Give me your best Pathfinder conspiracies!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My wife is running a Defenders-style campaign in a few weeks. It's a low-level campaign with an emphasis on dual identities, with local townsfolk donning masks to serve up some justice in one of the cities in Cheliax.

I'm planning on playing an Investigator who's a bit of a conspiracy theorist, inspired somewhat by DC Comic's The Question.

As I was coming up with my own list of conspiracies, I wanted to fill a notebook with a broader set and would love to see what other people could come up with. I only know a fraction of the lore in the grand scheme and want to make this character as lore-intensive as possible, in his own way.

Put on your tinfoil hats, folks. No conspiracy is too big or too small. Share any that pop into your head!

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Rovagug does not destroy for fun. He was trying to prevent Nyarlathotep returning to destroy the earth itself.

Now with his imprisonment and people actively stopping his minions: the return of Nyarlathotep is nigh on high.
Why couldn't Rovagug tell the others? He was too prideful to ask for help.

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Queen Galifray is a timelord.

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There are no restrictions whatsoever on magic and cold iron. The necessary components were withheld by the fey to keep them in power. Everybody who has found this out has "mysteriously disappeared" before the information can be made public.

When the fey lords begin mobilizing the Tane, the conspicuous absence of cold iron vorpal weapons needs to be fixed very soon.

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The Grey Gardeners are behind the Red Revolution. How else have they stuck around for 40 years without being executed themselves?! It's all a grand social experiment to see how long civil war can last before society collapses entirely!

Silver Crusade

Unseen servants are actually an invisible race of outsiders. They are waiting until all of Golarion's most powerful beings are dependent on them for all mundane tasks, and then they will strike.

How are phantoms able to escape the inescapable boneyard? They're on Golarion because Pharasma has a reason to put them there, and every Spiritualist is in on it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm absolutely loving these! I'll toss some of mine up as well when I get home from work, but I couldn't resist taking a peek from the office. I'm thinking I may actually have to get a little leatherbound book and scribble these in the margins for the campaign.

Aroden never died. He became sick of the whole worshippers thing and asked his own death. He now lives a quiet existence in Rahadoum

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Late at night behind closed doors, Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II sings "Hollaback Girl" and makes a bevy of bound imps applaud, fawn, and dotingly call her "Miss Stefani."

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Pathfinder Society = Brotherhood of Steel

Liberty's Edge

Pharasma dissects all mortals' lives when they are finished, looking for anything that might help Rovagug escape its cage. Anything she finds is dealt with by the Gods

She wants undead destroyed so that she can peek into their heads too

Liberty's Edge

Aroden is dead and his soul has been judged. But what of his body ?

Tar Baphon experiments to try and find a way to inhabit a dead god's corpse while keeping all his mythic lich powers and abilities intact

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Serious ones.

With the existence of Reptoids and Kitsune, it would be a shame if any conspiracy theorist didn't suspect key political figures of being shapeshifters. Better yet, a shadow war between the two. If you want a higher-CR conspiracy, this is actually pretty much what Rakshasas do- and they're also Sorcerers with very powerful mind-reading abilities.

The holy symbol of Aroden makes an excellent swap for the Illuminati pyramid. "Aroden isn't dead" feels a little too obvious for The Question, so I'd make the conspiracy be that something else moved into his place and draws power and/or gains sight from his iconography. Plus, "gods leave holes" makes for good muttering.

Parody ones.

Andoran is secretly run by the Shackled Carpenters (in parody of the Free Masons). Democracy is impossible on a national scale, and merely a front put up to placate the people.

The First World Order is a shadowy collection of fey and select elves and gnomes that control trade, money, and politics in the Inner Sea Region and beyond.

Lumpy Golarioners believe that Golarion isn't actually a sphere, but more of an oblate spheroid.

Substitute "outsiders" for any alien conspiracy theory. Paizo has actually done this themselves when they started up a magical tin foil hat.

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There is an overarching conspiracy to create plausible conspiracies to obscure evidence of incompetence reaching to the highest divine levels.


Daw wrote:
There is an overarching conspiracy to create plausible conspiracies to obscure evidence of incompetence reaching to the highest divine levels.

Mind. Blown.

Daw wrote:
There is an overarching conspiracy to create plausible conspiracies to obscure evidence of incompetence reaching to the highest divine levels.

That's just what someone from the conspiracy would say!

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The gnomes are secretly behind every government and big business, especially world finance (a joke on "the Gnomes of Zurich," a nickname for Swiss banking).

This one arose in my Rise of the Runelords game. The paranoid BBEG at the end had several opportunities to magically scry on the party and also received reports from his underlings about them. He was from the past, before gnomes arrived on Golarion, so gnomes were new to him. And the party had three different gnomes in it in succession. Thus, he decided that unanticipated failures of his plans were from a gnomish conspiracy.

Daw wrote:
There is an overarching conspiracy to create plausible conspiracies to obscure evidence of incompetence reaching to the highest divine levels.

Always reject the plausible in favor of the implausible.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

LOVE these... I figured I may as well contribute, even though this one is a bit on the nose.

Cayden Cailean's ascension was no accident, but rather it was orchestrated by local brewers and vintners unions as a means to drive up the sale of their wares. It's been so successful that other unions are just biding their time to follow suit.

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Norgorber is actually two halflings stacked on top of each other wearing a trench coat.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The other gods killed Aroden to break the cycle of prophecy and thereby prevent Rovagug's eventual escape.

The Starstone is an aboleth plot, and the deities it empowers are actually puppets of the Veiled Masters, despite their power. (I claim no credit for this one, read it somewhere here on the forums)

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The Test of the Starstone is a trap created by Achaekek to lure those who wish to become divine to their deaths. He has permitted some of the weaker candidates to pass in order to tempt more powerful seekers of godhood to the Starstone Cathedral, where they are disposed of.

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Vishkanya (or 'sneeple') secretly rule the world.

The only reason wizards can't cast cleric spells (and vice-versa) is a metaphysical embargo by the gods who don't want to give up their near-monopoly on healing magic. The Witch class is the work some entities who are trying to break the cartel.

Silver Crusade

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QuidEst wrote:

Serious ones.

With the existence of Reptoids and Kitsune, it would be a shame if any conspiracy theorist didn't suspect key political figures of being shapeshifters. Better yet, a shadow war between the two. If you want a higher-CR conspiracy, this is actually pretty much what Rakshasas do- and they're also Sorcerers with very powerful mind-reading abilities.

Even better than a shadow war between the two, take inspiration from THIS. Reptoids, Rakshasa, Kitsune, Veiled Masters, Dragons, Devils, Oni, and Doppelgangers have all independently infiltrated the Decemvirate (or the Andoran legislature, or the royal court, etc.), while completely unaware of the others...

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Goddity wrote:
Norgorber is actually two halflings stacked on top of each other wearing a trench coat.

Shouldn't that be a combination of FOUR halflings?

Everything is an illusion. (Ala we really live in a hologram.)

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The Pathfinder Society recalled the fifth volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles, not because it contained details of the events of Durvin Geist's last journey, but of the secret he discovered at the end: the true rulers of the Society and their connection to the Outer Gods.


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Wes Schneider is just a fiendish murder of crows wearing a trench coat.

To be serious, though, I think the secret of Norgorber's identity is that he is actually four people. An evil adventuring group were the first to pass the test of the Starstone and they were combined into one god. The four aspects of Norgorber represent the four individuals.

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Desna is dating Alf.

Norgorber is an elaborate hoax perpetrated by all halflings to allow them to control the spy industry.

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There are some rumors that the God who now rules Razmiran actually didn't pass the Starstone Test, and is in fact a mere mortal (albeit a powerful wizard) who is using magic to appear as if he was a God.

QuidEst wrote:

{. . .}

Andoran is secretly run by the Shackled Carpenters (in parody of the Free Masons). Democracy is impossible on a national scale, and merely a front put up to placate the people.
{. . .}

I have GOT to steal this . . . .

Norgorber wants to know secrets so he can find out the secret weakness of halflings.

Dark Archive

The Decimvirate is a lie. The Pathfinder society is controlled by a single entity older and more powerful than anything previously seen that use the Decemvirate as a front. Maybe through the use of powerful Illusion magic.

Dark Archive

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There's a previous thread devoted to this very topic.

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The Iron Gods won!

Iron Gods spoiler:
Ot rather, Casandalee won! By manipulating several gullible adventurers into destroying her rivals and helping her get to the Divinity ship! Now she's reimagined herself as the entire Golarion pantheon to get simulated worship! We're all in THE MATRIX! ARROOOOO!

The Great Harrowstone Fire was really caused by Mrs. Hawkran's cow kicking over a lantern.

Bastardhall is actually a Ravenloft domain!

The Whispering Tyrant is actually free and running wild behind the scenes! It's just his Good twin brother Bob that's imprisoned in Gallowspire!

Cheliax and the Worldwound are just fronts for the Blood Wars!

Sarenrae has multiple personalities! That's why she has all those conflicting sects!

The gods have forcefully repressed the invention of plumbing to prevent the invention of fire hydrants! Just to spite all us canines! What's a poor dog to do?

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Dou-Bral didn't travel beyond reality out of jealousy, but because Shelyn asked him to. She wanted him to retrieve a weapon that would give her dominion over all other Gods, and Zon-Kuthon delivered it, the Whisperer of Souls. This weapon is not an overt object of destruction, because as its name suggests, its power comes as a whisper. Rovagug wanted to destroy creation, and was defeated. Asmodeus wanted blind obedience, and was cast from Heaven. But Shelyn's power is not something so easily noticed, just a low and constant whisper in the minds of Gods that shapes their thoughts and turns their mind to love and adoration for the one that holds the glaive. As they say, it is Shelyn's nature to be loved. And no God is immune.

There is an invasion from Gods beyond reality already occurring on Golarion, and no one is aware that it is happening, because the invasion is the color Purple. Even Gods seem to believe this color has always existed, but it is really the manifestation of an ancient deity slowly coalescing itself into existence. The only way to stop it would be to replace the concept of Purple with a new color, but only Wizards tripping on acid could process an idea like that, and they seem more interested in the imaginary men that hide under the shadows of their coats.

The Human Appendix is not an odd by-product of evolution, it is a latent experiment conducted by the Aboleth. Its true purpose is sinister.

In the city of Katapesh, pesh addicts frequently complain about hearing a faint tapping sound, like distant hands on glass. A notedly accomplished Alchemist, known only as 'Kandor', began experimenting extensively with pesh, claiming that it was able to expand the mind past normal limits of thought. His subsequent raving that the current state Katapesh is actually an illusion and merely one of many thousands of 'Cities in Bottles' the Pactmasters have acquired, have been dismissed as the rants of a madman.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Elves retreat from Golarion prior to the Earthfall was a very controversial act, one the rulers of elvenkind at Sovyrian defended by claiming that the elven gods had told them no elf would survive on Golarion following the coming disaster. That many elves did survive, and even thrive, following Earthfall is seen by these rulers as a attack against their alleged divine infallibility.

The elven return to Kyonin is in reality the first step in a long-term plot by the rulers of the Sovyrian elves to kill all the descendants of the elves who remained, thus ensuring that the ruler's "divine infallibility" remains unchallenged.

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I am more interested in all the PFS characters who leveled up to mid-levels using modules. Why aren't we seeing more arguments like the following.

"You are a liar Human, I killed the Kobold King, along with Ikara the Axe, Vlain the Wizaed and Sunchaser the Oracle. You. We're. Not. There."

Since both sides are telling the truth, and have been vetted and rewarded by the Society, is the Pathfinder Society actively hiding knowledge that Reality is a lot more fluid than anyone wants to admit?

OMG, now we know why the Pathfinder Society has pulled Chronicles. They have proof that multiple individuals have done the exact same things.

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