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Marklaud wrote:

Oi, comrades! I have sketched a character here for the Jade Regent, I would like to ask you: How viable will the Dervish Dancer build be through a Dirty Trick?

The bottom line is that the character goes through the 1st level of a Samurai with the Warrior Poet archetype, which gives him Weapon Finesse for katana, glaive and naginata, as well as an Improved Feint from the start. Next comes the Bard of the Dancing Dervish, at least up to level 14, when he gets all his most delicious dances and spells.
On paper, this is a dexterous fighter with a glaive or naginata, beating from Agility and buffing allies with Haste and Good Hope, and some other bard-spells, with the grace of a kitsune jumping on the battlefield and giving Dirty Tricks to enemies.
High Dexterity also allows us to support allies by shooting from bow, and the Effortless Lace and the Agile enchantment on the glaive\naginata also does Dexterity damage.

The build is something like this:
Race - Kitsune (for +2 Dex and Cha)
12 Str(14 base and -2 from race), 18 Dex (16 base and +2 from race), 12 Con, 13 Int, 10 Wis, 16 Cha (14 base and +2 from race).
Level 1: Samurai Warrior Poet - get a Order of the Songbird, Weapon Finesse, Kitsune Mystique and Combat Exspertise feat.
Level 2 -15: Bard Dervish Danser
Level 3: Improved Dirty Trick feat
Level 5: Agile Maneuvers feat
Level 7: Arcane Strike feat
Level 9: Quick Dirty Trick feat
Level 11: Great Dirty Trick feat
Level 13: Improved Critical: Naginata feat
Level 15: Dirty trick master feat

What did you thing?

sadly, agile wont work on 2 handed weapon ...

you can mix 3 levels of unchained rogue to the mix , the its edx to hit and damage + thug add sicken and fear.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

i necro this great build a bit :
if you already take 1 oracle level i would keep all levels into barbarian .
the rage cycle option from fatigue immune make it INSANE.

Toss your rocks when in range , and if foe comes near? a very large hammer, rage and kill foe.
with DR and rage powers you are versitile.

another option is Oracle > Ranger.
adding 2 weapon style with this keep the dex low but the # of attacks super high.
skills, spells, F.enemy its a super nice character to plat with.

lastly, the cha is already 12-14 >> you can add heritage.
Orc for STR, Arcane for familiar or shadow for Hips for roleplay options.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

When choosing domains, you cannot have two of the same domains including subdomains. For example, if you take Ash as one domain you cannot choose any of the fire-based domains including fire as your other domain.

But domain mastery is not allowing you to choose a different domain it is only swapping out the domain spells. You can use the domain spell list of any domain including subdomains your deity grants for your list of domain spells from the secondary domain. Make sure the subdomain you want to use is actually on your deities list of domains. Just because a deity has the primary domain does not mean they also have the subdomain. For example, Sarenrae grants the fire domain, but does not grant the ash subdomain.

nice. its a nice "wizard like" cleric

the archetype let you alter the domain spells but keep the domain of the second one
if you for example, have second domain = fire
can you alter the spells to a subdomain "ash " ?

we are level 8.
books : core, advance, combat and magic.
no item crafting.
20 points buy and 2 traits.
i want to play a barbarian , but like 2 levels dip to add ... something else.

option 1 :
2 level nature Oracle / mouned fury XXX
why ? fatigue immune. this alone open spell sunder and other things.
full mount (dog or wolf), some minor spells and attacks.

option 2:
Human Unbreakable Fighter 2, Invulnerable Rager Barbarian XXX
why ?
DR, saves, full bab...

Option 3:
Barb 5 > thug rogue 3 > barb XXX
why ?
claws and bite with sneak attacks, fear , sicken skills.


I like this wierd option :
Human or halfling.
levels 1-6 go Cavalier Emissary.
level 7,8,9 go ShadowDancer .
Both you and mount take spring attacks .

why ?

1. move at 30' with medium armor
2. full mount
3. spring attack = 2 attacks (you, mount)
4. Evasion
5. Hide in plain sight allow suprem role play and non combat role.
6. shadow scout.

you are a 1 man army...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
chuffster wrote:

Witch guides and witch discussion threads often wax rhapsodic about Evil Eye. I can't help but wonder if I'm looking at the same hex.

Evil Eye wrote:

The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch’s choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round.

This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.

Let's compare:

Demoralize Target wrote:

You can use this skill to cause an opponent to become shaken for a number of rounds.

Shaken: A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Here's the thing: as the Intimimancy guide notes, using a standard action to inflict shaken on one opponent makes you 10% of a contributor for that round. There is a 10% chance that your target will waste their standard action because of your efforts. This is a terrible return on a standard action. Intimidation becomes valuable when you can do it as a swift or free action.

And yet isn't intimidation four times as efficient as Evil Eye? A knowledgeable player can mitigate the inefficiency by picking out the key stat to evil eye, but I'd hardly say it's better than shaken. You can hit AC if you want, I guess.

Duration is arguably different. If the witch is willing to stagger himself he can keep the evil eye going forever. On the other hand, taking the Memorable trait makes it easy to get shaken stuck for three rounds. That covers a huge chunk of the average fight.

Am I missing something here? What makes Evil Eye a worthwhile use of a standard action?

hexcrafter magus , imp unarmed feat + hexstrike + enforcer feat.

round 1 : frostbite with unarmedstrike = fatigue + entangle no check.
swift action : evil eye - no check (see cackle later)
free action : intimidate . = about 50% chance for shaken

the foe gets -10 to his attacks.... good luck there.

i see it in a totally different way...
Wizard have scalable cantrips.
they have a cantrip of fire, lighting, cold and physical so no resistance EVER.
they stand back and shoot.

the game also dont give attack of opportunity to most monsters and attack wont stop a spell any how.

they have good AC without armor (15 at lvl 1 pre shield spell) and scalable DC that is all right. (17 lvl 1).

hallo to all,

i seek any "download" or "pre made adventure" for a cool maze.
levels - 6-7 or so.

if any one know any link - i would appriciate it.

The satchel gives total cover to the familiar.
The fact it cant ve attacked is ok ...
How can a half cm thick metal box stops a fire ball?
Lighting ball?

a player wish to play a shaman of Desna.
what Spirits fit?
what are banned?

great buffer build!

I am Nemesis wrote:

Choose Tiefing as your race, select the "Use Large Weapons" Tiefling ability, so you start game play with a 3d6+STR (LARGE) Scythe.

Go Titan Mauler to get a 4d6+STR (HUGE) Scythe. That's 16d6+STR on a crit.

all the other advice is very good, but with that racial adjustment your damage is ridiculous.

EDIT: oops, you'd start with 2d6+str for large Scythe.
Then you'd get 3d6+str for a huge Scythe, total 12d6+str on a crit.

under the race i see no option to allow a larger weapon usage...

the feat says :
"Prerequisites: Aura class feature, ability to cast summon monster.

Benefit: When using summon monster to summon creatures whose alignment subtype or subtypes exactly match your aura, you may cast the spell as a standard action instead of with a casting time of 1 round."

my Q is:

if a creature is only "good" , Like "Agathion, Vulpinal" (from expanded summon monster), without LAW or CHAOS,
what god can bring it with the feat?

thanks a lot on the advice.

the melee is set (fighter). 2 hander a great sword.

i got now a Q on the cleric.

i think herald caller is amazing, with lvl 1feat to regain the medium armor back.
the idea is to have a cleric that can fight well , and summon even better.

is this build a decent one? (we start at level 1, but here is the rest)

domain : (will effect the god of choice..)
Luck VS Travel VS something debuffing like madness.

Dwarf, cleric, level 1.
str 15
dex 10
con 16
int 10
wis 17
cha 7
feats :
1. med. armor.
3. power attack
4. (free) augument summon
5. sacred summon
7. expended summon
8. (free) supeior summon
9. Lunge or craft items or heavy armor.

i have heard that some gods give extra known spells to their followers (like good hope etc).

where is the source for it? (list of spells given to a cleric of a faith)

KidBash95 wrote:

Human Barbarian w/ Dual Talent (Str/Dex, or Str/Con) and Titan Mauler Archetype (start with PA feat, so you instantly gain a+3 dmg bonus and a -1 hit penalty). As a weapon use the Scythe and later in the game buy a one size larger One (the archetype allows you to ignore penalties and use 1.5x force as usual). Scythe is useful because it has a X4 crit, so when you hit, you hit hard. Plus the archetype gives you various bonuses versus creatures larger than you, and complete it by using the suggested rage powers of the archetype and other feats like focalized weapon, glory or death, come and get me rage power (level 12). Expecially at high levels you're gonna 1-hit most of your enemies. With a 20 pts buy I would do

Str 16 (+2 =18) - Dex 12 - Con 16 (+2 = 18) - Int 10 - Wis 12 - Cha 7

You don't need to dodge hits, expecially when using the come and get me feat, but you need a large amount of HP instead. As soon as you can buy a belt of physical might (Str and Con) and boost them all the way up. Also remember to get as soon as you can the focalized crit feat or make it Sharp and you're done. If you make everything right you should get a 3D6 + 40/50+ damage with each Attack at level 20 (at that lvl your crit should be x5, so you should make around 15D6 +250 (or more) damage with each attack (at lvl 17 the archetype lets you use the spell enlarge person as you enter rage and the weapon you're carrying will enlarge even more, giving you a 6m range and a 3D6 total damage per Attack), and using the come and get me feat you'll attack twice if the enemy would attack you). Sorry if I forgot anything, but it seems fine this way to me. Feel free to tweak this build to your preference! Let me know if I was able to help you! Good luck! :)

another Q:

whats the benefit of Titan mauler other than a reach weapon + shield to a Invulnerable Rager X + 1 Titan fighter ?
the later can have DR of 1/2 lvl AND use a large size giant weapon with ease AND use a mithral full plate .
the titan mauler only add redice reach, which is nice - but not that amazing and the abiity to use 2 hander at 1 hand.

lastly, a 1 lvl oracle (lame) at lvl 9 seem like a must. immune to fatigue allow to use Furious Finish for massive damage with a single attack EVERY round.

also, for a druid - goliath a 1 level dip is almost needed.
either "Titan Fighter" or "ranger" .
Ranger with 1 feat gives :
1. trapfighting
2. several skills
3. all weapons
4. full favite enemy progresion (+2 orcs, +4 giants at lvl 5..)

a fighter level give:
1. all weapons
2. heavy armor
3. tower shiled (made of wood, nice for a druid at times) .
4. ability to use (with -4) a giant weapon ... so a base great sword = 3d6, then the druid grows to Large, weapon to huge >>> 3d8 base damage.
not bad really as a 1 lvl dip . (after lvl 4, when you can wild shape ofc).

KidBash95 wrote:

Human Barbarian w/ Dual Talent (Str/Dex, or Str/Con) and Titan Mauler Archetype (start with PA feat, so you instantly gain a+3 dmg bonus and a -1 hit penalty). As a weapon use the Scythe and later in the game buy a one size larger One (the archetype allows you to ignore penalties and use 1.5x force as usual). Scythe is useful because it has a X4 crit, so when you hit, you hit hard. Plus the archetype gives you various bonuses versus creatures larger than you, and complete it by using the suggested rage powers of the archetype and other feats like focalized weapon, glory or death, come and get me rage power (level 12). Expecially at high levels you're gonna 1-hit most of your enemies. With a 20 pts buy I would do

Str 16 (+2 =18) - Dex 12 - Con 16 (+2 = 18) - Int 10 - Wis 12 - Cha 7

You don't need to dodge hits, expecially when using the come and get me feat, but you need a large amount of HP instead. As soon as you can buy a belt of physical might (Str and Con) and boost them all the way up. Also remember to get as soon as you can the focalized crit feat or make it Sharp and you're done. If you make everything right you should get a 3D6 + 40/50+ damage with each Attack at level 20 (at that lvl your crit should be x5, so you should make around 15D6 +250 (or more) damage with each attack (at lvl 17 the archetype lets you use the spell enlarge person as you enter rage and the weapon you're carrying will enlarge even more, giving you a 6m range and a 3D6 total damage per Attack), and using the come and get me feat you'll attack twice if the enemy would attack you). Sorry if I forgot anything, but it seems fine this way to me. Feel free to tweak this build to your preference! Let me know if I was able to help you! Good luck! :)

first of all, thank you.

a few Q's:
unlike the DR focus barbarian, you lack AC or DR, so how do you handle the full attack the foes give back ? (for example, if its not dead or more than 1 is present..)

also VS flyers / far away foes, what tools you have to deal with them ?

btw - barbarian 8 / druid 4 with shaping focus isnt half bad.
lvl 8 wild shape into elemental while mainly a barbarian form.

in a focused game (orcs, giants) aint a ranger > barbarian ?

we are starting, level 1 and up, giant slayer game.
i am aiming for a dwarf, and want to have intresting melee.

Giants offer some heavy risk, reach, rock throwing, some scouting needed, big meat-piece of HP pool.
and attack at really long range .

here are the options i though of:

1. Warpriest. Arsenal .
low skill points is the bad part. no stealth abilites.
VS reach ? use the lvl 2 spell to move without AOO.
buff ASAP and attack hard.
hammer using (long hammer and others)
blessings: good and healing take care of the self heals and some summons.

2. Ranger : Archery.
who cares of reach, cover or concelments.
learn to hate orcs > giants and you are golden.
load of skills. low on spells and a little boring (shoot...shoot...shoot...)

3. A melee Druid:
balance of skills and full caster.
i got a eral dillema between Goliath and Saurian .

Goliath = both disguise as a giant for scouting and using all the LArge weapons found. the fact you stay humanoid means your armor will be decent (full plate dragon hide), and your weapon is solid.
1 level into Ranger with the favorite enemy feat oofer a full favorite enemy progression and usag of all the weapons.
the downsides:
1. no elemental form
2. less animal forms .

Saurian :
you shift into dino's . low on Armor, but load of option.
summon as a standard action is HUGE - adding meatshileds on the board.
why elemental is important?
earth glide = getting closer or afar without AOO, and super scout abilites.
also decent as a hammer wileder earth elemental.

iron will

or dirty fighting > improve trip > greater trip .

i really like expertise > stalwart tree for Samurai.
Also pin down the best feat a fighter only feat can have....

Barbarian , DR archetype.
1 level dip into shadow dancer and a trait that allow stealth to be used while you rage.

high DR, high mobility, decent saves, super HP, good offence.

no armor = no ACP = great stealth. (why wear armor with DR that high).
add stalwart tree and you are golden.

Guided hand Cleric focusing on wis / con .
domains are luck and OPEN.

Order of the Dragon cavalier / battle-herald can buff allies with +8 AC with EASE.

also, 1 level of Tattooed Sorcerer...

carry companion is what is use in ALL risky areas....
Hosteling armor on a shirt or a shield (just to carry).
improve Familiar for he one that can enter your body OR regenerate (cant really be killed).

Samurai X / unchained rogue 4.
dex to hit, to damage.
the best mithral armro you can wear .
great skills, full mount (boon companion..) , smite, debuffs...

learn 2 styles:
1. elven curved blade OR 2 kukri style.
2. ranged (bow)

your mount can help to tank.

i would take Cavalier - hound master. and walk with a dog.
or Samurai for the ultimate X2\X3 rolls.

order of the Dragon scream swift aid feat, for free buffs.

halig feax wrote:

Greeting, all.

Currently playing a RotRL campaign as an arcanist. One of the party is a silver champion paladin with a rift drake as his companion.

I've been looking into ways that he could transport his drake more inconspicuously -such as the hosteling enchantment on his heavy armor. He loves this idea since his drake will emblazon on his full plate every time it enters his armor.

But there is a problem down the road. Once the drake gets to level 15 with him, it will be more than one category size larger than him -too big to work with the enchantment.

My question is this: are there any paizo official magic items that can reduce the size of an animal companion while worn?

Thanks for your time

Rift drakes are evil - how is he using him as a paly?

i play a druid , but also any hunter or ranger can do it.
i play a skinshaper druid human with a Roc.

whenever i want to ride my Roc ? i use the alter self to go small and i cast reduce animal (1 hour \ lvl...) on it.

also there is carry companion to "pocket" him.

a super handy solution.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Barbarian (titan mauler) 3/druid (goliath druid or mountain druid; Plant/Growth domain for righteous might as a 5th-level domain spell) 9.

If you want more spells, fighter (titan fighter) 1/druid (as above) 11. Without rage, you will need to invest a bit more in boosting your attack bonus.

enlarge person of wild shape wont stack with growth or righteous might

can any one link some official ruling on the matter ?
for the following:
the first round is clear.
i cast a spell (frost bite ) move and attack = round 1 (thats clear and legit.
now i want to :
1. use unarmed strike with the hand that hold the charge
2. OR use a claw with that hand (lets say i am a troll).

can i attack, and ALSO cause a triggered effect on the target?

Samurai X + unchained rouge 4.
i use a wakizashi.
amazing skills and melee, 2 sword menace.

BadBird wrote:

Create a Separatist Cleric with the Heroism and Wolf Domains, filling Domain slots from 3 up with Aspect of the Wolf - a cheap lesser Extend rod means plenty of pre-buffed min/day. Specialize in tripping with Dirty Fighting, Fury's Fall and Greater Trip, with Aspect of the Wolf granting +4 to STR and DEX (so +4 to tripping with Fury's Fall) and allowing you to trip as a swift action. Swift action tripping and then Greater Trip at level 8 means you can trip -> AoO with a swift action even on a round where you cast a spell and moved. And of course, it means you can start a full attack with a swift trip strike too. Between Aspect Fury's Fall, Divine Favor/Power and Heroism buffing and the usual trip stuff like the CMB gauntlets you should have an absolutely brutal trip ability.

Cleric spellcasting should remain pretty solid if splitting stats with a double race bonus. With Aspect's dual enhancement bonuses, you could potentially put an Elven curved blade to great use - 14,15/17,14,10,15/17,7 on a Plumekith Aasimar, maybe, where you end up finessing a curved blade with 18STR/22DEX. But there are plenty of options with STR or DEX that still keep WIS decent. Heroism offers a power that adds level to CHA checks, so even with low CHA you can actually Excel at CHA checks by higher levels.

One level of a martial class is pretty painless on a Cleric if it should prove useful.

Feats are manageable even with tripping, since you get Improved Trip free with Wolf Domain and Combat Reflexes isn't vital. A Fighter dip helps both proficiencies and feats if needed.

this built is special for wisdom to hits like guided hand.

than you are a full caster and a full melee

666bender wrote:

skinshaper druid is my best one EVER.

human, 9 level casting.
1 feat for heavy armor and wear a stone plate.
animal companion = Roc at lvl 7+, whatever before.

feats: mounted combat + power attack.
than at high level take some metamagic or summon feats.

you are the most versitile player on the table.
skills : stealth , diplomacy,ride, perception

here is what you gain :
1. a "shifting" +2 - +6 to ANY ability.
when i am in a city? i alter to a commonn looking city folk and boost charisma (base of 10-12). so now i have above average charisma, with diplomacy and cool RP.
the mount? stored with carry companion.

2. go Rider.
i alter to a small race, but boost STR.
mount = reduce animal (all day lasting spell).
it's the ONLY rider that have the super STR of a large mount, but no hinder of the size... a med mount, small rider = i ride everywhere.
full plate, lance, shield and barksking = i TANK .
Roc wear a armor and tank himself.

3. go caster.
the ability move to WIS, mount is the wall that cover me.
the spell DC grow nicely.

4. spy mode.
stealth + alter self , mount in a pocket (figurine via carry companion) = 007 style.
i get in, spy , earth glide (spell) , turn to gas (spell) and run away (or alter my looks.... )

good skills, god rp node decent melee, full caster and a mount.
great saves.

og... and forgot:

Go Troll.
sewer troll for 3 attacks with reach.

Go Humanoid with wings:
fly all day long with your weapon at hand.

go triton :
and swim for days in the sea.

Go goblin:
and get a climb speed...

with echolocation spell your are batman, daredevil and some more all in one toon

i also had load of fun with :

1. Melee Bard (if group has a great #1 melee). or battle herald.

2. Samurai X / unchanied rogue 4. dex basd 2 weapon dagger master. you have good saves, skills, attack, debuff, some smite and a full animal companion. my halfling was a great killer.
charge = sneak (scout / thug archtype) .
another melee = flank (gang up as i ride my dog).
throw daggers for some range dex to hit and damage style.

3.Oracle of lunar that focus on melee with shadow bloodline for hide in plain sight at lvl 11.

4. Melee Bard with shadow bloodline for hide in plain sight at lvl 11.

skinshaper druid is my best one EVER.

human, 9 level casting.
1 feat for heavy armor and wear a stone plate.
animal companion = Roc at lvl 7+, whatever before.

feats: mounted combat + power attack.
than at high level take some metamagic or summon feats.

you are the most versitile player on the table.
skills : stealth , diplomacy,ride, perception

here is what you gain :
1. a "shifting" +2 - +6 to ANY ability.
when i am in a city? i alter to a commonn looking city folk and boost charisma (base of 10-12). so now i have above average charisma, with diplomacy and cool RP.
the mount? stored with carry companion.

2. go Rider.
i alter to a small race, but boost STR.
mount = reduce animal (all day lasting spell).
it's the ONLY rider that have the super STR of a large mount, but no hinder of the size... a med mount, small rider = i ride everywhere.
full plate, lance, shield and barksking = i TANK .
Roc wear a armor and tank himself.

3. go caster.
the ability move to WIS, mount is the wall that cover me.
the spell DC grow nicely.

4. spy mode.
stealth + alter self , mount in a pocket (figurine via carry companion) = 007 style.
i get in, spy , earth glide (spell) , turn to gas (spell) and run away (or alter my looks.... )

good skills, god rp node decent melee, full caster and a mount.
great saves.

well.. here are a few:
Ranger 2 / UR X :
take the style that allow 2 claws.
it's better than 2 weapon fighitng...

if the party have a good front, use 2 whips to attack from afar .

i also like shot on the run with 1 shadow dancer level

Val'bryn2 wrote:
Really more a build style, but probably a khopesh or similar, light armor, heavy will kill you in the desert. I'd probably go for more move and strike, more acrobatics, striking like the wind, sword and board, most likely.

Falchion, scimitar or khopesh.

also : Read about "Tahtib" (old martial arts of ancient Eghept).

BadBird wrote:
666bender wrote:

there is nothing in the rules about Elementals using weapons.

they fight with slams, they are slabs of stones with 2 slams.
where it tells you they have opposesd thumbs?
where is a single elemental in the monster's books that use any weapon ?

and i prefer skinshaper over urban druid.

Elemental Traits wrote:
Proficient with natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid in form, in which case proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.

Elementals can be "generally humanoid" in form, in which case they can wield weapons. Nothing about using an elemental shape with Wild Shape precludes shaping into a "generally humanoid" form, which is then capable of wielding weapons.

Elementals wrote:

Fire elementals vary in appearance—they usually manifest as coiling serpentine forms made of smoke and flame, but some fire elementals take on shapes more akin to humans, demons, or other monsters...

When an earth elemental lumbers into action, its actual appearance can vary, although its statistics remain identical to other elementals of its size. Most earth elementals look like terrestrial animals made out of rock, earth, or even crystal, with glowing gemstones for eyes. Larger earth elementals often have a stony humanoid appearance.

...and so on.

Also note that Pathfinder Polymorph simply changes a character's physical shape; you do not completely become that type of creature or take on its essence. Turning into an Air Elemental doesn't even prevent critical hits or bleed damage until Elemental Body III; you still have a fairly normal physical body.

Skinshaper has some interesting uses, but it's too bad that Skinshaper ability bonuses are enhancements and don't stack with items, thus only being truly useful for secondary ability scores.

as for skinshaper :

it gets BOTH the +2 of alter self AND a +4 ....
it stacks.
also , the ability can be for ANY ability....

my character move it to charisma when in a city (with diplomacy full ranks).
than i move to int for some knowledge Q's.
than i move to wisdom for a off caster .
than i move to dex, con or str in melee....

also, with a full mount i kick a$$#.
(Roc mount with reduce animal for med mount, i turn to halfling to ride or to troll for full attack).

BadBird wrote:

The main thing with those three Archetypes I mentioned is that besides Divine Favor, they have further benefits. Permanent Alter Self is at least another '+1' to combat, granting an Urban Druid a '+2' over Nature Fang for a long time. Urban Druid can also eventually start to use medium Elemental Body Wildshape, which can work fairly seamlessly with 'humanoid' features (wielding weapons, speaking, somatic components). The Eagle Shaman's non-Wildshape wings and free Flyby Attack opens up brand new tactical options - Flyby Attack Felling Smash, for example. The Halcyon Druid is... well, just a whole other ballgame. Run Persistent Dazzling Blade and Sense Vitals for example, to swift-blind and then murder with Sneak Attack dice. Hell, run Sense Vitals and Dimensional Savant by level 10 with Retraining.

But yes, there's no double that Study Target is a great ability and Nature Fang is a great Archetype.

there is nothing in the rules about Elementals using weapons.

they fight with slams, they are slabs of stones with 2 slams.
where it tells you they have opposesd thumbs?
where is a single elemental in the monster's books that use any weapon ?

and i prefer skinshaper over urban druid.

Morbid Eels wrote:

What are the best ways for my Polearm Master fighter to protect himself against spells? (without multi-classing please)

He just seems to fail against every spell thrown at him, even fortitude-based ones, which are by far the best saves he's got. He's always expected to be in the front line so he gets a lot of attention from spellcasters and spends most of the time debilitated or unconscious. How can I minimize the effects of spells cast against him, both damaging and debilitating? I want to get him to the point where he can fairly reliably shrug off any magic that comes his way, though I understand that might be a stretch.

His Saves, using rolled ability scores:
Fortitude: 13 (14 con + belt of physical might +4)
Reflex: 5 (13 Dex)
Will: 3 (9 Wis)
Currently 14th level, with no helpful magic items except the belt, but we've just liberated a lot of gold from pirates and we're probably just one session away from gaining another feat.

why EVERY fighter i see tank wisdom ?

i played a half elf (race trait +2 will and another +2 enchantments) .
with wisdom 14 (+2) and a trait (+1).
took iron will )+2) and gained a decent will save....

base of lvl, +2 cloak only . base+9 (+11 vs enchantments) isnt bad

BTW Damage isnt everying....

Druid can add trip (wolf) Grapple (anyting with GRAB).
Druid dont have to have AC if there is another fighter, use super reach (plants).
Druids can be tactical (earth elemental earth glide into position).
Druids can Debuff very well (Rime + enforcer feats & frost bite spell)
Druids can build walls, humper the area's movement, summon beaststicks and much much more.

a combat isnt a flow of HP running from one to another, it can be won with wit, with tactics .

i had a druid once with spring attack...... odd, i know.
but when you realize you can earth elemental into the floor after your attack or fly away, you realize you can win a fight VS a fighter 5 levels above you .....

earth elemental (small) with improve cover are the best scouts as well (+8 imp. cover, +4 size) and can enter the floor freely.....

so scout the enemy, understand it's weakspot, poison it's food and waters, than at night, as the camp is weak, earth glide in.... trun into a huge, pre-buffed animal and kill the entire camp.

here is another super stong option :
druid 4 / unchanied barb (rager) 8

Base DR = 4 (barbarian).
great hp.
wild shape as lvl 8 druid (large elemental) wielding a great axe and moving through the floor without AOO with cover....

1. you can speak
2. you can slam or axe
3. you can rage
4. you can wild shape well.....

super strong.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

Wow wow so many cool options. Okay, let's start working through these.

666bender wrote:

many options... from the wierd ooze form to giant to a dino lover.


the mage single attack:

druid - Saurian
turn into hippo
take vital strike.
cast the spell that up the attack by 2 steps.
do 16d8 + str...

? Okay, can you spell this out for me?

Doug M.

yap :

take Saurian druid fro super strong summons when needed.
build will be :
lvl 1 : augument summoning.
3: power attack
5: planar wild shape
9: quick wildshape
11: vital strike
(2 open, can be: Lunge, toughness, maneuver or whatever)

round 1 : fast wild shape (move action) into Megafauna, Arsinoitherium (base att = 4d8). + cast 1 buff spell (strong jaw)

you attack once, for 16d8 (base 4d8 >>> 12d8 from strong jaw + 4d8 vital strike) + all the STR / power attack bonuses.

you have DR (planar wild shape)
all spells are prebuffs or summon dinosaurs.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

12th level human, 15 points. I'm looking for something that buffs in advance and then just unleashes hellacious crazy damage in combat. High AC (>25) a plus. Can be druid himself or druid + animal companion, whatever. He'll have all the time he needs to buff, so feel free to pile on with that.

What've you got?

Doug M.

many options... from the wierd ooze form to giant to a dino lover.

Goliath Druid (giant form):
ride a Trex.
1: heavy armor + great sword prof. (bulette armor)
3: power attack
5+7 : augument summon
9: lunge
11: imp crit.
AC comes from full plate + shield + barkskin.

ride the Dino, kill with it...

Option 2: the rider :
SKinshaper druid (master alter self)
mount = any flyer. (roc)
1: lance prof + heavy armor
3 : mounted combat
5: ride by attack
7: spirited charge
9: wheeling charge
11: power attack
mount takes: wingover, hover, power attack

fight options:
1. turn small (halfling) while you up +4 STR (archetype)
cast reduce animal all day long on mount.
be a super charger
2. trun into a strix (flying humanoid) and be a killer from above

the mage single attack:
druid - Saurian
turn into hippo
take vital strike.
cast the spell that up the attack by 2 steps.
do 16d8 + str...

here are 2 options i would consider:

lvl 1 : monk, martial artist (nonlawful martial artist - take street fighting...)
lvl 2+ invulnerable rager.
use expertise to get the + DR, and you dont really ever need armor...
use the "rage" as "inner focus" from training (like batman begins ) .

you are super tough, high HP, high DR, some flurry brawler options and grapple as off style .

option 2:
Samurai 1 > Thug rogue 4 (unchained) > Samurai X.
use dex > not str.
use a dueling sword as your main weapon - or 2 kukries.

with boon companion you even get a mount for traveling...
debuff god - crit fisher, enough skills to play what ever.

a Skinshaper Druid get fly60 / good at level 9.
i found only 2 (same) flers humanoids in the game.
Strix, with fly average...

so - how can i get fly good ?

any creature i missed?

1. Battle and life.
Build guided hand and use wisdom only build with a strong hex dc and spells and nice to hit.

2.speaker of the past.
2.a 1 monk rest battle shaman , no armor. Flurry a great sword.
2.b no monk. Take heavy armor and tank.
Enjoy heroism and barkskin.

3. Oracle spirit guide.
Greater wp focus and wp sp.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:

Given those two choices, I'd say Bloodrager. But be aware you'd be delaying/losing access to the mid/later bloodrager class features.

If I may offer a different option, archaeologist bard.
If going bard or sorcerer, consider 2 levels of paladin if that matches your alignment.

archaeologist ---- i cant understand why all like it?

the round of bard boosting wont grow with your level - whats the point ?

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