3 people marked this as a favorite. |

With things being the way they are in the world, and many of us not being able to connect with regular groups the way we normally would, I would like to run an Adventure Path for those that might want to play in it.
But I don't know which Adventure Path I should run, which is why I have come to you all. Between Starfinder and Pathfinder 1e, which Adventure Path should I run?
I'll leave this open for about a week or so or until the opinion of the boards has made itself well known.
Please provide your top 3 choices.
Thank you!

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For Pathfinder, there are several good ones. The obvious one, Kingmaker, means you will get 50 applicants in less than a week :) If you like a horror based theme, Carrion Crown is an excellent AP (It has everything, haunted jail, werewolves, vampires, Frankenstein's monster, Cthulu type, etc.). Whatever you pick, be ready to adjust the encounters upwards by the third book as they tend to be underwhelming (especially if you go with a 6 person group).
If forced, my 3 picks would be:
Carrion Crown
Ironfang Invasion

Jieran Cordant |

Well, I'd be hard-pressed not to go for:
War for the Crown (because of how many tie-ins it had to the PFS modules)
Kingmaker (Classic I was never able to play, though I currently have a pending application for this one)
And Jade Regent (Also a classic I was never able to play)
In that order. Thanks for taking this initiative!

Cuàn |

I'd love me some Tyrant's Grasp and I've hardly seen that one, probably because people have issues with the ending.
With that in mind, in no particular order:
Ironfang Invasion, Like the idea behind this one quite a bit
Skull & Shackles, I've had character concept for this since 2017 that I'm very eager to expand upon.
Hell's Rebels, though Kingmaker and Giantslayer are hot on it's heels

Zanbabe |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm, I don't know much about the ones that I haven't played, but I want to play the one where the Shabti race was introduced... Mummy's Mask I think? Never even started that one.
And then, along with Jereru, I agree with anything that doesn't fall apart, even that isn't too helpful with picking one. So, a couple of others that I have never started that sound interesting are Serpent's Skull and Reign of Winter (and more, but those are the oldest ones which it would be nice to get caught up on).
Mummy's Mask
Serpent's Skull
Reign of Winter

theasl |

FYI a couple months ago someone else did the same thing, google form and all. Here's the results, which could help maybe.


1. Any that goes past recruitment phase.
2. Any that goes past post #100.
3. Any that goes past 6th level.Bonus: Any that finishes the storyline.
Apart from those, all could be ok with a good mix of nice players and nice GM.
Considering this, I recognize that there is a certain element of the idea that "If you build it, they will come."
I'll confess that my main purpose here is to identify which campaigns the most people want to play, and which campaign I want to run so that we can achieve that synergy of players and GM, with no one getting burnt out. I want to be in this for the long haul.
FYI a couple months ago someone else did the same thing, google form and all. Here's the results, which could help maybe.
Thank you for this. This may cut the amount of time I spend deciding down by quite a bit.

The Emerald Duke |

Since we are giving top draws, I would throw out that Jade Regent and Curse of the Crimson Throne typically get a decent amount of interest. I will give a top 5 that I would be interested in personally... make of it what you will:
5) Kingmaker. A lot of folks like the idea of making their own kingdom from scratch. Some of the mechanics were a bit prototypical though.
4) Iron Gods. Tech based, but not full on Starfinder. And who doesn't like a story about folks finding tech items that are way more advanced than them, trying to figure out what they are and what they do.
3) Hell's Rebels/Hell's Vengeance. Depends on which side of the conflict you feel like running: evil loyalists or good rebels. Decent draw either way.
2) Jade Regent. A recruitment just closed for it that took 6 and left 30 other qualified applicants... plus a few dots for interest that weren't completed by the deadline. Enough said.
1) Curse of the Crimson Throne. Honestly one of my favorites. If you ran this I would make the time to create an application for it.... but don't do it just for me, lol.

Posh Stemtimple |

Jovich wrote:I understand that you wanted 1st Ed. Pathfinder. I have not heard an actually release date yet but what about the 10th anniversary of Kingmaker.To the best of my understanding, that's now been pushed off to early next year, can someone more in the know confirm or refute?
And it's being released as 2E, right?

Redblade8 |

Redblade8 wrote:And it's being released as 2E, right?Jovich wrote:I understand that you wanted 1st Ed. Pathfinder. I have not heard an actually release date yet but what about the 10th anniversary of Kingmaker.To the best of my understanding, that's now been pushed off to early next year, can someone more in the know confirm or refute?
I think, with conversion notes for both PF1 and 5e. Again, check with someone who wasn't hit with a permanent scatterbrain spell.

Redblade8 |

The.Squirrel.Ninja wrote:1) Skull & Shackles: I have never played an adventure on the high sea. Seems like it could be very cool.Bring a mop!
In my (very limited) exposure to S&S, they were all too happy to supply you with the mop.
(Tries with all his might to not rejigger his list to include Skull & Shackles.)


I do appreciate every response that has given. I think I've read more about all the different pathfinder AP's and people's reviews of them than I thought I ever would.
With that in mind, I've made a list of the AP's I'm considering running.
Click HERE if you would like to participate in the final round of voting for the AP that will be run.
Please vote only once.
I'm asking for assistance because each time I settle on one, something about one of the others pops up and intrigues me.
Voting will be open until Sunday night or if 24 hours pass with no change in the results. Recruitment will start on Monday.