Interest Check: Linear Fighters, Quadratic Hobgoblins - an all-fighter AP group


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Liberty's Edge

I'm thinking about running Ironfang Invasion when it releases as a PbP, but with one particular and very important caveat: all the PCs must be single-classed fighters. I'd allow any Paizo archetype, nearly any 0-HD race, traits and such on the table as per usual, but everyone would be a fighter. It's a wartime AP, if there's any time and place where an all-fighter group seems like it would make sense, this is it.

Are there four or five players out there who might be up for the challenge?

(Note: this is an interest check thread only - I am not yet recruiting specific characters. Just wondering if anyone would want to do this crazy thing with me.)

FYI: I'd appreciate it if those who believe such a group is doomed to death and failure could pass the thread by. I understand it's a challenge. If you want to give it a go, please step up - if you just want to mock it, there are lots of fighter-hate threads available on the forums already for that purpose.

I'm intrigued, you do mean the Ironfang Invasion AP though correct?

Liberty's Edge

McBugman wrote:
I'm intrigued, you do mean the Ironfang Invasion AP though correct?

I really do. Edited to make things that are in my head actually appear on the screen.

Sure. Do we have to remain single classed fighters the entire game, or would you allow multiclass/prestige classes like the Aldori Swordlord or duelist?

It's...certainly an interesting approach. I'd probably rather try the concept on an older AP than the brand new one as it comes out, but I'd be willing to give it a shot.

I could see some really fun RP moments with this, at least for those who enjoy the humor an all one class party inherently brings.

Group stands before complicated rune etched into dias, ignorant to the magical energy washing over them.
Character 1:"What do you think it is?"
Character 2:"Meh, hit with the hammer?"
Character 3:"Yeeaaah, f#~@ it."
Character 4: Swinging hammer down, "YOLO!"

Liberty's Edge

stormcrow27 wrote:
Sure. Do we have to remain single classed fighters the entire game, or would you allow multiclass/prestige classes like the Aldori Swordlord or duelist?

Prestige classes yes, standard base classes no. I'm still undecided on variant multiclassing from Pathfinder Unchained, but I'm leaning toward "yes" on that one (obviously, going for a VMC would lock you out of a prestige class, since you can't combine the two kinds of multiclassing).

Liberty's Edge

Ouachitonian wrote:
It's...certainly an interesting approach. I'd probably rather try the concept on an older AP than the brand new one as it comes out, but I'd be willing to give it a shot.

The choice of AP has a lot more to do with what I feel like running as a GM right now than the all-fighter group concept. That said, like I mentioned in the OP, it's a wartime story, so thematically it works a lot better than, say, Mummy's Mask or Kingmaker would.

This sounds fantastic. Count me in.

Dotting! All hail the fighters lol

Note that being a single class Fighter is not as restrictive as you think.

Child of Acavna and Amaznen has limited arcane casting.
The item mastery feats can allow for casting a few crucial spells multiple times a day.
There are lots of ways to get Use Magic Device as a class skill and low level scrolls are cheap.
And there are even a couple of ways for a pure fighter to get a familiar. Handy if your group is willing to spring for a wand of Haste.

I only play PFS or I would be interested.

Liberty's Edge

Bigguyinblack wrote:
Note that being a single class Fighter is not as restrictive as you think.

Trust me - that's a lot of why I'm willing to give this a shot. ;)

Hmm, I'd be down. Fighters can fill most roles (at least, skills, range, melee offense, melee defense, save-or-die), though yeah, healing might get tough without VMC. I guess someone could focus on UMD.

Just tossing out a few ideas... Arcane Anthology has a fighter archetype that gains bloodrager spells, which gives a caster level equal to fighter level. Pair this with a custom staff, and you've got access to a bit more of a range of spells, but it's not pretty; VMC cleric is probably the better option, or wands of fiendish healing for out of combat.

Lack of defensive buffs might be the biggest obstacle, which means you'd need at least 1-2 defensively-built fighters, since any damage taken will hurt.

...what about unusual cohorts? Animal Ally + Monstrous Companion could get you a spellcasting animal mount, which might be something worth avoiding, though that's high-level stuff.

Potions are your best friend. Lore warden takes care of some of the skill issues. Plus whatever the random feat that allows you to craft items (Magical craftsman or whatever is) or take the craft items feat.

Shisumo wrote:
stormcrow27 wrote:
Sure. Do we have to remain single classed fighters the entire game, or would you allow multiclass/prestige classes like the Aldori Swordlord or duelist?
Prestige classes yes, standard base classes no. I'm still undecided on variant multiclassing from Pathfinder Unchained, but I'm leaning toward "yes" on that one (obviously, going for a VMC would lock you out of a prestige class, since you can't combine the two kinds of multiclassing).

Really? I don't think I've ever heard that before. Maybe I was just asleep at the wheel when I read through that part of Unchained.

Liberty's Edge

Well, it's not technically a hard and fast rule, but it is how it's recommended to work, and definitely how I would run it in this instance.

Liberty's Edge

Also, I would allow the Combat Stamina feat to be selected by the PCs, although I am not currently planning to give it out for free.

This sounds very interesting. I have a fighter idea I'd love to play and an all fighter group would work out fine.

I'll dot this.

You looking at a point buy or rolling for stats?

The Exchange

Uhm...yes, very much. Interested.

Liberty's Edge

Boss Zog wrote:

I'll dot this.

You looking at a point buy or rolling for stats?

I pretty much always do 20-point buy for my games.

Dot for interest

This sounds like the Hornswaggling Hoblins playthrough of Skull and Shackles

I'd be interested. Fighters are awesome.

I would definitely be interested! Though I usually do not get a chance to play them, I do like fighters.

Honestly, I would suggest you just ban VMC and Prestige classes outright. The idea is that this is a pure fighter game and therefore things that try and become "only half a fighter" or "a fighter, but actually something more" or "used to be a fighter" seem (to me) to try and skirt the intent of of the game.
Honestly, UMD should be enough if the GM throws in a free wand of CLW :)
At least, thats my 2 coppers, feel free to ignore or dissagree ^_^

As for me, I get the feeling that playing a Dwarf with the Steel Soul feat and the Superstitious trait would be fun and create someone who is as immune to magic as you can get :)
Then stack on as much heavy armor as you can and your all set!

Or create a human Siegebreaker who just wants to run through everything :/ (that archetype can get pretty broken in a one-dimentional kind of way really quickly if your not careful :/)

Or it might finally be a good time to play a sword and board character for once :/

Huh, I have -never- played a fighter. This could be interesting, though. Mobile fighter, Lore Warden, Polearm :D

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

Ha! This sounds like fun!

Interested. Very. Much. Dot.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Definitely interested

Mutation Warrior! RAGHHH!

Def interested

This sounds like a fun chance to do some teamwork builds

Certainly interested

I'm super down as well.

Sounds interesting

This could be interesting. The healer's handbook which just came out had some feats about combat vigor (iirc) which could give some innate healing.

Liberty's Edge

Well, clearly the idea appeals to at least a few more people than me. Looks like I'm going to do this.

There will be a recruitment thread as soon as we get a Player's Guide, and I will post a reminder and link here for everyone who's dotted.

@ Shisumo:

Would the Viking fighter archetype from the Peoples of the North Supplement be okay?

Excellent. I will start putting together an idea or two...

Also, I really like the idea of working with some teamwork feats!

I would certainly be interested in this! Some of my favorite characters have been fighters, and it does sound thematically appropriate.

I'd be interested. I've had a Lore Warden-->Student of War that I've been wanting to play for a while now.

Liberty's Edge

Xunal wrote:

@ Shisumo:

Would the Viking fighter archetype from the Peoples of the North Supplement be okay?

Sure. I've actually long wanted to use that archetype for a Shoanti Thunder and Fang character myself...

Hell yeah fighters' group! Also excited about the Ironfang Invasion, so I'll look forward to the recruitment thread.

The party will need healing. It will need:

(1) someone with Heal. But treat deadly wounds can only happen once per day.
(2) someone with a wand of cure light wounds and use magic device. I know a good lord warden build for that. Or a relic master.
(3) everyone takes the feat 'godless healing'

Right now I'm considering going lore warden/learned duelist elf. Will get improved/greater feint (move action) and vital strike (standard action). Will use the class combos to play a fighter who uses his intelligence score in combat, and who can carry around wands of healing for the party.

Silver Crusade


Very interested!

Also interested!

I'm definitely interested. There are so many Fighter archetypes I've been wanting to try out. Cad, Archer, Crossbowman, Tactician, Unarmed Fighter...

There's a few other ways to get healing. Half-elf with arcane training (witch or bard) for auto-UMD, Believer's Boon/Hands and Minor Miracle, Eldritch Heritage (Celestial), item mastery feats, or occult skill unlocks all spring to mind.
But also important is that fighters can have really good AC. "Take tons of damage and get it healed" is more the barbarian mindset IMO. Yes, there will be some unavoidable damage taken, but with good tactics not too much.
Running through several ideas in my head...

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