Chapel36 |
Darklanterns gain a +2 to Dex and Cha when I'm their vigilante identity. Anything that changes because of that I placed in parenthesis.
I know people like to think that the Vigilante should keep his secret identity secret from the party but that seems dumb to me. Definitely would be okay with revealing to the party. If they trust each other enough to fight alongside one another then why hide?
Sades Vinlaynas
Neivdrad Deldlyn
Sades Vinlaynas
NG Humanoid (Human and Elf) Vigilante (Darklantern) 3
Init +3 (+4); Senses Perception +7; Low-light Vision (Darkvision 60’ vigilante identity)
AC 17 (18), Touch 13 (14), Flat-Footed 14 ( +4 Armor, 3 (4) Dex)
Fort +4; Ref +7 (+8); Will +6; +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects; +2 trait bonus on saving throws against spells and abilities created by elves.
Speed 30 ft
Melee Elven Curved Blade +7 (+8) (1d10+1/18-20 x2) or cold iron dagger +3 (+4) (1d4+1/19-20 x2)
Ranged shortbow +5 (+6) (1d6x3) or cold iron dagger +5 (+6) (1d4+1/19-20 x2)
Special Attacks Hidden Strike +2d8
Str 12, Dex 17 (19) , Con 14, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 14 (16)
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16 (17)
Feats Weapon Finesse ; Weapon Proficiency, Exotic (Elven Curved Blade); Weapon Focus (Elven Curved Blade)
Skills Acrobatics +7; Bluff +6; Disable Device +7; Disguise +7; Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3; (Engineering) +3; (Local) +3; Linquistics +2; Perception +7; Profession (Scribe) +5; Sense Motive +5; Stealth +7; UMD +6
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome, Polyglot, Undercommon
Traits : Experimental Rebel ; Ambush Training
SQ Ancestral Arms; Flexible Half-Breed; Keen Senses; Elf Blood; Elven Immunities; Dual Identity; Seemless Guise; Darklanterns Identity; Drow Magic; Unshakable
Vigilanete Talent Stalker Sense
Social TalentSeemless Shapechanger
Favored Class +3 HP
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (3), nightstalker's tonic (3)
Other Gear masterwork elven curved blade, cold iron dagger, shortbow with 20 arrows, lamellar leather armor (darkleaf cloth), cloak of resistance +1, sleeves of many garments, darklight lantern, shadowcloy flask (3), moonrod (1), masterwork backpack, masterwork thieve’s tools, explorer's outfit, eyeglasses, bedroll, silk rope (50 ft), trail rations (5), waterskin, belt pouch, 9 gp 4 sp
“The Darklanterns are the elites of the elites!” Sades had exclaimed. One of his fellow Bearers had laughed.
“You make it seem like you idolize them,” the Bearer said. ”Bunch of freaks that want to look like those things. Besides, you just joined. What makes you think you have what it takes?”
“You wouldn't get it, you basically had to just ask to be a Bearer, some of us had to work for it!” Sades grinned and slugged the elf on shoulder. ”But think of it: a half-elf Darklantern. That's the kind of thing they write songs about.”
Something about the idea of belonging to a such a group tugged at Sades’ very soul. It was a kindness that a half-elf had even been allowed to join the Lantern Bearers at all. Bit like many of the half-elves in Erages, Sades longed to be thought of as just another elf. Rare was the elf in Kyonin who treated Sades poorly but, he could always see the pity the could not mask behind those large eyes.
Sades clawed at his own face. He could feel the ritual taking hold. His body strained. His bones stretched. In the distance he could hear a familiar voice screaming in agony.
The pain was far worse than Sades had anticipated. The elves had explained that the first transformation often broke many would-be Darklanterns.
Maybe he had not been ready. Calistria's sting! How could anyone ever be ready for this?
Sades dug his nails into his skin, looking for anything to focus on other than the pain of the ritual.
The elves in the room stepped back as Sades fell to his knees, pulling the candelabra to the floor. Extinguishing the only light in the chamber.
The screaming voice reverberated in the room and and slowly they became the screams of someone else.
Sades opened his eyes and stared up at the group of Drow that had taken the place of the fair skinned elves.
“What a pleasure to finally meet you…” the female elf paused as if deciphering a scroll, “Neivdrad Deldlyn.”