I don't know if it is appropriate to post this here. Sorry if it isn't.
I just found out that my FLGS isn't going to get in the books I ordered because they used the wrong distributor.
I printed off the form from this site, I payed for a copy of the Soft cover, the collector's edition, the flip maps, and Doomsday Dawn. I got together a group of 7 players to run through the playtest material.
And now I find myself, 2 days before the materials come out, out of luck.
I bought and painted 50 Pathfinder Minis, started to make terrain, started to plan out a random encounter table just incase one was needed.
I know this is my problem and that I'm going to have to print off the PDFs if I am able to. But this is the start of my groups' playtest experience. And it has left a bad taste in my mouth.
Why did Paizo choose right after the order form went live to limit Canada to one distributor?