5 - The City Outside of Time

Return of the Runelords

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This is a spoiler-filled resource thread for GMs running the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path, specifically for the fifth adventure, "The City Outside of Time."

Reading through this now...

Area B1... there are 12 jars, 1200gp each, yet they yield 16,800gp. My guess is the total yield should drop to 14400... or the value of each jar cranks up to 1400... because math.

Or as a set they fetch more? Simple enough reason.

Sovereign Court

Was there really any point to having Phirandi make an appearance in this adventure? At first I thought it was going to be a plot hook and that he was going to play some part in the campaign but it was just his body. Kind of thought the whole point of him being in prison was to keep him alive and on display so he could see everything that was happening after he was removed from power. I’m kind of disappointed since I expected a place to free him over the course of the adventure to be either an ally or potential and counter, and admittedly I was kind a looking forward to seeing another Runelord statted up.

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I've been very curious about Runelord Belimarius and I love what they've done with her narratively, in her statblock, and the art (hot damn that's a badass granny!). I also like that she isn't immediately hostile to the PC's and could become a powerful (if temporary) ally.

What I'd really like to see is what she does in the next book and after the campaign (assuming she survives). I doubt she'll be nearly as benevolent as Sorshen is becoming, so escaping Crystilan to the modern world will be a big moment for Balimarius. Will she change or double down on her envy and spite?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have a question for the powers that be. Can the people within Xin-Edasseril see the world outside of the crystal dome and can people in Varisia see into it? So they are able to observe one another, but not be able to interact.

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I'm not one of the authors, but I believe the description of Crystalian said the dome was opaque and nobody knew what was inside.

As for the people inside, I imagine since they're frozen in time it's irrelevant, but I'm willing to bet the dome was opaque in both directions.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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theLegend76 wrote:
I have a question for the powers that be. Can the people within Xin-Edasseril see the world outside of the crystal dome and can people in Varisia see into it? So they are able to observe one another, but not be able to interact.

They can't. Looking from Varisia in only lets you see vague details of the trapped city, but no inhabitants, like a ship in a bottle you can't ever reach. And looking out of Xin-Edasseril, you only see the perpetual end of the world and strange stars in the sky frozen in time. There's quite a bit more details on this on page 38 of the adventure.

(Don't forget to check the inside covers for additional info on Runelord-related info for these adventures; this volume has an entry for Crystilan in the back, for example.)

In any event, the fact that the city exists outside of time means that neither side can interact with each other, unless someone goes through the dangerous first half of the adventure (the inability to interact across the boundary is what makes the first half of the adventure exist in the first place, after all!).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks James! I had missed that part.

Dark Archive

I hope that I'm not the only one thinking that at some point in the Realm of Frozen tears, a lot of GMs will bust out this song. I'd like to know if the naming of the White Death was an intentional nod to one of Finland's most legendary soldiers.

Regardless, I might just swap Inkariax's favored weapon to the rifle, maybe change a few of his followers to the undead snipers from Rasputin Must Die.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CoeusFreeze wrote:

I hope that I'm not the only one thinking that at some point in the Realm of Frozen tears, a lot of GMs will bust out this song. I'd like to know if the naming of the White Death was an intentional nod to one of Finland's most legendary soldiers.

Regardless, I might just swap Inkariax's favored weapon to the rifle, maybe change a few of his followers to the undead snipers from Rasputin Must Die.

Not intentional, as far as I know.

I checked Zeralisce's stats and... yeesh. I've never seen a humanoid with a 6 in Wisdom. I wonder what that's like?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

White Death is also alternate term for tuberculosis and blizzards :p We didn't really make up the term, it existed way before that sniper guy that gets turned into girl in too many Japanese animes. Heck if you check wikipedia, one of Byzantine Emperors also got nicknamed that

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Patrickthekid wrote:
I checked Zeralisce's stats and... yeesh. I've never seen a humanoid with a 6 in Wisdom. I wonder what that's like?

It probably wouldn't be too noticeable, actually. People tend to forget that PC's (even at low point buy) have exceptional ability scores, and that a score of 10 is perfectly average.

The rule of thumb is that ability score distribution among the general population follows the curve defined by 3d6. Given this spread, about 9.25% of people would have a wisdom score of 6 or lower. So this would be uncommonly low, but common enough that if you're relaxing in a bustling tavern there are probably multiple people in that room with a wisdom score that low or lower.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There's a half-orc NPC in the city, but unless I'm mistaken with the timeline, orcs are unknown in the tine of Thassilon. They're driven to the surface by the dwarves' Quest for Sky in the following Age of Darkness, right?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Qualidar wrote:

There's a half-orc NPC in the city, but unless I'm mistaken with the timeline, orcs are unknown in the tine of Thassilon. They're driven to the surface by the dwarves' Quest for Sky in the following Age of Darkness, right?

Orcs still exist, and thus half-orcs can exist, even before the Quest For Sky. Dwarves are the ones that, before this event, are more obscure. Orcs lived in the uppermost reaches, between dwarves and the surface, and as such would often drift up above ground to raid or explore or whatever.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Huh, so before Quest for Sky, orcs just didn't exist in large hordes in surface?

James Jacobs wrote:
Qualidar wrote:

There's a half-orc NPC in the city, but unless I'm mistaken with the timeline, orcs are unknown in the tine of Thassilon. They're driven to the surface by the dwarves' Quest for Sky in the following Age of Darkness, right?

Orcs still exist, and thus half-orcs can exist, even before the Quest For Sky. Dwarves are the ones that, before this event, are more obscure. Orcs lived in the uppermost reaches, between dwarves and the surface, and as such would often drift up above ground to raid or explore or whatever.

Or they could be encountered by those exploring down.

I could certainly see a Thassilonian expedition having gone down and brought back up a number of 'specimens' of whatever races they encountered. Combine that with humans being about as randy as dolphins, (and/or some not exactly ethical breeding experiments), and you get a handful of half-orcs floating around.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CorvusMask wrote:
Huh, so before Quest for Sky, orcs just didn't exist in large hordes in surface?


Dark Archive

I'm not seeing how the PCs will approach the Realm of Frozen Tears. Do I assume they will come from the "south" toward B1-B4? Or can they circle around the place, to scout the location, like they would if they were in the Material plane?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ckdragons wrote:
I'm not seeing how the PCs will approach the Realm of Frozen Tears. Do I assume they will come from the "south" toward B1-B4? Or can they circle around the place, to scout the location, like they would if they were in the Material plane?

If the PCs don't indicate that they're approaching from any specific direction, you get to choose. Once they arrive of course they can circle and skirt as they wish.

Dark Archive

I'm confused by the map description of Edasseril.

D6. Ministry of Tithes The ministry was once the domain of a young
and unhappy Belimarius, but now this center of bureaucracy and taxation is deep in the heart of Cultist territory.

D6 on the map is located in Covetous Chorus, which is in Runelord Territory. Should it be moved or swapped with another location?

Actually, I'd just assume the description is a mistake and say it's in Runelord Territory instead of cultist territory. The Covetous Chorus is described as:


Covetous Chorus (Runelord Territory): This opulent, gated district abutting the runelord’s palace is the home of sycophantic bureaucrats whose loyalty to Belimarius has earned them her protection against the other factions roaming the city. The district isn’t immune to the dangers of the Temporal Wastes (see below), but outside of the palace, it’s the safest place in the capital.

Sounds exactly like the place where the Ministry of Tithes would be. I also don't believe there are any encounters that are scripted to occur in the Ministry, so its description shouldn't necessarily matter.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ckdragons wrote:

I'm confused by the map description of Edasseril.

D6. Ministry of Tithes The ministry was once the domain of a young
and unhappy Belimarius, but now this center of bureaucracy and taxation is deep in the heart of Cultist territory.

D6 on the map is located in Covetous Chorus, which is in Runelord Territory. Should it be moved or swapped with another location?

It's in the correct place.

Liberty's Edge

I'm the GM and the party has just started City Outside of Time and the Knowledge Checks required for the Ritual are just completely out of their league now. Not even with a 20 on their skill check are able to reach the required DC for the ritual to the Shadow plane. This is a large group, 6 people... but most of them are focused on STR, DEX, WIS or CHA (barbarian, gunslinger, rogue, oracle, sorcerer, druid). All I can think of is to lower the DC or let them hire a high level NPC. Maybe some of the pre-gens? Any suggestions?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

soulnova wrote:
I'm the GM and the party has just started City Outside of Time and the Knowledge Checks required for the Ritual are just completely out of their league now. Not even with a 20 on their skill check are able to reach the required DC for the ritual to the Shadow plane. This is a large group, 6 people... but most of them are focused on STR, DEX, WIS or CHA (barbarian, gunslinger, rogue, oracle, sorcerer, druid). All I can think of is to lower the DC or let them hire a high level NPC. Maybe some of the pre-gens? Any suggestions?

As the GM, when you see something like this that doesn't work with a party's unusual setup, you should step in and adjust the story to fit. We assume that any group in an Adventure Path will represent a diverse, relatively balanced array of skills and abilities, and take pains to ensure that there are chances for all types of characters to excel and get time in the spotlight for each adventure. That's why we include a mix of combat, social encounters, skill challenges, and the like in each part.

In a case like this, your best bet is to simply change the checks required for the Ritual to ones that aren't out of the PCs' league and to adjust the flavor text to match.

In the case of the Key to Crystilan ritual (I assume that's the problem ritual in question), changing the skill check to Knowledge (nature) and/or Knowledge (religion) instead of arcana and planes is an easy fix, and in my opinion wouldn't even require much in the way of flavor adjustment at all. And if no one in the group has any Spellcraft whatsoever, consider changing that to something like Disable Device and reflavoring it to be akin to a rogue dismantling a magic trap rather than a spellcaster understanding the theories of the underlying magic.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you! I'll keep that in mind. They should be able to use Planes and Religion.

Liberty's Edge

During previous book discussions the vibe that James tended to provide was that we should be attempting to allow a reasonable amount of downtime when possible for the party. Particularly in between books. My party just started book 4 and I was planning on allowing my party to begin crafting some of the golems from any of the 3 manuals you find from books 2-4. But this book seems adamant against the party receiving any downtime between book 4 and 5. Is this a hard no for a particular reason or can I play a little loose and give them the downtime they need without breaking book 5 in the process?

I'm currently trying to plan out the timeworn tunnel section of this book. Does anyone know of the actual map (when assembled)? I cut out the pieces of the map, but for the life of me, I can't fit them together to "complete" the puzzle. All the pieces are just shaped weirdly and don't fit, nor do the lines match up.

Thanks in advance!

Looking to use the random encounter table for some of the travel across the Shadow Plane from the Frigid Menagerie to The Realm of Frozen Tears itself but I can't find how long this journey might take.

Is the Realm of Frozen Tears map supposed to be a 5 minute walk from once they leave the Frigid Menagerie cave? Or is it days/weeks away?

The Fluttered Wing Artifact has no listed DC for Suggestion, does this really mean that its DC 13..? It's recommended to the players that retrieving this and using it on Solethex to grant them entry to Arcanium Abjurant's Library is a viable option.

Though if its DC13 then the item is completely useless, since a target always knows when it resists a spell being cast upon them and Solethex would need to roll a natural 1 for it to work.

Anyone have any idea of what I should set the DC at or what they intended the DC to be?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Kiniticyst wrote:

The Fluttered Wing Artifact has no listed DC for Suggestion, does this really mean that its DC 13..? It's recommended to the players that retrieving this and using it on Solethex to grant them entry to Arcanium Abjurant's Library is a viable option.

Though if its DC13 then the item is completely useless, since a target always knows when it resists a spell being cast upon them and Solethex would need to roll a natural 1 for it to work.

Anyone have any idea of what I should set the DC at or what they intended the DC to be?

Normally, this'd be a DC 14 Will save for a 3rd level spell, but that is indeed too low. This suggestion effect should be noted as having been heightened to 9th level to match the artifact's caster level, so that'd make it a DC 23 Will save.

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Anyone want to share how their party interacted with Solethex Sarn? He does seem to be an interesting opponent to fight with a lot of complex revelations (albeit terribly low saving throw DCs for his spells).

One thing it mentions in his combat tactics which I can't figure out is:

"Once these options are exhausted, he wades into melee combat, focusing on dispelling his opponents’ buffs and whittling away their defenses before dealing massive damage with his kukri."

What effect/buff/class-feature or spell is allowing him deal massive damage with his kukri, let alone hit anything?

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Can someone please help me figure out the Timeworn Tunnel? I can't get the pieces to fit together in a way that makes sense. My plan was to give my players the pieces and let them solve it, but if that isn't possible I will need to figure something else out.

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balerion160 wrote:
Can someone please help me figure out the Timeworn Tunnel? I can't get the pieces to fit together in a way that makes sense. My plan was to give my players the pieces and let them solve it, but if that isn't possible I will need to figure something else out.

The pieces don't actually match up unfortunately. I found the more interesting part is figuring out how to solve it. Actually going through the process of turning a lump of something so it fits against another is.. well it would be interesting to toddlers but I don't think most players would find satisfaction from fitting bits together.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My party has a nemesis among Alaznist’s followers and I’m planning way in advance. Anyone want to warn me how it would be game breaking or rough on the plot for the nemesis to waylay the party in the plane of shadow? Plane shift is a spell, so hitting them there seems the most reasonable compared with the city Or Pharasma’s boneyard.

Dirtfox wrote:
My party has a nemesis among Alaznist’s followers and I’m planning way in advance. Anyone want to warn me how it would be game breaking or rough on the plot for the nemesis to waylay the party in the plane of shadow? Plane shift is a spell, so hitting them there seems the most reasonable compared with the city Or Pharasma’s boneyard.

I believe a lot of the story hinges on the fact that Alaznist is unaware of the party so I'd be wary of mixing this up, things are complicated enough with timelines already!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Good warning. I have reasons I can keep it personal with just the follower as an individual so I'll make sure to emphasize that instead of the Alaznist connection.

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As I prep the Realm of the Frozen Tears, I see that once the party enters the White Death Diadem, there is a statue with Black Diamond Eyes. If the party takes them, it will summon Inkariax in 1d6 rounds.

Now I am 100% certain my party will take the diamonds - they simply can not pass up on any treasure - they literally loot anything that is not bolted down, and even them they will unbolt it and take it (weight and size restriction applying).

So what happens with Inkariax shows up. Obviously this is a TPK encounter, but also a learning experience for the party.

Any suggestions on how to run this?

My thought was he appears in the form of a libitinarii kyton and demand that the PCs return the diamonds to their rightful place or that Inkariax himself will strike them down. If the party doesn't comply, the first one to back talk, or to take an aggressive tone gets hit with the unnerving gaze, as he tells them to stop their aggression.

If they persist, on the next round he transforms into his normal form, and full attacks the one with the diamonds - in all likelyhood this will kill any one person in the party (except the bloodrager as he has 270HP).

after that round I would again tell them to stop hostilities, and now not only shall they leave the diamonds, but that he would demand a tribute to not kill them all. my though is a tribute of 50,000gp of items and gold. at this point they had 3 chances, if they don't take the hint, he would attempt to wipe the party. - of course that is not what I want to happen, and I would make it clear to the party at this point they are in the presence of a demigogue and know they are way over matched.

any thoughts or other suggestions how to handle this

My party encountered Inkariax for reasons related to a couple of their backstories. I used his freezing blast ability to hold everyone in place and get the party pretty freaked out about his power. I had some contingencies in mind in case none or all of them saved on the DC 29 Will check, but luckily only one saved and remained unfrozen. The one guy that was alive then negotiated a pact with Inkariax in order for them to be let free. They all had to take the "Shadowbound" corruption in exchange for their lives and permission to continue their journey to Crystilan. In return, Inkariax gets to learn about Crystilan (his reason for building the tower where he did), and he gets a hold on some powerful PCs for him to do his bidding. It turns out it has been a fun wrench in the plans of the mostly good-aligned party, because they now have to consider not upsetting Inkariax going forward (for example in dealing with the Doloras cultists in the city).

Anyway the circumstances aren't exactly the same, but there was my idea for an encounter with a Demigogue.

The Frozen Tears area seems.. depopulated. As I ran through it, I described additional structures surrounding the central portion (as depicted as Area B), populated by numerous standard kytons (which occasionally interfere as mooks).

This made the whole place a little more alive - gave more reason for interflow between areas (ending with the High Mistress negotiating with the PCs for 24 hours of grace).

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Is there a specific year it's supposed to be inside Xin-Edasseril when the party arrives? Their Groundhog Day-esque life has ended and time is flowing normally for them at last, but they're still resuming from the year they were when that went into effect, right?

My best guess is "109 years into Belimarius's rule" which would be around -5293.

I'm thinking of skipping the Frozen Tears falling section. To me, it seems out of place with the rest of the story and slows down the plot, especially since the PCs are going up to level 20. Has anyone done this or have any insight why I shouldn't go forward with this plan?

AFB and it's been a bit since I read this book, but IIRC you have to go to the Frozen Tears to get into Xin-Edasseril. As long as you have thought of a way to get the players in there you can easily ignore it. Maybe Xanderghul tied the ritual to some other place. Maybe the PCs can think up some clever way of bypassing or altering the ritual.
If you are running normal xp they might fall a little behind, but if you run milestone levelling that isn't an issue.

I rewrote the AP rather heavily and had XE trapped in what was basically a giant Spell of Forlorn Encystment Imprisonment, so all the PCs had to do was cast Freedom on the site of the city. I left out Frozen Tears altogether because the game was dragging as it was, and I don't really like the tendency of many APs to add optional bonus bosses that are harder and possibly more of a threat to the status quo than the BBEG of the book or entire AP.

Dark Archive

A weird location to explain why no one has gotten there before makes sense. I trimmed back on the location a bit when I ran, but the rescued children also help set the stage once they arrive inside the city so you need to be mindful of how you trim and put the story back together. It's not terribly hard in a way that is satisfying it just takes some attention to detail.

Zifnab the Overly Verbose wrote:

Is there a specific year it's supposed to be inside Xin-Edasseril when the party arrives? Their Groundhog Day-esque life has ended and time is flowing normally for them at last, but they're still resuming from the year they were when that went into effect, right?

My best guess is "109 years into Belimarius's rule" which would be around -5293.

The year is the year of Earthfall, which is -5293 AR.

I changed things up a bit for this - I *kept* the whole area repeating the week leading up to Earthfall, but changed only that they could *remember* it happening. So by the time my group got there, they had had 6 months of in-fighting, with resources and people popping back to the same *known* locations at the start of the week (if they survive). So the start of the cycle is a huge rush to claim places, people, resources. Worked, though could be better ways. Maybe people shouldn't reset, not sure.

I took the temporal flux hazards and applied that to the resources as well - food that had been eaten *usually* reappeared, but as it was eaten again and again, became less frequently in existence. Corpses appear where the person was when alive at the start of the cycle. Buildings might be intact one moment and have holes the next, more so if they'd been destroyed many times. Overall deterioration.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Ran the fight against Belimarius last night, and something came up which is an error with her tactics. Since the entire palace has a dimensional lock effect, technically her maze spell shouldn't function, and therefore, shouldn't be one of her go to spells offensively. You could replace it with some other option, but since she's looking to keep some PCs alive, there's limited options. I instead just declared that since it's a permanent dimensional lock effect she made, rather than the spell itself just cast, she included a provision which allows her own maze spells to circumvent it, which keeps the expected tactics working.

Also, I found there's some neat synergies built into that encounter which aren't called out:

1) the emerald guards have improved bull rush, and once Belimarius places some prismatic walls during her time stop, having the guards bull rush PCs through the walls is super effective. My players were not happy when this happened once.
2) if you have the gold golems able to come to her call when a fight breaks out (which I did) their immunity to magic allows them to simply walk through the prismatic walls without harm. In fact, the first layer doing fire damage means they get a haste out of the bargain, even if their DR is reduced. At this level though, most PCs will be able to bypass DR/adamantine anyway so it's not really a loss there.

Patrickthekid wrote:
I checked Zeralisce's stats and... yeesh. I've never seen a humanoid with a 6 in Wisdom. I wonder what that's like?

The Elder Mythos cleric I played in this path had a Wisdom of 6 (dreamthief changeling with a -2 penalty and then I took 2 more off). Basically she was unpredictable, had trouble with long-term consequence thinking, missed a lot of the obvious things going on around her, couldn't tell the difference between what she'd made up and what she was actually experiencing... she had a non-typical value system, so she was really bad about tracking her share of loot. She had the Time Lost trait and was a servant of Tawil at Umr (Umr at Tawil, dammit! Otherwise it would be Tawil al Umr). She was never quite sure whether she was seeing things, remembering them, experiencing them in the present, or having a vision of the future.

Think of a slightly above average intelligence person who had a very compelling personality, who found tomes of forbidden knowledge and thought "Hey, I should know more about this!"

quibblemuch wrote:
Tawil at Umr (Umr at Tawil, dammit! Otherwise it would be Tawil al Umr).

Ah, the 'joy' of seeing people trying to do stuff in languages they don't know. I grind my teeth every time I see things like 'draugr' or "Jormundgandr" that isn't in ON.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
Tawil at Umr (Umr at Tawil, dammit! Otherwise it would be Tawil al Umr).
Ah, the 'joy' of seeing people trying to do stuff in languages they don't know. I grind my teeth every time I see things like 'draugr' or "Jormundgandr" that isn't in ON.

I know it's pedantic, but Lovecraft got it right and I don't know why it was changed for the game. A minor quibble, but that's my stock-in-trade.

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