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So yeah, what Pathfinder products are you guys wanting to see in the future?
Note, when I say future, the don't necessarily mean within this same year.
I'm hoping for some of the following:
An update/replacement for the World Guide
Whatever will be replacing Secrets of Magic (I know many are hoping the book just gets remastered... but I'm not seeing it. It has 8 pages dedicated to the Schools of Magic that have since been excised).
Dark Archive Remastered
Lost Omens Golden Road
Probably a replacement book for Lost Omens Impossible Lands, since the war between Nex and Geb is heating back up.

moosher12 |
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One of my players is practically begging for a Lost Omens: Arcadia.
As for me, I want the Pathfinder Technology Guide equivalent that dives deep into Numerian and Earthling/Stasian technology on Golarion, and that also gives Pathfinder classes expansions to give them some futuristic options in a Starfinder game, as well as giving heavier Fantasy themed options for Starfinder classes.
Of course, I'm looking forward to Secrets of Magic and Dark Archive getting their replacement. Still standing by my Impossible Playtest theory.

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One of my players is practically begging for a Lost Omens: Arcadia.
As for me, I want the Pathfinder Technology Guide equivalent that dives deep into Numerian and Earthling/Stasian technology on Golarion, and that also gives Pathfinder classes expansions to give them some futuristic options in a Starfinder game, as well as giving heavier Fantasy themed options for Starfinder classes.
Of course, I'm looking forward to Secrets of Magic and Dark Archive getting their replacement. Still standing by my Impossible Playtest theory.
There's some Stasian Tech content in Rival Academies, including a Doctor Frankenstein archetype.

moosher12 |
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moosher12 wrote:There's some Stasian Tech content in Rival Academies, including a Doctor Frankenstein archetype.One of my players is practically begging for a Lost Omens: Arcadia.
As for me, I want the Pathfinder Technology Guide equivalent that dives deep into Numerian and Earthling/Stasian technology on Golarion, and that also gives Pathfinder classes expansions to give them some futuristic options in a Starfinder game, as well as giving heavier Fantasy themed options for Starfinder classes.
Of course, I'm looking forward to Secrets of Magic and Dark Archive getting their replacement. Still standing by my Impossible Playtest theory.
I'm aware, but what I mean is a DEEP dive. More earth tech. Bring us the stats for the looted Russian weapons as well as more 1920s-30s earth conveniences, hopefully with a few European and American items as well. I wanna see the Nagant Revolver and the Nagant Rifle, the Maxim machine gun, stuff like that. On the side of appliances, maybe a theater projector, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, radios, phonographs, etc, etc. Take a peak into the alien technologies Princess Anastasia grew up with.
I want a Guns and Gears sized book that is 2/5th Numerian scifi, 2/5th exported Earthling 1920s-30s tech, and 1/5th Starfinder/Pathfinder merging guidelines to cover Starfinder's GM Core's rules from the Pathfinder side.

vyshan |
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pH unbalanced wrote:moosher12 wrote:There's some Stasian Tech content in Rival Academies, including a Doctor Frankenstein archetype.One of my players is practically begging for a Lost Omens: Arcadia.
As for me, I want the Pathfinder Technology Guide equivalent that dives deep into Numerian and Earthling/Stasian technology on Golarion, and that also gives Pathfinder classes expansions to give them some futuristic options in a Starfinder game, as well as giving heavier Fantasy themed options for Starfinder classes.
Of course, I'm looking forward to Secrets of Magic and Dark Archive getting their replacement. Still standing by my Impossible Playtest theory.
I'm aware, but what I mean is a DEEP dive. More earth tech. Bring us the stats for the looted Russian weapons as well as more 1920s-30s earth conveniences, hopefully with a few European and American items as well. I wanna see the Nagant Revolver and the Nagant Rifle, the Maxim machine gun, stuff like that. On the side of appliances, maybe a theater projector, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, radios, phonographs, etc, etc. Take a peak into the alien technologies Princess Anastasia grew up with.
I want a Guns and Gears sized book that is 2/5th Numerian scifi, 2/5th exported Earthling 1920s-30s tech, and 1/5th Starfinder/Pathfinder merging guidelines to cover Starfinder's GM Core's rules from the Pathfinder side.
A lost Omen Irrisen would be good to cover that as IIRC Anastasia is importing stuff from Earth. Also to cover what religion is in Irrisen, and to answer how a devoted orthodox princess now Queen is handling religion(and one who the Russian Orthodox Church canonized as a saint) but also what sort of neat ice deities would be there.
Irrisen is a fun land and there is a lot of potential there IMO. :)

moosher12 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I remember in an old PVP webcomic, there was a scene where they were bringing in someone to play D&D, and they wanted to worship the Christian God. And it had me musing how I would implement Him if I ever had a Christian player who would prefer He be present as an option.
Honestly, part of me thinks that talking about the Christian God as a Pathfinder deity would be interesting. But unfortunately, I think many Christians would take umbrage with that approach. And due to the denominational differences, it'd be difficult to implement Him in a way that does not anger a sizable amount of believers. I don't think it would be wise to touch that subject specifically. It's probably better left to be done as 3rd-party expansions, by people much closer to their respective churches.
Though yes, Irrisin would be a lovely place to explore otherwise.

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moosher12 wrote:pH unbalanced wrote:moosher12 wrote:There's some Stasian Tech content in Rival Academies, including a Doctor Frankenstein archetype.One of my players is practically begging for a Lost Omens: Arcadia.
As for me, I want the Pathfinder Technology Guide equivalent that dives deep into Numerian and Earthling/Stasian technology on Golarion, and that also gives Pathfinder classes expansions to give them some futuristic options in a Starfinder game, as well as giving heavier Fantasy themed options for Starfinder classes.
Of course, I'm looking forward to Secrets of Magic and Dark Archive getting their replacement. Still standing by my Impossible Playtest theory.
I'm aware, but what I mean is a DEEP dive. More earth tech. Bring us the stats for the looted Russian weapons as well as more 1920s-30s earth conveniences, hopefully with a few European and American items as well. I wanna see the Nagant Revolver and the Nagant Rifle, the Maxim machine gun, stuff like that. On the side of appliances, maybe a theater projector, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, radios, phonographs, etc, etc. Take a peak into the alien technologies Princess Anastasia grew up with.
I want a Guns and Gears sized book that is 2/5th Numerian scifi, 2/5th exported Earthling 1920s-30s tech, and 1/5th Starfinder/Pathfinder merging guidelines to cover Starfinder's GM Core's rules from the Pathfinder side.
A lost Omen Irrisen would be good to cover that as IIRC Anastasia is importing stuff from Earth. Also to cover what religion is in Irrisen, and to answer how a devoted orthodox princess now Queen is handling religion(and one who the Russian Orthodox Church canonized as a saint) but also what sort of neat ice deities would be there.
Irrisen is a fun land and there is a lot of potential there IMO. :)
FYI, we've gone to Irrisen a couple of times in this season of PFS. And unlocking the Russian language is on one of the chronicle sheets. :)

keftiu |
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The Golden Road needs some clean-up compared to 1e sources in many regards and would act as a lovely bridge between the Mwangi Expanse and Impossible Lands. Lost Omens: Arcadia is the product I want from Paizo. An adventure or short AP to resolve some dangling plot threads in Numeria would be lovely.

demlin |
A Saga Lands setting book
A book with tons of class archetypes or new subclasses that also expands on existing skill and class feats
More 1e APs. I don't want massively expanded APs like Kingmaker that delay the release for years
APs that feel as one cohesive adventure where freelancers collaborate with each other rather than each one doing their own thing
A PLAY TESTED book with fun new subsystem akin to ultimate campaign (imagine what could have been if they play tested mythic rules)

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I feel like a book like Unchained would have to come AFTER all the remaining classes have been remastered.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a supplement that gave options for playing Pathfinder set in something more resembling the modern era...
Been beating the drum for this for a while. I'd love to have all the eras covered so I could do a time traveling Chrono Trigger style campaign...

Lia Wynn |
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I want Arcadia most of all.
I'd like to see a Hellknights book.
I'd like to see a book with more character options like Ancestry Feats, Deviant Powers, and Artifact Archetypes. I'd also like for Paizo to include at least four options when creating something like Deviant Powers or Artifact Archetypes so that each player in the four-person assume group can have their own unique option for games that want to use those. High-level Composite Impulses and more Mythic options could also be in a book like that.

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I would love to see a big production audiobook for any of the upcoming novels! There have been some great ones in the past, but as an avid audiobook listener, and an enthusiastic consumer of the Pathfinder novels, I'd love something that has a rich soundtrack, background chatter and ambient sounds that match text descriptions, creature and animal noises and growling, the works! Maybe even eventually one with a full cast!

Perpdepog |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'd really like a Book of the Dead-style release that gives us tons of info on aberrations. Hopefully themed after one of the Necronomicon-type books extant in Pathfinder's lore, or someone's field notes on researching such tomes and ways to battle various aberrations. A bestiary in back to bring back some older aberrations and remaster them, like the neothelid, which needs a new name now but IMO is too fun to not remaster. Some archetypes to play as various kinds of aberration, like a Child of Yog-Sothoth or a Worm that Walks, along with an aberration ancestry or two, like a remastered and expanded fleshwarp, possibly with a fleshwarping subsystem, as well. Some spooky spells and items linked to various kinds of aberration, like the living tools of the Dominion of the Black or the alghollthu. Round it all out with some deep flavor dives into a couple locations where various kinds of aberration can be found, maybe just the general biome like deep underground, beneath the sea, and beyond the stars, and I think it'd be a really fun release that leans into the pulpy horror tropes that Pathfinder does so well.
Mangaholic13 wrote:Been beating the drum for this for a while. I'd love to have all the eras covered so I could do a time traveling Chrono Trigger style campaign...I feel like a book like Unchained would have to come AFTER all the remaining classes have been remastered.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a supplement that gave options for playing Pathfinder set in something more resembling the modern era...
Yes. I'll also bang the drum for a possible Streetfinder. Funnily enough I was just talking with some friends the other day about the relative lack of modern fantasy systems that exist, at least, ones where the magical world isn't hidden behind some manner of veil.

exequiel759 |

I remember in an old PVP webcomic, there was a scene where they were bringing in someone to play D&D, and they wanted to worship the Christian God. And it had me musing how I would implement Him if I ever had a Christian player who would prefer He be present as an option.
Honestly, part of me thinks that talking about the Christian God as a Pathfinder deity would be interesting. But unfortunately, I think many Christians would take umbrage with that approach. And due to the denominational differences, it'd be difficult to implement Him in a way that does not anger a sizable amount of believers. I don't think it would be wise to touch that subject specifically. It's probably better left to be done as 3rd-party expansions, by people much closer to their respective churches.
Though yes, Irrisin would be a lovely place to explore otherwise.
Technically there's a statblock for God in one of the old PF1e Worldscape comics. He was named "One True God", was Lawful Neutral, and had the Glory, Healing, Law, Protection, and Sun domains. His favored weapon was the heavy mace. I havent' read the comics so I don't know if they go into detail about him (I doubt it, because I believe this info comes from the annexes at the of the book) but it at least confirms he exists in the setting somehow.
What's the lore behind the Greek and Norse gods? Is a practioiner a Shintoism a cleric or animist? Would Irori be one of the Buddhas? I really doubt Paizo is going to explain any of these topics ever, but I find them really interesting since Earth existing in this universe means the things we believe should too.

WatersLethe |
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This is going to sound like blowing hot air, but:
I want products with a fully re-thought Adventure Path approach. APs have been such a pain to use, and so unsatisfying, that I think there's something fundamentally wrong with how the product category is being leveraged. I want an AP that has put in the work that I don't want to do (making the intricate networks of dozens of NPCs and their competing interests and goals and presenting that info in a readable format) and doesn't do things I don't want an AP to do (forcing my party through X number of individually boring encounters to justify reaching the level required for the next book written by another author who has an entirely different writing style). I don't know what that product would look like, but I get the feeling that it'd be a lot more infographics, random tables, and plothooks. I certainly don't think it will focus on maps with 15ftx15ft rooms with descriptions spread out over 20 pages. I think such products could also make de-emphasizing combat a whole lot more realistic, since the complex NPC connections make creative solutions, social rolls, and avoidance so much more interesting.
In short, I want a *new kind* of product.
I also still want to see a Deep Rock Galactic style randomized, board-game-esque hot-seat GM game mode that comes in a box set with cool minis, monster family decks from level -1 to 22. Beer and pretzels, zero prep, new GM training wheels.
As for conventional products, I would be very interested in a new Shifter class, ideally in a book that also has a Synthesist summoner.
I would really like some quality Tall sized understated-but-still-branded T-shirts, as well as good hats.

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This is very much a "Will not happen" deal, but, I would love an alchemy book. Many alchemcial items, especially strange ones that don't fit anywhere else, and a wealth of alchemical items and feats for not just alchemist, but everyone. Imagine a barbarian archtype centered around mutagen use, a sorcerer bloodline where you've got strange alchemical ooze powers, new fleshwarped feats representing being an alchemical experiment.
The reason I don't think this would happen is it'd be an unprecidented amount of focus on essentially one class. Ironically, if we didn't have alchemist yet, it'd be more likely to happen. There is also the fact that the "alchemy book" was probably treasure vault.
Then in the "Will happen, probably" is lost omens numeria.
And then in the "What are you even asking for?" a dimension of time book. gimme gimme

Tridus |
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There is also the fact that the "alchemy book" was probably treasure vault.
That's pretty much it. That book already exists in Treasure Vault. Doing one now would require reprinting a LOT of stuff that already exists or would have to create so much new alchemy that it would just feel bloated.
As it is, there's already so many alchemy items that a lot of them are buried in the list and never really see use.

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This is very much a "Will not happen" deal, but, I would love an alchemy book. Many alchemcial items, especially strange ones that don't fit anywhere else, and a wealth of alchemical items and feats for not just alchemist, but everyone. Imagine a barbarian archtype centered around mutagen use, a sorcerer bloodline where you've got strange alchemical ooze powers, new fleshwarped feats representing being an alchemical experiment.
The reason I don't think this would happen is it'd be an unprecidented amount of focus on essentially one class. Ironically, if we didn't have alchemist yet, it'd be more likely to happen. There is also the fact that the "alchemy book" was probably treasure vault.
And then in the "What are you even asking for?" a dimension of time book. gimme gimme
Eh, I think that's more likely to happen then you think, BotBrain. Although, maybe to diversify it, this alchemy book could also contain more technology and thus content of inventors and inventing related archetypes. (I actually plan to create a Wizard Class archetype that gives them a construct companion...). Maybe as something focused more on technology then magic (since alchemy isn't magic).
Also, now that you mention the Dimension of Time...
Dimension of Dreams book, please!!!
It could even be where Remastered Psychic Duels goes!!!

SpontaneousLightning |
I absolutely want a book focused on dragons. There are so many cool dragons that have not appeared in pathfinder second edition (such as the planar and esoteric dragons), and there are a bunch of new dragons that could be introduced as well, such as an orichalcum dragon or siccatite dragon (as we already have gotten one skymetal dragon with the adamantine dragon).
I also would like a Lost Omens: Saga Lands book. Irrisen and the Land of the Linnorm Kings in particular are settings that I really like and would want more focus on.

moosher12 |
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Technically there's a statblock for God in one of the old PF1e Worldscape comics. He was named "One True God", was Lawful Neutral, and had the Glory, Healing, Law, Protection, and Sun domains. His favored weapon was the heavy mace. I havent' read the comics so I don't know if they go into detail about him (I doubt it, because I believe this info comes from the annexes at the of the book) but it at least confirms he exists in the setting somehow.
What's the lore behind the Greek and Norse gods? Is a practioiner a Shintoism a cleric or animist? Would Irori be one of the Buddhas? I really doubt Paizo is going to explain any of these topics ever, but I find them really interesting since Earth existing in this universe means the things we believe should too.
Shintoism actually had it pretty good in Pathfinder. While proper names were not used, a lot of Shinto gods were renamed and had an equivalent added to Pathfinder, like Amaterasu (Shizuru), Tsukuyomi (Tsukiyo), and Inari (Daikitsu). I don't know many of the shinto gods beyond those, but there are likely others that go represented in other ways. Like I wonder if Hei Feng could count as a stand-in for Susanoo.
Was able to track down The One True God. Their entry appears in the Vampirella Worldscape comic.

Tridus |
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I struggled really hard to think of something... but I don't really want "new products" right now. What I really want is a really big FAQ/errata update that addresses both long standing points of confusion (like "instance of damage"), and also takes a stab at adjusting systems with significant problems (like mythic or the kingdom rules).
That won't happen, and I get why: the business pays the bills by selling new stuff. Devoting major time and energy into fixing existing stuff helps improve the game's reputation, but it doesn't pay the bills in the same way.
But as the amount of existing stuff with major issues that I have to work around/house rule/replace goes up, I find my desire to spend money on more stuff I need to fix is waning pretty quickly. That's probably because several of the recent releases have felt disappointing, like mythic and the "we're going to fix this by throwing all the interesting ideas out" remaster Oracle.
At the end of the day, what I really want is for less stuff to come out but that stuff to have more time put into it, along with more product support for existing stuff.

moosher12 |
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An updated Kingdom Builder (though more appropriately a more universal government builder) would definitely be nice. I'm running Kingmaker, and I had to give it a lot of TLC to make it enjoyable to my players, and prevent it from taking forever to run. (Trying to fast track it as fast as I can, we can only get at most 6 months in a 4-hour session).
The Kingdom Builder is also too limited to the River Kingdoms biome. It needs to be made more universal for a generic game. I was able to take some inspirations from Legendary Games expansion rules to it, but it's frankly a hot mess to read through.
Additionally, with the updated troops and availability of siege weapons, it would be interesting to give more concrete rules to consider troops and siege weapons instead of armies. (My players are not expecting to enter the warfare phase of Kingmaker for a bit, so I'm honestly considering seeing if I can scrap the army system and make it work with troops and siege engines.) I'm gonna wait until Battlecry! is available before I attempt to make such a jump though, as as far as I'm aware, that was supposed to be going more into those kinds of combats, unless I misinterpreted things.

exequiel759 |
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exequiel759 wrote:Technically there's a statblock for God in one of the old PF1e Worldscape comics. He was named "One True God", was Lawful Neutral, and had the Glory, Healing, Law, Protection, and Sun domains. His favored weapon was the heavy mace. I havent' read the comics so I don't know if they go into detail about him (I doubt it, because I believe this info comes from the annexes at the of the book) but it at least confirms he exists in the setting somehow.
What's the lore behind the Greek and Norse gods? Is a practioiner a Shintoism a cleric or animist? Would Irori be one of the Buddhas? I really doubt Paizo is going to explain any of these topics ever, but I find them really interesting since Earth existing in this universe means the things we believe should too.
Shintoism actually had it pretty good in Pathfinder. While proper names were not used, a lot of Shinto gods were renamed and had an equivalent added to Pathfinder, like Amaterasu (Shizuru), Tsukuyomi (Tsukiyo), and Inari (Daikitsu). I don't know many of the shinto gods beyond those, but there are likely others that go represented in other ways. Like I wonder if Hei Feng could count as a stand-in for Susanoo.
Was able to track down The One True God. Their entry appears in the Vampirella Worldscape comic.
I feel really dumb for not realizing Shizuru, Tsukuyomi, and Daikitsu were references to Amaterasu, Tsukoyomi (even his name is really similar lol), and Inari. Hei Feng certainly has aspects of Susanoo too, but to be fair it has a ton of similarites to other storm deities from East Asian myths too.
I think this leads to an interesting discussion now that I think about it. Does this mean that, for example, Amaterasu doesn't exist within Pathfinder because Shizuru is a thing? Are Shizuru and Amaterasu actually the same entity but Amaterasu is Earth's interpretation while Shizuru is Golarion's? I say this because even if similar they aren't carbon copies of each other, so it could totally be a thing that there's a being that is worshipped in two different planets but that has some differences.
Similar things happened and happen in our own world. Even within civilizations that were or are next to each other, so it could totally be a thing on Golarion as well. However, since domains are parts of the mechanics of the system, it kind of implies the Golarion version (thus the version with actual mechanics) is likely closer to being "the real version" rather than the other, which is likely why Paizo is never going to take someone like the Abrahamic God and explain it directly in their products.

moosher12 |
I'd assume the latter interpretation. It is said quite often that in Pathfinder, the expression of a deity changes from region to region, and even the name can change. Desna is seen as a butterfly-winged fey in some regions, a butterfly winged varisian in others, and just straight up Mothra in the east. And of course, names would be changed as Desna in Taldane might sound different in Varisian might sound different in Minkaian (After all, while Minkaian might be inspired by Japanese from a readership point of view, Minkaian is not Japanese, and Japanese is a seperate language spoken on Earth). The areas of interest of Abadar are different between The Inner Sea and Tian Xia, where in Tian Xia, he is a god of Walls and Ditches.
So it very well could be that Amaterasu worshipped by Shintoists and Shinto-Buddhists on Earth could be the same entity as Shizuru worshipped on Golarion.

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Because I'm predictable, let's get the obvious ones out of the way:
Lost Omens: Old Cheliax (For whatever reason, I love Cheliax and want to see how it responds to the upcoming Hellfire Crisis and broader Inner Sea War)
Lost Omens: Hellknights (With the loss of alignment, the Hellknight archetype needs a complete overhaul)
Book of the Damned (A Fiend creature type and Hell/Outer Rift/Abaddon planar deep dive, a la Rage of Elements - I need me some Diabolist options)
Beyond that, I have a lot of disparate interests.
I'd like to see something that brings the Beastbrood Rakshasa-spawn heritage up to date (I imagine as a stand-alone versatile heritage, a la Hungerseed, given that Rakshasa are spirits now rather than fiends, just like oni), along with more about how the post-remaster de-OGL-ification has impacted Rakshasa lore. Depending on how much Impossible Lands content is touched on in the book the "Impossible" playtest feeds into, it might fit there, but otherwise, might need to wait for a Lost Omens: Vudra.
I'd also like some deeper insights into the current state of New Thassilon, so a Lost Omens: Saga Lands would be nice.
And while I don't know where it would fit product-wise, I'd like to finally get a proper Synthesist Summoner option. Honestly, while I know they've stated it'd likely be a class archetype, I'd prefer if they figured out a way to work it into the base Summoner class so that playing the summoner and eidolon separate or merged can be a tactical choice, rather than something you're locked into from level 1.

Oceanshieldwolf |

I want products with a fully re-thought Adventure Path approach. APs have been such a pain to use, and so unsatisfying, that I think there's something fundamentally wrong with how the product category is being leveraged. I want an AP that has put in the work that I don't want to do (making the intricate networks of dozens of NPCs and their competing interests and goals and presenting that info in a readable format) and doesn't do things I don't want an AP to do (forcing my party through X number of individually boring encounters to justify reaching the level required for the next book written by another author who has an entirely different writing style). I don't know what that product would look like, but I get the feeling that it'd be a lot more infographics, random tables, and plothooks. I certainly don't think it will focus on maps with 15ftx15ft rooms with descriptions spread out over 20 pages. I think such products could also make de-emphasizing combat a whole lot more realistic, since the complex NPC connections make creative solutions, social rolls, and avoidance so much more interesting.
In short, I want a *new kind* of product.
I couldn’t agree more. Especially for those of us who *don’t* use Golarion, but *could* insert such a product into their Campaign. I’m so tired of pointless combats, and the lack of cohesion by “different author for each part” is maddening. There’s so much that players do to jump the tracks of the railroad that what is really needed for such groups is a well-realised ouvre rather than a linear….path.
I also still want to see a Deep Rock Galactic style randomized, board-game-esque hot-seat GM game mode that comes in a box set with cool minis, monster family decks from level -1 to 22. Beer and pretzels, zero prep, new GM training wheels.
Yep. This would be fantastic. Not sure what WatersLethe is after, but almost the opposite of the first “product” request - a low intrigue, no exploration, zero-diplomancy, no-prep rogue-like. Still a pen and paper experience, and kinda like the Beginner Box, but a well realised beer and pretzels conversant experience.

Gaulin |
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I say this in every thread like this that comes up, but a kind of body modification book would be great. Paizo has been knocking it out of the park with the more focused caster (or at least casterish) classes like psychic, necromancer, and kineticist if it qualifies as such. To me, a transmutation/polymorph specialist makes perfect sense to be made at some point soon. Throw in more prosthetics, mutagens, tattoos, etc and it's plenty of content to fill a book and be awesome.
I would also take anything that gets us more kineticist impulses, hopefully for existing elements, but I don't really have a whole book idea for that to fit in.

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I'm going to throw in for a new book covering mage hunters or bounty hunting in general. I feel like in a world like Golarion that is so infused with magic, rogue magic users could be a big problem, much less high level adventurers. Perhaps they could throw in a set of psychic or magical duels in general. I loved the idea of the rules for Magical Duels in 2nd edition D&D (old fart alert...), but the implementation left something to be desired. I would love to see a more robust system for that, especially. There's a fantasy that's really not able to be played out with the current rules about a couple of magic users squaring off behind the lines of their allies, engaging in an invisible magic duel while their allies attempt to hold off the enemy's minions...

keftiu |
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I'm going to throw in for a new book covering mage hunters or bounty hunting in general. I feel like in a world like Golarion that is so infused with magic, rogue magic users could be a big problem, much less high level adventurers. Perhaps they could throw in a set of psychic or magical duels in general. I loved the idea of the rules for Magical Duels in 2nd edition D&D (old fart alert...), but the implementation left something to be desired. I would love to see a more robust system for that, especially. There's a fantasy that's really not able to be played out with the current rules about a couple of magic users squaring off behind the lines of their allies, engaging in an invisible magic duel while their allies attempt to hold off the enemy's minions...
I asked a few years back if Golarion had any notable 'mage hunters' and was shocked that the answer seemed to be No!

dirkdragonslayer |
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I want my Wizkids adamantine dragon! It was supposed to be released before my birthday last year and it's still unreleased.
A book on the weird, unknown, and alien stuff. More aliens, fleshwarps, and abberations. More variations on yithians and elder things, spawn of Mhar and creatures of the black blood. Creatures and people blessed by the uncaring stars. Throw in more remastered stuff on algholthu and conquerer worms, and darklands stuff like Munavri.

kaid |
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BotBrain wrote:There is also the fact that the "alchemy book" was probably treasure vault.That's pretty much it. That book already exists in Treasure Vault. Doing one now would require reprinting a LOT of stuff that already exists or would have to create so much new alchemy that it would just feel bloated.
As it is, there's already so many alchemy items that a lot of them are buried in the list and never really see use.
They are also remastering the treasure vault to get all of that stuff up to the new standards as well I think it would be a long time before we got an alchemy specific book. I think if more alchemy stuff is added it will be along the lines of the tian xia character guide food stuff niche things to allow alchemy of specific flavors but not some major all in one book.

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Tridus wrote:They are also remastering the treasure vault to get all of that stuff up to the new standards as well I think it would be a long time before we got an alchemy specific book. I think if more alchemy stuff is added it will be along the lines of the tian xia character guide food stuff niche things to allow alchemy of specific flavors but not some major all in one book.BotBrain wrote:There is also the fact that the "alchemy book" was probably treasure vault.That's pretty much it. That book already exists in Treasure Vault. Doing one now would require reprinting a LOT of stuff that already exists or would have to create so much new alchemy that it would just feel bloated.
As it is, there's already so many alchemy items that a lot of them are buried in the list and never really see use.
Yeah it's a long shot. But a man (Robot?) can dream.

arcady |
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What I want and what sells well are very likely not in perfect sync.
I want more Lost Omens and short 2-3 level long adventures, and less adventures and adventure paths.
I want then to fill out the missing parts of the world map of Golarian.
I want the lands south of Geb for an 'East Africa vibe', I want the lands south of Taldor for a Persia / South Asia vibe, and I want the lands to the west of the Inner Seas for a Maya / Inca / Amazon / Lakota / and all my other cousins vibe.
I worry about more rules because eventually a game gets bloated. Too many classes means things start to break down - if not in balance, then in clarity of/or purpose.
I think we have enough adventure paths. They're super popular but they keep getting poor reviews because they're team efforts and clashing writing styles or writers not quite meeting up right leaves them disjointed. I'd rather have those writers write a lot of short adventures for use here and there. But even just selling the very people I game with on why I think adventures are better than adventure paths has been a tough sell.
So yeah... not expecting what I want. But that's what it is.

TheTownsend |

Of course there's somebody who wants every conceivable Lost Omens title, but for me a Lost Omens: Casmaron would be a big winner. Fantasy India, Fantasy Persia, Fantasy Ancient Greece, AND Fantasy Eurasian Steppe all in one? Yes please!
The creature-type themed books like HotW and BotD are always fun. Probably we won't get a Giants book it Jotunborne is coming in Battlecry, but a book on Aberrations, on the First World and Fey, on Constructs, or even a Celestial book to flesh out the heavenly host from different cultural perspectives. (Seriously, there's so many kinds of Fiends they retconned out a few of them and there's still too many, but Celestials we're stuck with the three alignment-categories and a few incidentals? Show me some Tien Divine Bureaucrats!)

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Expanded Ancestry Book, like take all non-common ancestries published to this point and double the number of feats
Some of the recent classes could use Expansions as well (looking at you, Kineticist)
I am hoping for an "Ancestry guide 2", since remastering it probably isn't feasible now that leshies are core. (Please paizo give me the final form feat for all Nephilim please)

moosher12 |
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Leshies were actually Character Guide, not Ancestry Guide. Ancestry Guide was just an expansion pack on the leshies.
Either way, I second Ancestry Guide Remaster. I want the up-to date kitsune, and would love to see whether or not they'll combine the geniekin into one heritage like with the nephilim.