains near the smaller inland salt sea on the western central portion of the big island. Their wings tend toward the gossamer four-wing style common with dragonflies.

Clan Mintakia (NN) : Mintakia, the second largest clan on the islands, tries to strike a balance and keep from open war. They are the facilitators of the Council, and count amongst their numbers the best tacticians. They are often judges and intermediaries, deftly balancing the more volotile clans against each other to keep them all equally unbalanced and thus off the edge of war. Most clans resent their meddling, but find them too useful to dispense with. Mintakia tend toward feathered wings with dull gray, light silver, or dirty white feathers. Clan Mintakia controls the southeastern portions of the big island.

Clan Resalia (NE) : Resalia is, to put it bluntly, the clan where whoever is the most dangerous makes the rules. Who's in charge changes so fast most other clans don't bother keeping track. The higher your rank, the more likely someone is to be gunning for you, often quite literally. The Marksmen of Resalia, by their mere mention, can scare other inhabitants of the islands. Only their own infighting has kept the clan from turning on other clans. Every member of the clan goes armed and armored at all times. They do not keep slaves, who knows who paid them to kill you in your sleep? Resalia tends toward leathery bat wings, dusky skin that could almost pass for drow, and dark hair that is often tied back in long intricate ponytails. They control the entire southwestern section of the Big Island.

Note each clan's alignment is the 'major' alignment. Individual's vary. At least 50% of the clan is of the listed alignment, and at least half their ally clans have the same alignment. 90% of the clan is within one step of that alignment. Same with the ally clans.


Firearms are in use for this PBP, but using custom house rules as linked below.

Only the following types of firearms are available : Black Powder and Cap & Ball.

Firearm Custom Rules

Gunslinger Rewrite

Gods of Sullenia

Note that the gods don't generally try to do anything around the islands, the wild magic is just as detrimental to divine magic as it is to arcane. Most islanders either don't worship a god, or pay lip service to one. Only islander's with ranks in Knowledge (Religion) will know anything about the gods except the one or two their family my pay homage to.

Gods Document


01-01 MANA COUNTERSURGE - Spell goes awry, wild magic rebounds, 1d10+10 per spell level done to everyone within 25 ft per spell level. Use 1/2 caster level if magical item Countersurges.
02-05 MANA COUNTERSURGE - Spell goes awry, wild magic rebounds, 1d8+5 per spell level done to everyone within 15 ft per spell level. Use 1/2 caster level if magical item Countersurges.
06-10 MANA COUNTERSURGE - Spell goes awry, wild magic rebounds, 1d4+2 per spell level done to caster/item user. Use 1/2 caster level if magical item Countersurges.
11-25 Mana Fade - Spell fails to function.
26-50 Mana Fade - Spell partially fails, does half damage or has half duration.
51-75 Mana Burst - Spell bursts with mana, does 50% more damage, or has 50% longer duration.
76-89 Mana Burst - Spell bursts with mana, does 50% more damage, or has 50% longer duration. Treat CL as CL + 1d6.
90-95 MANA SURGE - Spell affects 3 times the area, does 3 times the damage and/or lasts 3 times as long. Non-area effect spells become area effect (1/4 Spell Level * 5 ft radius).
96-99 MANA SURGE - Spell affects 5 times the area, does 5 times the damage and/or lasts 5 times as long. Non-area effect spells become area effect (1/2 Spell Level * 5 ft radius).
00-00 MANA SURGE - Spell affects 10 times the area, does 10 times the damage and/or lasts 10 times as long. Non-area effect spells become area effect (Spell Level * 5 ft radius).

Plot Arc 2:

The Ashen Edge - General Purpose Airship (3rd generation)

The Ashen Blade - Ravenhawk Class Stingship (4th generation)

Raemi's Falcon - Clan Reville Blockade Runner (4th generation)

Shanti's Whim - Heavy Cargo Vessel (3rd generation)

McIntyre Fleet - Dragonbane Combat Patrol Ships (4th generation)

Regent's Pride - Exploration vessel (2nd Generation)

Gold's Mistress - Heavy Cargo Vessel (4th Generation)

The Atalantia - Heavy Combat Vessel (5th Generation)

Selena 'tel Surta 'tel Reville - Captain of The Ashen Edge.

Kiana Sunbane Reville - First Mate of The Ashen Edge.

Sig'ren South Redscale Reville - Master Gunner of The Ashen Edge.

Sivalla Reville - Captain of The Ashen Blade.

Ship Ranks


The captain or master is the ship's highest responsible officer, acting on behalf of the ship's owner. Whether the captain is a member of the deck department or not is a matter of some controversy, and generally depends on the opinion of an individual captain. When a ship has a Third Mate, the Captain does not stand watch.

The captain is legally responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the ship as he is in command. It is his responsibility to ensure that all the departments under him perform legally to the requirements of the ship's owner. The Captain represents the owner and hence is called "Master".

If the master of the ship is incapacitated or absent from the vessel, the Chief officer is in charge of all the operations as he is the executive officer of the ship.

First Mate/Chief Officer:

The first mate/chief officer is the head of the deck department on a merchant vessel, second-in-command after the ship's master. The first mate's primary responsibilities are the vessel's cargo operations, its stability, and supervising the deck crew. The mate is responsible for the safety and security of the ship, as well as the welfare of the crew on board. The chief mate typically stands the 4-8 navigation watch.

Additional duties include maintenance of the ship's hull, cargo gears, accommodations, the ship's doctor and the firefighting appliances. The First Mate also trains the crew and cadets on various aspects like safety, firefighting, search and rescue, and various other contingencies. The first officer assumes command of the whole ship in the absence or incapacitation of the master.

Second Mate/Second Officer:

The second officer (or second mate) of a merchant vessel is usually in charge of navigation and is the next licensed position above third officer and below chief officer as third-in-command, after the captain and first/chief mate. The second mate typically stands the 12-4 navigation watch. That is, the second mate will stand watch from 1200 to 1600 at noon and again from 0000 to 0400 in the nights. The second mate is typically the navigation officer aboard a ship.

Third Mate/Third Officer:

The third officer (or third mate) of a merchant vessel is primarily charged with the safety of the ship and crew. The third mate is the next licensed position on board the vessel, as fourth-in-command after the captain, first/chief mate, and second mate. The third mate tends to take the 8-12 watch.

Gunner's Mate/Master Gunner:

The Gunner's Mate, or Master Gunner, is fifth in line for command, if the position is filled. Not all ships have one, and those that don't but still have cannons usually have one of the other 3 Mates filling in this position. The Gunner's Mate is in charge of all powder, cannons, firearms, and ammunition aboard the ship. He's also in charge of all Gunnery Crewmembers. Gunnery Crew are generally pulled from the Deck Crew, and are not dedicated to gunnery. Each crew member will be assigned to both a Deck Shift and a Gunnery Shift (each shift is 4 hours long). Gunnery crew train during their gunnery shifts (but not every day).

Deck Cadet:

A Deck Cadet is an officer under training in much the same way as in a military context. Cadets receive training in firefighting, first aid and survival techniques. Deck Cadets train in the fields of navigation, ship handling and cargo handling as well as maritime law. A cadet reports to the Chief Officer. His or her role as a trainee is to observe and learn, while helping out where possible, mostly the Chief Officer. As they do not have Certificate of Competency, cadets cannot hold a watch, but will likely assist one of the qualified officers, often with the Chief Officer, with their watch.


A boatswain, often phonetically spelled and pronounced bosun, is the most senior among the deck ratings (Senior non-Officer). The boatswain is responsible for all deck works which includes ship maintenance, and repair of deck equipments.

Able Seaman:

In the merchant marine, an able seaman (AB) is a member of the deck department and must possess a merchant mariner's document. These are the experienced

[Spoiler=Ordinary Seaman]
An ordinary seaman or OS is an entry-level position in a ship's deck department. It is the lowest possible rank one can hold and actually be paid a standard ship share rate.

An OS performs a variety of duties concerned with the operation and upkeep of deck department areas and equipment. Upkeep duties include scaling, buffing, and painting decks and superstructure; as well as sweeping and washing the deck.

An OS may splice rope; break out, rig, overhaul, and stow cargo-handling gear, stationary rigging, and running gear. Additionally, the OS secures cargo, as well as launches and recovers boats. The OS may rig and operate winches; handle and stow explosives; and stage and stow support equipment.

Chief engineer:

The chief engineer on a vessel is the official title of someone qualified to oversee the engine department. The qualification for this position is colloquially called a "Chief's Ticket".

The Chief Engineer, commonly referred to as "The Chief", "Cheng", or just "Chief", is responsible for all operations and maintenance that have to do with all engineering equipment throughout the ship. He may be paid on par with the Captain, although he is never responsible for the action of ship. The Chief Engineer cannot assume command and the command always rests with the deck officers unless all Officers and the Bosun are incapacitated.

Chief Engineers are only assigned to 4th Generation ships or higher.

Second Engineer/First Assistant Engineer:

The second engineer or first assistant engineer is the officer responsible for supervising the daily maintenance and operation of the engine department. He or she reports directly to the chief engineer.

On a merchant vessel, depending on term usage, "The First" or "The Second" is the marine engineer second in command of the engine department after the ship's chief engineer. The person holding this position is typically the busiest engineer aboard the ship, due to the supervisory role this engineer plays and the operations duties performed. Operational duties include responsibility for the cooling systems systems, main engines (steam turbine, steam jet), and any other equipment not assigned to the second assistant engineer/third engineer or the third assistant engineer/fourth engineer(s). If the engine room requires round the clock attendance and other junior engineers can cover the three watch rotations, this officer is usually a "day worker" from 0630-1830.

Third Engineer/Second Assistant Engineer:

The third engineer or second assistant engineer is junior to the Second Engineer/First Assistant Engineer in the engine department and is usually in charge of boilers, auxiliary engines, condensate, and feed systems. This engineer is the third highest marine engineer in rank. Depending on usage, "The Second" or "The Third" is also typically in charge of monitoring elementals and their current status, as well as switching out elementals when those elementals contracts are up.

Fourth Engineer/Third Assistant Engineer:

The fourth engineer or third assistant engineer is junior to the second assistant engineer/third engineer in the engine department. The most junior marine engineer of the ship, he or she is usually responsible for sewage treatment, lube oil, bilge, and oily water separation systems. Depending on usage, this person is called "The Third", or "The Fourth", and usually stands a watch. Moreover, the Fourth Engineer may assist the third mate in maintaining proper operation of the lifeboats.

Engineering Cadet:

A trainee engineer officer normally reports to the second engineer. Their role as trainee is to observe and learn, while helping out where possible. As they have no 'ticket' a cadet can not hold a watch, but will likely assist one of the qualified engineers with their watch. Typical duties may include preparing the engine room log or preparing the tea and coffee at breaks (if asked) for the engineering team.

Chief Steward:

The chief steward directs, instructs, and assigns personnel performing such functions as preparing and serving meals; cleaning and maintaining officers' quarters and steward department areas; and receiving, issuing, and inventorying stores. The chief steward also plans menus; compiles supply, overtime, and cost control records. The Steward may requisition or purchase stores and equipment.

Additional duties may include baking bread, rolls, cakes, pies, and pastries. A chief steward's duties may overlap with those of the Steward's Assistant, the Chief Cook, and other Steward's Department crew members. Although he wears an officer's uniform and is an officer by courtesy in order to head a department, he is not a licensed Merchant Marine officer. He eats and lives with the unlicensed crew, and his insignia is different from that of the ship's officers and engineers.

Chief Cook:

The chief cook is the senior unlicensed crew member working in the Steward's department of a ship. His position corresponds to that of the Bosun in the Deck Department,

The chief cook directs and participates in the preparation and serving of meals; determines timing and sequence of operations required to meet serving times; inspects galley and equipment for cleanliness and proper storage and preparation of food.


Midshipman are the lowest of the low on a ship. Each ship will often take 1 to 5 'wannabe' sailors on each cruise. These Midshipmen, or Middy's as they are called, are completely untrained, with no skills on shipboard at all. The oldest, or most mature, of the Middy's is assigned the position of Chief Middy (if there is more than one). Middy's are unpaid labor, and must obey the orders of all onboard the ship. They are provided food and shelter and training. At the end of a cruise, assuming they are not thrown off the ship and into whatever water the ship is berthed in, they are officially promoted to Ordinary Seaman, and can apply for berths on any ship.

House Rules:

1) Initiative rolls are on a turn by turn basis. To compensate for this, any ability which allows you to specially adjudicate an initiative roll (such as an ability that allows you to roll two dice and take the better) are in effect for the entire combat they are used in.
2) Stabilize by making Fortitude Save (DC = 10 + (Absolute value of negative HP))
3) Detect Magic cannot sense illusion spells until the character interacts with the illusion, until then, the illusion fools the player's senses and prevents the detect magic spell from alerting them to the aura of the illusion. An item that has been enchanted with an illusion spell, but which is not actively using it's abilities, can still be sensed by detect magic.
4) Weapon Groups - The game will use weapon groups. Here are how weapon groups work. When you take your first level in a class, you gain a number of weapon group proficiencies based on that classes BAB progression as listed below. All characters are proficient in Unarmed Combat (punches), and in any natural weapons they posess (such as claws on a Catfolk). All characters are also proficient with Simple weapons.

Multiclassing - When you multiclass, you gain half as many groups as you would if you hadn't for the new class. See chart below. However, you count your classes in the way most beneficial to you.

BAB Proficiency Progression
BAB +1/2 : 1 Weapon Group
BAB +3/4 : 2 Weapon Groups
BAB +1 : 4 Weapon Groups

Weapon Proficiency - The weapon proficiency feat is based on groups, so
you would take Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Blades).

Exotic Weapon Proficiency – The exotic weapon proficiency is also by group, so you would take Exotic Weapon (Heavy Blades) to be able to use all exotic heavy blades. You may also use a class proficiency to take Exotic Weapon as well.

Racial Weapon Proficiencies – If a race grants proficiency with a specific weapon (such as elves with Longswords), then that proficiency remains unchanged. If a race allows you to treat an exotic weapon as Martial, then you are able to use the weapon if it falls into a group of weapons you have proficiency in without the exotic weapon feat for that group. For example, an Elven Curve Blade is an Exotic Heavy Blade. An Elf could use the Elven Curve Blade without exotic weapon feat if
they had Heavy Blade proficiency.

Prestige Classes – In general, prestige classes do not add additional
proficiencies, and so none should be granted for entering it, unless the prestige class specifically adds a proficiency, in which case it is added as specified by the prestige class.

A character starts out as a fighter. He has 4 weapon groups. At second
level, he multiclasses into Cleric. Clerics get 2 weapon groups, so he gains 1 additional weapon groups.

A rogue get's two weapon groups at 1st level. The rogue multiclasses at
4th level to a sorcerer. The sorcerer grants no additional weapon group to the rogue.

A magus get's two weapon groups at 1st level. Later, the magus multiclasses into fighter. Normally that would give him 2 more groups. However, the magus counts his classes in the most beneficial way. That would mean using the fighter's 4 plus 1/2 the magus's which would be 5 groups. So the magus gains 3 weapon groups when he multiclasses.

A human fighter takes Blades, Light and Blades, Heavy and Axes and
Polearms for his four 1st level proficiencies. He then takes as his first level fighter feat, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Blades). This allows him to use a bastard sword one-handed, as well as the Elven Curve Blade, as both are exotic heavy blade weapons.

Southern Continent:

The Southern Continent is divided up into small kingdoms and city states. Each is largely divided up along racial lines.

Bastra : One of the largest countries on the continent, but not the most populated. It's primarily a giant swamp and Jungle with either fresh or salt water, depending on the weather. Primarily populated by Fashtali and Lizardfolk, the trees there are called Skybrooms, and sweep the sky. The cities are built in the trees. They export hardwood and rare plants usually.

Belrie : A desert land with only one major city in it, the capital. It's a den of thieves and lowlifes, although the 'traders' comment that it's the one major city where they don't care who you are or what you look like, only the color of your gold matters. They usually comment on this while looking at everyone's wings. The ruler is The Royal Bastard of Olaistan, currently a half-orc woman named Veronique Mastrail. Besides being a 'clearing house' for 'found' goods, the city is also known for it's glass works, and makes most of the glass on the southern continent.

Cormar : An almost traditional human country, Cormar is a mixture of farmlands and soft wood groves, especially fruit trees. Cormar exports primarily food and soft woods. The capital city of Kalesio is considered to be the largest city on the southern continent. The country, however, has a reputation for treating non-humans as second class at best. They are famed for their knights.

Elishtru Kaava : A land of barbarians, of elves who are as muscle bound as any dwarf, and twice as ornery. Nobody is allowed to trespass on their lands without permission, and permission is rarely given. They may eat people, rumors are mixed on that. They do some trade at their capital city of Kastri.

Elishtru Seevra : A land of tall pointy eared elites, with their noses in the air. They are in heavy forests, many of the trees being skybrooms. They don't get on well with the barbarians, or the halflings, or the humans, around them. They have a weird political arrangement, with each city being ruled by an Elven Prince or Princess, and then all the princes/princesses being ruled over by a King or Queen. They export arrows by the job lot, and wood.

Esara : Esara is a human kingdom, often at mild to moderate armed conflict with the stuck up pointy ears. They have heavy vegetation that makes their land hard to invade, and they cultivate it to be harder. They do have more fruit trees than any other kingdom, and export quite a bit of fruit to countries other than Cormar, especially Bastra. They also export wood to some extent. And arrows by the job lots, although most people don't like receiving a shipment of them. Esara is reknown for it's bowmaking.

Fabria : Fabria is a kingdom of halflings. Good luck. Oh, the halflings are all insane. Oh, right, they're halflings, didn't need to add that. They like dogs and pony's, too much if you know what I mean. Don't rile them up though, a dog in full plate packs a punch with a lance in front of it. The queen is married to a gopher... what do you expect? They export diplomats, or as most other countries call them, thieves.

Feld Ranges : Bunch of dwarves and gnomes, living in the mountains. They don't like outsiders. They do like gold and silver and jewels, and don't like giving them up. They do like wood, and pay well for it. They make the best weapons in the world. Oh, theres lots of giants living in the mountains, don't go up there unless you like being stepped on.

Gand Ranges : Meh, who can tell the difference between them and the Felders? They say they are totally different, but ain't seen no difference ever.

Hellhoare : BRRR! Ice, death, ice, death, snow, ice, death, did we mention ice and death?

Iska : Damned gnomes, good place to do business though, they keep their noses out of other people's business. They invented those damn boom tubes though, ain't right, anyone can kill a knight with one of those things. 'Course they train their people to use them, nasty mercenaries. If you want something dead, hire Iskans. They don't care what you look like though.

Kisan : Lizardfolk I think? It's on the other side of the continent, don't get down there, ever. Desert place, not sure what they buy or sell. Don't think I've seen desert lizardfolk before, so not sure what they look like.

Kord Ranges : Like Feld and Gand, but evil. Mostly drow and duerger, other than being evil, not much difference.

Ograga Magra : Bunch of Orcs in a desert, they'll eat your guts while they talk to you. They make good glass though. And they got some gem mines...

Polastra : That actually a country? Thought it was just a place people dumped their exiles...

Rime : Cold, Snow, Ice...

Salvanus : Salvanus is a human kingdom that is reknown for it's beef, bison, and horses. Also as the major source of ale and wines on the southern continent. They get along with all their neighbors, usually. However, they have a major cavalry based army, and that helps a lot. They sell a lot of horses to Calmar for their knights. The Salvanus Bison Cavalry is a scary sight to behold on a charge.

Elephant Stats:


100 year old Air ship

Colossal ship
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 100 ft.); Cost 25,000 gp
Init +10

AC 16; Hardness 7
hp 1,620 (sails 240) (steam engines 480)
Base Save +13

Maximum (Sailing) Speed 75 ft. (wind); Acceleration 25 ft.
Maximum (Flight) Speed 60 ft.; Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged 2 light ballistae +10 (3d8), 2 light canons +15 (6d6)
CMB +22; CMD 32

Propulsion (Sailing) : wind or current
Propulsion (Flight) : Elemental Wood & Steam Engines
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel (Sailing)
Control Device steering wheel, steam ballast system, ventral sails (Flight)
Means of Propulsion 30 squares of sails (One mast) (Sailing)
Means of Propulsion Elemental Wood, Steam Engines (x2)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 100 tons/40 passengers

1 Captain
1 First Mate
3 Engineers
2 Cannoneers
25 Additional Crew

Armaments 2 light ballistae (port and starboard) with 50 light ballista bolts; 2 light cannons (fore and aft) with 40 cannonballs and 40 kegs of blasting powder
2 smuggling compartments
1 Anti-Magic Chest