Forest Drake

stormcrow27's page

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Unfortunately due to work constraints and the fact I'm moving in two months to a city that's only 20 minutes away from work, I won't be able to continue the campaigns. I apologize as I really did want to continue,
Thanks for playing and I hope I get more free time to run again.

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At present a door to the west and a stairway going up. A door in the hall you came to also lies unexplored.

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It does not appear that anything is actually in the closet, as nothing else is wet...

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Koshon's keen eyes find nothing around the room. Morelda's memory, perhaps stirred by Eric's recollections of recidivist revolts or his stirring commentary on legends of magic slippers, tells her that these slippers allow the wearer to step light as a feather amongst difficult terrain for up 10 minutes, once a day.

Stormborn has not made into the room, nor is anyone other than Eric and Koshon covered in water. Even more interesting, the closet is bone dry....

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Koshon and Eric manage to avoid the flow of water once again. Mysteriously, it eventually stops. A pair of slippers seems to have been washed out of tye deluge. Strangely, the floor doesn't seemed soaked....

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Eric and Koshon's efforts to hold the door against the rush of water fail. Koshon and Eric, please roll another Reflex save.

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The water rushes out of the closet with a ghostly wail, and continues to gush. Does the party widh to do anything?

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Koshon and Eric's polearms smash through the barricaded door. Suddenly,a rush of sea water flows out from the door, inundating Eric and Koshon.

Eric and Koshon, please make a Reflex save.

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I apologize for the slow pace of posting responses fo4 the game. I've had to switch jobs 3 times from March to June, and my income and time have finally stabilized. Thanks for your patience in this, and I'll be far more responsive to game posts from now on

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Eric hears nothing but the sounds od his companions and the creaking of the house.

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The door radiates no magic.

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The reason why the northern door seems odd becomes obvious upon further observation: It's been boarded up and the lock destroyed by a steel bar olaced through it.

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A door opens north into a room with a set of stairs going up. Another door appears to lead east, and a door to the north has something odd about it, but you can't make it out from your current position.

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A whisper is heard: Gauntlets

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Nothing appears to be abnormal about the table, other then it's just well made. Nor does it radiate magic or have any secret compartments the group can find. The dining set does look quite valuable.

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The table holds no secrets the group can discover, but an overturned cabinet bearby holds a silver dining set, a silver decanter, and six copper mugs all in good shape. No magic radiates from the doorway.

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Morelda detects no magic from the table.

The door opens into an empty hallway, with one door going north.

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So what does the party wish to do now? Doors lie closed, beckoning to be opened.

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The swarm burns and dies. Nothing is left moving after being set aflame.

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spider swarm reflex save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

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The spider swarm burst into flame and melts as Koshon's heavenly fire claims it in heavenly paeans to the peris. Lorel senses Mother Ghoul's fire return to their soul.

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The party moves forward into the next room. They see two doors set into the north wall, while another door stands closed in the west wall, concealing whatever salacious secrets stand behind a sentry of wood. A masterfully built table stands against the against the mold covered windows in the room's southeastern wall. Aside from a layer of mold and a few patches of moss, the dining set looks to be immaculate condition in comparison to the rest of the house furnishings.

Of more important note is the large swarm of hundreds of spiders that comes swarming towards the group, hungry, chittering, and singing.

spider init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
party init: 1d20 ⇒ 4

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party init = 14
spider init= 10

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The room smells of burning cockroaches and wet wood. Strangely, it reminds you of home. A door to the north stands open. Even more strangely, this doesn't smell of burning cockroaches, just wet wood.

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The remaining cockroaches fry in ghoulishly green fire.

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The cockroaches all miss. Koshon's bardiche slashes at a cockroach, but it nimbly dodges out of the way. Thurin and Lorel are up.

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Morelda's ectoplasm spashes nearby one of fhe cockroaxhes abs misses. Two of the cockroaches bite at Grandfather Mossbeard, while one gets crushed by Eric's frantic thrashing.

attack roll cockroach: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 101d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 41d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

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Morelad is up

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Sorry for the delay. I had a burst of depression and anxiety this weekend that took a couple of days to work through. Init for insects

Cockroach init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

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Boring out of the floorboards comes the clicking of four giant cockroaches! (I'll get init later on today).

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Grandfather Mossbeard, aided by the dashing, if overenthusiastic Eric, figures out the map is of the nearby Churlwood, a forest close to Roderic's Cove. Thurin also notices the scurrying under the floorboards has become louder, and the pary starts to hear chittering.

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Thurin hears scurrying underneath the floorboards of this room. Lorel find a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of the desk drawer by a film of mold. The moldering pages shows an X in the middle of some woods, as well as the letters "St. Hs."

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Morelda Valerique wrote:
Eric de St. Cyr wrote:
But this reminds me of une thing, you see, I believe that Galt is as messed up as it is partly because its history gets constantly rewritten by whatever a@!#&$%$ is currently in power. By all records, Sir Roderik was a brave man, perhaps his house should be restored, so that the citoyens of Roderiks cove may draw strength and inspiration from it? It is the purposes of archeology after all to uncover the truth of the past, so that it even becomes possible to learn anything from it... He trails off.

Mulling about the general state of disrepair inside of the 'wreck', Morelda concedes to Eric, "At the very least, Sir Roderic's Ghost would have a place to linger besides the Circle Marketplace..."

stormcrow27 wrote:
The remains of a snap desk lean into the northwestern corner of the room, a desk drawer awkwardly protruding out as if pleading for help against the passing of the ages.
Scott "Lorel" Millerson wrote:
Lorel moves carefully into the room. She does a quick search of the desk.
Eric de St. Cyr wrote:
True to his word, Eric lends aid to Madmoisselle Millerson as she performs her search, covering her from any yet unseen attackers.
Thurin Foehammer wrote:
Silently Thurin kept his eyes and ears open. He saw no need for idle chatter.

As both Lorel and Eric search about the old desk drawer, the Young Novice Wizardess opts to hang back and observe for any magical phenomenon or auras as she does a casting of the Detect Magic cantrip.

[dice=Perception to aid, if needed]1d20+4.

Morelda finds no magic in the room.

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Two doors inside of this moldy room provide exits to the north and east.
The floor drops to the south so the lowest corner of the room brushes the surface of the river as it flows by. The ceiling in the northern and eastern part of the room is torn. The remains of a snap desk lean into the northwestern corner of the room, a desk drawer awkwardly protruding out as if pleading for help against the passing of the ages.
No creatures or dancing bards are immediately visible.

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The corridor opens into a stair well that leads to the second floor, as well as leading to the right to a close door and a hallway to the left.

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Eric manages not to fall into the rough assembly of wet and rotting boards that make up the porch. The front doors still stand slightly ajar. Further peering into them reveals a five foot wide hall way leading north, next to a set of stairs to the second floor of the Wreck.

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Eric moves up to open the door, and the porch boards ominously creak under his weight.

Eric, please roll a DC 11 Reflex save.

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Koshon finds nothing out of the ordinary, even being after being assisted by Morelda and Eric. The front doors on the porch stand slightly ajar, creaking in the wet air.

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Mossbeaard's club kills the last stirge after Erik's lucerne hammer slays the other parasite.

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Both sturges lie dead after Erik and Mossbeard slay them.

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Mossbeaard's club slams into the third stirge, knocking it to the ground after Erik's lucerne hammer slashes the other to paste.

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Via the magic of the moment, the last stirge misses Koshon. The website ate my post. Mossbeard, you're up.

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Koshon wrote:

[dice=AoO]1d20 + 3

[dice=Dmg.]1d10 + 2

Koshon's bardiche misses the stirge as it moves into to suck his blood.

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Lorel's ray of acid strikes a stirge and it falls to the ground, slowly dissolving into goo. Koshon and Eric's swipes miss their intended targets, the stirges deftly dodging the deadly blows. Two stirges moves towards Erik and Koshon, provoking attacks of opportunity...

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Stupid web forums. I've been fighting for a week to get back in and finally got my account reset today. Combat updates coming up now.

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[ooc]Current init
Lorel 22
Koshon 20
Eric 18
Stirges 17 (beat mossbeard due to init bonus)
Mossbeard 17
Thurin 12
Morelda 11


You're up first, Lorel.

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The combat suggestions work fine for me.

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Eric de St. Cyr wrote:

Good thing I have combat reflexes, a reach weapon equipped and can make AoOs flatfooted, right, right?


Reverse psychology works on the dice bot? How many feet away from us are they?

Eric attempts to identify the creatures
[dice=am skald roll knowledge dungeon or nature]1d20+3

They're about 5 feet away from you, and they provoke Aoos anyway since they're Tiny and have to come into your square to attack you.

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As Eric pushes open the door, the buzzing of wings attached to the bulbous bodies of stirges appear in front of the party. Roll for initiative !

initiative for stirges: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

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Eric de St. Cyr wrote:

What could possibly go wrong? Asks Eric innocently as he steps into the building after Koshon.

He does take a look around however.
[dice=perception so Koshon feels less lonely about his 1]1d20+3

Shocked at that not also being a 1

Eric sees the same set of steps leading up to the front door. Hey also hears a voice in his head "Would not two be as bad as one is the loneliest number?

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