For the fighter feat Brutal Finish (press trait), it says if I hit, I do 1 extra die of damage. 2 dies worth of damage if I'm at least level 18. Failure effect: You deal damage equal to one weapon damage die of the required weapon. Increase this to two dice if you’re at least 18th level. Question 1: If I miss, do I just roll a D10 (for a great pick) and that's my damage for the round? Question 2: If I crit, and I'm not level 18 yet, would I roll 2D12 extra damage (Great Pick)? (Does it double the dmg die for a crit)? Thanks for any help ![]()
Lets say my fighter is level 10 and is using his 1st 2 actions as a power attack. He will also have the feat furious focus. I'm using a great pick in this example. Attack Roll: 10 (lvl) + 6 (mastery) + 5 (str) + 2 (greater runes) = +23
Do you also double the Power Attack 2D10 --> 2D12? Crit Damage: 11D12 + 10 + 6 = 87.5 dmg? Or is it 9D12 + 16 = 74.5 dmg? Thanks for any clarification! ![]()
I'm making a dwarf wild shape druid / caster (18 str, 18 wis at level 5) These are my feats, I'm at level 8 right now: 1. Wild Shape
------------------------- Retrain 7. General Feat from/Incredible Initiative to Adopted Ancestry - Human
I'm currently using either an enlarged (heightened to 4th - huge size) dwarf with a halberd so I have 20 ft of reach and with striking rune doing 2D10 + 8 Dmg (and I cast spells with this form) OR Wildshape Dino Form. Once I reach level 11, and I get expert proficiency with unarmed strikes I will abandon the halberd and be using wild morph instead. With Wild Morph + Enlarge I'll have 25 ft of reach. I'll bapee putting a striking rune into handwraps. I'm not quite sure what feats to take at level 14 and 16 (what to retrain out of for ferocious shape, as I won't need it since I'll have monstrosity shape) Any feedback greatly appreciated ![]()
I am a level 9 druid, I have monk dedication. I'm taking Ki-Strike. At level 9, would my Ki-Strike become 3D6 Dmg? Also if I took Ki-Strike, it would add to my focus pool right? So I would have 2 focus points IF I chose to take primal focus at level 12? (i.e to wild morph then wild shape in the same fight) thanks for any help ![]()
As a druid I would like to use wild morph and wild shape in the same fight. Am I able to do that or am I hooped? Here's the druid feats I'm taking: Druid Feats:
At this point do I have just 1 focus point? ![]()
I feel equally about casting spells or using an attack with wild jaws or a halberd. Ideally I'd like to attack once with weapon and cast a spell in same round. I am planning on taking dragon form at level 12. I have fighter dedication and I want to use AoO's, will flying let me do that? I'm still not sure if I should go with wild morph - wild jaws OR a halberd. Wild Jaws seems to be doing more damage but halberd gives me more reach and versatility of weapon types. Recommendations on which path seems stronger? ![]()
I've been using a wild shape druid and when using him in non-wild shape form I wanted to know which build was more optimal when attacking and also casting spells. At level 8 right now I have 18 str, 18 wis, 14 dex and 14 con. I want to know the math for my character at level 12. As part of the non-wild shape form I would cast enlarge and have a greater striking rune. ---------------------------- Halberd + Enlarge + Expert in martial weapons + Greater Striking Rune Attack Roll:
Wild Jaws + Enlarge + Expert proficient in unarmed strikes + Handwraps w greater striking rune Attack Roll:
Wild Shape + Enlarge + Expert Proficient in unarmed strikes + Handwraps (Greater Striking Rune) This is the same as wild jaws, except its D6 dmg BUT I wouldn't need to take a feat into 'insect form'. Damage Roll:
---------------------------- Am I missing anything? Which of the 3 would you recommend at level 12? Any changes you'd make? Thanks in advance! ![]()
I'm playing in the age of ashes AP. I was going to create a ranger that uses shurikens. I own the core rulebook for 2e but nothing else. Is there any source material free online about ninja/shuriken using characters? Where would my character come from? Any information/links related to this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ![]()
I have a dwarf which is a wild shape druid. Since I can't use magical weapons or armor as a bear (or any form), what should I be spending my money on? Everyone on my team are buying magical weapon runes and such but I don't get that luxury. Any recommendations on which items to go for? thanks in advance! ![]()
I was hoping to get some advice on what types of spells to select as a 5th to 7th level wild shaped Druid multiclassing into Fighter (for a couple levels, mainly to get Attack of Opportunity). My WIS and STR are both 16(at level 1, and 18 each at level 5). Our composition consists of myself, a Barbarian, a Rogue and a Bard. I was aiming to use my focus point to switch to a wild shape form and then refocus after each battle. So I have lot of spell slots to fill up, which to take? ![]()
Thanks for the detailed reply! Is there no magical items which may be able to help the DC rolls? At level 2,4,6,8 skill feat levels I was going to take: 2. Battle Medicine
Would you take assurance (medicine) for over ward medic or robust recovery at feat levels 6 and 8? Does that cover pretty much everything healing/medicine wise? ![]()
How do I maximize my treat wounds/battle medicine skill? I'm a dwarf druid, at level 3 I'll be an expert in medicine and I have the healers kit. My wisdom is 16. So to treat wounds with DC 15 I believe I get bonuses of +3 (wis) +7 (expert trained + level) + 1 (healer's kit) = +11 so I need to roll a 4 or higher to heal 2d8 HP? And if I want to continue treating the patient for 1 hour that becomes 4d8 HP healed? Is that correct? If I use battle medicine, can I get the bonus for the healer's kit? Does that also heal 2d8 HP? Is there any recommendations to make my roll even higher so I can try to heal more HP with the higher DC rolls? ![]()
If I dont take any storm druid feats, strictly taking wild shaping + multiclassing into fighter for the AoO (taking up feat level 2 and 4 slots), how many focus points do I have? Just the 1? And after a fight can I refocus for 10 mins to be able to go into some 'said form' for 1 minute during the next fight. Can I get a second focus point as wild order? I believe I need ferocious shape feat at level 8 to be able to use my wild shape focus spells, do I get more than 1 though at that point. thanks for any help ![]()
For the level 2 animal form spell, it states my attack mod is +9 and dmg bonus is +1. My druid has 16 str and 14 dex. His attack mod for unarmed strikes is 3 (level) + 2 (trained proficiency) + 3 (str) = 8 Do I also get the +2 from wildshape making my attack roll = 10 ? And thus I can use that instead? Am I stuck with the +1 dmg mod? Even though I have 16 str and thus get a +3 to dmg? ![]()
2 Additional Questions about cantrips. For electric arc, the save is a reflex. Does that mean if they make the save no dmg taken, if they fail its damage as usual and if i Crit its double damage? At level 1 I got 18 wis (+4) mod and I'm trained in spell attacks/spell DC's. What does the enemy have to roll to succeed reflex save? 10 + 4 + 2 = 16 before any of his mods? Is that right? ![]()
IF i took storm retribution 6th level feat.
Can I use this reaction if I'm in wild shape form? Via spell OR wild shape (ferocious shape)? ![]()
Perpdepog wrote:
Sounds amazing, how does this work though if you were level 7 and using the spell dino form? Or level 8 using wild shape focus spell? ![]()
I wanted to go 18 STR and then 16 con or wis (For a wild order druid). However for druid it says key ability is wisdom so I'm forced to go max 16 str? For this type of Druid what is the best way to use my spells? I'll have to use my animal form/ dinoform spells until level 8 in which then I can use focus points to wild shape. Before that I can't use any forms via focus points I believe. Just wild morph early levels. Where do spend my focus spells/points before I get level 8 ferocious shape? ![]()
Level 12 with 20 STR Attack Roll:
So would I take the attack roll that uses my STR mod and then use the damage roll of the dino form wildshape (heightened)? Sounds like 18 str and 16 wis probably good starting stats for wild form. Thanks for the help guy. EDIT: Looks like druid I only get Wisdom bonus so max I can get is 16 str it looks like unfortunately. ![]()
Thanks for the reply. As a wild order druid would anyone recommend going 16 (18 by level 5) STR. At level 7 my attack roll would be 7 (level) + 4 (Str) + 2 (unarmed proficiency) + 1 (handwraps +1) + 2 (wild shape) = +16 (Please let me know if I didn't add this correctly) Which is same attack roll the dino form at level 7 gives me. Is there any way to make my attack roll higher thus making going 16 or 18 str viable? ![]()
Most battles I will most likely spend the first turn wild shaping into my form of choice. How can I use spells to make my wild order druid most useful to the team. What kind of stats should I use as a Wild Order Druid? What should I put the 18 into? Wisdom? Possibly 14 strength to get form control at level 4? For the early levels should I be casting spells for a round or 2 before wild shaping? I don't think I can self-buff then wild-shape. How can I best use spells in and out of combat as a wild order druid? ![]()
Can I use focus points to wild shape instead of using 'animal form' spell slot? Once I have ferocious shape 8th level feat, can I NOT use my highest level spell slots to transform/wild shape? Can I use focus points instead at that point? Can I use refocus to get my 1 focus point back more then once per day? Or can you keep refocus over and over as well? ![]()
Lord_B wrote:
Force Bolt is the focus spell though. So it will automatically heighten once I've reached a certain level. But I guess your saying that separately you can also memorize this as a spell and heighten to whatever is available if you have a spell slot available? ![]()
Thanks for the detailed response! I understand all of it except focus points. At 1st level if I specialize in the abjuration school of magic, do I get the protective ward spell to spend my focus point on? If not, what do you get at 1st level? What happens when I reach, say, level 5 with regards to the focus point/spell? ![]()
I'm trying to find my bearings when it comes to the wizard. If I specialize in a school, evocation for example, I gain an extra spell slot of that school. So max 4 spell slots per level? Or is it still max 3 spell slots + 1 focus spell? I believe it states these are in the form of focus spells. So do I have to take the given school spell as a focus spell. For example, the evocation spell is Force Bolt. Do I have to take that as my 4th spell/focus spell? And I believe after 10 mins of refocus I can cast this spell again. Can anyone share with me how this works? |