So Who Is Still Playing Pathfinder 1st Edition

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Grand Lodge

So many players get hit with confusion and think 'attack nearest target' means they just make one attack. I've had to gently ask 'is one attack with your dagger really what your character would do when they normally sling scorching rays?' and rule they needed to do something else.

I definitely would have suggested Slow followed by Blindness on the tank.

Shadow Lodge

Dragon78 wrote:
Still a funny story.

Who said it wasn't? The life oracle rezzing the enemy barbarian was NOT so funny however. At least, not at the table.

Scarab Sages

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

So many players get hit with confusion and think 'attack nearest target' means they just make one attack. I've had to gently ask 'is one attack with your dagger really what your character would do when they normally sling scorching rays?' and rule they needed to do something else.

I definitely would have suggested Slow followed by Blindness on the tank.

oh agreed. Though Slow would have been problematic as the party had scattered a bit by then - though she could have used more than one I guess. And even with the Tank in the other room, the Spawn could have gotten swings on her while she moved thru them to get to the other room. Not sure it would have been that good a choice to use Blindness though, as the Tank would have a good Will save - and even swinging blind he could really hit. I would have suggested Hideous Laughter going after him... lower will save. Or just used Vanish on the Bad Guys - or even Haste.

all this is after the fact though...

I sort of attribute this entire story to the spell Dominate Person requiring the enemy caster to give orders, when they have no idea what my PC is capable of. So... maybe she should have gotten a new save (with a +2 bonus) when give the order to "Attack..." anything, as that is arguably being force to take actions against her nature - but where's the fun in that? "Attack my friends you say? With WHAT?" got the response "Your most damaging melee weapon!" so she went digging in her bag for a weapon...

Grand Lodge

Well, I wouldn't be trying for a TPK, and there's always the chance the tank would nat 1.

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Was due to start running a few 5e players through Burnt Offerings... but we went back into lockdown.

Scarab Sages

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Well, I wouldn't be trying for a TPK, and there's always the chance the tank would nat 1.

Oh, I don't think we were in danger of a TPK - even removing the Tank and Kat (and later the Oracle), that left half the party to beat on the bad guys. Now, if they had gotten a Dominate to work on the Tank? that would have been TPK territory. I think one of the other players got a Protection from Evil on the Tank though... or some sort of protection like that.

Shadow Lodge

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

So many players get hit with confusion and think 'attack nearest target' means they just make one attack. I've had to gently ask 'is one attack with your dagger really what your character would do when they normally sling scorching rays?' and rule they needed to do something else.

I definitely would have suggested Slow followed by Blindness on the tank.

Confusion has always lived up to its name; every GM runs it a little differently.

Scarab Sages

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Time for another funny 3rd edition game story!

Using Detect Thoughts to get information from prisoners -

Katisha: "Who sent you to kill us?"
Mook: "You'll never make me talk!"
Kat: "Where did you first meet this masked man?"
Mook: "huh?"
Kat: "How much did he pay you? "
Mook "Hay! that's not fair!"
Kat: "and where did you put the money?"
Mook "Now wait, that MY money!"
Kat: "Where were you going to meet him after the job?"
Mook "La-la-la-la, I can't hear you!!"

Grand Lodge

gnoams wrote:
Confusion has always lived up to its name; every GM runs it a little differently.

No lie there. Plenty of GMs have argued about whether two confused characters can get locked into attacking each other for the remainder of the effect. I had my druid blast the fighter and barbarian and then turtle up to keep them from killing each other. He had the AC to not be hit by non-critical threats and lasted the remaining rounds.

The1Ryu wrote:
1. Again you are wrong, you don't know how Combat Maneuvers work, the feats give you bonuses, they do not remove penalties. Your target doesn't have infinite AoOs either so if you act strategically hat's not a problem or you can just tank the hit.

Eating an AoO for a combat maneuver imposes its damage as a penalty to your CMB, which for the most common CMs sharply increases the chance to fail by 5 and cause the CM to automatically backfire.

That is a penalty. There are ways around it (crit failing trips with trip weapons allows you to disarm yourself instead) but yeah.

Silver Crusade

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Funny story for the day?

I often use the spell Unnatural Lust

I might cast it on a Mook - sending him after the PC Druids Big Cat companion... SO that he scrambles over and hugs said kitty, and I might then slumber hex him...

This means that later, when he wakes up, he remembers unnaturally lustful thoughts (and actions) toward the Big Cat, just before he blacked out. Only to come to some time later, (and because we searched him while he as asleep) with his clothing in dis-array, with a happy lion sitting next to him purring.

Yah... what happens in Almas, stays in Almas...

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Starfinder Superscriber

I am still running 1st Ed Pathfinder. We are currently doing Giantslayer while in covid!

Liberty's Edge

we are. We're finishing up Runelords

My monthly group has recently started playing PFS scenarios. We have sporadic attendance among our 10 players and GM, and it makes the most sense to play scenarios that can be completed in one session. I'm playing a female Garundi human mindblade magus built like a Jedi.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My group is still happy playing 1e, we have like 5 campaigns going, it's great.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
My group is still happy playing 1e, we have like 5 campaigns going, it's great.

Same here, they have no desire to switch over to another system even though they've tried 2E and 5E. There is so much material for 1E I have years before I use it all. Currently running Strange Aeons, and prepping for another version of War for the Crown.

Grand Lodge

Currently in the alliance building part of book 5(?) of Hells Rebels. Not a lot for my halfling vigilante to do but peanut gallery. Looking to finding out what our epic bout of Blood Pig earns us in our next Crimson Throne game. Scheduling has become troublesome with our GM starting to work Monday nights, right when we were playing.

Still running Pathfinder 1e. We're on book 2 of Strange Aeons on the roll20 because of Covid. So that's like more months or maybe a year of PF1e.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Finally finishing Shattered Star in 1 1/2 weeks, after more or less 2 1/2 years playtime. This one was kind of a slog and I am happy to move on to Hell's Rebels. I probably should read up on some campaign journals to see which plots I can pilfer! After that, whenever it will be, there's the choice of Return of the Runelords, a Starfinder AP, War for the Crown or maybe even Strange Aeons. By the time I'm through with that, we'll be at Pathfinder 3E "Return of 1E". :p

Hey congrats. I’m glad to hear anytime someone finishes an AP. I personally struggle with the concept of APs (‘Ok - we’re going to fight giants/undead/pirates for the next 2.5 years!’) but I’m thrilled to hear about others’ exploits.

Shadow Lodge

More like Pathfinder: No-E

SunKing wrote:
Hey congrats. I’m glad to hear anytime someone finishes an AP. I personally struggle with the concept of APs (‘Ok - we’re going to fight giants/undead/pirates for the next 2.5 years!’) but I’m thrilled to hear about others’ exploits.

Typically APs have pretty darn good variety...unless it's Ironfang Invasion. SIGH.

SunKing wrote:
Hey congrats. I’m glad to hear anytime someone finishes an AP. I personally struggle with the concept of APs (‘Ok - we’re going to fight giants/undead/pirates for the next 2.5 years!’) but I’m thrilled to hear about others’ exploits.

I do too. Some ways that I've shaken things is to add other adventures that take place in the area or are somewhat thematic to the AP to surprise my adventures, I delete and add things. For my Strange Aeons campaign I've rewritten the premise to fit the player's persona's, I've added Carrion Hill, Doomsday Dawn and Phantom Phenomena and gotten rid of two of the books that I dont think fit in with my version of the story.

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magnuskn wrote:
Finally finishing Shattered Star in 1 1/2 weeks, after more or less 2 1/2 years playtime. This one was kind of a slog and I am happy to move on to Hell's Rebels.

I always wondered why people were so eager to GM Shattered Star lately. According to ratings and my own first impressions it's only mediocre - by AP standards. It seemed to me like people went for completeness, trying to GM Rise of the Runelords, Shattered Star and Return of the Runelords in sequence.

Scavion wrote:

Typically APs have pretty darn good variety...unless it's Ironfang Invasion. SIGH.

What did you dislike about it. For myself it was Wrath of the Righteous because the Mythic rules did not work well imo.

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I've recently introduced my 7-year-old son to Pathfinder using the Beginner Box. He plays a Human fighter, and we use the other 3 iconic characters to round out the party. I've run Black Fang's Dungeon and The Deadly Mine from the BB books, and a trilogy of adventures from Legendary Games (Into the Feyweald, A Feast of Flavor, and Crisis at Falling Spring Station). I've also written a short homebrew dungeon crawl titled "Minecraft", which was (obviously) themed after the video game.

I'm currently running a hybrid homebrew / published adventure titled "Shadows in Sandpoint". I'm using several of the suggested adventure hooks from the GM's Guide (including Ruins of Raven's Watch) and stringing them together into a larger story arc. The mastermind behind the plot is a villain from a couple of the LG adventures (Yaldira the Forlarren), who is coordinating an assault on Sandpoint to exact revenge against the PCs for foiling her previous plans. At the end of this hybrid adventure the PCs should be 6th level, at which point I'm going to "graduate" my son up to the full rule set. I have a lot of published adventures we can use, along with 4-5 APs. I'll have to preview them all for age-appropriateness, but I'm excited. The party also has one pirate treasure map to follow up on, as well as another "treasure map" in the form of a local businesswoman's last will and testament.

I have a few PFS 1E characters that I like, though I haven't had a chance to play them in almost a year due to low local PFS activity and then COVID.

Halfling ranger (archer) 9
Half-Ord paladin of Sarenrae 12
Vishkanya ninja 3

I've played 2E one time (PFS) and I enjoyed it. I liked the action economy (from what I can remember - it was pre-COVID, and any memories before that are sometimes a bit fuzzy). This was also my son's first time playing PFS (either edition), so a large part of my enjoyment came from that. While I don't have anything against 2E at this point, the only condition on which I'm most likely to play it again (and more importantly, spend money on it) is if I and/or my son plan to play PFS 2E again. Like many others have said in this thread, I'm too financially and emotionally invested in 1E to want to buy and learn a new system. I also don't have a lot of available time to devote to gaming at this point, and I'd prefer to use the time I do have to play 1E.

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Particular Jones wrote:
Scavion wrote:

Typically APs have pretty darn good variety...unless it's Ironfang Invasion. SIGH.
What did you dislike about it. For myself it was Wrath of the Righteous because the Mythic rules did not work well imo.

Enemy variety is awful. Hobgoblins don't do arcane casters and even the divine ones are few and far between. So most encounters feel kinda same-y

Scavion wrote:
Particular Jones wrote:
Scavion wrote:

Typically APs have pretty darn good variety...unless it's Ironfang Invasion. SIGH.
What did you dislike about it. For myself it was Wrath of the Righteous because the Mythic rules did not work well imo.
Enemy variety is awful. Hobgoblins don't do arcane casters and even the divine ones are few and far between. So most encounters feel kinda same-y

Its the rifts issue, some AP's work better with a little less optimization in your party than others.

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I am two sessions into a home-brew campaign (3rd session tomorrow) set in a non-Golarian world and am having a blast. We aren't playing Core only, but have limited books (APG, ARG, UE) which I was dubious about at first, but is shaping up great! Instead of making the ultimate killing machine, I can focus on other feats and skills.

In fact, I am playing a Paladin for the first time AND not just a Paladin, but a Half-Orc Redeemer/Warrior of the Holy Light. Yes, I know, I give up Detect Evil and spells, which is mechanically bad, but makes for role playing gold!

I won't bore everyone with his backstory, but he's an organic Paladin of Tyr but doesn't know an awful lot about Tyr. He is also functionally illiterate, so he constantly shows up at Temples of Tyr and bugs the Hel out of the priests with his questions.

The flavor of the home-brew campaign works better with 1E, IMO.

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Just finished running Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale in my campaign connecting 3.5 era Pathfinder adventures. It was a great module—a fun sandbox, and a player favourite so far.

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I ran my first online PFS 1E game today. It went OK, but it's going to take a while to get accustomed to the extra prep required for using Roll20. (Getting everything that I need set up in Roll20 is definitely NOT as much fun as building LEGO minis for in-person games!)

Ryan Freire wrote:
Scavion wrote:
Particular Jones wrote:
Scavion wrote:

Typically APs have pretty darn good variety...unless it's Ironfang Invasion. SIGH.
What did you dislike about it. For myself it was Wrath of the Righteous because the Mythic rules did not work well imo.
Enemy variety is awful. Hobgoblins don't do arcane casters and even the divine ones are few and far between. So most encounters feel kinda same-y
Its the rifts issue, some AP's work better with a little less optimization in your party than others.

Ehhhh, my players and I found it kinda boring that all hobgoblins do is make attack rolls. There weren't many if any maneuvers or special tactics beyond "Shoot em if they're far away" and "Hit em if they're close". There's only so many times before it gets dry. To the point where it's "Oh hey it's hobgoblins, I wonder if they're gonna do anything different" and then they don't.

The odd alchemist or two is nice, but the variety just wasn't there.

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Currently playing book four of Return of the Runelords and really enjoying it. I'm midway through book three of Iron Gods. I just started GMing a Rise of the Drow campaign based in Golarion.

Scavion wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:
Scavion wrote:
Particular Jones wrote:
Scavion wrote:

Typically APs have pretty darn good variety...unless it's Ironfang Invasion. SIGH.
What did you dislike about it. For myself it was Wrath of the Righteous because the Mythic rules did not work well imo.
Enemy variety is awful. Hobgoblins don't do arcane casters and even the divine ones are few and far between. So most encounters feel kinda same-y
Its the rifts issue, some AP's work better with a little less optimization in your party than others.

Ehhhh, my players and I found it kinda boring that all hobgoblins do is make attack rolls. There weren't many if any maneuvers or special tactics beyond "Shoot em if they're far away" and "Hit em if they're close". There's only so many times before it gets dry. To the point where it's "Oh hey it's hobgoblins, I wonder if they're gonna do anything different" and then they don't.

The odd alchemist or two is nice, but the variety just wasn't there.

I have to respectfully disagree with all of that. Ironfang Invasion is great and there are plenty of encounters that don't involve hobgoblins. The variety of hobgoblins is fine as there are individuals, troops, bombers, so on and so forth. If you start to mix in some of the NPCs, such as the hobgoblin gunslinger in the back of book two, every part of Pathfinder is First Edition is touched upon.

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Right now I'm playing a lot of campaign with only 1 character and never reset the lv (if to live a big adventure until it's dead). I Finnish rise of the runelords, crimson throne, shattering star, return of the runelords and now I'm back in time of thelassia trying to return to my time. We are playing all AP in slow XP and since we are playing a Homebrew game we are epic (I am the second most high lv 38)

We don't use XP anymore, we just level when the AP says we should be at that level.

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Yeah, I play 1e. Typically as a divine caster with a focus on keeping the party alive.

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I’m three sessions in running a PF1e game where I’m kitbashing together elements of Shackled City, Council of Thieves and Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Dark Archive

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Session 0 yesterday for a Return of the Runelords, I'm really excited with the backgrounds the players are coming up with I think there will be a lot of very fun reveal moments.

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Introduced my son to Pathfinder a couple of years ago and 1st edition is still what we play weekly. Homebrew campaign of my own.
I've got the 2e core books along with dozens of other systems I've collected over the decades, but PF1 is a big hit with him and the rest of the group. No need to fix what ain't broke just yet.

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Running Legacy of Fire Chapter II: House of the Beast this month.

We had a long break between first chapter and the second one, which we spent on playing D&D 5 and some OSR games, but we all decided to go back to Pathfinder as it fits our group the best. It's not just about character progression or available options, but the fact it continues the legacy of classic fantasy that D&D was known for up until D&D 3.5. Everything past that feels more like World of Warcraft to us, even D&D 5.0 with its streamlined options and demolished class fantasy for the sake of questionable optimization.

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We will be starting volume 4 of Strange Aeons next gaming session.

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I'm running The Witchwar Legacy, and it's been good fun. The party does have a 18th level cleric with Mass Heal which has saved them at least once.

Gorbacz wrote:
Actual example - PF2 core Rogues and Monks are well-designed and playable classes, not trashcan material they were in PF1 Core Rulebook.

Actually... I've had to complain to PFS staff on the broken-ness of high level PF1E monks lately... they're untouchable, either by spells or attacks. Granted they all have fancy archetypes, but they're still built on the Core monk frame. Core rogues though. Yeah, I agree with you. Got nothing here. :P

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Re-started a PF1 homebrew that steals liberally from APs, Dungeon mags from back in the day, and stuff that’s been rattling around in my head for over 3 decades. We’re doing it by Zoom with minis and battlemats, and a system of RP campaign goals I hope will make the pursuit of ephemeral PC goals as critical to the game as killing monsters / getting loot (which remains awesome). I’ve got PF2, 5e, and many other systems, but I just keep coming back to the well...

Grand Lodge

GM PDK wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Actual example - PF2 core Rogues and Monks are well-designed and playable classes, not trashcan material they were in PF1 Core Rulebook.
Actually... I've had to complain to PFS staff on the broken-ness of high level PF1E monks lately... they're untouchable, either by spells or attacks.

Great targets for a maze spell though.

You may have found the one flaw in their design TOZ... lol

I also slowed a few monks down lately with Scintillating Pattern for the same reason... (i.e. no save)

Grand Lodge

Waves of exhaustion too, although that’s better against Barbarians if you win init.

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