balerion160's page

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Can someone please help me figure out the Timeworn Tunnel? I can't get the pieces to fit together in a way that makes sense. My plan was to give my players the pieces and let them solve it, but if that isn't possible I will need to figure something else out.

Is there a version of the interactive map pdfs that allows you to remove the secret door markers? It seems like it defeats the purpose of being able to remove map markers if there are still big white S's on the map that tell everyone exactly where secret door are. If my memory is correct, Rise of the Runelords let you remove the secret door markers.

Is there not a door into Alden Tilerask's room in Peacock Manor? I don't see one. Does he just climb in through the window every day?

I am confused by the presence of the poltergeist in the first book. It says it was drawn to the house after Roderick's death, but the rules for poltergeists say they can't travel more than 120 feet from where they were created.

Is this just an instance of theme trumping rules (which I am fine with) or did there just happen to be a poltergeist within 120 feet of the house?