SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4
Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
About Joseph Bonkers
Joseph Bonkers
Human Armorist (Whitesmith) 1/ Mystic (Gunsmoke) 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Human) Initiative +3 Senses - Perception +0
AC 17 Touch 13, Flat Footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Armor, +1 NA, +2 Enhancement) (-0 ACP)
hp 16/16 (1d10+1d8+2)
Fort 3 Ref 3 Will 5
Other Defenses +2 Will vs emotion and fear effects, DR 3/- vs small, piercing weapons
Speed 30ft
Melee +5 weapon (1d*+4/x2)
Ranged +6 Firearm (1d*+5/x4) (Misfire: 1)
Melee Modifiers +1/+0 BAB, +2/+2 Str, +2/+2 Enhancement
Ranged Modifiers +1/+0 BAB, +3/+3 Dex, +2/+2 Enhancement
Maneuvers Readied
Spheres (4/4 SP)
Casting Tradition
Center of Power
•Magic originates from my arm, lose 1d4 SP if I get hit by a crit and dazed 1 round
•Cast through my metal arm
Material Casting
•Spend 1sp per casting in iron ingots to cast powers
Somatic Casting
•requires 1 hand free to cast
-SP: Blank Form
•Grant 1 Trait
1SP: Maintain for 4 min/lvl.
1SP: Animate Object
•Animate Tiny object with 1 CP
Alteration CL: 2
Enhancement CL: 1
Other CL: 1
Sphere DC: 13+1/2 CL
Concentration: +4
MSB: 2, MSD 13
Current Magical Effects
Transform Arm (4 min), Enhance Arm
Whitesmith Enhancements: (Animate Arm, Enhance Arm Slam attack, Enhance Arm AC, Animate Anytool, Enhance Anytool Slam attack, Enhance Anytool AC, Enhance armor AC)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
BAB +1 CMB +3 CMD +16
Hollow Compartment
Iron Ignots (9.6gp)
+2 Coat Pistol
6 Metal Cartridges (bulets)
Traveler's Anytool
Quilted Cloth Armor
+2 Switchblade
Iron Ingots (40gp)
2 Potions of CLW
Adamantine Bauble (100gp, 0lb)
30 Metal Cartridges (bullets)
40 Metal Cartridges (pellets)
20 Paper Cartridges (bullets)
20 Paper Cartridges (pellets)
40 doses of Black Powder
20 Bullets
20 Pellets
10 Silver Bullets
10 Adamantine Bullets
10 Dragons Breath Cartridges
10 Entangling Cartridges
10 Crossbow Bolts
4 Powder Horns
Gunsmiths Kit
Active Element (Fire)
Animus (4) (4 base) Favored Form (1/2)
SP (4/4)
Special Abilities
Additional Traits gain +2 Traits.
Animus once combat starts, gain an Animus pool equal to 1+Wis. This increases by 1 at the begining of each of your turns and by an additional point at the end of any round you used a Maneuver. These persist until 1 minute after combat ends. You may spend Animus to do the following;
Blade Meditation as a full-round action you can spend 1 Animus to recharge your Maneuvers. Until the start of your next turn enemies who target you with a melee attack take 1d6 damage of your Active Energy type, +1d6 per 2 anima you have.
Complex Animations your Animated Objects gain +1 Construction Point.
•Enhance Maneuver you can spend up to 3 Animus when you initiate a Maneuver to grant a +2 Insight bonus per Animus spent on all d20s rolled for that Maneuver, but only to the first attack in a round, if any.
•Boost DC you may increase the DC of a Maneuver by 1 per Animus spent.
Animus Ammunition reload 1 chamber of a firearm with a mystic bullet as a free action that does not provoke by spending 1 Animus. This reduces the misfire chance of that shot by 1 (minimum 1) and you do not require a hand free to do so.
Blighted Physiology +1 NA but you are sickened for 1 round any time you recieve magical healing.
Bonus Feat humans gain a bonus feat at lvl 1.
Caretaker +1 to heal checks and heal is a class skill.
Elemental Attunement you can select your Active Element when you ready your Maneuvers and can change it as a standard action, or as a free action when assuming a new stance by spending 1 Animus. When you initiate a Maneuver you may spend 1 Animus to change all the damage to your Active Energy type. Your Active Energy type is the same as your Elemental Flux Maneuvers.
Favored Form 2/day, you can maintain a Blank Form modified by Morphic Weapon without paying a SP.
FCB +1/4 of a weapon proficiency.
Flowing Movements gain Rapid Reload (all firearms) as a bonus feat.
Gunsmith gain the Gun Training feature.
Gun Training add your Dex modifier to damage with firearms. When a firearm misfires its misfire penalty only increases by +2.
Lyin' Eyes -2 to Bluff checks.
Magical Gunsmith gain Gunsmithing as a bonus feat.
Natural Shifter your Alteration CL is 2 higher, up to your Character Level.
Personal Refinement when you enhance a piece of equipment you are holding or wearing you do not need to concentrate or spend SP to maintain the effect as long as the object is on your person.
Rapid Reload Advanced firearms are reloaded as a free action. Two-handed firearms are loaded as a standard action. One-handed firearms are loaded as a move action.
Skilled gain +1 skill rank per level.
Skymetal Smith you start with a chunk of Adamantine worth 100gp and it is embedded deep within the heart of your metal arm. +2 Will vs emotion and fear effects.
The Mystic Crucible use your Armorist level as your CL for Enhancement effects cast on your equipment. You may spend up to +1 Enhancement bonus on special qualities.
The Way of the Gun Animus Flush: remove the broken condition caused by a misfire from a firearm by spending 1 Animus as a move action.
Sphere Effects
Alteration Sphere grant yourself 1 trait for as long as you concentrate (or for 4 minutes if you spend 1SP) from the following list;
•Bite (1d6)•Claws (1d4)•Darkvision (60ft)•Gore (1d6)•Graft Weapon•Low-Light Vision•Pincer (1d6, secondary)•Shape Weapon•Slam (1d4)•
Lycanthropic You can only target yourself with your shapechange ability.
Morphic Weapon gain the following 2 traits;
•Graft Weapon meld a 1-handed weapon into your arm. It cannot be disarmed and is treated as a natural weapon. You lose access to this arm.
•Shape Weapon transform a limb into a weapon you are proficient in, it cannot be disarmed. The weapon has its own hps and if it breaks then attacks and skill checks with the limb take a -2 penalty for the next 24 hours. A DC 15 heal check or magical healing equal to the weapons hps removes this.
Unnatural Transformation Your shapeshift never grants a bonus to Disguise checks and when you are struck by a silver weapon you must make a Will save with a DC equal to the damage dealt or have the shapeshift end immediately.
Enhancement Sphere Enhance a creature or object for as long as you concentrate (or for 1 minute if you spend 1SP) granting objects a +2 Enhancement bonus. If you target an unwilling creature then they get a DC 13 Will save to negate.
Animate Object you can spend a SP to enhance an object, granting it movement and 1 Construction Point. You may enhance an opponents weapon forcing that creature to make a DC 13 Ref save or lose that action each round. You may enhance an opponents armor or clothing to force that creature to be entangled and have to pass a DC 13 Ref save or be staggered for a round.
Enhancement Dependency you suffer a -2 penalty to your Fort saves if you are not under the effects of an enhancement.
Greater Enhancement when you use the Enhance Equipment ability, increase the Enhancement bonus by +1.
Marking Enhancements a mark resembling a blacksmiths hammer etched in coal appears on every creature and object you enhance. The mark can be rubbed off as a standard action or after 1 minute of being submerged, ending the effect.
Center of Power your magic obviously is channeled through your arm. If you get hit by a critical hit you lose 1d4 SP and are stunned for a round. If you are under physical restraint that immobilizes your arm then your Spherecasting requires a DC 20+CL concentration check. An undesirable polymorph effect may also produce the same results.
Galvanized Your magic is channeled through your metal arm. Being disarmed, or having the weapon sundered counters any sphere abilities you are casting or maintaining. If a polymorph spell causes your metal arm to become part of your body you lose your abilities, unless you can still attack with your metal arm somehow.
Material Casting you must expend 1 silver piece worth of iron ingots per ability used. This is generally done by inserting them into the hollow compartment inside the metal arm.
Somatic Casting you require 1 hand free to cast magic and cannot wear armor heavier then light without incurring a spell failure chance.
Active Element choose an active element when you ready your maneuvers. Effects that activate off of your Active Element activate with this element. You can change elements as a Standard action.
Maneuvers you can ready 5 maneuvers, 2 automatically. You gain an additional readied Maneuver at the end of every round of combat, up until you have readied all 5 maneuvers, at which point you choose 2 maneuvers to recover and the rest reset. You may change your readied Maneuvers by spending 10 minutes concentrating, you may also change your 2 free maneuvers with 1 minute of concentration. Diciplines availiable are Elemental Flux, Riven Hourglass, Shattered Mirror, Solar Wind, Tempest Gale, and Veiled Moon.
•Disarming Shot Strike. Make a ranged attack, if it hits it deals damage as normal and you can make a disarm maneuver as a free action using a Sleight of Hand check in place of your BAB (+10).
•Eldridge Shield Counter. As an immediate action gain Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire resistance 10 against 1 attack. You can spend 1 Anima to increase this to 20 resistance.
•Inner Sense Counter. As an Immediatd action gain a +2 Insight bonus to 1 save vs a single effect.
•Slipstream Strike Strike. Make a ranged attack that ignores cover. If it hits it deals damage as normal.
•Spark Strike Strike. Make an attack that deals an additional 2d4 damage od your Active Element. You can spend 1 Anima to increase this to 3d4.
•Strike the Hourglass Strike: make an attack, if it hits then the target must make a DC 14 Will save or become Staggered for 1 round.
•Variable Flux Strike. Make an attack, dealing normal damage with an added effect based on your Active Element;
•Air: gain +4 to hit if the target is wearing metal armor or wielding a metal shield or weapon.
•Earth: if the attack hits then the target must make a DC 14 Will save or become sickened for 1 round.
•Fire: if the attack hits then the target must make a DC 14 Ref save or cath on fire for 1d4 rounds.
•Water: if the attack hits then the target must make a DC 14 Fort save or become fatigued for 1 round.
•Distorted Clock you gain the benefits of the Extend Spell metamagic feat for a single beneficial extract, power, psi-like ability, spell, or or spell-like ability cast upon you.
•Elemental Nimbus your attacks gain an additional effect based on your Active Element;
•Air: +2 to hit against creatures wearing metal armor and your attacks deal +1d6 Electricity damage.
•Earth: your attacks deal damage as if they were 1 size larger.
•Fire: your attacks deal +3 fire damage.
•Water: your attacks stagger your opponent (DC 14 Fort negates).
Encumbrance 25lb
Light 58lb, Medium 116lb, Heavy 175lb
The Arm
So, Joseph's arm is technically a tiny construct animated and sustained by Josephs Personal Refinement. It doesn't act as a construct itself and instead grants Joseph full functionality of that arm.
The arm itself is a technological wonder that by all rights shouldn't function if not for Josephs constant magic animating it. The arm is highly dexterous and capable of significant transformitive abilities, when Joseph provides the right magic the arm can change shape to just about anything made of metal that its owner can think of, if he provides enough iron and mass to fuel the transformation. The arm also contains a hidden compartment within the "bones" of the arm with its entrance cleverly disguised into the palm of the hand and this compartment can be used to store a cache of spare iron and gunpowder, or whatever else Joseph may need to hide...
When all else fails the arm can serve as a potent bludgeoning tool if Joseph is somehow left without a weapon to fall back on, and the metal hand has a grip of iron...
Left Arm
Tiny Animated Construct with +2 Slam Attack (1d2/20), Grab, Swallow Whole
26/26 1d10+20hp, Hardness 12, AC 21,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 15
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Metal (-2)
•Graft (-1)
•Grab (-1)
•Swallow Whole x2 (-2)
•Immobile (+2)
•Centralized (+2)
Enhance Natural Attack +2
Enhance Natural Armor +1, Impervious
With an Integrated Anytool
Tiny Animated Construct with +1 Slam Attack (1d3 17-20/x2)
26/26 1d10+20hp, Hardness 12, AC 21,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 15
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Metal (-2)
•Magic Item (-1)
•Graft (-1)
•Slashing Attack (-1)
•Improved Attack (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
•Centralized (+2)
Enhance Natural Attack +1, Keen
Enhance Natural Armor +1, Impervious
Alex also has a backup Coat Pistol and Switchblade hidden on his person.
This hand crafted wooden pistol has beautiful flames etched up and down its stock. It also has a distinctly burnt appearance.
Lil' Fireball the Coat Pistol
Tiny Animated Construct with +1 Flaming Slam Attack (1d2/x3) +1d6 fire Damage, 20ft range
5/5 1d10, Hardness 5, AC 20,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 15
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Ranged Attack (-2)
•Piercing Attack (-1)
•Magic Item (-1)
•Burn (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
•Flammable (+1)
Enhance Weapon +1, Flaming
Enhance Natural Armor +2
+2 to Sleight of Hand checks to hide it on your person.
Vulnerable to Fire
And a backup Switchblade, just in case...
Tiny Animated Construct with +1, Keen Slam Attack (1d2/17-20)
26/26 1d10+20hp, Hardness 12, AC 21,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 15
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Metal (-2)
•Magical Weapon (-1)
•Slashing Attack (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
Enhance Natural Attack +1, Keen
Enhance Natural Armor +1, Impervious
324.4gp left over
875.6gp total cost
1,200gp available
Joseph as a young boy was always curious and inquisitive. It soon became apparent to his parents that Joseph had a keen mind when he would constantly take apart and recombine his toys. This pleased his parents greatly, for they were Blacksmiths working the great Torch Forge and the traits he demonstrated would serve him well, if he ever took up his parents mantle.
However tragedy struck early in Josephs life while his parents were working the forge, Joseph playing close to the forge. Bored, he decided to wander around, and close to the burning fire, unnoticed by his parents. Soon after, the Torch started to flare up, radiating intense heat and the smiths started to retreat. However, too late Josephs parents realized that Joseph had wandered near the flames and they rushed to retrieve him.
The Torch flared, spewing out white hot metal and incinerated his parents as they tried to shield him. Worse still, a chunk of white-hot steel flipped out like a frisbee and arched towards Joseph, catching him between the elbow and shoulder, shearing his arm clean off.
Joseph survived the ordeal yet lost his parents and his left arm in the ordeal. Now an orphan, Joseph was immediately adopted by James Vega, the Gunsmith who had pulled him from the fire that day.
Life under James was hard but enjoyable despite the loss Joseph had suffered earlier, indeed it seemed that Joseph had been too young when the accident happened and he did not seem to connect the intense flames of the Torch and his own parents death, instead he viewed it as a challenge to try and work the forge despite his missing arm, rather then cursing it for depriving him of the arm to begin with.
James tried hard to enable his foster son, he had crafted a simple prosthetic that Joseph could wield, the first iteration had a built in hammer that Joseph could swing by using centrifugal force generated by twisting his body to bring the hammer around and onto the metal.
Indeed, where Josephs parents had been old-fashioned blacksmiths, content working on axeheads, sword blades and plate armor, James was a revolutionist. He had believed in the "future" of blacksmithing. Guns. Indeed, it would seem that he was on to something because soon after the Council of the Freelands came to visit, bringing gold and commissioning anyone who was able to start mass producing firearms to fuel their war against the Tyrant. Business was booming for James and he soon after hired Joseph to become his assistant. Thrus began Joseph's apprenticeship as a Gunsmith under James Vega.
Fast forward a few years with this new lifestyle and Joseph had grown quite aptly. He had overcome many of the difficulties inherent with having lost an arm. You see, Joseph may not have been the most intelligent of the kids around but he had a real knack for complex designs and puzzles, as well as possessing a strong improvisational spirit and drive to innovate. Indeed this served him well as he often helped James improve on his designs for the weapons he build as well as taking his time off to tinkerer with his arm.
However years working the forge as a young boy who was still growing (and going through puberty) had some unseen and often unfortunate effects on his body. You see, corruption and radiation seeps out of the great, blazing Torch and into everything around it, the soil, water and even the air. As you can imagine, being that close to the source of this corruption for that long exposed Joseph to even more of the mutating radiation then most, magnified by Josephs young age.
This radiation infused Joseph with a small measure of power beyond what he would have normally employed and strangely enough, Joseph is capable of utilizing this radiation in a variety of ways, this is most notable in his ability to power his arm solely off of the radiation in his own body. This radiation can also be utilized with other uses, such as infusing his ammunition with a variety of elemental effects. However, this radiation is not always the most easy thing to control, and it tends to have a pulsing, almost random effect in high stress situations.
The Arm
Joseph's metallic left arm is a marvel of ingenuity and cunning, advanced well beyond contemporary technology. It helps greatly that Joseph can "cheat" by powering the weapon solely based off of the radiation within his own body and therefore he has no need for a bulky power source. Instead, this allows Joseph to cram in a powerful "Conversion Chamber" just below the elbow, an invention of Joseph's that allows him to convert raw Iron mass into whatever shape he wishes it to, and Joseph uses this for every need he may have. At work he transforms it into the various Gunsmithing tools he my need, and wields them aptly as they are literally a part of him. Out back behind the workshop Joseph can transform his arm into whatever weapon shape he has worked on, and this helps him immensely as he tinkers and toys with different ideas on how to improve his firearms, or live-test his ideas to see their effectiveness. He can also do other complex tasks with the arm, such as emulating Flux Capacitors to power different components or shape it into the perfect tools to do a given task.
The arm also has a secret compartment hidden within the palm of the hand that he can use to store small objects. Usually he fills this with iron Ingots so that he always has a ready source of iron for his transformations, or a few extra bullets if he ever wishes to test a new firearm conversion idea.
Recently, Joseph has left Torch with a shipment of guns from his forge that were headed for the River Lands. Previously, a few shipments had gotten waylayed along the way, their cargo lost. In response to this (and frustration) James has sent out Joseph to act as a guardian for the guns, trusting in his cleverness and his Arms capabilities to see the trip through.
Once the trip was successful (and uneventful) Joseph had met up with a handful of other interesting characters who had invited him to come along with them on an task they were undertaking. Excited at the prospect of adventure, Joseph sent the proceeds back to Numera with a courier, along with a note; "Hi Dad. I met some people out here in the Riverlands, they are really interesting! I think that I am going to travel with them for a while, thanks for all you have done for me, I'll be sure to drop on by sometime when I have a chance! PS: The arm itches.
Love, Joseph.
He knew that James would understand his hidden message, and hopefully everything would be alright when he came back, but in the meantime he intended to have some fun with his new friends.
Joseph is very easygoing and clever, it is not uncommon to find him sitting quietly during a heated argument just fiddling on a new gadget he is designing for his arm, only to spring it up with an URIKA! at the worst moment of the argument in an attempt to diffuse it. Joseph will also often come up with unusual ideas and workarounds for the different challenges that face him, greatly aided by the versatility of his robotic arm.
Quick to make someone laugh, slow to anger and a very patient man, however he is still young and his youthful energy can often create its own friction as Joseph brashly says something he has no ability to back up.
Joseph grew up different from the other kids his age, mostly due to his physical deformity, and he has often had to try extra hard to overcome the natural wariness of his piers simply based off of his appearance. This has made him quite comfortable in solitude while also yearning for closer friendship.
While Joseph is not exceptionally bright, he does have a very crafty mind, seeing connections and potentials in the situations around him. He also is quite nimble.
As for his last name, he has heard that joke before. And that one... And that one as well :P In fact he has been teased about his name so often that it now washes over him like water. But sometimes. Just sometimes it bugs him deep inside...
Joseph is a young boy, clean shaven with short, black hair. His brown eyes are always highly alert, watching everything around him keenly. Joseph is eager to experience life and this is evident in the way he holds himself, alert, poised on the edge of his feet and ready to spring into action.
Joseph keeps himself well maintained and clean, new (if not durable and practical) clothes cover him and while they may show signs of wear they are never dirty.
However, the most striking feature about Joseph, and the one most people would fixate on is his complex, metallic arm. The color of polished iron, this arm is a marvel of technology, riddled with pistons and gears and wires cover the surface of the arm. Despite being made of metal, the arm appears to be fully functional and capable of significant dexterity. However, that is not the half of it as the arm is also fully capable of transforming into almost anything that Joseph could conceive, and that also happens to include some powerful firearms, both highly advanced and antique. Indeed its a beauty to see its gleam as it transforms into a sleek, Remington 870 TAC-14 or even a simple and delicate fillet knife.