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So, folks, I'm aware that in 3.5 Wizards are powerhouses with cool and sometimes game-breaking stuff from lvl 1 (Abrupt Jaunt ACF, for instance), to cheesy prestige classes (Incantatrix and Dweomerkeeper metamagic abuse). I know that Metamagic isn't 'a thing' in Pathfinder. I'd like to know what are the cool and powerful tricks/combos available to them on Pathfinder. How do Arcanists stand in comparison to them? tl;dr: what's good, what's bad and what's broken in PF Wizards? What about this Arcanist guy? ![]()
As the title says, I'd like to know what would be the ideal numbers a character focused on dealing damage should aim for on a given level? Is there such formula or recommendation? So, what total attack bonus is ideal by lvls 5/10/15/20? How much dmg/turn should a dps have in order to kill a BBEG in... 3 rounds? (Is 3 a reasonable number of rounds for a single character to down a BBEG?) ![]()
Claxus, you said that it's possible to get SA on every attack, I don't know many, besides: 1- oracle with special sight to use fog/darkness to blind opponents
what else is there to allow SA on every attack? The hellcat stealth only allows for sniping, having two shots at best with the combat trick, right? ![]()
Hey folks! Is it possible to have at least: 11+bab, 5d6 sneak attack and be able to cast the Sense Vitals spell ? my point here is to deal as much ranged sneak attack dmg as possible (with a bow, preferably). I thought of buying a wand with the spell in it but wands don't have much love in pathfinder (as opposed to 3.5's eternal wands and wand slots on weapons). Any thoughts ? thanks, guys! ![]()
eh, the Eldritch Archer is far better, it's also compatible with the Myrmidarch if you don't mind one spell less for each spell level. Dnoisette, in case I don't follow the Arcane Trickster suggestion above and stick to sorcerer 1/eldritch archer 19 - what metamagic feats do you suggest? say: rime, intensified, piercing spell, spell pen/greater... ? Anything else? Do you always take piercing, spell pen+greater together? ![]()
I was calculating here and these are the feats I came up with on this Trickster Build: Spoiler: 1- Point Blank Shot 3- Rapid Shot 5- Accomplished Sneak Attacker
7- Rime Spell 9- Deadly Aim 11- Multishot 13- Intensified Spell 15- Clustered Shots <or another metamagic> 17- Hammer the Gap <or another metamagic> 19- Improved Precise Shot (I know this is late but it's when the BAB meets the pre-req). The BAB might be low but if you make the Eldritch Archer also a Hexcrafter, an Evil Eye hex might go a long way together with the Prescient Attack)
So, guys, I was thinking here... Rogue 1 > Eldritch Archer 6 > Arcane Trickster 10 > Eldritch Archer +3
You need at least Eldritch Archer 6 for the Prescient Attack to deny your enemy's Dex. This build has 7d6 SA, CL18 and all the other snowball-arrow goodies above mentioned. What do you think? ![]()
Guys, I'd like your help on this build. It's lacking some items and a trick (or feat) but I'm out of ideas. It has some quite high arrow damage output, even despite its low 'to hit'. What should I wear for armor? what are some nice properties? Level progression:
Feats and tricks:
Equipment: Arrow Splitter Bow
Shatter defenses sounds nice. Also, smokesticks are nice too. I just won't go any other class because I'd like to try mixing Monk Flurry (either sohei or zen archer) and Sneak attack. I think I can pull a "slayer sniper (with weapon training) and sohei monk" - thus getting all the goodies of both, dpr-wise. ![]()
Zen Archer BAB: +18 (evangelist levels add to monk levels to determine his flurry bab, right?)
With a +5 weapon, tomes and all other enhancements being the same, the final difference in to-hit between these two builds is of 3 points. Sohei is 3 attack points ahead of ZA ![]()
Leonardo, I'm trying to keep this to Pf-only (despite compatibility being... possible) Well, updating the list since I can't edit old posts: Zen Archer/Evangelist * 8 attacks (flurry+haste)
Sohei/Evangelist has: * 11 attacks (flurry+rapid shot+manyshot+haste)
Fighter/Evangelist has: * 7 attacks (4+rapid shot+manyshot+haste)
You're right, the extra attack + monk's robes put the Zen Archer ahead in max damage.
Fighter doesn't stand a chance. I kindly remember that Dr is not an issue with clustered shots. ![]()
From my calculations Sohei wins the damage game with Zen Archer coming as a close second. I'll also show the fighter just for completeness sake. Zen Archer/Evangelist has: * 7 attacks (flurry)
Sohei/Evangelist has: * 9 attacks (flurry + rapid shot + manyshot)
Fighter/Evangelist has: * 6 attacks (4+rapid shot+manyshot)
Gwen, come to think of it, Monk`s robe is even better for the Sohei, since they don`t advance the unarmed damage past level 4. This perhaps allows the monk to get the full 2d10 (or 2d8 if evangelist) unarmed damage. Also, I know that it may be quite difficult but... are there reliable ways to get sneak attack on ranged attacks? Items, feats, anything. Something that allows me to land my sneak attacks on every attack every turn. ![]()
Guys, so far I`m not counting items (other than the gloves for those with weapon training) because I'm assuming everybody will get a +5 bow (or +2/3 and complete the rest with features such as Sohei's ki strike) and get their attributes to the top. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrbLavMR4vMX_1QyO7hqfcTePdAK4W7Le_h eoNTfBYk/edit?usp=sharing Assumptions: * 20 point-buy * All classes but paladin: 10-20-10-10-15-7 * Paladin: 10-20-10-09-10-14 * +2 to Main attribute (dex for all except for the monks, which are Wis) * All ability score increases go to the main stat. * Rapid Shot and Manyshot are taken by all except by Zen Archer Monk * Evangelist of Erastil included just to see when it's beneficial to go this route or not. ![]()
Gwen Smith wrote: Nice list! Do you happen to have the attack/to hit bonuses for each of those? To-hit bonuses are a bit more complicated, but I'll try, but first, some questions that I need to know: I'm back to d20 from a long slumber, and I'm quite fresh to pathfinder, so, I must ask you: what's the ability generation method used in these boards? 20 points? 25?
Also, is there anything I need to know about equipment? Any magic property out of the SRD for bows that stand out? (I mean, I know bane, distance, etc...) Any "must-have equipment" for any kind of damage-dealing builds ? Are tomes expected in the final budget? ![]()
I came up with a list of unique static damage, extra dice and number of attacks the classes we discussed can access. I'm not taking into account haste nor feats everybody can get. I'm counting though, rapid shot and manyshot due to monk flurry) Wm Fighter: 6 attacks (4+RS+MS) / +14dmg (10 weapon training + gloves + WS+GWS) ZA Monk:7 attacks flurry / 2d10 weapon dmg or an additional flurry. Sohei Monk: 9 attacks (flurry+RS+MS) / +6dmg (3weapon training+gloves) Ranger: 6 attacks (4+RS+MS) / +10dmg (instant favored enemy) / 2d6 weapon damage (gravity bow) Pally: 6 attacks (4+RS+MS) / +23dmg (smite + divine favor) Cavalier: 6 attacks (4+RS+MS) / +20dmg (challenge) Inquisitor: 5 attacks (3+RS+MS) / +5 dmg (judgement of justice) +4d6 superior bane - Did I get anything wrong? I think this helps better seeing what each class brings to table ![]()
^actually, a ranger gets +10 to damage on his favored enemy (and anyone can be his favored enemy with instant enemy). A fighter gets +5 (+10 with gloves, +14 with greater weapon specialization) and both the paladin and cavalier can get +20. I can only see the inquisitor getting +7 with his destruction judgement. Is there anything else I'm missing? ![]()
Is the Weapon Master archetype better for Fighters than the Archer one? Because of the crit-enhancing shenanigans? Also, what's the normal ceiling on ability scores by level 20? is it 40? 50? (taking into account both items and tomes, etc...) Last one: no way to get different alignment paladins, right? (I've just looked up cavalier, but paladins seem to be better, way more rounded) ![]()
Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:
Is there anything special to an "Instant Enemy Build" or is it just a ranger who picks this spell and the good archery feats? Any special multiclass or archetype or anything else I should be aware of? ![]()
Just done reading Porpentine's "One" build/guide. It looks downright awesome. As for Pallies, mounted archery doesn't rock me hard as stealthy archery, which I can still achieve with a monk build. Wonder if rangers are actually capable of competing in terms of damage. I come from 3.5 where rangers weren't the prime deal on it (back then I took the rogue/scout swift ambusher route to build my archer). ![]()
Guys, I've long heard that Pathfinder is the "archer edition" and I'm wanting to better understand this.
Are there any handbooks or guides on the subject? Is the hybrid class Slayer worth it? thanks in advance |