spoilers: Was there really any point to having Phirandi make an appearance in this adventure? At first I thought it was going to be a plot hook and that he was going to play some part in the campaign but it was just his body. Kind of thought the whole point of him being in prison was to keep him alive and on display so he could see everything that was happening after he was removed from power. I’m kind of disappointed since I expected a place to free him over the course of the adventure to be either an ally or potential and counter, and admittedly I was kind a looking forward to seeing another Runelord statted up. ![]()
Going 2 rooms away from the the party to piss when you're supposed to be pulling watch and getting torn apart by a pack of wolves for trying to be greedy. Rolling a 1 and decapitating yourself because your bowstring snapped at a critical moment...causing the fight to stop in awe of the colossal cluster f@~# that was your mistake. Most of the party and half the city being buried alive by a Solar's earthquake spell because an inept white mage thinks calling it from a pearl of power equates to a game of pokemon. ![]()
Deadmanwalking wrote: Norgorber, Cayden Cailean, Irori and Nethys were all mortals on Golarion before becoming Gods. They're likely still around, just less worshiped than the core 20 due to the race mixture being quite different, and those Gods apparently not appealing to those other races as much as the ones that still are in the top 20. And once again Cayden Cailean gets the shaft. He's hardly utilized in Pathfinder as it is which is disappointing in itself, really can't see what he'd be doing during Starfinder. Maybe if they actually played up more on his aspect of freedom instead of always regarding him as a divine drunk. Still think it would have made sense for him to be the god luck given how he attained his ascension. ![]()
James, Presently started playing Wrath of the Righteous a few weeks back and I'm thinking about cross classing my dwarven Paladin of Torag into Spiritualist, given the number of necromatic spells in the spiritualist spell-list could multi-classing (or at least casting) be considered as a violation of the Paladin's code? ![]()
So I'm playing a venerable dwarven paladin for our Wrath of the Righteous campaign and I'm looking into a taking a few levels in another class. My main goal right now is to find a class that will compliment a standard paladin and mesh well with the classes abilities. So far I've been looking into the following classes: diviner, spiritualist, medium, and/or occultist ![]()
So I'm playing a venerable dwarven paladin for our Wrath of the Righteous campaign and I'm looking into a taking a few levels in another class. My main goal right now is to find a class that will compliment a standard paladin and mesh well with the classes abilities. So far I've been looking into the following classes: diviner, spiritualist, medium, and/or occultist ![]()
26) A scion of a renown noble Minkai family discovers he can channel the spirits of his ancestors through himself, acting as a conduit for their skills and abilities. With these newfound abilities at his disposal he sets out to new lands in search of greatness, destined to eventually return and protect his home. Or conquer it. ![]()
James, CotCT question. Spoiler: In our current campaign no one chose to take up the mantle of Blackjack, however there has been talk of having one of the NPC's take up the mantle. So far out of everyone we've narrowed our candidates down to the recently resurrected Ishani Dhatri & Trinia Sabor.
My question is as follows, which would be more likely to take up the mantle of Blackjack? ![]()
My mountain ghost dwarf Morgan Slickbeard, my second character for Age of Worms. Started out as a rogue but had him gain levels in cleric and wormhunter as the adventure progressed, did a poor job managing his levels and equipment so mechanically he was a bit of a wreck. Moreover he was pretty useless in combat until I got him a heavy crossbow with alchemical bolts. About the only thing he had going for him were a few magic utility items that ended up being more useful than anticipated. Could have been a much better character if I had put a little more thought into him. ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
My curiosity is peaked, outlining for Hell's Rebels or another AP if you don't mind me asking? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
For the most part they see it as they were drugged and press ganged against their will in an area where that sort of behavior (and worse) is apparently acceptable, so by that logic any country invading to try and end piracy in the Shackles and bring some sense of order and stability can’t be all that bad. Doesn’t help we started watching Black Sails on Showtime not too long ago so you might have an general idea how they’re handling going about the situation. So if Cheliax were to succeed what is their overall plan for the Shackles exactly? I don’t think it was really ever established just what they intended for the territory in question outside of it being a stepping stone to reclaiming Sargava and ending piracy in the area. What would be the likely outcome? For that matter what could be in store for Druvalia outside of increasing her rank and standing within House Thrune? Given the pact she and her uncle made how likely is it that Geryon would gain any religious influence within the newly conquered Shackles?
James quick question, I'm presently running Skull and Shackles with my online group and a few of the players have expressed an interest in defecting to Cheliax once they've avenged themselves on Barnabas Harrigan. The group is pretty new to the game but they have some knowledge about the setting in general so they are familiar with the history between Cheliax and the Shackles but aren't aware of Harrigan's role in the campaign other than he's responsible for their present situation and is probably the final boss in the campaign. Their plan is to kill him off and then discreetly inform the Chelish navy what they know about the strengths and weakness of the Shackles, which given when they'll finally face Harrigan could be quite a bit. How drastically would it affect the campaign if the PC's decide to throw in their lot with Druvalia Thrune and what is the most likely outcome they could expect from Cheliax provided the invasion is successful. ![]()
This looks like fun. This human dragon blooded bloodrager grew up alongside a cocky young draconic sorcerer and fanglord knife master as orphans until their disappearance after unknowingly crossing the wrong crime lord. With little more than his sword and abilities beyond his understanding he sets out to find out what befell his friends. ![]()
James, 1) Are any of the Paizo staff NPC's like Kirin, Ostog, and Shensen expected to make an appearance in the Pathfinder comic series? 2) What sort of novel do you imagine you would use Shensen in if you had that option available to you? 3) Speaking of which, how goes Kirin's quest to pass the test of the starstone so he can destroy it? ![]()
honestly I don't think anyone would appreciate the cameo given that I'm the only one in either of my tabletop groups that bothers to read any of the Pathfinder Tales. that being said I can safely say that Radovan would be a knife master with a few levels in brawler from his time traveling with Burning Cloud Devil, possibly a couple of levels in ninja as well to account for some of his ki abilities. Radovan Virholt
Jeggare is kinda tricky because his ailment isn't really conventional outside of the Oracle class, that being said he would be more along the following... Varian Jeggare class timeline
Ravenovf wrote: Its Cayden Cailean for me because his faith always strikes me as being eager to kick Asmodeus and his faith where the sun don't shine. Of course I do have a soft spot for rough around the edges heroic warrior types. Plus he's rather underused in comparison to the rest of the good aligned core deities. ![]()
I know there are a lot that I should really post up here from when I was starting out but I can't remember everyone from that far back. But out of the more recent batch From my more recent batch there's Azari (LE male Mwangi ranger 2/inquisitor 4/red mantis assassin 3) from my brother's Serpent Skull campaign, not sure if it's how my brother's running the AP, our group, or how I built the character but been having a real hard time getting into both the adventure and Azari as a character. Was planning on turning him into the premier assassin in our group but at the moment he's really only suited for rural adventures, seriously considering retraining him. The two online characters I made that didn't get remotely off the ground and are presently languishing in purgatory until such a time as I can think of something to do with either of them. One of my earliest characters that I really don't so much regret making as much as I regret not having a better grasp of how to play would be my wererats Kodo and Podo (because 6 year old me loved Beastmaster). Was thinking about these characters the other day and regret that they didn't live long enough for me to model them after the Brooklyn sterotype.