Early copies, spoilers, and the fate of this board

Prerelease Discussion

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

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Removed a bunch of posts and replies, please flag and move on.

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Now just the opposite is happening to me. Firstly I used Amazon due to me living in the UK and the postage charges Paizo charge (yes this is not set by Paizo). I am still waiting to get any info for amazon about delivery etc.. And to top it off they are still taking orders for the book

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Allard wrote:
Now just the opposite is happening to me. Firstly I used Amazon due to me living in the UK and the postage charges Paizo charge (yes this is not set by Paizo). I am still waiting to get any info for amazon about delivery etc.. And to top it off they are still taking orders for the book

Have they given you a "release date delivery" email? I got that a while back, telling me that my items would arrive on the release day (and the "arriving on" date changed to August 2nd at the same time), but they haven't actually shipped yet. I presume they're sitting at some Amazon warehouse relatively close to my house and they'll be dispatched on the morning of the 2nd for local delivery.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This has been the longest week ever...and its only Tuesday!

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I am frankly floored that there have not been any "I got the book" posts. It looks like they have done a great job of avoiding an early release of this. As a very early buyer, I was hoping it would show up a couple of days early.

I don't know if it is appropriate to post this here. Sorry if it isn't.

I just found out that my FLGS isn't going to get in the books I ordered because they used the wrong distributor.
I printed off the form from this site, I payed for a copy of the Soft cover, the collector's edition, the flip maps, and Doomsday Dawn. I got together a group of 7 players to run through the playtest material.
And now I find myself, 2 days before the materials come out, out of luck.

I bought and painted 50 Pathfinder Minis, started to make terrain, started to plan out a random encounter table just incase one was needed.

I know this is my problem and that I'm going to have to print off the PDFs if I am able to. But this is the start of my groups' playtest experience. And it has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Why did Paizo choose right after the order form went live to limit Canada to one distributor?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
wambat74 wrote:

I don't know if it is appropriate to post this here. Sorry if it isn't.

I just found out that my FLGS isn't going to get in the books I ordered because they used the wrong distributor.
I printed off the form from this site, I payed for a copy of the Soft cover, the collector's edition, the flip maps, and Doomsday Dawn. I got together a group of 7 players to run through the playtest material.
And now I find myself, 2 days before the materials come out, out of luck.

I bought and painted 50 Pathfinder Minis, started to make terrain, started to plan out a random encounter table just incase one was needed.

I know this is my problem and that I'm going to have to print off the PDFs if I am able to. But this is the start of my groups' playtest experience. And it has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Why did Paizo choose right after the order form went live to limit Canada to one distributor?

Sorry to hear, hopefully you find the copies you are looking for. This is why I decided to buy through Paizo. Love my FLGS, but when it comes to special/custom items? I tend to go straight from the source.

2 maps left in stock:
https://www.amazon.ca/Pathfinder-Playtest-Flip-Mat-Multi-Pack/dp/1640780882 /ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1533066737&sr=8-4&keywords=pathfinder+p laytest

Still have the Adventure:
https://www.amazon.ca/Pathfinder-Playtest-Adventure-Doomsday-Dawn/dp/164078 0874/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1533066737&sr=8-2&keywords=pathfind er+playtest

And the Rule Book:

https://www.amazon.ca/Pathfinder-Playtest-Rulebook-Jason-Bulmahn/dp/1640780 858/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533066737&sr=8-1&keywords=pathfinde r+playtest

I would order soon if you are sure you aren't getting them at your flgs.

Silver Crusade

I recently ordered the map from Amazon after not preordering it, and they're shipping me one. I imagine they're not the only store that's purchased some extra copies. Good luck finding some!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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wambat74 wrote:
Why did Paizo choose right after the order form went live to limit Canada to one distributor?

Making Universal our exclusive hobby distributor in Canada was something that had been in the works for a while, and the timing wasn't something we had a lot of flexibility on. (We actually made the change after the order deadline had passed, not when it opened.) We made sure that Universal was ordering more than enough additional copies to cover the quantities from the other distributors, so they were fully prepared to honor preorders from retailers that had placed orders with those other distributors. Has your retailer talked to Universal?

Liberty's Edge

Speaking of printing the PDF when it is released ... have we heard yet how many pages the book / PDF is??

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Marc Radle wrote:
Speaking of printing the PDF when it is released ... have we heard yet how many pages the book / PDF is??

the book is 432 pages

Hargert wrote:
I am frankly floored that there have not been any "I got the book" posts. It looks like they have done a great job of avoiding an early release of this. As a very early buyer, I was hoping it would show up a couple of days early.

I actually received mine today and a friend received his today as well. I imagine more copies will start showing up slowly now. Personally, this couldn't have come at a better time as I got the week off and I'll be hosting two homebrew one shots in PF2 this sunday!

Shadow Lodge

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Shipping notice get!

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Vic Wertz wrote:
wambat74 wrote:
Why did Paizo choose right after the order form went live to limit Canada to one distributor?
Making Universal our exclusive hobby distributor in Canada was something that had been in the works for a while, and the timing wasn't something we had a lot of flexibility on. (We actually made the change after the order deadline had passed, not when it opened.) We made sure that Universal was ordering more than enough additional copies to cover the quantities from the other distributors, so they were fully prepared to honor preorders from retailers that had placed orders with those other distributors. Has your retailegr talked to Universal?

Thank you for the information. I passed it along to my FLGS and they are able to get the Playtest materials from Universal. It will just be an extra few days.

I must have read the date wrong on the article, for that I apologize.

Once this board is locked, there will be a different board on which to discuss the playtest document right? I figure locking this board is mostly a "let's quarantine the speculation based on incomplete information" from the discussion once people have the actual document.

Silver Crusade

Most likely.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Once this board is locked, there will be a different board on which to discuss the playtest document right?
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
When the official playtest board goes live, this board, and all of its threads, will be locked. We have found the discussion here very valuable to our process and there are a few things we are going to be looking at based on the threads in these boards, but we want to start the discussion fresh in new boards based on the actual rules starting next week.

Emphasis mine.

Thebazilly wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Once this board is locked, there will be a different board on which to discuss the playtest document right?
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
When the official playtest board goes live, this board, and all of its threads, will be locked. We have found the discussion here very valuable to our process and there are a few things we are going to be looking at based on the threads in these boards, but we want to start the discussion fresh in new boards based on the actual rules starting next week.
Emphasis mine.

Ah, but thursday through sunday are going to be a "be quiet and read the book" cooling off period? I was wondering if there was an appropriate place to ask about anything that's unclear while I'm still working through the book this weekend.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Ah, but thursday through sunday are going to be a "be quiet and read the book" cooling off period? I was wondering if there was an appropriate place to ask about anything that's unclear while I'm still working through the book this weekend.

Jason posted on July 23, making the "next week" he referred to the week of the playtest release, or... this week. I'd assume that the forum changeover will happen tomorrow.

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I will miss this board. I will miss the salt and the arguments. That said, I promise to treasure the salt and the arguments that the new board will bring.

Do we know when the playtest will be available for download? I was hoping that my special edition copy would arrive before the release day but a packageless morning has filled me with despair and I worry that download bandwidth will stop me from downloading it tomorrow.

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Excaliburproxy wrote:
Do we know when the playtest will be available for download?

Vic said 9 am EDT on Thursday.

CrystalSeas wrote:
Excaliburproxy wrote:
Do we know when the playtest will be available for download?
Vic said 9 am EDT on Thursday.

Thank you, my dude.

I'm not sure I understand how these are actually being shipped. I'm signed up for both USPS Informed Delivery and UPS My Choice which alerts me to packages inbound to my address regardless of whether or not they have a tracking number. If I understand the intent of Paizo correctly, that the books should be delivered as close to 2 August as possible, then my books should be en route right now. However, neither USPS or UPS are reporting anything inbound to my address. For those who have received it are they using a different shipping company?

Galymyr wrote:
I'm not sure I understand how these are actually being shipped. I'm signed up for both USPS Informed Delivery and UPS My Choice which alerts me to packages inbound to my address regardless of whether or not they have a tracking number. If I understand the intent of Paizo correctly, that the books should be delivered as close to 2 August as possible, then my books should be en route right now. However, neither USPS or UPS are reporting anything inbound to my address. For those who have received it are they using a different shipping company?

It might be coming in one of Amazon's little white vans if you're close enough to a distribution center. (Note I haven't received mine yet, but most of my packages from Amazon come from their own delivery service since they opened a warehouse in my town.)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Joana wrote:
Galymyr wrote:
I'm not sure I understand how these are actually being shipped. I'm signed up for both USPS Informed Delivery and UPS My Choice which alerts me to packages inbound to my address regardless of whether or not they have a tracking number. If I understand the intent of Paizo correctly, that the books should be delivered as close to 2 August as possible, then my books should be en route right now. However, neither USPS or UPS are reporting anything inbound to my address. For those who have received it are they using a different shipping company?
It might be coming in one of Amazon's little white vans if you're close enough to a distribution center. (Note I haven't received mine yet, but most of my packages from Amazon come from their own delivery service since they opened a warehouse in my town.)

Weirdly, despite being quite close to one of their distribution centers (most of my deliveries lately do come from their little white vans) the playtest stuff I ordered from Amazon (not via Paizo) is showing up via UPS and USPS tomorrow.

My USPS is showing an inbound delivery from the next state over as of 9:00AM this morning. I ordered from the Paizo site so hoping it was next day and will be here tomorrow.

Neither USPS, nor UPS, nor FedEx is showing anything inbound, now or in the future. :| I would have hoped living right near Paizo would have meant getting it on time, and especially before I'm gone for a weekend camping where I won't have data and it would have been perfect to have the book to read... :(

My copy has already hopped through about 4 states, is sitting in the state next door, and is on target to be “out for delivery” tomorrow. Since work is kicking my *** right now, I won’t have time to download it, much less look at it, til tomorrow night anyway, so its timing is apparently dead-on for me.

Sovereign Court

ENHenry wrote:
My copy has already hopped through about 4 states, is sitting in the state next door, and is on target to be “out for delivery” tomorrow. Since work is kicking my *** right now, I won’t have time to download it, much less look at it, til tomorrow night anyway, so its timing is apparently dead-on for me.

Did you order through Paizo?

How are you tracking your copy?
All I see is "shipped July13" no tracking avail. :(

Sovereign Court

Hargert wrote:
My USPS is showing an inbound delivery from the next state over as of 9:00AM this morning. I ordered from the Paizo site so hoping it was next day and will be here tomorrow.

How are you tracking your order?

Joana wrote:
It might be coming in one of Amazon's little white vans if you're close enough to a distribution center. (Note I haven't received mine yet, but most of my packages from Amazon come from their own delivery service since they opened a warehouse in my town.)

That's a really good point. I live in Northern VA, outside of Washington DC and whenever I order things same day or next day they come from the distribution center at Baltimore Washington International and are delivered by the little white vans. I'm guessing BWI is a major distro center for the east coast so they probably have some of the orders there. Here's to hoping!

Yes, I live in Southern VA so I am hoping that they come tomorrow as well.

Cylerist wrote:
Hargert wrote:
My USPS is showing an inbound delivery from the next state over as of 9:00AM this morning. I ordered from the Paizo site so hoping it was next day and will be here tomorrow.
How are you tracking your order?

I signed up for delivery notification from all the major carriers. So, in this case, the USPS lets me know when a package is on the way to be delivered. So I have the following...

Bound Printed Matter--
USPS Tracking

As I dont have any other bound printer matter on the order I am assuming it is my book.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I will say, I am very impressed that we are going into the day of release with anybody having posted major spoilers from his early arrival. Normally I'd expect there to be a "ask me anything" thread up already.

Well then, 12 hours to go.

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When Paizo was planning this year's Pathfinder Playtest, we expected to exceed our own ability to fulfill orders on a timely basis, so we decided to use Fulfillment by Amazon. Unfortunately, Amazon's reports indicate that most customers will not be receiving their orders by tomorrow's release date. They shipped 3 orders on July 28, 3 more on July 29, and no orders on July 30 or 31. Today, they have shipped almost 10% of the outstanding orders, and they are continuing to ship through the night and into tomorrow. They have so far been unable to tell us when they will complete shipping. We will be posting updates as we receive them in this forum thread on paizo.com.

magnuskn wrote:

I will say, I am very impressed that we are going into the day of release with anybody having posted major spoilers from his early arrival. Normally I'd expect there to be a "ask me anything" thread up already.

Well then, 12 hours to go.

There was something like that up on Reddit a bit over a week ago, but they stopped giving information after someone from Paizo contacted the poster and asked them to please stop. The handling of half-orcs and half-elves and the way multi-classing is being done were mentioned, but both got a blog only a few days later. I think those were the only big spoilers, so little damage done. Of course I don't think there's really a whole lot of major spoilers left now, I think we've got the main ideas and all that's left are the details.

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Galymyr wrote:

It's also posted in the Paizo blog and in the Customer Service subforum.

Disappointing that Amazon seemingly took care of their own customers but dropped the ball on Paizo's. I hope Amazon is refunding some of whatever Paizo paid them to handle the shipping.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Galymyr wrote:


When Paizo was planning this year's Pathfinder Playtest, we expected to exceed our own ability to fulfill orders on a timely basis, so we decided to use Fulfillment by Amazon. Unfortunately, Amazon's reports indicate that most customers will not be receiving their orders by tomorrow's release date. They shipped 3 orders on July 28, 3 more on July 29, and no orders on July 30 or 31. Today, they have shipped almost 10% of the outstanding orders, and they are continuing to ship through the night and into tomorrow. They have so far been unable to tell us when they will complete shipping. We will be posting updates as we receive them in this forum thread on paizo.com.

Please see this thread for discussion and this thread for updates as they become available.

Galymyr wrote:


When Paizo was planning this year's Pathfinder Playtest, we expected to exceed our own ability to fulfill orders on a timely basis, so we decided to use Fulfillment by Amazon. Unfortunately, Amazon's reports indicate that most customers will not be receiving their orders by tomorrow's release date. They shipped 3 orders on July 28, 3 more on July 29, and no orders on July 30 or 31. Today, they have shipped almost 10% of the outstanding orders, and they are continuing to ship through the night and into tomorrow. They have so far been unable to tell us when they will complete shipping. We will be posting updates as we receive them in this forum thread on paizo.com.

Yeah, just saw that on the main blog. Sounds like Amazon really dropped the ball here. The whole point of going with them was to get as many copies to customers on the release date. Although possibly the issue started farther up the supply chain, it really does sound like it was Amazon. I suspect nobody is as upset about this as the Paizo staff. This is a major roll-out for their flagship product and it got bungled by the distributor, who they went with specifically to ensure a good release, while they're also busy prepping for the biggest convention of the year. At least the PDFs will be up in the morning, hopefully their servers hold up.

Cylerist wrote:
ENHenry wrote:
My copy has already hopped through about 4 states, is sitting in the state next door, and is on target to be “out for delivery” tomorrow. Since work is kicking my *** right now, I won’t have time to download it, much less look at it, til tomorrow night anyway, so its timing is apparently dead-on for me.

Did you order through Paizo?

How are you tracking your copy?
All I see is "shipped July13" no tracking avail. :(

Ordered through Amazon, tracking through their online tracking service.

Silver Crusade

Joana wrote:
Galymyr wrote:

It's also posted in the Paizo blog and in the Customer Service subforum.

Disappointing that Amazon seemingly took care of their own customers but dropped the ball on Paizo's. I hope Amazon is refunding some of whatever Paizo paid them to handle the shipping.

I ordered the book from Paizo and then, quite late, the flipmat from Amazon. I got the map today. The book? Who knows.

Very disappointing.

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S%+$ happens, at least no one was hurt.

Life goes on.

Dark Archive

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So, just to be ABSOLUTELY clear, if yesterday i had gone to Amazon and ordered exactly what i ordered from paizo, it would have cost me $27 less total, and i would likely already have the books in hand.

Bad show Amazon. Bad show, bad treatment of your partners who are paying you.

Someone is getting fired out of a cannon for this!

Finds myself in a cannon, wearing a helmet and star-spangled tracksuit.

Wait! why are you loading me! i didn't do anything!! oh, come on!!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Life goes on.

Bop. Boziddie boziddie bop, ziddie bop.

Scarab Sages

successful download of all documents. Took about 30 seconds.

Grand Lodge

Same. Definitely an improvement.

I guess one way to stop leaks is to not ship until after the date. Not a huge deal as getting the PDF was super easy.

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