Minotaurs are totally busted

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm good as long as we don't get Troll or Ogre ancestries. That'd be a step too far for me. Minotaurs never pinged on my "evil 99,9% of the time" rader, just as Medusa's didn't. Trolls (outside of those in Kaer Maga, which constitute the 0,1%) and Ogres certainly do.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I want more ancestries that stand out feel more unique from each other. Right now ancestries (mechanically at least) feel dull/ too similar to each other.

This is not to say the flavour write ups aren't great (they are). Its the mechamics I find meh.

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magnuskn wrote:
I'm good as long as we don't get Troll or Ogre ancestries. That'd be a step too far for me. Minotaurs never pinged on my "evil 99,9% of the time" rader, just as Medusa's didn't. Trolls (outside of those in Kaer Maga, which constitute the 0,1%) and Ogres certainly do.

They already made goblins PC's, so why not let everyone in?

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graystone wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I'm good as long as we don't get Troll or Ogre ancestries. That'd be a step too far for me. Minotaurs never pinged on my "evil 99,9% of the time" rader, just as Medusa's didn't. Trolls (outside of those in Kaer Maga, which constitute the 0,1%) and Ogres certainly do.
They already made goblins PC's, so why not let everyone in?

I don't think "99.9% evil" is something which makes sense in our modern world with our modern understandings. Any attempt at moral realism I think is outdated and naive. It's time for the game to move past any such notions

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, I'm good with no predominantly cannibal ancestries, thanks.

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AestheticDialectic wrote:
in our modern world with our modern understandings. Any attempt at moral realism I think is outdated and naive.

Please take your politics elsewhere.

16 people marked this as a favorite.

Hobgoblins are a Common Ancestry in the Remaster, as are Kobolds. I hope the folks who cling to a strictly D&D notion of born evil understand that Pathfinder hasn't been there for years, now.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Discussions on whether or not other monsters should be PC options are off topic here. Please create a new thread for it. I don't want this thread devolving into a moral / political "what's evil / what's acceptable" debate.

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I honestly prefer the angle of fantasy Greece bull-people that PF2 made, skewing away from ogl origins. I like the idea the Iblydos archipelago having islands full of cyclops, strix, and minotaurs....and those just being the people there much like andoran could have humans, elves, and halflings.

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Ravingdork wrote:

Is the minotaur going to destroy your game balance or fun?

If you have even a modicum of talent as a GM, I seriously doubt it. Pathfinder 2e's robust structure remains intact. Your table, in all likelihood, would probably enjoy it a great deal. I know mine will.

But I don't believe anyone here can deny that it is a step up from other ancestries without being completely disingenuous.

That's an excellent way to put it.

No other ancestry really gets close to that good (though human with aasimar versatile heritage comes close - human is silly and aasimar allowed you to add good damage to all your attacks plus gain a permanent fly speed at higher level). For low level though reach maul is nuts.

Liberty's Edge

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Aenigma wrote:
I honestly have no idea why Paizo decided to make minotaurs a PC race. I mean, they are mostly evil. They are the minions of Baphomet. If minotaurs can be a PC race, I guess ogres and trolls can too, but surprisingly Paizo has no intention to make them PC races at all though. Also, I'm still not sure whether making a large race into a PC race is desirable or not.

IIRC the minions of Baphomet thing has been greatly reduced in the lore.

Liberty's Edge

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Trip.H wrote:

As someone who has their first Human that's about to get played soon, I just want to chime in a reminder that Humans are hilariously overpowered compared to the other ancestries I've seen.

Tbh, it's kinda over the line of being funny, and into "wow, this is really kinda b%@$&#+~" territory.

Human supremacy is quite real, and I'm just glad that players tend to pick their PC ancestry far more for character reasons than for min-maxing.

Actually, non-Human ancestries with Adopted Ancestry : Human work really well. IIRC no Human feat is based on having a distinct physiology, simply because Human is the implicit norm for physiology.

Grand Archive

Except for maybe dragon spit

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I think one reason you do Minotaurs as a PC ancestry is to to underline "these are the fantasy Greece types, they like mazes and architecture, not the demon worshiping ones."

Like sure, some Minotaurs are going to worship demons, but so are some elves and a lot of humans.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.

I'm not sure that having very high physical stats is especially useful. Strength and Dex seem like an either/or a lot of time depending on your choice of weapons and armor, and Con is only useful in a reactive sense (it helps you not die, but doesn't help you do anything.)

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

I think one reason you do Minotaurs as a PC ancestry is to to underline "these are the fantasy Greece types, they like mazes and architecture, not the demon worshiping ones."

Like sure, some Minotaurs are going to worship demons, but so are some elves and a lot of humans.


So, the minotaur in ancient Greece was trapped in a maze. He explicitly was terrible at solving mazes. It was his whole thing. And while he didn't worship demons, he did sort of...eat people? Seven of them every year? That's literally the only minotaur we have in mythology.

But either way, minotaurs being a PC race goes back to at least D&D 4e in 2009. If you count level adjustment in 3.x, they were available to play as early as 2003. This is hardly as shocking or groundbreaking as some people seem to think.

(also, for the record, I'd love to see trolls, giants, and ogres made into PC races, but you'd probably need to make them into their own character class or archetype or something)

The Raven Black wrote:
Aenigma wrote:
I honestly have no idea why Paizo decided to make minotaurs a PC race. I mean, they are mostly evil. They are the minions of Baphomet. If minotaurs can be a PC race, I guess ogres and trolls can too, but surprisingly Paizo has no intention to make them PC races at all though. Also, I'm still not sure whether making a large race into a PC race is desirable or not.
IIRC the minions of Baphomet thing has been greatly reduced in the lore.

I think Baphomet was also being refigured, wasn't he? Made more ambiguous, even tragic? I swear I read a dev comment to that effect, somewhere, but I've got no idea where.

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Grankless wrote:
Oh nooooo, minotaurs [...] can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.

It's not exclusively about the d12 weapons, which indeed have very few traits and usually not particularly powerful ones. The feat can also be uset to add Reach to something like a Scythe. Or even better: an Ogre Hook. That does seem scary enough.

For the record, I don't think this feat breaks the game in anyway. Though it is curious that it doesn't come with the reduced weapon die size like the Leshy's Grasping Reach, while still not being of a much higher level. I think if it was a level 9 or 13 ancestry feat, it would look a lot more balanced.

Perpdepog wrote:
I think Baphomet was also being refigured, wasn't he? Made more ambiguous, even tragic? I swear I read a dev comment to that effect, somewhere, but I've got no idea where.

Baphomet is also D-E-A-D in a lot of people's campaigns after WotR, so saying "yeah, Baphomet is a big deal to Minotaurs" would be a bad idea because that creates more work for GMs who want to keep continuity with their table's previous adventures.

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I love the Minotaur and I now have a very strong urge to make a Minotaur Earth Kineticist who just wants to be left alone to build structures to live in with his earth elemental buddies.

Grankless wrote:
Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.

15 foot reach on a D12 weapon is pretty broken, since the only other way to accomplish this would be a Deer Animal Instinct Barbarian with an Enlarge spell attached to them.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
The Raven Black wrote:
Aenigma wrote:
I honestly have no idea why Paizo decided to make minotaurs a PC race. I mean, they are mostly evil. They are the minions of Baphomet. If minotaurs can be a PC race, I guess ogres and trolls can too, but surprisingly Paizo has no intention to make them PC races at all though. Also, I'm still not sure whether making a large race into a PC race is desirable or not.
IIRC the minions of Baphomet thing has been greatly reduced in the lore.


Perpdepog wrote:

I think Baphomet was also being refigured, wasn't he? Made more ambiguous, even tragic? I swear I read a dev comment to that effect, somewhere, but I've got no idea where.

Here's the link to what you may be referring (by James Jacobs):

Baphomet is being shifted away from being a minotaur 'OGLism'.

(Yes, Baphomet is officially still around in Pathfinder 2E, though he may be very dead in some home games...)


Calliop5431 wrote:


But either way, minotaurs being a PC race goes back to at least D&D 4e in 2009. If you count level adjustment in 3.x, they were available to play as early as 2003. This is hardly as shocking or groundbreaking as some people seem to think.

Haven't minotaurs been a playable 'race' since at least as far back as AD&D 2E (thanks to the Taladas supplement from DragonLance)?

Carry on,


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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
15 foot reach on a D12 weapon is pretty broken, since the only other way to accomplish this would be a Deer Animal Instinct Barbarian with an Enlarge spell attached to them.

It's 10'. You normally only get 5' of reach with a large sized ancestry (per special rule in this book) but Minotaurs can get reach on 2-handed weapons with a level 5 feat by adjusting their grip. This is similar to how flying ancestries have to buy back things NPCs of their people automatically get through ancestry feats, but it's not broken.

In fact since the Minotaur being large seems to consist mostly of downsides, the minitaur heritage seems like the min-maxer option, since you can still get reach on a greataxe. We will have to see what Player Core 2 looks like since it seems like the medium sized heritage is the only one that can benefit from Giant's Stature as a Giant instinct barbarian for reach stacking.

Liberty's Edge

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Grankless wrote:
Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.

Isn't the problem that only minotaurs get this ?

The Raven Black wrote:
Grankless wrote:
Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.
Isn't the problem that only minotaurs get this ?

For some definitions of "problem", maybe. Nothing discussed in this thread would derail any of the games I've played or run. Being too big for doors would be far more disruptive than big swings with a long scythe.

All that considered? I simply don't see this as a meaningful problem in practice.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
15 foot reach on a D12 weapon is pretty broken, since the only other way to accomplish this would be a Deer Animal Instinct Barbarian with an Enlarge spell attached to them.

It's 10'. You normally only get 5' of reach with a large sized ancestry (per special rule in this book) but Minotaurs can get reach on 2-handed weapons with a level 5 feat by adjusting their grip. This is similar to how flying ancestries have to buy back things NPCs of their people automatically get through ancestry feats, but it's not broken.

In fact since the Minotaur being large seems to consist mostly of downsides, the minitaur heritage seems like the min-maxer option, since you can still get reach on a greataxe. We will have to see what Player Core 2 looks like since it seems like the medium sized heritage is the only one that can benefit from Giant's Stature as a Giant instinct barbarian for reach stacking.

From what I gather it's specifically two-handed weapons that don't already have Reach, as well, so no getting super stretchy with a polearm. As of now, the only ancestry feat I know of that lets you stack Reach is the skeleton's Well-Armed feat at level 5.

PS: Thanks, Psiphyre. I think that was what I was thinking of.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
15 foot reach on a D12 weapon is pretty broken, since the only other way to accomplish this would be a Deer Animal Instinct Barbarian with an Enlarge spell attached to them.

It's 10'. You normally only get 5' of reach with a large sized ancestry (per special rule in this book) but Minotaurs can get reach on 2-handed weapons with a level 5 feat by adjusting their grip. This is similar to how flying ancestries have to buy back things NPCs of their people automatically get through ancestry feats, but it's not broken.

In fact since the Minotaur being large seems to consist mostly of downsides, the minitaur heritage seems like the min-maxer option, since you can still get reach on a greataxe. We will have to see what Player Core 2 looks like since it seems like the medium sized heritage is the only one that can benefit from Giant's Stature as a Giant instinct barbarian for reach stacking.

Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default. Every other effect that adjusts your size will likewise adjust your reach as well, such as Enlarge spells. If Minotaurs were meant to only have 5 feet of reach, I think it would be important to spell that out in the ancestry statblock, and not in some random area in a splatbook.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
15 foot reach on a D12 weapon is pretty broken, since the only other way to accomplish this would be a Deer Animal Instinct Barbarian with an Enlarge spell attached to them.

It's 10'. You normally only get 5' of reach with a large sized ancestry (per special rule in this book) but Minotaurs can get reach on 2-handed weapons with a level 5 feat by adjusting their grip. This is similar to how flying ancestries have to buy back things NPCs of their people automatically get through ancestry feats, but it's not broken.

In fact since the Minotaur being large seems to consist mostly of downsides, the minitaur heritage seems like the min-maxer option, since you can still get reach on a greataxe. We will have to see what Player Core 2 looks like since it seems like the medium sized heritage is the only one that can benefit from Giant's Stature as a Giant instinct barbarian for reach stacking.

Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default. Every other effect that adjusts your size will likewise adjust your reach as well, such as Enlarge spells. If Minotaurs were meant to only have 5 feet of reach, I think it would be important to spell that out in the ancestry statblock, and not in some random area in a splatbook.

Email Paizo your thoughts on book layout when introducing novel new PC options. In this one they chose to list all the special general rules for Large PCs in a special section separate from the Centaur and Minotaur. No reach, bulk, riding, gear cost, effects of 5’ hallways, and effects of squeezing smaller are all in there to avoid repeating it.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:


Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default. Every other effect that adjusts your size will likewise adjust your reach as well, such as Enlarge spells. If Minotaurs were meant to only have 5 feet of reach, I think it would be important to spell that out in the ancestry statblock, and not in some random area in a splatbook.

Referring to it as a splat book is an odd choice of phrase. They put those rules in the same 'splatbook' that the ancestry appears in. That seems like a significant detail to me.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Doesnt Leshy also have a ancestry feet that gives reach?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
AestheticDialectic wrote:
graystone wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I'm good as long as we don't get Troll or Ogre ancestries. That'd be a step too far for me. Minotaurs never pinged on my "evil 99,9% of the time" rader, just as Medusa's didn't. Trolls (outside of those in Kaer Maga, which constitute the 0,1%) and Ogres certainly do.
They already made goblins PC's, so why not let everyone in?
I don't think "99.9% evil" is something which makes sense in our modern world with our modern understandings. Any attempt at moral realism I think is outdated and naive. It's time for the game to move past any such notions

Ogres and trolls eat people though. Borba right?

I think thats what makes them monstrous, pc races are food to them.

So its not that they are evil, though they certainly can be, its that pc races are always at odd with creatures that see them as nothing more than food.

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Bluemagetim wrote:
Doesnt Leshy also have a ancestry feet that gives reach?

Yes, same limitation to two-handed weapons without innate reach. But the Leshy feat reduces the weapon die size by 1, so at best you get a d10.

Skeleton can also add reach to any one-handed weapon, I think. But that also limits you to d8 at best.

Leshy is a level level 1 feat. Skeleton level 5. I really think the Minotaur one should at least be level 9.

Minotaurs as a PC race is cool. I loved my Tauren in WoW. Now I get minotaurs in D&D. Big, huge, muscled up bull people with horns. Honorable warriors and powerful. I like it myself. Looks cool in the mind's eye.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

There was a Dragonlance book about minotaurs I read in elementary school and did a book report on, and ever since then I've had a soft spot for the big honorable minotaur warrior archetype.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Grankless wrote:
Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.

I mean... that's basically the definition of power creep which is a big contributor for the death of rules systems which is actually pretty scary as we're heading into the SF2-PF2 three-legged race for the next foreseeable stretch of Paizo's publishing schedule.

Grand Archive

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm not sure that having very high physical stats is especially useful. Strength and Dex seem like an either/or a lot of time depending on your choice of weapons and armor, and Con is only useful in a reactive sense (it helps you not die, but doesn't help you do anything.)

It's great for monks and the melee oriented gunslingers.

Xenocrat wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
15 foot reach on a D12 weapon is pretty broken, since the only other way to accomplish this would be a Deer Animal Instinct Barbarian with an Enlarge spell attached to them.

It's 10'. You normally only get 5' of reach with a large sized ancestry (per special rule in this book) but Minotaurs can get reach on 2-handed weapons with a level 5 feat by adjusting their grip. This is similar to how flying ancestries have to buy back things NPCs of their people automatically get through ancestry feats, but it's not broken.

In fact since the Minotaur being large seems to consist mostly of downsides, the minitaur heritage seems like the min-maxer option, since you can still get reach on a greataxe. We will have to see what Player Core 2 looks like since it seems like the medium sized heritage is the only one that can benefit from Giant's Stature as a Giant instinct barbarian for reach stacking.

Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default. Every other effect that adjusts your size will likewise adjust your reach as well, such as Enlarge spells. If Minotaurs were meant to only have 5 feet of reach, I think it would be important to spell that out in the ancestry statblock, and not in some random area in a splatbook.
Email Paizo your thoughts on book layout when introducing novel new PC options. In this one they chose to list all the special general rules for Large PCs in a special section separate from the Centaur and Minotaur. No reach, bulk, riding, gear cost, effects of 5’ hallways, and effects of squeezing smaller are all in there to avoid repeating it.

Paizo does not read emails from random nobodies on the internet, much less respond to them. They are far more busy with other more important/pressing matters. Suggesting a purposefully fruitless course of action is not helpful and is borderline trolling.

And how is "We're introducing new rules in a new book for Large sized creatures so they aren't disruptive to a party's/player's expectation," a repeat of existing rules, which are significantly different from what's been published prior? This reads more like errata than a repeat of existing rules.

Gisher wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:


Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default. Every other effect that adjusts your size will likewise adjust your reach as well, such as Enlarge spells. If Minotaurs were meant to only have 5 feet of reach, I think it would be important to spell that out in the ancestry statblock, and not in some random area in a splatbook.
Referring to it as a splat book is an odd choice of phrase. They put those rules in the same 'splatbook' that the ancestry appears in. That seems like a significant detail to me.

Not particularly. The detail is that it is clashing with existing rules in a main line rulebook. It's different if it is posed as an alternate rule, like Free Archetype, but it isn't being presented as that.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
WatersLethe wrote:
Grankless wrote:
Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.
I mean... that's basically the definition of power creep which is a big contributor for the death of rules systems which is actually pretty scary as we're heading into the SF2-PF2 three-legged race for the next foreseeable stretch of Paizo's publishing schedule.

To an extent, yeah, but after re-examining things I also think it's a little bit overstated. It's less that the ancestry is fundamentally broken and more that there are one or two feats that aren't the most balanced, which isn't that uncommon to see in a book.

The baseline race is more or less similar to the orc, except it's large size (which as established is kind of a mixed bag, maybe even a bad thing) and gets a forgettable unarmed attack.

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default.

The book assumes you will read it in order. Before any of the ancestries in the first chapter are written there's a "special rules" section, much like there is in the Ancestry Guide and the Book of the Dead. There's several paragraphs about how large ancestries work.

In that section is the sentence "Large PCs do not automatically gain additional reach" which I am to take as the rule for all Large Ancestries going forward. The Minotaur is the showcase for how they're going to give reach back to an ancestry where NPCs have it automatically- it's a feat with a special requirement (in this case "two handed weapon, specific grip, level 5 feat.") PC minotaurs starting our as less capable than NPC minotaurs of the same level is not new, since we have PC Strix having to wait for level 13 to get unlimited flight whereas NPC Strix can do it at level 1.

Specific (i.e. the rule for large PCs specifically) has always trumped general (i.e. the rules for how size works) in Pathfinder (both editions.) What we don't know yet is how the Giant Instinct Barbarian is going to function for Large ancestries, since Player Core 2 isn't out yet. You're specifically immune to Enlarge, and the previous version of Giant's Stature (which mimics Enlarge) is something you can't take (since it requires "medium or smaller") which also locks you out of Titan's Stature which has Giant's Stature as a prerequisite. So I guess we wait to see how Player Core 2 solves this.

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Paizo does not read emails from random nobodies on the internet, much less respond to them. They are far more busy with other more important/pressing matters. Suggesting a purposefully fruitless course of action is not helpful and is borderline trolling.

That has not been my experience at all. In addition to the usual "thanks for your feedback", I've gotten some amazing responses from unexpected senior staff.

In a customer-orieted organization like Paizo, customers giving constructive feedback ARE important/pressing matters.

If all you ever send are rants or heated condemnations, your experince may vary, of course.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The book isn't contradicting existing rules. We didn't have rules for large sized PC ancestries before, and now we do. It's adding new rules to

Powers128 wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm not sure that having very high physical stats is especially useful. Strength and Dex seem like an either/or a lot of time depending on your choice of weapons and armor, and Con is only useful in a reactive sense (it helps you not die, but doesn't help you do anything.)
It's great for monks and the melee oriented gunslingers.

Also swashbucklers and most finesse builds, which is a pretty hilarious for a 12 foot tall minotaur.

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Captain Morgan wrote:
Powers128 wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm not sure that having very high physical stats is especially useful. Strength and Dex seem like an either/or a lot of time depending on your choice of weapons and armor, and Con is only useful in a reactive sense (it helps you not die, but doesn't help you do anything.)
It's great for monks and the melee oriented gunslingers.
Also swashbucklers and most finesse builds, which is a pretty hilarious for a 12 foot tall minotaur.

And most non-firearm ranged builds and ruffian rogues. Or Kineticist using Weapon Infusion.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default.

The book assumes you will read it in order. Before any of the ancestries in the first chapter are written there's a "special rules" section, much like there is in the Ancestry Guide and the Book of the Dead. There's several paragraphs about how large ancestries work.

In that section is the sentence "Large PCs do not automatically gain additional reach" which I am to take as the rule for all Large Ancestries going forward. The Minotaur is the showcase for how they're going to give reach back to an ancestry where NPCs have it automatically- it's a feat with a special requirement (in this case "two handed weapon, specific grip, level 5 feat.") PC minotaurs starting our as less capable than NPC minotaurs of the same level is not new, since we have PC Strix having to wait for level 13 to get unlimited flight whereas NPC Strix can do it at level 1.

Specific (i.e. the rule for large PCs specifically) has always trumped general (i.e. the rules for how size works) in Pathfinder (both editions.) What we don't know yet is how the Giant Instinct Barbarian is going to function for Large ancestries, since Player Core 2 isn't out yet. You're specifically immune to Enlarge, and the previous version of Giant's Stature (which mimics Enlarge) is something you can't take (since it requires "medium or smaller") which also locks you out of Titan's Stature which has Giant's Stature as a prerequisite. So I guess we wait to see how Player Core 2 solves this.

Yes, but there is nothing in the current ruleset that mentions anything about special rules for Large PCs on the Archives or anywhere else publicly, so everyone acting like this has always been a thing, has access to knowledge nobody else does, and is consequently arguing in bad faith by proxy. And if this is intel that hasn't been published yet, then all we are arguing about is conjecture at best until the book is released, as it could be changed from now until they hit the printers, so treating this as if it's been hard fact etched in stone since PF2 was released is absurd.

I don't think they really need to change the Enlarge spell; just add in a caveat that they still benefit from spells like Enlarge, since we are already making exceptions for Large PCs. The issue becomes that it would be very easy for groups to either forget or completely ignore that this is the case, but I feel like this is a calculated pit fall and groups will obviously do their research and/or solve it for themselves.

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Yes, but there is nothing in the current ruleset that mentions anything about special rules for Large PCs on the Archives

You are expecting Nethys to update BEFORE the street date?

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
And if this is intel that hasn't been published yet, then all we are arguing about is conjecture at best until the book is released, as it could be changed from now until they hit the printers, so treating this as if it's been hard fact etched in stone since PF2 was released is absurd.

It's been published and is already in some peoples hands as they got it before the official street date: As such, you don't have to worry about changes before it hits the printers. The street date is in 11 days after all.

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
The issue becomes that it would be very easy for groups to either forget or completely ignore that this is the case, but I feel like this is a calculated pit fall and groups will obviously do their research and/or solve it for themselves.

Why would it be different from Sprites being Tiny? They have a "Tiny PCs" and a "Riding PCs" on Nethys, so I'd expect a similar section for Large PC's.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Darksol, just... Stop. You don't have the book yet, so stop arguing about it. This is silly, even for you.

graystone wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Yes, but there is nothing in the current ruleset that mentions anything about special rules for Large PCs on the Archives

You are expecting Nethys to update BEFORE the street date?

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
And if this is intel that hasn't been published yet, then all we are arguing about is conjecture at best until the book is released, as it could be changed from now until they hit the printers, so treating this as if it's been hard fact etched in stone since PF2 was released is absurd.

It's been published and is already in some peoples hands as they got it before the official street date: As such, you don't have to worry about changes before it hits the printers. The street date is in 11 days after all.

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
The issue becomes that it would be very easy for groups to either forget or completely ignore that this is the case, but I feel like this is a calculated pit fall and groups will obviously do their research and/or solve it for themselves.
Why would it be different from Sprites being Tiny? They have a "Tiny PCs" and a "Riding PCs" on Nethys, so I'd expect a similar section for Large PC's.

The assumption was that it was an existing entry that was made prior to the splatbook, and as such should have been readily available on the website to read. When it's instead a new entry published for the splatbook that not everyone has access to yet, and that distinction wasn't made, it's kind of difficult to rectify the "updated rules" when it is clashing with what is currently listed on the website.

Yes, they do have those sections, but the Flying PCs have what appears to be an "optional rule" for them to replace their existing features with a potentially scaling fly speed, which is mostly ignored anyway, and the Riding PCs as well as the Tiny PCs basically reiterate the Mounted Combat and Tiny Creature rules, respectively. Compared to the Large PC rules that we seem to be getting, which is outright nerfing most Large benefits, and maintaining/boosting most Large drawbacks, they aren't really "similar" if the assumption is that the Large PC rules are replacing existing size rules (which, again, the Tiny PC rules entry doesn't replace/change whatsoever).

Captain Morgan wrote:
You don't have the book yet, so stop arguing about it.

I imagine other people who have posted in this thread likewise don't have the book yet, and I am also not the only one to have made the conclusions I have made, so enough with the petty gatekeeping.

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The ruleset for large ancestries was created for the book which included the first set of large ancestries. There was not a previous need for any rules for large ancestries, since there weren't any. In the same way, Howl of the Wild also created rules for aquatic ancestries since we didn't have any of those before either.

It's exactly the same as how Paizo created rules for winged ancestries when they added them to the game, or rules for undead ancestries when they added those to the game.

Still, it's very funny that if you want to maximize reach, you're better off taking the medium-sized minotaur heritage, since then you can benefit from Enlarge and similiar.

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