Best Archer Class


I was interested in building an archer and I'd like to get some recommendations. I see that a fighter with a bow (i.e. archer archetype) seems good, sohei monk and monk Zen archer seems very good and there's also of course the ranger. Ranger gets an animal companion and spells so I am assuming they will do less DPS wise since they get those other buffs. I'd also be interested in a multi classed bowman - not sure which classes are the best to take some dips in.

I have heard they do as much dps as fighters/barbarians - not sure if I believe that tho as I haven't seen the numbers for them. I know its feat intensive.

How would I go about maximizing ranged DPS?

Honestly a non-archetyped fighter will do you best. I cannot overstate the worth of advanced weapon training especially for things like focused weapon, warrior spirit or even weapon master feats.

For DPS it's pretty simple, just take rapid shot, and Manyshot. Load up on Weapon specialization and get a solid compound bow with good str and dex. I'd also take snap shot and combat reflexes as well. Take a buttload of attacks of op with your bow.

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Previous recent thread for you. I think another one also exists. Actually, several exist.

I must be represented on UnArcaneElection's links, but I'll go ahead and tell you about my current favorites, sum them up.

Starting off with 1-3 levels in Ranger is a solid choice for any hitty or shooty character. You can get Precise Shot, Shield Slam or any of a variety of lovely Bonus Feats at 2nd Level. I like Endurance because I worry a lot about Sleeping in Armor. I like the Freebooter Archetype. At level 1, a Freebooter can select any single target as the Favored Enemy for herself and for the whole party (sort of, near enough). Plus even a level 1 Ranger can use Magic Wands with Ranger Spells: Cure Light Wounds, of course, but also Lead Blades, Gravity Bow, and Strong Jaw. Those last 3 grant your melee weapons, arrows, and natural weapons respectively with virtual size increases. A level 2 Freebooter Ranger can take Precise Shot without having to take Point Blank Shot, can still get that +1 attack and damage only for the whole party and not just herself, and with Gravity Bow, her arrows do 2d6 instead of 1d8. And of course, they can always still take Point Blank Shot and get that +1/+1. Meanwhile, Ranger Archer is a classic, solid choice.

I like Grenadier Alchemists because Exploding Arrows are cool. I probably told you--Crexis (and a lot of you)--about a PFS Build I'm working on. Currently, she is pretty much a Ranger archer, but she is going to dip 2 levels in Cavalier, a level or 2 in Monk, and the rest in Grenadier Alchemist. She is going to take Explosive Missile to combine her Bombs with her Arrows, and she is going to take a King Crab Tumor Protector (if she still can!) Familiar and Tentacle to make her an awesome Grappler. There is another trick she can play I learned from Mark Seifter. He used to carry around a quiver full of Size Large Arrows. When the opportunity arose, He would cast Enlarge Person on himself. Then he would pick up the arrows and shoot Size Large Arrows that do 2d6. This would stack with Gravity Bow's Virtual Size Increase and make it 3d6! And of course, Exploding Arrows. Exploding Arrows are cool.

Zen Archer is a classic choice Flurry of Blows and your Monk Unarmed Strike Damage on your Arrows. I've never played one myself, but I have read about them, and from what I've read and by all accounts a Zen Archer is like whose arial drones deliver nothing but pain. You'll be the of Pain.

Arcane Archer also seems like a powerful option, but the Arcane Archer builds I gravitate toward seem less like Archers and more like Wizards that can shoot arrows. Although that seems pretty darn powerful.

Ninjas have this thing called Vanishing Trick which lets them turn Invisible as a Swift Action. It doesn't last long, but long enough to use Stealth. They can also take a Rogue Talent called False Attacker which allows them a Bluff Check as a Swift Action to make their opponents think the attack came from somewhere else, and so maintain Stealth, and keep shooting against Flatfooted AC and add Sneak Attack Damage to their arrows. But if I were to do that, I wouldn't be shooting arrows at all but rather dip a level in Arcanist (or maybe Gunslinger?) and use Ranged Touch Attack Cantrips or maybe even a Wand of Scorching Ray. Ranged Touch Attack vs. Flatfooted AC that also does Sneak Attack Damage. That makes me smile. But not an Archer, but could be an Archer.

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I'm a fan of the Inquisitor for an archer. The Inquisitor's damage output (which everyone seems most interested in for an Archer) is upper tier (I believe the Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest proved to be the highest) compared to all the other archer builds. However, the class also has a good number of skill points, some interesting class abilities, and an interesting spell list. So, the class can provide some interesting options for things to do when you're not in combat. It is a little feat starved, but if you take the Sanctified Slayer archetype, you can get some bonus feats drawn from the Ranger combat styles.

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Max Ranged DPS; Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest. Just the way it is.

That said, it's hard to go wrong with archery.

Top Tier ones;

Zen Archer Monk
Sohei Monk (not widely known, but this is actually the way to get most arrows into the air, as unlike the Zen Archer it allows you to rapid shot and manyshot while flurrying with your bow after 6th level. Still not quite to Zen Archer levels, regardless.)
Paladin (especially if you take oath of vengeance so you're not short on smites per day)
Ranger(when fighting your favored enemy, or with the Ilsurian Archer archetype in general)
Eldritch Archer Magus

Passable Ones
Ranger(when not fighting your favored enemy)
Barbarian (an adaptive longbow is mandatory, half-orc race for the hornbow proficiency is on point, theme wise. While you're at it, Hateful Rager combines well with half-orc barbarians.)
Cleric(for similar reasons that the inquisitor and the warpriest are in the category above, divine favor + archery works well. I've once played with an evangelist cleric of erastil set up to do archery, it was fairly insane. More of a later level thing though, really appreciates quicken spell for getting buffs out quick, and the feat starvation is real.)
Investigator (although it comes with a feat tax, and your max range is effectively 30ft.)

These get no bonuses towards archery;
Rogue/ninja (unless you dip water oracle and shoot from inside an obscuring mist, I guess. And even then there's the 30ft. limit thing. Going first in combat is not enough to rely on.)
Monk (unchained, and any archetype that isn't either the Sohei or the Zen Archer.)
And then of course all the full casters. I guess you could make an archery druid if you really tried, but honestly, what's the point?
I'm not familiar enough with the psychic style classes and whatnot to comment on their archery performance, but I will say that I've never seen a psychic archer attempted.

Liberty's Edge

The archer Investigator is such a bizarre one.

It takes ages to get online because of the feat constraints, but holy moly. Alchemy bonuses, mutagen and studied combat with archery! Inspired weapon enchant on top of that and it sounds like a dream.

...just, as it doesn't get rolling until 9th-11th level, and you're stuck at 30ft... a dream is all it is.


Generally, gotta agree with Groundhog's list and rough ordering.

Best way to compare the monk builds is that Zen Archer gets online fastest, Sohei has the higher limits, but it takes a lot longer to get rolling.

EDIT: On psychic archers - Occultists get a free enhancement bonus to one physical stat, and access to their choice of bane (and other magic weapon properties, such as seeking), which instantly puts them in the 'really good at archery' list. Depending on how Trappings of the Warrior's requirements are read, they can pack full BAB, too. Feat starved, but excellent archers.

Soheis also can't get Improved Precise Shot before level 15, to boot. It's not worth it, IMO. Consistent bonus damage is where it's at for archery, and Sohei provides none of that.

Good to hear other people don't think I'm totally off. It's not meant to be a 100% precise listing or anything, just a rough estimate of what's good.

Interesting to hear about the occultist. I'd sort of gotten the impression it was a caster, from what people say about it.

Edit: On Arcane Archers, I gotta agree with the sentiment that they're wizards first, archers distantly second. Doesn't mean they're bad, they're wizards, but the playstyle won't have much in common with martial or buff-based archers.

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The ultimate purpose of an Arcane Archer is eventually to do the Quickened True Strike + Antimagic Field Imbue Arrow cheese on the enemy caster. As needed, replace Antimagic Field with something else that really hoses an enemy and/or keeps it from getting away. That said, it's a pretty good ultimate purpose.

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If by archery you mean ranged weapon damage then gunslingers and savage technologist barbarians will be right up there in the top tier. Obviously they won't use bows; well, crossbows in the case of bolt ace gunslingers.

There's a couple of cavalier archetypes which are passable, and a fancy bow which lets any archetype of cavalier or samurai be decent at archery.

The multiclass.

Those lists don't have hatred id rager urban rager bloodragers listed. While not as powerful as the arsenal chaplain warpriest, they're better than most other options.

+4 to hit, +5 to damage at level 10 for as long as they have rage.
+6 to hit, +10 to damage, +5d6 sneak attack, allies get +2 to hit, +4 to damage at level 20 bloodrager-archetypes/id-rager/ bloodrager-archetypes/urban-bloodrager-bloodrager-archetype/
for hatred emotional focus

One question you may want to consider is, do you want to do more than just shoot arrows at your enemies? If all you are interested in is doing damage with your bow classes that focus on feats will probably be your best bet. If you want to do more when you are not shooting and are willing to sacrifice some DPR than you may want to consider a class with more diverse abilities. Fighters, and things like the Zen Archer are examples of the first sort, while inquisitors, hunters and rangers represent the second. Some archetypes may move the second type closer the first type.

Groundhog wrote:

Max Ranged DPS; Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest. Just the way it is.

That said, it's hard to go wrong with archery.

Top Tier ones;

Zen Archer Monk
Sohei Monk (not widely known, but this is actually the way to get most arrows into the air, as unlike the Zen Archer it allows you to rapid shot and manyshot while flurrying with your bow after 6th level. Still not quite to Zen Archer levels, regardless.)
Paladin (especially if you take oath of vengeance so you're not short on smites per day)
Ranger(when fighting your favored enemy, or with the Ilsurian Archer archetype in general)
Eldritch Archer Magus

Why is the Arsenal Chaplain the top one again? Are you doing these same calculations?

Weapon Training +4
Gloves +2
Bane +2 (From Weapon Spirit)
Weapon Focus +1
Greater Weapon Focus +1 (+10)
Channel Vigor +4

Damage :
Weapon Training +4
Gloves +2
Bane +2
Weapon Spec/Advanced Wep Spec +4 (+12)

+ Divine Power with Fate's Favored : +7

Total : 1d20 +21, 1d8+19 +2d6 dmg

If we are talking about Self-Buffs, then yea this Warpriest is absolutely insane.

The Ranger in Compararison :
+ 10 Instant Enemy (Rod of Quicken Lesser)
+ 5 Enemy Insight (Rod of Quicken Lesser)
+ 1 Weapon Focus
+ 4 Improved Quarry (crits auto confirm) (+20)
+ 5 BAB difference
(I don't care much about Gravity Bow honestly but we do get it)

Total : 1d20+25, 2d6+15 dmg

So I still think this Ranger is very competitive. Especially considering we auto confirm crits and we have named bullet greater.

Archery have 1 enemy = cover from allies.
Mount is also needed , to get full attacks.

Sancified slayer = top ranks.with domain= mount.
Ranger is next.
Zen archer is third.
Fighter then, to shoot at melee range.
Minstral bard is next for the total amazament.

666bender wrote:

Archery have 1 enemy = cover from allies.

Mount is also needed , to get full attacks.

Sancified slayer = top ranks.with domain= mount.
Ranger is next.
Zen archer is third.
Fighter then, to shoot at melee range.
Minstral bard is next for the total amazament.

I don't understand.

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here is where it lists the DPR of archers at lv10 and in the posts before it lists the builds as to how they got their numbers.

Blind Monkey wrote:

SO I started to look at the builds for this PFDPR calculator:


And then I realized you didn't list who had Improved Criticals. Which is kind of important because it is something like a 10 DPR difference. I will guess that the fighter will get it somewhere and the monks are taking it for their 10th level bonus feat because not taking it is silly? Other than that I am just using the attack numbers listed.

For using the calculator Manyshot and things like Bane damage go into the non-critical-multiplied damage spot. The CR enemy box at the top automatically set the average AC and HP. Happens to being 24 AC at CR 10.

Fighter: 115.23
Assuming Warrior Spirit with Bane adds +3 hit and damage and 2d6: 159.89

Chaplain War Priest:
R1: 130.12
R2: 161.97
R3: 175.62
R4: 177.54

R1: 85.53
R2: 106.65
R1 then R2: 170.60

Zen Archer Monk: 100.11
Zen Monk Precise Strike vs an AC 24 enemy can be used on an iterative to effectively make their attack routine 18/18/18/18/14 for ten rounds. That is apparently about a 6 dpr bonus at this point.

Sohei Monk: 127.58

Medium thing: 106.75 or 112.33

Tempered Champion Paladin: 117.88

Barbarian: 89.54

Ranger: 103.88

Luring Cavalier: 123.37

Occultist: 79.43/R2: 122.01 or 72.63/R2: 114.39

So the final verdict is that casting Divine Power and Bane/Holy renders martials obsolete in the face of the Chaplain War Priest. Also Deflect Arrows vs some of these characters will block like 60-70 damage a round.

Deflect Arrows, don't leave home without it.

The URL provided] dpr.html

Doesn't work anymore. Also, it's for level 10. Anyways, we don't need a DPR calculator to evaluate damage. Just seeing the attack rolls and damage bonuses is enough to predict the incoming pain.

I think I've proven that a Ranger is slightly stronger at level 20 than the Arsenal Chaplain. And we are not even abusing Named Bullet Greater and Greater Quarry here.

Especially since the main Arsenal Chaplain buff is Divine Power and Ranger could always cast it from a scroll with UMD. If we are playing a game where Warpriests have access to Gloves of Dueling, why not Divine Power for a Ranger?

My own top 5 for archery builds :
1. Ranger of Erastil + UMD Bestow Grace of the Champion CL40 + UMD Divine Power
2. Arsenal Chaplain (Erastil + Bestow Grace of the Champion)
3. Paladin Archer of Shelyn that uses Smite Evil. 2x charisma to attack rolls.
4. Divine Paragon Cleric of Erastil + Bestow Grace of the Champion (gets to the third boon at level 14)
5. Fighter of Erastil with a bunch of UMD buffs

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Uh, no edmondlebeau, L20 is rarely played at compared to L10, and your assumed actions are kind of crazy for a warpriest at that level.

Comparing classes by going to level 20 is absolutely necessary if you want to rank them.
Casting Divine Power and Channel Vigor is not crazy for a Warpriest.

the archer's medium, too, was forgotten, not so bad

UMD buffs it is better to remove from the comparison, this is not a sign of the class

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edmondlebeau wrote:

Comparing classes by going to level 20 is absolutely necessary if you want to rank them.

Casting Divine Power and Channel Vigor is not crazy for a Warpriest.

It's "absolutely necessary" to compare a character level that very few games ever achieve? And, even if they do achieve it, maybe 10% of the entire campaign (and probably less than 5%) by actual playing time is actually played at that level?

To me, comparing classes at level 20 is a complete waste of time. Also, positing hypothetical situations where a character always has exactly the right set of consumable resources and the appropriate amount of time to utilize them pre-fight is kind of absurd, too.

When comparing classes, I'm interested in circumstances that are actually likely to come up in game on a regular basis.

The scenario you're describing as a basis for comparison is irrelevant to the VAST majority of players whose games cap out somewhere between levels 10-15.

I agree with what you say but look at the title : Best Archer Class. This is where you are right now. I have to go to level 20.

I believe the DPR calculation in Chess Pwn's thread predates the existence of the "Trappings of the Warrior" panoply, the use of which would increase the DPR of the Occultist -less noticeable at level 10, though your accuracy boost from the full-BAB patch is going to help your DPR there, more noticeable at levels 6&7 and levels 11&12.

Which is not to say that you're the best, but you're definitely passable. You're definitely BY FAR the most magical of the full-BAB archers, which is always a good thing. You also get way more Bane than Inquisitors do, which might matter if your adventuring days skew long.

edmondlebeau wrote:

I agree with what you say but look at the title : Best Archer Class. This is where you are right now. I have to go to level 20.

No you don't. For most purposes, being good at level 20 doesn't mean anything. If there was a class that was commoner from level 1-19, but at level 20 it gained all the powers of all the other classes combined, it'd still be the worst pc class for archery.

Can I suggest Eldritch Archer Magus/Slayer? With Prescient Arcana he gets to deal Slayer's SA damage on a full attack. He also gets extra damage with Ranged Spellstrike. That's gotta put him at the top.

Grand Lodge

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There are better options for dpr but if you want the "best archer character" I would suggest is a nature fang druid.

Domain would be either eagle or feather.

Full 9th level casting, great dcs, either a familiar and half level to attacks 7 plus times a day, or an animal companion and the amazing perception.

It is a very different answer than you are looking for, but maybe you will consider it.

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Groundhog wrote:
edmondlebeau wrote:
I agree with what you say but look at the title : Best Archer Class. This is where you are right now. I have to go to level 20.
No you don't. For most purposes, being good at level 20 doesn't mean anything. If there was a class that was commoner from level 1-19, but at level 20 it gained all the powers of all the other classes combined, it'd still be the worst pc class for archery.

And that's I always multiclass martials to front-load the good stuff (see link in my last post up-page). Enjoy your character at all levels.

Nothing sucks worse than slogging along endlessly to get to the good stuff, and then the game gets canceled.

Grandlounge wrote:

Domain would be either eagle or feather.

Full 9th level casting, great dcs, either a familiar and half level to attacks 7 plus times a day, or an animal companion and the amazing perception.

I wonder what will be better?

PhD. Okkam wrote:
Grandlounge wrote:

Domain would be either eagle or feather.

Full 9th level casting, great dcs, either a familiar and half level to attacks 7 plus times a day, or an animal companion and the amazing perception.

I wonder what will be better?

if small size race, a mauler familiar, WOW spells , evasion mean eagle is great.

if medium race- than take Feather for a Roc combat mount. he grab - you shoot.

Grand Lodge

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I went for eagle having a protector familiar, and evasion made the character tougher so I could work a higher Dex higher wis stat array. I was playing a skin walker so I had a +6 to perception from race stuff right out the gate.

I also had access to overland flight which was fantastic. With my 9 uses of 1/2 level to accuracy my manyshot rarely misses.

I had an animal mask to get sent to use pharamon arrows, in addition to predator lenses.

At higher levels throw up echolocation, have your familiar obscuring mist above the target and rain down arrows.

If you have to move you can use stone discus to get more than one attack that round and still use many of your ranged feats.

Burrowing shot was my level 13 feat. Now I can use archery to buff spells or spells to buff archery.

I love this build. As said it does not top the dpr but is respectable, gets manyshot before the majority 3/4th bab builds.

Of the spell casting feats heighten, quicken, and divine interference help.

Dark Archive

I like multhuni warpriest.
Be a samsaran and add gravity bow and a few other spells to your list and use ahornbow

Personally I have a level 10 inquisitor (sanctified slayer) I would put him up there for archer. He went feather domain and has a velociraptor, start of each combat he casts divine favor on himself and the raptor and the raptor goes in with a pounce +14 to hit 1d6+12, 2 claws +14 1d4+12 and never sure if the talons get added for 2 more attacks 1d8+12. After that it is my turn. Allies dont provide soft cover to the enemy, I have a +1 seeking composite longbow which I enchant to make it +2. I am typically hitting with 20/20/15 with a +2 variable not counting bane I have manyshot and clustered shot each arrow does 1d8+15. If I want something dead I will spring bane to get it around 22/22/17 and 1d8+17+2d6...once per day if need be go invisibility greater to add 2d6 sneak attack for each arrow...all while the velociraptor is gnawing on their leg. Not to mention +18 knowledge (arcana/dungeon/nature/planes/religion) +27 perception +20 sense motive and +21 survival. Really add in resist energy communal (honestly save a few parties) invisibility purge, resto lesser, knowck etc he covers a bit more than the bow too

Lantern Lodge

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Just a quick re-post of a previous reply of mine to this same topic.
*Added update on Advanced Weapon Training and Advanced Armor Training!

ALL archers (fighters, rangers, slayers, zen archers, etc) are POWERFUL damage dealers.

It really is more about what you want out of your archer.

Fighters - More consistent damage output, just pure damage
And LOTS OF OPTIONS, Thanks to Advanced Weapon Training and Advanced Armor Training.
1) More consistent to hits (due to weapon training)
2) Higher static damage (due to weapon training)
3) Tons of feats
4) Overall more armor (thanks to armor training)
5) Not afraid to wear heavier armor
6) You are always at max possible strength, aka no need to spend time on buffing etc. You are always ready to start shooting
7) less overall skills
8) Able to handle most foes with the right feats
9) Advanced Weapon Training and Advanced Armor Training(!!!!) These 2 made Fighter SO MUCH MORE BETTER NOW!!!
You can have skills, cool combat abilities and even out of combat abilities. All to give this class so much more options.

Ranger - More than just damage
1) Earlier access to some feats via combat styles (Improved Precise Shot,etc)
2) Good against specific enemy types
3) Spells! + buffing
4) Tons of skills
5) Tons of out of combat and in combat class features (tracking, etc)
6) More self-dependent (able to spell heal of of combat, etc)
7) May need to spend time buffing for more damage (gravity bow, etc)
8) Spells are unfortunately limited in supply.

Slayer - Ranger with no spells, but more damage output
1) Earlier access to some feats via combat styles (Improved Precise Shot, etc)
2) Able to study aka add damage to any enemy
3) Sneak attack = more damage
4) Tons of skills
5) Slayer Talents!
6) Plenty of out of combat and combat class features
7) No spells when compared to the ranger
8) Able to handle most foes. Just like a fighter

Zen Archer (Monk) - A LOT of arrows in the air!
1) More arrows when full-round (flurry) attacking
2) Lots of archery feats given for free!
3) Nice monk class features
4) Nice amount of skills
5) Less static damage per shot, but lots of arrows
6) Abundant Step(!)
7) Able to pull off shots other classes can't
8) Good saves
9) Ki is a powerful, but also limited resource

As you can see archery comes in every flavor. There are very few cons, it REALLY is just what YOU want!

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also :
Minstrel Bards:
1. Great skills
2. Great spells
3. no cover from allies (archer's biggest issue)
4. super party buffer (so all love them deeply) .
5. great entry to arcane archer
6. only 1 bonus feat.
7. no improve precise shot hurts.

Nature Fang Druid :
1. great feats.
2. early entry
3. animal companion
4. full, 9 level caster (WOW)
5. off summoner supreme.
6. decent skills.
7. can trade AC for more spells like fire domain.
8. less damage - a lot more options.

1. best, fastest self buffer in the game
2. good damage
3. good feats (and some are fighter only)
4. can do other things.
5. lowest skills ever.

inquisitor :
1. super skills
2. nice spells.
3. there is a team feat to remove cover from allies.
4. have bane abiliy....

Slayer's sneak attack isn't that great if you don't have a way of realiably apply it to all your attacks. That's why I insist on multiclassing him with Magus 6 for Prescient Attack.

Silver Crusade

I have no idea where they fall in the hierarchy, but Paladins can be absolute monsters with a bow.

The Exchange

Someone mentioned a Wood Oracle?
I'm sure it's not the best but great for a face and quite powerful.

Thx to the Wood Bond Revelation it can get a permanent competence bonus on attacks and can choose the best Cleric spells as a full caster.

And if someone don't like the rest of the Wood Mystery choose a better archetyp like Spirit Guide.

And i would suggest a Half-elf with the Weapon Familiarity racial trait for the Bows and 2 other martial weapons without spending a feat.

inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer/Green Marshal) :
1. Tons of skills
2. Very nice spells (fly, overland flight)
3. Able to study and Sneak attack
4. Slayer Talents!
5. bane ability!
6. Animal and terrain domain. Familiar eagle and half level to attacks 5 plus times a day.
7.Teamwork Feat

I want to make myself such an archer.

Liberty's Edge

Great topic! I've always loved archers!!!

For those that allow third party material, you might check out the Mystic Archer class in the New Paths Compendium

True Neutral or Neutral Good Elemental Urban Bloodrager/Arcane Archer

It does pretty well on feats (especially if human), you just want to retrain Weapon Focus at level 6 onto your Bloodline feat. You get a big bonus to Dex, a fly speed when raging once you have 8 levels of bloodrager, Full BAB, casting, ability to change your arrow enchantments daily, including alignment ones at high level.

Very versatile, hard to kill, hits well, hits hard. You can get Holy on your bow, then daily change your imbued enchantment between Anarchic or Axiomatic. Extra 4D6 per arrow (plus flaming/icy/shocking burst).

Isonaroc wrote:
I have no idea where they fall in the hierarchy, but Paladins can be absolute monsters with a bow.

Late game, Shelyn Paladins and Insinuator Antipaladins are among the strongest. Saddle Surge, High Charisma... Smite evil... Ouch. Unsanctioned Knowledge to get Divine Power from Inquisitors.

But for level 10 with regular stats, I think other classes are way better.

PhD. Okkam wrote:

inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer/Green Marshal) :

1. Tons of skills
2. Very nice spells (fly, overland flight)
3. Able to study and Sneak attack
4. Slayer Talents!
5. bane ability!
6. Animal and terrain domain. Familiar eagle and half level to attacks 5 plus times a day.
7.Teamwork Feat

I want to make myself such an archer.

How do you get fly and overland flight ?

Grand Lodge

Eagle domain.

Marksman (Ultimate Psionics from Dreamscarred Press), even better if you can fit in the Mystic Archer Prestige class from the same book.

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